class OpenXrManager

Manages the lifecycle of an OpenXR session.


Public functions

open Unit

Sets or changes the configuration to use, which will affect the availability of properties or features in other managers.

open Unit

Executes the Runtime initialization logic.

open Unit

Pauses execution while retaining the state in memory.

open Unit

Resumes execution from a paused or init state.

open Unit

Stops the execution and releases all resources.

open suspend ComparableTimeMark

Updates the state of the system.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
open fun configure(): Unit

Sets or changes the configuration to use, which will affect the availability of properties or features in other managers. It is necessary to have called create before calling this method.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
open fun create(): Unit

Executes the Runtime initialization logic. It is necessary to call resume after calling this method to start the runtime's execution logic.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
open fun pause(): Unit

Pauses execution while retaining the state in memory.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
open fun resume(): Unit

Resumes execution from a paused or init state. It is necessary to have called create before calling this method.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha03
open fun stop(): Unit

Stops the execution and releases all resources. It is not valid to call any other method after calling stop. The runtime must not be resumed when this method is called.


open suspend fun update(): ComparableTimeMark

Updates the state of the system. The call is blocking and will return once the underlying implementation has been updated or a platform-specific timeout has been reached. This method can only be called when the runtime is resumed.


the timemark of the latest state. This value is to be used for comparison with other timemarks and not to be used for absolute time calculations.