
public abstract class ViewStructure
extends Object

   ↳ android.view.ViewStructure

ViewStructure is a container for storing additional per-view data generated by View.onProvideStructure and View.onProvideAutofillStructure.

To learn more about using Autofill in your app, read the Autofill Framework guides.


Nested classes

class ViewStructure.HtmlInfo

Simplified representation of the HTML properties of a node that represents an HTML element. 



Key used for writing the type of the view that generated the virtual structure of its children.


Key used for specifying the version of the view that generated the virtual structure for itself and its children

For example, if the virtual structure is generated by a webview of version "104.0.5112.69", then the value should be "104.0.5112.69"

Public constructors


Public methods

abstract int addChildCount(int num)

Add to this view's child count.

abstract void asyncCommit()

Call when done populating a ViewStructure returned by asyncNewChild(int).

abstract ViewStructure asyncNewChild(int index)

Like newChild(int), but allows the caller to asynchronously populate the returned child.

void clearCredentialManagerRequest()

Clears the credential request previously set through ViewStructure.setPendingCredentialRequest(GetCredentialRequest, OutcomeReceiver)

abstract AutofillId getAutofillId()

Gets the AutofillId associated with this node.

abstract int getChildCount()

Return the child count as set by setChildCount(int).

abstract Bundle getExtras()

Get extra data associated with this view structure; the returned Bundle is mutable, allowing you to view and modify its contents.

abstract CharSequence getHint()

Retrieve the last hint set by setHint(CharSequence).

OutcomeReceiver<GetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException> getPendingCredentialCallback()

Gets the callback associated with this node.

GetCredentialRequest getPendingCredentialRequest()

Gets the GetCredentialRequest associated with this node.

abstract CharSequence getText()

Retrieve the last setText(java.lang.CharSequence).

abstract int getTextSelectionEnd()

Retrieve the last selection end set by setText(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int).

abstract int getTextSelectionStart()

Retrieve the last selection start set by setText(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int).

abstract boolean hasExtras()

Returns true if getExtras() has been used to create extra content.

abstract ViewStructure newChild(int index)

Create a new child ViewStructure in this view, putting into the list of children at index.

abstract ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder newHtmlInfoBuilder(String tagName)

Creates a new HtmlInfo.Builder for the given HTML tag.

abstract void setAccessibilityFocused(boolean state)

Set the accessibility focused state of this view, as per View.isAccessibilityFocused().

abstract void setActivated(boolean state)

Set the activated state of this view, as per View.isActivated().

abstract void setAlpha(float alpha)

Set an alpha transformation that is applied to this view, as per View.getAlpha().

abstract void setAutofillHints(String[] hint)

Sets the a hints that helps the autofill service to select the appropriate data to fill the view.

abstract void setAutofillId(AutofillId id)

Sets the AutofillId associated with this node.

abstract void setAutofillId(AutofillId parentId, int virtualId)

Sets the AutofillId for this virtual node.

abstract void setAutofillOptions(CharSequence[] options)

Sets the options that can be used to autofill this node.

abstract void setAutofillType(int type)

Sets the View.getAutofillType() that can be used to autofill this node.

abstract void setAutofillValue(AutofillValue value)

Sets the AutofillValue representing the current value of this node.

abstract void setCheckable(boolean state)

Set the checkable state of this view, such as whether it implements the Checkable interface.

abstract void setChecked(boolean state)

Set the checked state of this view, such as Checkable.isChecked().

abstract void setChildCount(int num)

Set the number of children of this view, which defines the range of indices you can use with newChild(int) and asyncNewChild(int).

abstract void setClassName(String className)

Set the class name of the view, as per View.getAccessibilityClassName().

abstract void setClickable(boolean state)

Set the clickable state of this view, as per View.isClickable().

abstract void setContentDescription(CharSequence contentDescription)

Set the content description of the view, as per View.getContentDescription().

abstract void setContextClickable(boolean state)

Set the context clickable state of this view, as per View.isContextClickable().

abstract void setDataIsSensitive(boolean sensitive)

Sets whether the data on this node is sensitive; if it is, then its content (text, autofill value, etc..) is striped before calls to AutofillService.onFillRequest(android.service.autofill.FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, android.service.autofill.FillCallback).

abstract void setDimens(int left, int top, int scrollX, int scrollY, int width, int height)

Set the basic dimensions of this view.

abstract void setElevation(float elevation)

Set the visual elevation (shadow) of the view, as per View.getZ().

abstract void setEnabled(boolean state)

Set the enabled state of this view, as per View.isEnabled().

abstract void setFocusable(boolean state)

Set the focusable state of this view, as per View.isFocusable().

abstract void setFocused(boolean state)

Set the focused state of this view, as per View.isFocused().

abstract void setHint(CharSequence hint)

Set optional hint text associated with this view; this is for example the text that is shown by an EditText when it is empty to indicate to the user the kind of text to input.

void setHintIdEntry(String entryName)

Sets the identifier used to set the hint associated with this view.

abstract void setHtmlInfo(ViewStructure.HtmlInfo htmlInfo)

Sets the HTML properties of this node when it represents an HTML element.

abstract void setId(int id, String packageName, String typeName, String entryName)

Set the identifier for this view.

void setImportantForAutofill(int mode)

Sets the importantForAutofill mode of the view associated with this node.

abstract void setInputType(int inputType)

Sets the InputType bits of this node.

abstract void setLocaleList(LocaleList localeList)

Sets the the list of locales associated with this node.

abstract void setLongClickable(boolean state)

Set the long clickable state of this view, as per View.isLongClickable().

void setMaxTextEms(int maxEms)

Sets the maximum width in ems of the text associated with this view, when supported.

void setMaxTextLength(int maxLength)

Sets the maximum length of the text associated with this view, when supported.

void setMinTextEms(int minEms)

Sets the minimum width in ems of the text associated with this view, when supported.

abstract void setOpaque(boolean opaque)

Set the opaque state of this view, as per View.isOpaque().

void setPendingCredentialRequest(GetCredentialRequest request, OutcomeReceiver<GetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException> callback)

Sets a credential request to be fired to CredentialManager when this node is focused

void setReceiveContentMimeTypes(String[] mimeTypes)

Sets the MIME types accepted by this view.

abstract void setSelected(boolean state)

Set the selected state of this view, as per View.isSelected().

abstract void setText(CharSequence text)

Set the text that is associated with this view.

abstract void setText(CharSequence text, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)

Like setText(java.lang.CharSequence) but with an active selection extending from selectionStart through selectionEnd.

void setTextIdEntry(String entryName)

Sets the identifier used to set the text associated with this view.

abstract void setTextLines(int[] charOffsets, int[] baselines)

Set line information for test that was previously supplied through setText(java.lang.CharSequence).

abstract void setTextStyle(float size, int fgColor, int bgColor, int style)

Explicitly set default global style information for text that was previously set with setText(CharSequence).

abstract void setTransformation(Matrix matrix)

Set the transformation matrix associated with this view, as per View.getMatrix(), or null if there is none.

abstract void setVisibility(int visibility)

Set the visibility state of this view, as per View.getVisibility().

abstract void setWebDomain(String domain)

Sets the Web domain represented by this node.

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 36
public static final String EXTRA_VIRTUAL_STRUCTURE_TYPE

Key used for writing the type of the view that generated the virtual structure of its children.

For example, if the virtual structure is generated by a webview, the value would be "WebView". If the virtual structure is generated by a compose view, then the value would be "ComposeView". The value is of type String.

This value is added to mainly help with debugging purpose.

Constant Value: "android.view.extra.VIRTUAL_STRUCTURE_TYPE"


Added in API level 36

Key used for specifying the version of the view that generated the virtual structure for itself and its children

For example, if the virtual structure is generated by a webview of version "104.0.5112.69", then the value should be "104.0.5112.69"

Constant Value: "android.view.extra.VIRTUAL_STRUCTURE_VERSION_NUMBER"

Public constructors


public ViewStructure ()

Public methods


Added in API level 23
public abstract int addChildCount (int num)

Add to this view's child count. This increases the current child count by num children beyond what was last set by setChildCount(int) or addChildCount(int). The index at which the new child starts in the child array is returned.

num int: The number of new children to add.

int Returns the index in the child array at which the new children start.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void asyncCommit ()

Call when done populating a ViewStructure returned by asyncNewChild(int).


Added in API level 23
public abstract ViewStructure asyncNewChild (int index)

Like newChild(int), but allows the caller to asynchronously populate the returned child. It can transfer the returned ViewStructure to another thread for it to build its content (and children etc). Once done, some thread must call asyncCommit() to tell the containing ViewStructure that the async population is done.

NOTE: you must pre-allocate space for the child first, by calling either addChildCount(int) or setChildCount(int).

index int

ViewStructure Returns an fresh ViewStructure ready to be filled in.


Added in API level 35
public void clearCredentialManagerRequest ()

Clears the credential request previously set through ViewStructure.setPendingCredentialRequest(GetCredentialRequest, OutcomeReceiver)


Added in API level 26
public abstract AutofillId getAutofillId ()

Gets the AutofillId associated with this node.

AutofillId This value may be null.


Added in API level 23
public abstract int getChildCount ()

Return the child count as set by setChildCount(int).



Added in API level 23
public abstract Bundle getExtras ()

Get extra data associated with this view structure; the returned Bundle is mutable, allowing you to view and modify its contents. Keys placed in the Bundle should use an appropriate namespace prefix (such as to avoid conflicts.



Added in API level 23
public abstract CharSequence getHint ()

Retrieve the last hint set by setHint(CharSequence).



Added in API level 35
public OutcomeReceiver<GetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException> getPendingCredentialCallback ()

Gets the callback associated with this node.

If null, no callback or request is associated with this node, and hence no CredentialManager request will be fired when this node is focused.

For details on how a request and callback can be set, see ViewStructure.setPendingCredentialRequest(GetCredentialRequest, OutcomeReceiver)


Added in API level 35
public GetCredentialRequest getPendingCredentialRequest ()

Gets the GetCredentialRequest associated with this node.

If null, no request is associated with this node, and hence no CredentialManager request will be fired when this node is focused.

For details on how a request and callback can be set, see ViewStructure.setPendingCredentialRequest(GetCredentialRequest, OutcomeReceiver)


Added in API level 23
public abstract CharSequence getText ()

Retrieve the last setText(java.lang.CharSequence).



Added in API level 23
public abstract int getTextSelectionEnd ()

Retrieve the last selection end set by setText(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int).



Added in API level 23
public abstract int getTextSelectionStart ()

Retrieve the last selection start set by setText(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int).



Added in API level 23
public abstract boolean hasExtras ()

Returns true if getExtras() has been used to create extra content.



Added in API level 23
public abstract ViewStructure newChild (int index)

Create a new child ViewStructure in this view, putting into the list of children at index.

NOTE: you must pre-allocate space for the child first, by calling either addChildCount(int) or setChildCount(int).

index int

ViewStructure Returns an fresh ViewStructure ready to be filled in.


Added in API level 26
public abstract ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder newHtmlInfoBuilder (String tagName)

Creates a new HtmlInfo.Builder for the given HTML tag.

tagName String: name of the HTML tag. This value cannot be null.

ViewStructure.HtmlInfo.Builder a new builder.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setAccessibilityFocused (boolean state)

Set the accessibility focused state of this view, as per View.isAccessibilityFocused().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setActivated (boolean state)

Set the activated state of this view, as per View.isActivated().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setAlpha (float alpha)

Set an alpha transformation that is applied to this view, as per View.getAlpha(). Value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque); the default is 1, which means no transformation.

alpha float


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillHints (String[] hint)

Sets the a hints that helps the autofill service to select the appropriate data to fill the view.

hint String: This value may be null.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillId (AutofillId id)

Sets the AutofillId associated with this node.

id AutofillId: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillId (AutofillId parentId, 
                int virtualId)

Sets the AutofillId for this virtual node.

parentId AutofillId: id of the parent node. This value cannot be null.

virtualId int: an opaque ID to the Android System; it's the same id used on View.autofill(android.util.SparseArray).


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillOptions (CharSequence[] options)

Sets the options that can be used to autofill this node.

Typically used by nodes whose View.getAutofillType() is a list to indicate the meaning of each possible value in the list.

options CharSequence


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillType (int type)

Sets the View.getAutofillType() that can be used to autofill this node.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setAutofillValue (AutofillValue value)

Sets the AutofillValue representing the current value of this node.

value AutofillValue


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setCheckable (boolean state)

Set the checkable state of this view, such as whether it implements the Checkable interface.

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setChecked (boolean state)

Set the checked state of this view, such as Checkable.isChecked().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setChildCount (int num)

Set the number of children of this view, which defines the range of indices you can use with newChild(int) and asyncNewChild(int). Calling this method again resets all of the child state of the view, removing any children that had previously been added.

num int


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setClassName (String className)

Set the class name of the view, as per View.getAccessibilityClassName().

className String


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setClickable (boolean state)

Set the clickable state of this view, as per View.isClickable().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setContentDescription (CharSequence contentDescription)

Set the content description of the view, as per View.getContentDescription().

contentDescription CharSequence


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setContextClickable (boolean state)

Set the context clickable state of this view, as per View.isContextClickable().

state boolean


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setDataIsSensitive (boolean sensitive)

Sets whether the data on this node is sensitive; if it is, then its content (text, autofill value, etc..) is striped before calls to AutofillService.onFillRequest(android.service.autofill.FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal, android.service.autofill.FillCallback).

By default, all nodes are assumed to be sensitive, and only nodes that does not have PII (Personally Identifiable Information - sensitive data such as email addresses, credit card numbers, passwords, etc...) should be marked as non-sensitive; a good rule of thumb is to mark as non-sensitive nodes whose value were statically set from resources.

Notice that the content of even sensitive nodes are sent to the service (through the AutofillService.onSaveRequest(android.service.autofill.SaveRequest, android.service.autofill.SaveCallback) call) when the user consented to save thedata, so it is important to set the content of sensitive nodes as well, but mark them as sensitive.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

sensitive boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setDimens (int left, 
                int top, 
                int scrollX, 
                int scrollY, 
                int width, 
                int height)

Set the basic dimensions of this view.

left int: The view's left position, in pixels relative to its parent's left edge.

top int: The view's top position, in pixels relative to its parent's top edge.

scrollX int: How much the view's x coordinate space has been scrolled, in pixels.

scrollY int: How much the view's y coordinate space has been scrolled, in pixels.

width int: The view's visible width, in pixels. This is the width visible on screen, not the total data width of a scrollable view.

height int: The view's visible height, in pixels. This is the height visible on screen, not the total data height of a scrollable view.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setElevation (float elevation)

Set the visual elevation (shadow) of the view, as per View.getZ(). Note this is not related to the physical Z-ordering of this view relative to its other siblings (that is how they overlap when drawing), it is only the visual representation for shadowing.

elevation float


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setEnabled (boolean state)

Set the enabled state of this view, as per View.isEnabled().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setFocusable (boolean state)

Set the focusable state of this view, as per View.isFocusable().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setFocused (boolean state)

Set the focused state of this view, as per View.isFocused().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setHint (CharSequence hint)

Set optional hint text associated with this view; this is for example the text that is shown by an EditText when it is empty to indicate to the user the kind of text to input.

hint CharSequence


Added in API level 30
public void setHintIdEntry (String entryName)

Sets the identifier used to set the hint associated with this view.

Used as metadata for fingerprinting view nodes/structures.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

entryName String: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setHtmlInfo (ViewStructure.HtmlInfo htmlInfo)

Sets the HTML properties of this node when it represents an HTML element.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for assist.

htmlInfo ViewStructure.HtmlInfo: HTML properties. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setId (int id, 
                String packageName, 
                String typeName, 
                String entryName)

Set the identifier for this view.

id int: The view's identifier, as per View.getId().

packageName String: The package name of the view's identifier, or null if there is none.

typeName String: The type name of the view's identifier, or null if there is none.

entryName String: The entry name of the view's identifier, or null if there is none.


Added in API level 28
public void setImportantForAutofill (int mode)

Sets the importantForAutofill mode of the view associated with this node.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setInputType (int inputType)

Sets the InputType bits of this node.

inputType int: inputType bits as defined by InputType.


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setLocaleList (LocaleList localeList)

Sets the the list of locales associated with this node.

localeList LocaleList


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setLongClickable (boolean state)

Set the long clickable state of this view, as per View.isLongClickable().

state boolean


Added in API level 28
public void setMaxTextEms (int maxEms)

Sets the maximum width in ems of the text associated with this view, when supported.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

maxEms int


Added in API level 28
public void setMaxTextLength (int maxLength)

Sets the maximum length of the text associated with this view, when supported.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

maxLength int


Added in API level 28
public void setMinTextEms (int minEms)

Sets the minimum width in ems of the text associated with this view, when supported.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

minEms int


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setOpaque (boolean opaque)

Set the opaque state of this view, as per View.isOpaque().

opaque boolean


Added in API level 35
public void setPendingCredentialRequest (GetCredentialRequest request, 
                OutcomeReceiver<GetCredentialResponseGetCredentialException> callback)

Sets a credential request to be fired to CredentialManager when this node is focused

request GetCredentialRequest: the request to be fired This value cannot be null.

callback OutcomeReceiver: the callback where the response or exception, is returned This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 31
public void setReceiveContentMimeTypes (String[] mimeTypes)

Sets the MIME types accepted by this view. See View.getReceiveContentMimeTypes().

Should only be set when the node is used for Autofill or Content Capture purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

mimeTypes String: This value may be null.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setSelected (boolean state)

Set the selected state of this view, as per View.isSelected().

state boolean


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setText (CharSequence text)

Set the text that is associated with this view. There is no selection associated with the text. The text may have style spans to supply additional display and semantic information.

text CharSequence


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setText (CharSequence text, 
                int selectionStart, 
                int selectionEnd)

Like setText(java.lang.CharSequence) but with an active selection extending from selectionStart through selectionEnd.

text CharSequence

selectionStart int

selectionEnd int


Added in API level 28
public void setTextIdEntry (String entryName)

Sets the identifier used to set the text associated with this view.

Should only be set when the node is used for autofill purposes - it will be ignored when used for Assist.

entryName String: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setTextLines (int[] charOffsets, 
                int[] baselines)

Set line information for test that was previously supplied through setText(java.lang.CharSequence). This provides the line breaking of the text as it is shown on screen. This function takes ownership of the provided arrays; you should not make further modification to them.

charOffsets int: The offset in to setText(CharSequence) where a line starts.

baselines int: The baseline where the line is drawn on screen.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setTextStyle (float size, 
                int fgColor, 
                int bgColor, 
                int style)

Explicitly set default global style information for text that was previously set with setText(CharSequence).

size float: The size, in pixels, of the text.

fgColor int: The foreground color, packed as 0xAARRGGBB.

bgColor int: The background color, packed as 0xAARRGGBB.

style int: Style flags, as defined by AssistStructure.ViewNode.


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setTransformation (Matrix matrix)

Set the transformation matrix associated with this view, as per View.getMatrix(), or null if there is none.

matrix Matrix


Added in API level 23
public abstract void setVisibility (int visibility)

Set the visibility state of this view, as per View.getVisibility().

visibility int


Added in API level 26
public abstract void setWebDomain (String domain)

Sets the Web domain represented by this node.

Typically used when the view is a container for an HTML document.

domain String: RFC 2396-compliant URI representing the domain. This value may be null.