
public class UserManager
extends Object

   ↳ android.os.UserManager

Manages users and user details on a multi-user system. There are two major categories of users: fully customizable users with their own login, and profiles that share a workspace with a related user.

Users are different from accounts, which are managed by AccountManager. Each user can have their own set of accounts.

See DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE for more on managed profiles.


Nested classes

class UserManager.UserOperationException

Thrown to indicate user operation failed. 



Allows apps in the parent profile to handle web links from the managed profile.


This constant was deprecated in API level 30. As the ability to have a managed profile on a fully-managed device has been removed from the platform, this restriction will be silently ignored when applied by the device owner.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from creating a private profile.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding new users.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding a new Wi-Fi configuration.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from adjusting the global volume.


Specifies if airplane mode is disallowed on the device.


Specifies if ambient display is disallowed for the user.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from modifying applications in Settings or launchers.


This user restriction specifies if assist content is disallowed from being sent to a privileged app such as the Assistant app.


Specifies if a user is not allowed to use Autofill Services.


Specifies if bluetooth is disallowed on the device.


Specifies if outgoing bluetooth sharing is disallowed.


Specifies whether the camera toggle is available to the user.


Specifies if a user is not allowed to use 2g networks.


This user restriction specifies if Near-field communication is disallowed to change on the device.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling/disabling Wi-Fi.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring bluetooth via Settings.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring brightness.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring cell broadcasts.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring user credentials.


Specifies configuring date, time and timezone is disallowed via Settings.


Specifies whether the user is allowed to modify default apps in settings.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing the device language.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling or disabling location providers.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring mobile networks.


Specifies whether the user is allowed to modify private DNS settings.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing screen off timeout.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from using and configuring Tethering and portable hotspots via Settings.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring a VPN.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing Wi-Fi access points via Settings.


Specifies if the contents of a user's screen is not allowed to be captured for artificial intelligence purposes.


Specifies if the current user is able to receive content suggestions for selections based on the contents of their screen.


Specifies that windows besides app windows should not be created.


Specifies if the clipboard contents can be exported by pasting the data into other users or profiles.


Specifies if a user is not allowed to use cellular data when roaming.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling or accessing debugging features.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from factory resetting from Settings.


Specifies if the user is not allowed to have fun.


Restricts a user's ability to possess or grant admin privileges.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from installing applications.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling the "Unknown Sources" setting, that allows installation of apps from unknown sources.


This restriction is a device-wide version of DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES.


Specifies whether the microphone toggle is available to the user.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding and removing accounts, unless they are programmatically added by Authenticator.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from mounting physical external media.


This user restriction specifies if Near-field communication is disallowed on the device.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from resetting network settings from Settings.


Specifies if the user is not allowed to use NFC to beam out data from apps.


Specifies that the user is not allowed to make outgoing phone calls.


Specifies whether the user is allowed to print.


This constant was deprecated in API level 30. As the ability to have a managed profile on a fully-managed device has been removed from the platform, this restriction will be silently ignored when applied by the device owner. When the device is provisioned with a managed profile on an organization-owned device, the managed profile could not be removed anyway.


When set on the admin user this specifies if the user can remove secondary users.


Specifies if the user is not allowed to reboot the device into safe boot mode.


Specifies if a user is not allowed to change their icon.


User restriction to disallow setting a wallpaper.


Specifies whether the user can share file / picture / data from the primary user into the managed profile, either by sending them from the primary side, or by picking up data within an app in the managed profile.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from turning on location sharing.


Specifies if users are disallowed from sharing Wi-Fi for admin configured networks.


This user restriction specifies if the user is able to add embedded SIMs to the device.


Specifies that the user is not allowed to send or receive SMS messages.


Specifies that system error dialogs for crashed or unresponsive apps should not be shown.


This user restriction specifies if Thread network is disallowed on the device.


This user restriction specifies if Ultra-wideband is disallowed on the device.


Specifies that the managed profile is not allowed to have unified lock screen challenge with the primary user.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from uninstalling applications.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from adjusting microphone volume.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from transferring files over USB.


Specifies if user switching is blocked on the current user.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from using Wi-Fi Direct.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from using Wi-Fi tethering.


Specifies if a user is disallowed from disabling application verification.


Application restriction key that is used to indicate the pending arrival of real restrictions for the app.


Flag passed to requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean, UserHandle) to request disabling quiet mode only if there is no need to confirm the user credentials.


Error result indicating that this user is not allowed to add other users on this device.


Error result indicating that no more users can be created on this device.


Indicates user operation failed because the target user is in the foreground.


Indicates user operation failed because device has low data storage.


Indicates user operation failed because target user is a managed profile.


Indicates user operation failed because maximum running user limit has been reached.


Indicates user operation failed because maximum user limit has been reached.


Indicates user operation failed for unknown reason.


Indicates user operation is successful.


User type representing a clone profile.


User type representing a managed profile, which is a profile that is to be managed by a device policy controller (DPC).


User type representing a private profile.

Public methods

static Intent createUserCreationIntent(String userName, String accountName, String accountType, PersistableBundle accountOptions)

Returns an intent to create a user for the provided name and account name.

Bundle getApplicationRestrictions(String packageName)

Returns a Bundle containing any saved application restrictions for the context user, for the given package name.

long getSerialNumberForUser(UserHandle user)

Return the serial number for a user.

int getUserCount()

Return the number of users currently created on the device.

long getUserCreationTime(UserHandle userHandle)

Returns creation time of the given user.

UserHandle getUserForSerialNumber(long serialNumber)

Return the user associated with a serial number previously returned by getSerialNumberForUser(android.os.UserHandle).

String getUserName()

Returns the user name of the context user.

List<UserHandle> getUserProfiles()

Returns a list of the users that are associated with the context user, including the user itself.

Bundle getUserRestrictions(UserHandle userHandle)

Returns the user-wide restrictions imposed on the user specified by userHandle.

Bundle getUserRestrictions()

Returns the user-wide restrictions imposed on the context user.

boolean hasUserRestriction(String restrictionKey)

Returns whether the context user has been disallowed from performing certain actions or setting certain settings.

boolean isAdminUser()

Used to check if the context user is an admin user.

boolean isDemoUser()

Checks if the context user is a demo user.

static boolean isHeadlessSystemUserMode()

Checks whether the device is running in a headless system user mode.

boolean isManagedProfile()

Checks if the context user is a managed profile.

boolean isProfile()

Checks if the context user is running in a profile.

boolean isQuietModeEnabled(UserHandle userHandle)

Returns whether the given profile is in quiet mode or not.

boolean isSystemUser()

Used to check if the context user is the system user.

boolean isUserAGoat()

Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to teleportations.

boolean isUserForeground()

Checks if the context user is running in the foreground.

boolean isUserRunning(UserHandle user)

Return whether the given user is actively running.

boolean isUserRunningOrStopping(UserHandle user)

Return whether the given user is actively running or stopping.

boolean isUserUnlocked(UserHandle user)

Return whether the given user is running in an "unlocked" state.

boolean isUserUnlocked()

Return whether the context user is running in an "unlocked" state.

boolean requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean enableQuietMode, UserHandle userHandle, int flags)

Perform the same operation as requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean, android.os.UserHandle), but with a flag to tweak the behavior of the request.

boolean requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean enableQuietMode, UserHandle userHandle)

Enables or disables quiet mode for a profile.

boolean setRestrictionsChallenge(String newPin)

This method was deprecated in API level 23. The restrictions PIN functionality is no longer provided by the system. This method is preserved for backwards compatibility reasons and always returns false.

void setUserRestriction(String key, boolean value)

This method was deprecated in API level 21. use DevicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(android.content.ComponentName, String) or DevicePolicyManager.clearUserRestriction(android.content.ComponentName, String) instead.

void setUserRestrictions(Bundle restrictions, UserHandle userHandle)

This will no longer work.

void setUserRestrictions(Bundle restrictions)

This will no longer work.

static boolean supportsMultipleUsers()

Returns whether this device supports multiple users with their own login and customizable space.

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 23
public static final String ALLOW_PARENT_PROFILE_APP_LINKING

Allows apps in the parent profile to handle web links from the managed profile. This user restriction has an effect only in a managed profile. If set: Intent filters of activities in the parent profile with action Intent.ACTION_VIEW, category Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE, scheme http or https, and which define a host can handle intents from the managed profile.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

The default value is false.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "allow_parent_profile_app_linking"


Added in API level 26
Deprecated in API level 30
public static final String DISALLOW_ADD_MANAGED_PROFILE

This constant was deprecated in API level 30.
As the ability to have a managed profile on a fully-managed device has been removed from the platform, this restriction will be silently ignored when applied by the device owner.

Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding managed profiles.

The default value for an unmanaged user is false. For users with a device owner set, the default is true.

This restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_add_managed_profile"


Added in API level 35
public static final String DISALLOW_ADD_PRIVATE_PROFILE

Specifies if a user is disallowed from creating a private profile.

The default value for an unmanaged user is false. For users with a device owner set, the default value is true and the device owner currently cannot change it to false. On organization-owned managed profile devices, the default value is false but the profile owner can change it to true via the parent profile to block creating of private profiles on the personal user.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_add_private_profile"


Added in API level 21
public static final String DISALLOW_ADD_USER

Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding new users. This can only be set by device owners or profile owners on the main user. The default value is false.

When the device is an organization-owned device, this restriction will be set as a base restriction which cannot be removed by any admin.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_add_user"


Added in API level 33
public static final String DISALLOW_ADD_WIFI_CONFIG

Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding a new Wi-Fi configuration.

This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by any of these owners, it prevents all users from adding a new Wi-Fi configuration. This does not limit the owner and carrier's ability to add a new configuration.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

The default value is false.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_add_wifi_config"


Added in API level 21
public static final String DISALLOW_ADJUST_VOLUME

Specifies if a user is disallowed from adjusting the global volume. If set, the global volume will be muted. This can be set by device owners from API 21 and profile owners from API 24. The default value is false.

When the restriction is set by profile owners, then it only applies to relevant profiles.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUDIO_OUTPUT can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

This restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_adjust_volume"


Added in API level 28
public static final String DISALLOW_AIRPLANE_MODE

Specifies if airplane mode is disallowed on the device.

This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by any of these owners, it applies globally - i.e., it disables airplane mode on the entire device.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AIRPLANE_MODE can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

The default value is false.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_airplane_mode"


Added in API level 28
public static final String DISALLOW_AMBIENT_DISPLAY

Specifies if ambient display is disallowed for the user.

The default value is false.

Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

This user restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

Key for user restrictions.

Type: Boolean

Constant Value: "no_ambient_display"


Added in API level 21
public static final String DISALLOW_APPS_CONTROL

Specifies if a user is disallowed from modifying applications in Settings or launchers. The following actions will not be allowed when this restriction is enabled:

  • uninstalling apps
  • disabling apps
  • clearing app caches
  • clearing app data
  • force stopping apps
  • clearing app defaults
  • The default value is false.

    Note: The user will still be able to perform those actions via other means (such as adb). Third party apps will also be able to uninstall apps via the PackageInstaller. DISALLOW_UNINSTALL_APPS or DevicePolicyManager.setUninstallBlocked(ComponentName, String, boolean) should be used to prevent the user from uninstalling apps completely, and DevicePolicyManager.addPersistentPreferredActivity(ComponentName, IntentFilter, ComponentName) to add a default intent handler for a given intent filter.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_control_apps"


    Added in API level 35
    public static final String DISALLOW_ASSIST_CONTENT

    This user restriction specifies if assist content is disallowed from being sent to a privileged app such as the Assistant app. Assist content includes screenshots and information about an app, such as package name.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner. When it is set by a device owner, it disables the assist contextual data on the entire device. When it is set by a profile owner, it disables assist content on the profile.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_assist_content"


    Added in API level 26
    public static final String DISALLOW_AUTOFILL

    Specifies if a user is not allowed to use Autofill Services.

    Device owner and profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by device owner, only the target user will be affected.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_AUTOFILL can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_autofill"


    Added in API level 26
    public static final String DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH

    Specifies if bluetooth is disallowed on the device. If bluetooth is disallowed on the device, bluetooth cannot be turned on or configured via Settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally - i.e., it disables bluetooth on the entire device and all users will be affected. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from using bluetooth and configuring bluetooth in Settings.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_bluetooth"


    Added in API level 26
    public static final String DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH_SHARING

    Specifies if outgoing bluetooth sharing is disallowed.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from any outgoing bluetooth sharing.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Default is true for managed and private profiles, false otherwise.

    When a device upgrades to Build.VERSION_CODES.O, the system sets it for all existing managed profiles.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_bluetooth_sharing"


    Added in API level 31
    public static final String DISALLOW_CAMERA_TOGGLE

    Specifies whether the camera toggle is available to the user. If this restriction is set, the user will not be able to block camera access via the system toggle. If camera access is blocked when the restriction is added, it will be automatically re-enabled. This restriction can only be set by a device owner.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "disallow_camera_toggle"


    Added in API level 34
    public static final String DISALLOW_CELLULAR_2G

    Specifies if a user is not allowed to use 2g networks.

    This is a security feature. 2g has no mutual authentication between a device and cellular base station and downgrading a device's connection to 2g is a common tactic for several types of privacy and security compromising attacks that could allow an adversary to intercept, inject, or modify cellular communications.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. In all cases, the setting applies globally on the device.

    Cellular connectivity loss (where a device would have otherwise successfully connected to a 2g network) occurs if the device is in an area where only 2g networks are available. Emergency calls are an exception and are never impacted. The device will still scan for and connect to a 2g network for emergency calls.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_cellular_2g"


    Added in API level 36

    This user restriction specifies if Near-field communication is disallowed to change on the device. If Near-field communication is disallowed it cannot be changed via Settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. In both cases, the restriction applies globally on the device and will not allow Near-field communication state being changed.

    Near-field communication (NFC) is a radio technology that allows two devices (like your phone and a payments terminal) to communicate with each other when they're close together.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_change_near_field_communication_radio"


    Added in API level 33
    public static final String DISALLOW_CHANGE_WIFI_STATE

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling/disabling Wi-Fi.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by any of these owners, it applies globally - i.e., it disables airplane mode from changing Wi-Fi state.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_change_wifi_state"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_BLUETOOTH

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring bluetooth via Settings. This does not restrict the user from turning bluetooth on or off.

    This restriction doesn't prevent the user from using bluetooth. For disallowing usage of bluetooth completely on the device, use DISALLOW_BLUETOOTH.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction, although the restriction has no effect in a managed profile. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disallows the primary user from configuring bluetooth.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_BLUETOOTH can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_bluetooth"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_BRIGHTNESS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring brightness. When device owner sets it, it'll only be applied on the target(system) user.

    The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    This user restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_brightness"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_CELL_BROADCASTS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring cell broadcasts.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the main user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the main user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the user from configuring cell broadcasts.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    This restriction has no effect on non-Admin users since they cannot configure cell broadcasts.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_cell_broadcasts"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_CREDENTIALS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring user credentials. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_CREDENTIALS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_credentials"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_DATE_TIME

    Specifies configuring date, time and timezone is disallowed via Settings.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction, although the restriction has no effect in a managed profile. When it is set by a device owner or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it applies globally - i.e., it disables date, time and timezone setting on the entire device and all users are affected. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user, it disables the primary user from configuring date, time and timezone and disables all configuring of date, time and timezone in Settings.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_TIME can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_date_time"


    Added in API level 34
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_DEFAULT_APPS

    Specifies whether the user is allowed to modify default apps in settings.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally - i.e., modifying of default apps in Settings for all users is disallowed. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, modifying of default apps in Settings for the primary user is disallowed.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "disallow_config_default_apps"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_LOCALE

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing the device language. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCALE can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_locale"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_LOCATION

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling or disabling location providers. As a result, user is disallowed from turning on or off location via Settings.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disallows the primary user from turning location on or off.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCATION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    This user restriction is different from DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION, as a device owner or a profile owner can still enable or disable location mode via DevicePolicyManager.setLocationEnabled when this restriction is on.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_location"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_MOBILE_NETWORKS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring mobile networks.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the main user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the main user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the user from configuring mobile networks.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    This restriction has no effect on non-Admin users since they cannot configure mobile networks.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_mobile_networks"


    Added in API level 29
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_PRIVATE_DNS

    Specifies whether the user is allowed to modify private DNS settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by either of these owners, it applies globally.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_RESTRICT_PRIVATE_DNS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "disallow_config_private_dns"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_SCREEN_TIMEOUT

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing screen off timeout.

    The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DISPLAY can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    This user restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_screen_timeout"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from using and configuring Tethering and portable hotspots via Settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from using Tethering and hotspots and disables all configuring of Tethering and hotspots in Settings.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    In Android 9.0 or higher, if tethering is enabled when this restriction is set, tethering will be automatically turned off.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_tethering"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_VPN

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from configuring a VPN. The default value is false. This restriction has an effect when set by device owners and, in Android 6.0 (API level 23) or higher, profile owners.

    This restriction also prevents VPNs from starting. However, in Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher, the system does start always-on VPNs created by the device or profile owner.

    From Android 12 (API level 31) enforcing this restriction clears currently active VPN if it was configured by the user.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_VPN can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_vpn"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONFIG_WIFI

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from changing Wi-Fi access points via Settings. This restriction does not affect Wi-Fi tethering settings.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction, although the restriction has no effect in a managed profile. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disallows the primary user from changing Wi-Fi access points.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_config_wifi"


    Added in API level 29
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONTENT_CAPTURE

    Specifies if the contents of a user's screen is not allowed to be captured for artificial intelligence purposes.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user's screen from being captured for artificial intelligence purposes.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CONTENT can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_content_capture"


    Added in API level 29
    public static final String DISALLOW_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS

    Specifies if the current user is able to receive content suggestions for selections based on the contents of their screen.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from receiving content suggestions for selections based on the contents of their screen.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SCREEN_CONTENT can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_content_suggestions"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CREATE_WINDOWS

    Specifies that windows besides app windows should not be created. This will block the creation of the following types of windows.

  • LayoutParams.TYPE_TOAST
  • This can only be set by device owners and profile owners on the primary user. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WINDOWS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_create_windows"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_CROSS_PROFILE_COPY_PASTE

    Specifies if the clipboard contents can be exported by pasting the data into other users or profiles. This restriction doesn't prevent import, such as someone pasting clipboard data from other profiles or users. The default value is false.

    Note: Because it's possible to extract data from screenshots using optical character recognition (OCR), we strongly recommend combining this user restriction with DevicePolicyManager.setScreenCaptureDisabled(ComponentName, boolean).

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILE_INTERACTION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_cross_profile_copy_paste"


    Added in API level 24
    public static final String DISALLOW_DATA_ROAMING

    Specifies if a user is not allowed to use cellular data when roaming.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from using cellular data when roaming.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_data_roaming"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_DEBUGGING_FEATURES

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling or accessing debugging features.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables debugging features altogether, including USB debugging. When set on a managed profile or a secondary user, it blocks debugging for that user only, including starting activities, making service calls, accessing content providers, sending broadcasts, installing/uninstalling packages, clearing user data, etc.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_DEBUGGING_FEATURES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_debugging_features"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_FACTORY_RESET

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from factory resetting from Settings. This can only be set by device owners and profile owners on an admin user. The default value is false.

    This restriction has no effect on non-admin users since they cannot factory reset the device.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FACTORY_RESET can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_factory_reset"


    Added in API level 23
    public static final String DISALLOW_FUN

    Specifies if the user is not allowed to have fun. In some cases, the device owner may wish to prevent the user from experiencing amusement or joy while using the device. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_FUN can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_fun"


    Added in API level 34
    public static final String DISALLOW_GRANT_ADMIN

    Restricts a user's ability to possess or grant admin privileges.

    When set to true, this prevents the user from:

    • Becoming an admin
    • Giving other users admin privileges

    This restriction is only effective in environments where multiple admins are allowed.

    Key for user restrictions. Type: Boolean. Default: false.

    Constant Value: "no_grant_admin"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_INSTALL_APPS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from installing applications. This user restriction also prevents device owners and profile owners installing apps. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_install_apps"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from enabling the "Unknown Sources" setting, that allows installation of apps from unknown sources. Unknown sources exclude adb and special apps such as trusted app stores. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_install_unknown_sources"


    Added in API level 29

    This restriction is a device-wide version of DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES. Specifies if all users on the device are disallowed from enabling the "Unknown Sources" setting, that allows installation of apps from unknown sources. This restriction can be enabled by the profile owner, in which case all accounts and profiles will be affected.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below. The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_install_unknown_sources_globally"


    Added in API level 31
    public static final String DISALLOW_MICROPHONE_TOGGLE

    Specifies whether the microphone toggle is available to the user. If this restriction is set, the user will not be able to block microphone access via the system toggle. If microphone access is blocked when the restriction is added, it will be automatically re-enabled. This restriction can only be set by a device owner.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "disallow_microphone_toggle"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_MODIFY_ACCOUNTS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from adding and removing accounts, unless they are programmatically added by Authenticator. The default value is false.

    From Build.VERSION_CODES.N a profile or device owner app can still use AccountManager APIs to add or remove accounts when account management is disallowed.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_modify_accounts"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_MOUNT_PHYSICAL_MEDIA

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from mounting physical external media.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from mounting physical external media.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PHYSICAL_MEDIA can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_physical_media"


    Added in API level 35

    This user restriction specifies if Near-field communication is disallowed on the device. If Near-field communication is disallowed it cannot be turned on via Settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. In both cases, the restriction applies globally on the device and will turn off the Near-field communication radio if it's currently on and prevent the radio from being turned on in the future.

    Near-field communication (NFC) is a radio technology that allows two devices (like your phone and a payments terminal) to communicate with each other when they're close together.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_near_field_communication_radio"


    Added in API level 23
    public static final String DISALLOW_NETWORK_RESET

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from resetting network settings from Settings. This can only be set by device owners and profile owners on the main user. The default value is false.

    This restriction has no effect on non-Admin users since they cannot reset the network settings of the device.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_network_reset"


    Added in API level 22
    public static final String DISALLOW_OUTGOING_BEAM

    Specifies if the user is not allowed to use NFC to beam out data from apps. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NEARBY_COMMUNICATION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_outgoing_beam"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_OUTGOING_CALLS

    Specifies that the user is not allowed to make outgoing phone calls. Emergency calls are still permitted.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction, although the restriction has no effect in a managed profile. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disallows the primary user from making outgoing phone calls.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_CALLS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_outgoing_calls"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_PRINTING

    Specifies whether the user is allowed to print. This restriction can be set by device or profile owner.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PRINTING can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below. The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_printing"


    Added in API level 26
    Deprecated in API level 30
    public static final String DISALLOW_REMOVE_MANAGED_PROFILE

    This constant was deprecated in API level 30.
    As the ability to have a managed profile on a fully-managed device has been removed from the platform, this restriction will be silently ignored when applied by the device owner. When the device is provisioned with a managed profile on an organization-owned device, the managed profile could not be removed anyway.

    Specifies if managed profiles of this user can be removed, other than by its profile owner. The default value is false.

    This restriction has no effect on managed profiles, and this restriction does not block the removal of private profiles of this user.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_remove_managed_profile"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_REMOVE_USER

    When set on the admin user this specifies if the user can remove secondary users. Managed profiles and private profiles can still be removed even if this is set on the admin user. When set on a non-admin secondary user, this specifies if the user can remove itself. This restriction has no effect when set on managed profiles. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_remove_user"


    Added in API level 23
    public static final String DISALLOW_SAFE_BOOT

    Specifies if the user is not allowed to reboot the device into safe boot mode.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from rebooting the device into safe boot mode.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SAFE_BOOT can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_safe_boot"


    Added in API level 24
    public static final String DISALLOW_SET_USER_ICON

    Specifies if a user is not allowed to change their icon. Device owner and profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by device owner, only the target user will be affected. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_set_user_icon"


    Added in API level 24
    public static final String DISALLOW_SET_WALLPAPER

    User restriction to disallow setting a wallpaper. Profile owner and device owner are able to set wallpaper regardless of this restriction. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WALLPAPER can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_set_wallpaper"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_SHARE_INTO_MANAGED_PROFILE

    Specifies whether the user can share file / picture / data from the primary user into the managed profile, either by sending them from the primary side, or by picking up data within an app in the managed profile.

    When a managed profile is created, the system allows the user to send data from the primary side to the profile by setting up certain default cross profile intent filters. If this is undesired, this restriction can be set to disallow it. Note that this restriction will not block any sharing allowed by explicit DevicePolicyManager.addCrossProfileIntentFilter calls by the profile owner.

    This restriction is only meaningful when set by profile owner. When it is set by device owner, it does not have any effect.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_PROFILE_INTERACTION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_sharing_into_profile"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_SHARE_LOCATION

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from turning on location sharing.

    In a managed profile, location sharing by default reflects the primary user's setting, but can be overridden and forced off by setting this restriction to true in the managed profile.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it prevents the primary user from turning on location sharing.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCATION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_share_location"


    Added in API level 33

    Specifies if users are disallowed from sharing Wi-Fi for admin configured networks.

    Device owner and profile owner can set this restriction. When it is set by any of these owners, it prevents all users from sharing Wi-Fi for networks configured by these owners. Other networks not configured by these owners are not affected.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_sharing_admin_configured_wifi"


    Added in API level 35
    public static final String DISALLOW_SIM_GLOBALLY

    This user restriction specifies if the user is able to add embedded SIMs to the device.

    This restriction blocks the download of embedded SIMs.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile. In both cases, the restriction applies globally on the device.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MOBILE_NETWORK can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_sim_globally"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_SMS

    Specifies that the user is not allowed to send or receive SMS messages.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner on the primary user or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from sending or receiving SMS messages.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SMS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_sms"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_SYSTEM_ERROR_DIALOGS

    Specifies that system error dialogs for crashed or unresponsive apps should not be shown. In this case, the system will force-stop the app as if the user chooses the "close app" option on the UI. A feedback report isn't collected as there is no way for the user to provide explicit consent. The default value is false.

    When this user restriction is set by device owners, it's applied to all users. When set by the profile owner of the primary user or a secondary user, the restriction affects only the calling user. This user restriction has no effect on managed profiles.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_SYSTEM_DIALOGS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_system_error_dialogs"


    Added in API level 36
    public static final String DISALLOW_THREAD_NETWORK

    This user restriction specifies if Thread network is disallowed on the device. If Thread network is disallowed it cannot be turned on via Settings.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. In both cases, the restriction applies globally on the device and will turn off the Thread network radio if it's currently on and prevent the radio from being turned on in the future.

    Thread is a low-power and low-latency wireless mesh networking protocol built on IPv6.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_thread_network"


    Added in API level 34
    public static final String DISALLOW_ULTRA_WIDEBAND_RADIO

    This user restriction specifies if Ultra-wideband is disallowed on the device. If Ultra-wideband is disallowed it cannot be turned on via Settings.

    Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a radio technology that can use a very low energy level for short-range, high-bandwidth communications over a large portion of the radio spectrum.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. In both cases, the restriction applies globally on the device and will turn off the ultra-wideband radio if it's currently on and prevent the radio from being turned on in the future.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_NEARBY_COMMUNICATION can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Default is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_ultra_wideband_radio"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_UNIFIED_PASSWORD

    Specifies that the managed profile is not allowed to have unified lock screen challenge with the primary user.

    To ensure that there is a separate work profile password, IT admins have to:

    1. Enforce UserManager.DISALLOW_UNIFIED_PASSWORD
    2. Verify that DevicePolicyManager.isUsingUnifiedPassword(ComponentName) returns true. This indicates that there is now a separate work profile password configured and the set up is completed.
    3. In case DevicePolicyManager.isUsingUnifiedPassword(ComponentName) returns false, invoke DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_SET_NEW_PASSWORD intent and then verify again DevicePolicyManager.isUsingUnifiedPassword(ComponentName).

    Can be set by profile owners. It only has effect on managed profiles when set by managed profile owner. Has no effect on non-managed profiles or users.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_LOCK_CREDENTIALS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_unified_password"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_UNINSTALL_APPS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from uninstalling applications. The default value is false.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_APPS_CONTROL can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_uninstall_apps"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String DISALLOW_UNMUTE_MICROPHONE

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from adjusting microphone volume. If set, the microphone will be muted.

    A device owner and a profile owner can set this restriction, although the restriction has no effect in a managed profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it will disallow the primary user from adjusting the microphone volume.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MICROPHONE can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_unmute_microphone"


    Added in API level 18
    public static final String DISALLOW_USB_FILE_TRANSFER

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from transferring files over USB.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner or a profile owner on the primary user's profile or a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by a device owner, it applies globally. When it is set by a profile owner on the primary user or by a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile, it disables the primary user from transferring files over USB. No other user on the device is able to use file transfer over USB because the UI for file transfer is always associated with the primary user.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_USB_FILE_TRANSFER can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_usb_file_transfer"


    Added in API level 28
    public static final String DISALLOW_USER_SWITCH

    Specifies if user switching is blocked on the current user.

    This restriction can only be set by the device owner, it will be applied to all users. Device owner can still switch user via DevicePolicyManager.switchUser(ComponentName, UserHandle) when this restriction is set.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_MODIFY_USERS can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Constant Value: "no_user_switch"


    Added in API level 33
    public static final String DISALLOW_WIFI_DIRECT

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from using Wi-Fi Direct.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by any of these owners, it prevents all users from using Wi-Fi Direct.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_wifi_direct"


    Added in API level 33
    public static final String DISALLOW_WIFI_TETHERING

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from using Wi-Fi tethering.

    This restriction does not limit the user's ability to modify or connect to regular Wi-Fi networks, which is separately controlled by DISALLOW_CONFIG_WIFI.

    This restriction can only be set by a device owner, a profile owner of an organization-owned managed profile on the parent profile. When it is set by any of these owners, it prevents all users from using Wi-Fi tethering. Other forms of tethering are not affected.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_WIFI can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below. This user restriction disables only Wi-Fi tethering. Use DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING to limit all forms of tethering. When DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING is set, this user restriction becomes obsolete.

    The default value is false.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "no_wifi_tethering"


    Added in API level 21
    public static final String ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS

    Specifies if a user is disallowed from disabling application verification. The default value is false.

    In Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher, this is a global user restriction. If a device owner or profile owner sets this restriction, the system enforces app verification across all users on the device. Running in earlier Android versions, this restriction affects only the profile that sets it.

    Holders of the permission Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_POLICY_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES can set this restriction using the DevicePolicyManager APIs mentioned below.

    Key for user restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "ensure_verify_apps"


    Added in API level 22
    public static final String KEY_RESTRICTIONS_PENDING

    Application restriction key that is used to indicate the pending arrival of real restrictions for the app.

    Applications that support restrictions should check for the presence of this key. A true value indicates that restrictions may be applied in the near future but are not available yet. It is the responsibility of any management application that sets this flag to update it when the final restrictions are enforced.

    Key for application restrictions.

    Type: Boolean

    Constant Value: "restrictions_pending"


    Added in API level 30

    Flag passed to requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean, UserHandle) to request disabling quiet mode only if there is no need to confirm the user credentials. If credentials are required to disable quiet mode, requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean, UserHandle) will do nothing and return false.

    Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


    Added in API level 24
    public static final int USER_CREATION_FAILED_NOT_PERMITTED

    Error result indicating that this user is not allowed to add other users on this device. This is a result code returned from the activity created by the intent createUserCreationIntent(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.os.PersistableBundle).

    Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


    Added in API level 24
    public static final int USER_CREATION_FAILED_NO_MORE_USERS

    Error result indicating that no more users can be created on this device. This is a result code returned from the activity created by the intent createUserCreationIntent(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.os.PersistableBundle).

    Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_CURRENT_USER

    Indicates user operation failed because the target user is in the foreground.

    Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_LOW_STORAGE

    Indicates user operation failed because device has low data storage.

    Constant Value: 5 (0x00000005)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_MANAGED_PROFILE

    Indicates user operation failed because target user is a managed profile.

    Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_MAX_RUNNING_USERS

    Indicates user operation failed because maximum running user limit has been reached.

    Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_MAX_USERS

    Indicates user operation failed because maximum user limit has been reached.

    Constant Value: 6 (0x00000006)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_ERROR_UNKNOWN

    Indicates user operation failed for unknown reason.

    Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


    Added in API level 28
    public static final int USER_OPERATION_SUCCESS

    Indicates user operation is successful.

    Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


    Added in API level 35
    public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_CLONE

    User type representing a clone profile. Clone profile is a user profile type used to run second instance of an otherwise single user App (eg, messengers). Currently only the ERROR(/ user can have a clone profile.

    Constant Value: "android.os.usertype.profile.CLONE"


    Added in API level 35
    public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_MANAGED

    User type representing a managed profile, which is a profile that is to be managed by a device policy controller (DPC). The intended purpose is for work profiles, which are managed by a corporate entity.

    Constant Value: "android.os.usertype.profile.MANAGED"


    Added in API level 35
    public static final String USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE

    User type representing a private profile. Private profile is a user profile that can be used as an alternative user-space to install and use sensitive apps. UI surfaces can adopt an alternative strategy to show apps belonging to this profile, in line with their sensitive nature.

    Constant Value: "android.os.usertype.profile.PRIVATE"

    Public methods


    Added in API level 24
    public static Intent createUserCreationIntent (String userName, 
                    String accountName, 
                    String accountType, 
                    PersistableBundle accountOptions)

    Returns an intent to create a user for the provided name and account name. The name and account name will be used when the setup process for the new user is started.

    The intent should be launched using startActivityForResult and the return result will indicate if the user consented to adding a new user and if the operation succeeded. Any errors in creating the user will be returned in the result code. If the user cancels the request, the return result will be Activity.RESULT_CANCELED. On success, the result code will be Activity.RESULT_OK.

    Use supportsMultipleUsers() to first check if the device supports this operation at all.

    The new user is created but not initialized. After switching into the user for the first time, the preferred user name and account information are used by the setup process for that user. This API should only be called if the current user is an admin user, as otherwise the returned intent will not be able to create a user.

    userName String: Optional name to assign to the user. Character limit is 100. This value may be null.

    accountName String: Optional account name that will be used by the setup wizard to initialize the user. Character limit is 500. This value may be null.

    accountType String: Optional account type for the account to be created. This is required if the account name is specified. Character limit is 500. This value may be null.

    accountOptions PersistableBundle: Optional bundle of data to be passed in during account creation in the new user via AccountManager.addAccount(String, String, String[], Bundle,, android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback, Handler). Character limit is 1000. This value may be null.

    Intent An Intent that can be launched from an Activity.


    Added in API level 18
    public Bundle getApplicationRestrictions (String packageName)

    Returns a Bundle containing any saved application restrictions for the context user, for the given package name. Only an application with this package name can call this method.

    The returned Bundle consists of key-value pairs, as defined by the application, where the types of values may be:

    NOTE: The method performs disk I/O and shouldn't be called on the main thread
    This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

    packageName String: the package name of the calling application

    Bundle a Bundle with the restrictions for that package, or an empty Bundle if there are no saved restrictions.


    Added in API level 17
    public long getSerialNumberForUser (UserHandle user)

    Return the serial number for a user. This is a device-unique number assigned to that user; if the user is deleted and then a new user created, the new users will not be given the same serial number.

    user UserHandle: The user whose serial number is to be retrieved.

    long The serial number of the given user; returns -1 if the given UserHandle does not exist.


    Added in API level 17
    public int getUserCount ()

    Return the number of users currently created on the device.
    Requires android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS or android.Manifest.permission.CREATE_USERS



    Added in API level 23
    public long getUserCreationTime (UserHandle userHandle)

    Returns creation time of the given user. The given user must be the calling user or a profile associated with it.

    userHandle UserHandle: user handle of the calling user or a profile associated with the calling user.

    long creation time in milliseconds since Epoch time.


    Added in API level 17
    public UserHandle getUserForSerialNumber (long serialNumber)

    Return the user associated with a serial number previously returned by getSerialNumberForUser(android.os.UserHandle).

    serialNumber long: The serial number of the user that is being retrieved.

    UserHandle Return the user associated with the serial number, or null if there is not one.


    Added in API level 17
    public String getUserName ()

    Returns the user name of the context user. This call is only available to applications on the system image.
    Requires android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS or android.Manifest.permission.CREATE_USERS or android.Manifest.permission.QUERY_USERS or Manifest.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED

    String the user name This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 21
    public List<UserHandle> getUserProfiles ()

    Returns a list of the users that are associated with the context user, including the user itself. This includes the user, its profiles, its parent, and its parent's other profiles, as applicable.

    Note that this includes all profile types (not including Restricted profiles).

    List<UserHandle> A non-empty list of UserHandles associated with the context user.


    Added in API level 18
    public Bundle getUserRestrictions (UserHandle userHandle)

    Returns the user-wide restrictions imposed on the user specified by userHandle.

    userHandle UserHandle: the UserHandle of the user for whom to retrieve the restrictions.

    Bundle a Bundle containing all the restrictions.

    Requires android.permission.MANAGE_USERS or android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, otherwise specified user must be the calling user or a profile associated with it.


    Added in API level 18
    public Bundle getUserRestrictions ()

    Returns the user-wide restrictions imposed on the context user.

    Bundle a Bundle containing all the restrictions.


    Added in API level 21
    public boolean hasUserRestriction (String restrictionKey)

    Returns whether the context user has been disallowed from performing certain actions or setting certain settings.


    boolean true if the context user has the given restriction, false otherwise.


    Added in API level 34
    public boolean isAdminUser ()

    Used to check if the context user is an admin user. An admin user may be allowed to modify or configure certain settings that aren't available to non-admin users, create and delete additional users, etc. There can be more than one admin users.

    boolean whether the context user is an admin user.


    Added in API level 25
    public boolean isDemoUser ()

    Checks if the context user is a demo user. When running in a demo user, apps can be more helpful to the user, or explain their features in more detail.

    boolean whether the context user is a demo user.


    Added in API level 31
    public static boolean isHeadlessSystemUserMode ()

    Checks whether the device is running in a headless system user mode.

    Headless system user mode means the system user runs system services and some system UI, but it is not associated with any real person and additional users must be created to be associated with real persons.

    boolean whether the device is running in a headless system user mode.


    Added in API level 30
    public boolean isManagedProfile ()

    Checks if the context user is a managed profile. Note that this applies specifically to managed profiles. For profiles in general, use isProfile() instead.

    boolean whether the context user is a managed profile.


    Added in API level 33
    public boolean isProfile ()

    Checks if the context user is running in a profile. A profile is a user that typically has its own separate data but shares its UI with some parent user. For example, a managed profile is a type of profile.

    boolean whether the context user is in a profile.


    Added in API level 24
    public boolean isQuietModeEnabled (UserHandle userHandle)

    Returns whether the given profile is in quiet mode or not.

    userHandle UserHandle: The user handle of the profile to be queried.

    boolean true if the profile is in quiet mode, false otherwise.


    Added in API level 23
    public boolean isSystemUser ()

    Used to check if the context user is the system user. The system user is the initial user that is implicitly created on first boot and hosts most of the system services.

    boolean whether the context user is the system user.


    Added in API level 17
    public boolean isUserAGoat ()

    Used to determine whether the user making this call is subject to teleportations.

    As of Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP, this method can now automatically identify goats using advanced goat recognition technology.

    As of Build.VERSION_CODES.R, this method always returns false in order to protect goat privacy.

    boolean Returns whether the user making this call is a goat.


    Added in API level 31
    public boolean isUserForeground ()

    Checks if the context user is running in the foreground.

    boolean whether the context user is running in the foreground.


    Added in API level 17
    public boolean isUserRunning (UserHandle user)

    Return whether the given user is actively running. This means that the user is in the "started" state, not "stopped" -- it is currently allowed to run code through scheduled alarms, receiving broadcasts, etc. A started user may be either the current foreground user or a background user; the result here does not distinguish between the two.

    Note prior to Android Nougat MR1 (SDK version <= 24; Build.VERSION_CODES.N, this API required a system permission in order to check other profile's status. Since Android Nougat MR1 (SDK version >= 25; Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1), the restriction has been relaxed, and now it'll accept any UserHandle within the same profile group as the caller.

    user UserHandle: The user to retrieve the running state for.



    Added in API level 17
    public boolean isUserRunningOrStopping (UserHandle user)

    Return whether the given user is actively running or stopping. This is like isUserRunning(android.os.UserHandle), but will also return true if the user had been running but is in the process of being stopped (but is not yet fully stopped, and still running some code).

    Note prior to Android Nougat MR1 (SDK version <= 24; Build.VERSION_CODES.N, this API required a system permission in order to check other profile's status. Since Android Nougat MR1 (SDK version >= 25; Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1), the restriction has been relaxed, and now it'll accept any UserHandle within the same profile group as the caller.

    user UserHandle: The user to retrieve the running state for.



    Added in API level 24
    public boolean isUserUnlocked (UserHandle user)

    Return whether the given user is running in an "unlocked" state.

    On devices with direct boot, a user is unlocked only after they've entered their credentials (such as a lock pattern or PIN). On devices without direct boot, a user is unlocked as soon as it starts.

    When a user is locked, only device-protected data storage is available. When a user is unlocked, both device-protected and credential-protected private app data storage is available.

    Requires android.permission.MANAGE_USERS or android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS, otherwise specified user must be the calling user or a profile associated with it.

    user UserHandle: to retrieve the unlocked state for.



    Added in API level 24
    public boolean isUserUnlocked ()

    Return whether the context user is running in an "unlocked" state.

    On devices with direct boot, a user is unlocked only after they've entered their credentials (such as a lock pattern or PIN). On devices without direct boot, a user is unlocked as soon as it starts.

    When a user is locked, only device-protected data storage is available. When a user is unlocked, both device-protected and credential-protected private app data storage is available.



    Added in API level 30
    public boolean requestQuietModeEnabled (boolean enableQuietMode, 
                    UserHandle userHandle, 
                    int flags)

    Perform the same operation as requestQuietModeEnabled(boolean, android.os.UserHandle), but with a flag to tweak the behavior of the request.

    enableQuietMode boolean: whether quiet mode should be enabled or disabled

    userHandle UserHandle: user handle of the profile This value cannot be null.


    boolean false if user's credential is needed in order to turn off quiet mode, true otherwise

    SecurityException if the caller is invalid
    IllegalArgumentException if userHandle is not a managed profile


    Added in API level 28
    public boolean requestQuietModeEnabled (boolean enableQuietMode, 
                    UserHandle userHandle)

    Enables or disables quiet mode for a profile. If quiet mode is enabled, apps in the profile don't run, generate notifications, or consume data or battery.

    If a user's credential is needed to turn off quiet mode, a confirm credential screen will be shown to the user.

    The change may not happen instantly, however apps can listen for Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_AVAILABLE and Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE broadcasts in order to be notified of the change of the quiet mode for managed profile. Apps can listen to generic broadcasts Intent.ACTION_PROFILE_AVAILABLE and Intent.ACTION_PROFILE_UNAVAILABLE to be notified of the change in quiet mode for any profiles. Apps can also check the current state of quiet mode by calling isQuietModeEnabled(android.os.UserHandle).

    The caller must either be the foreground default launcher or have one of these permissions: MANAGE_USERS or MODIFY_QUIET_MODE.

    enableQuietMode boolean: whether quiet mode should be enabled or disabled

    userHandle UserHandle: user handle of the profile This value cannot be null.

    boolean false if user's credential is needed in order to turn off quiet mode, true otherwise

    SecurityException if the caller is invalid
    IllegalArgumentException if userHandle is not a profile


    Added in API level 19
    Deprecated in API level 23
    public boolean setRestrictionsChallenge (String newPin)

    This method was deprecated in API level 23.
    The restrictions PIN functionality is no longer provided by the system. This method is preserved for backwards compatibility reasons and always returns false.

    Sets a new challenge PIN for restrictions. This is only for use by pre-installed apps and requires the MANAGE_USERS permission.

    newPin String: the PIN to use for challenge dialogs.

    boolean Returns true if the challenge PIN was set successfully.


    Added in API level 18
    Deprecated in API level 21
    public void setUserRestriction (String key, 
                    boolean value)

    This method was deprecated in API level 21.
    use DevicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(android.content.ComponentName, String) or DevicePolicyManager.clearUserRestriction(android.content.ComponentName, String) instead.

    Sets the value of a specific restriction on the context user. Requires the MANAGE_USERS permission.
    Requires android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USERS

    key String: the key of the restriction

    value boolean: the value for the restriction


    Added in API level 18
    Deprecated in API level 21
    public void setUserRestrictions (Bundle restrictions, 
                    UserHandle userHandle)

    This will no longer work. Device owners and profile owners should use DevicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(ComponentName, String) instead.

    restrictions Bundle

    userHandle UserHandle


    Added in API level 18
    Deprecated in API level 21
    public void setUserRestrictions (Bundle restrictions)

    This will no longer work. Device owners and profile owners should use DevicePolicyManager.addUserRestriction(ComponentName, String) instead.

    restrictions Bundle


    Added in API level 24
    public static boolean supportsMultipleUsers ()

    Returns whether this device supports multiple users with their own login and customizable space.

    boolean whether the device supports multiple users.