
public interface JxrPlatformAdapter.PanelEntity extends JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity


Interface for a SceneCore ActivityPanel entity.

Interface for a SceneCore Panel entity


Public methods

abstract float

Gets the corner radius of this PanelEntity in meters.

abstract @NonNull Vector3

Gets the number of pixels per meter for this panel.

abstract @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.PixelDimensions

Returns the dimensions of the view underlying this PanelEntity.

abstract @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.Dimensions

Returns the spatial size of this Panel in meters.

abstract void
setCornerRadius(float value)

Sets a corner radius on all four corners of this PanelEntity.

abstract void

Sets the pixel (not Dp) dimensions of the view underlying this PanelEntity.

Inherited methods

abstract @NonNull Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to the activity space root.

abstract @NonNull Vector3

Returns the scale of this WorldPose relative to the activity space.

abstract @NonNull Vector3

Returns the scale of this ActivityPose.

abstract @NonNull Pose

Returns a pose relative to this entity transformed into a pose relative to the destination.

abstract void

Add given Entity as child.

abstract void

Sets the provided Entities to be children of the Entity.

abstract boolean

Add these components to entity.

abstract void

Adds the listener to the set of active input listeners, for input events targeted to this entity or its child entities.

abstract void

Dispose any system resources held by this entity, and transitively calls dispose() on all the children.

abstract float

Returns the total alpha transparency level for this Entity.

abstract float

Returns the set alpha transparency level for this Entity.

abstract @NonNull List<JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity>

Returns the all child entities of this Entity.

abstract @Nullable JxrPlatformAdapter.Entity

Returns the parent entity for this Entity.

abstract @NonNull Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to its parent.

abstract @NonNull Vector3

Returns the scale of this entity, relative to its parent.

abstract boolean
isHidden(boolean includeParents)

Returns the hidden status of this Entity.

abstract void

Remove all components from this entity.

abstract void

Remove the given component from the entity.

abstract void

Removes the given listener from the set of active input listeners.

abstract void
setAlpha(float alpha)

Sets the alpha transparency for the given Entity.

abstract void

Sets context-text for this entity to be consumed by Accessibility systems.

abstract void
setHidden(boolean hidden)

Sets the local hidden state of this Entity.

abstract void

Sets the parent Entity for this Entity.

abstract void

Updates the pose (position and rotation) of the Entity relative to its parent.

abstract void

Sets the scale of this entity relative to its parent.

abstract void

Sets the size for the given Entity.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract float getCornerRadius()

Gets the corner radius of this PanelEntity in meters. Has a default value of 0.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract @NonNull Vector3 getPixelDensity()

Gets the number of pixels per meter for this panel. This value reflects changes to scale, including parent scale.

@NonNull Vector3

Vector3 scale applied to pixels within the Panel. (Z will be 0)


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.PixelDimensions getPixelDimensions()

Returns the dimensions of the view underlying this PanelEntity.

@NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.PixelDimensions

The current [PixelDimensions] of the underlying surface.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.Dimensions getSize()

Returns the spatial size of this Panel in meters. This includes any scaling applied to this panel by itself or its parents, which might be set via changes to setScale.

@NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.Dimensions

[Dimensions] size of this panel in meters. (Z will be 0)


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract void setCornerRadius(float value)

Sets a corner radius on all four corners of this PanelEntity.

float value

Corner radius in meters.


if radius is <= 0.0f.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
abstract void setPixelDimensions(
    @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.PixelDimensions dimensions

Sets the pixel (not Dp) dimensions of the view underlying this PanelEntity. Calling this might cause the layout of the Panel contents to change. Updating this will not cause the scale or pixel density to change.

@NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter.PixelDimensions dimensions

The [PixelDimensions] of the underlying surface to set.