About this codelab
1. Before you begin
In this codelab, you learn how to add a simple animation to your Android app. Animations can make your app more interactive, interesting, and easier for users to interpret. Animating individual updates on a screen full of information can help the user see what changed.
There are many types of animations that can be used in an app's user interface. Items can fade in as they appear and fade out as they disappear, they can move on or off of the screen, or they can transform in interesting ways. This helps make the app's UI expressive and easy to use.
Animations can also add a polished look to your app, which gives it an elegant look and feel, and also helps the user at the same time.
- Knowledge of Kotlin, including functions, lambdas, and stateless composables.
- Basic knowledge of how to build layouts in Jetpack Compose.
- Basic knowledge of how to create lists in Jetpack Compose.
- Basic knowledge of Material Design.
What you'll learn
- How to build a simple spring animation with Jetpack Compose.
What you'll build
- You will build on the Woof app from the Material Theming with Jetpack Compose codelab, and add a simple animation to acknowledge the user's action.
What you'll need
- The latest stable version of Android Studio.
- Internet connection to download starter code.
2. App Overview
In the Material Theming with Jetpack Compose codelab, you created the Woof app using Material Design which displays a list of dogs and their information.
In this codelab, you will add animation to the Woof app. You'll add hobby information which will display when you expand the list item. You'll also add a spring animation to animate the list item being expanded.
Get the starter code
To get started, download the starter code:
Alternatively, you can clone the GitHub repository for the code:
$ git clone https://github.com/google-developer-training/basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-woof.git $ cd basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-woof $ git checkout material
You can browse the code in the Woof app
GitHub repository.
3. Add expand more icon
In this section you will add the Expand More and Expand Less
icons to your app.
Icons are symbols that can help users understand a user interface by visually communicating the intended function. They often take inspiration from objects in the physical world that a user is expected to have experienced. Icon design often reduces the level of detail to the minimum required to be familiar to a user. For example, a pencil in the physical world is used for writing, so its icon counterpart usually indicates create or edit.
Material Design provides a number of icons, arranged in common categories, for most of your needs.
Add Gradle dependency
Add the material-icons-extended
library dependency to your project. You will use the Icons.Filled.ExpandLess
icons from this library.
- In the Project pane, open Gradle Scripts > build.gradle.kts (Module :app).
- Scroll to the end of the
build.gradle.kts (Module :app)
file. In thedependencies{}
block, add the following line:
Add the icon composable
Add a function to display the Expand More icon from the Material icons library and use it as a button.
- In
, after theDogItem()
function, create a new composable function calledDogItemButton()
. - Pass in a
for the expanded state, a lambda expression for the button onClick handler, and an optionalModifier
as follows:
private fun DogItemButton(
expanded: Boolean,
onClick: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
- Inside the
function, add anIconButton()
composable that accepts anonClick
named parameter, a lambda using trailing lambda syntax, that is invoked when this icon is pressed and an optionalmodifier
. Set theIconButton's onClick
andmodifier value parameters
equal to the ones passed in toDogItemButton
private fun DogItemButton(
expanded: Boolean,
onClick: () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
onClick = onClick,
modifier = modifier
) {
- Inside the
lambda block, add in anIcon
composable and set theimageVector value-parameter
. This is what will display at the end of the list item. Android Studio shows you a warning for the
composable parameters that you will fix in the next step.
import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.ExpandMore
import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons
import androidx.compose.material3.Icon
import androidx.compose.material3.IconButton
onClick = onClick,
modifier = modifier
) {
imageVector = Icons.Filled.ExpandMore
- Add the value parameter
, and set the color of the icon toMaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary
. Add the named parametercontentDescription
, and set it to the string resourceR.string.expand_button_content_description
onClick = onClick,
modifier = modifier
imageVector = Icons.Filled.ExpandMore,
contentDescription = stringResource(R.string.expand_button_content_description),
tint = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.secondary
Display the icon
Display the DogItemButton()
composable by adding it to the layout.
- At the beginning of
, add avar
to save the expanded state of the list item. Set the initial value tofalse
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
- Display the icon button within the list item. In the
composable, at the end of theRow
block, after the call toDogInformation()
, addDogItemButton()
. Pass in theexpanded
state and an empty lambda for the callback. You will define theonClick
action in a later step.
modifier = Modifier
) {
DogInformation(dog.name, dog.age)
expanded = expanded,
onClick = { /*TODO*/ }
- Check out
in the Design pane.
Notice the expand more button is not aligned to the end of the list item. You will fix that in the next step.
Align the expand more button
To align the expand more button to the end of the list item, you need to add a spacer in the layout with the Modifier.weight()
In the Woof app, each list item row contains a dog image, dog information, and an expand more button. You will add a Spacer
composable before the expand more button with weight 1f
to properly align the button icon. Since the spacer is the only weighted child element in the row, it will fill the space remaining in the row after measuring the other unweighted child elements' width.
Add the spacer to the list item row
- In
, betweenDogInformation()
, add aSpacer
. Pass in aModifier
. TheModifier.weight()
causes the spacer to fill the space remaining in the row.
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Spacer
modifier = Modifier
) {
DogInformation(dog.name, dog.age)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
expanded = expanded,
onClick = { /*TODO*/ }
- Check out
in the Design pane. Notice that the expand more button is now aligned to the end of the list item.
4. Add Composable to display hobby
In this task, you'll add Text
composables to display the dog's hobby information.
- Create a new composable function called
that takes in a dog's hobby string resource ID and an optionalModifier
fun DogHobby(
@StringRes dogHobby: Int,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
- Inside the
function, create aColumn
and pass in the modifier passed intoDogHobby()
fun DogHobby(
@StringRes dogHobby: Int,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
modifier = modifier
) {
- Inside the
block, add twoText
composables – one to display the About text above the hobby information, and another to display the hobby information.
Set the first one's text
to the about
from the strings.xml file and set the style
as labelSmall
. Set the second one's text
to dogHobby
which is passed in and set the style
to bodyLarge
modifier = modifier
) {
text = stringResource(R.string.about),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.labelSmall
text = stringResource(dogHobby),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge
- In
, theDogHobby()
composable will go below theRow
that contains theDogIcon()
. To do this, wrap theRow
with aColumn
so that the hobby can be added below theRow
Column() {
modifier = Modifier
) {
DogInformation(dog.name, dog.age)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
expanded = expanded,
onClick = { /*TODO*/ }
- Add
after theRow
as a second child of theColumn
. Pass indog.hobbies
which contains the unique hobby of the dog passed in and amodifier
with the padding for theDogHobby()
Column() {
Row() {
modifier = Modifier.padding(
start = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_small),
end = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
bottom = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium)
The complete DogItem()
function should look like this:
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
modifier = modifier
) {
Column() {
modifier = Modifier
) {
DogInformation(dog.name, dog.age)
expanded = expanded,
onClick = { /*TODO*/ },
modifier = Modifier.padding(
start = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_small),
end = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
bottom = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium)
- Check out
in the Design pane. Notice the dog's hobby displays.
5. Show or hide the hobby on button click
Your app has an Expand More button for every list item, but it doesn't do anything yet! In this section, you will add the option to hide or reveal the hobby information when the user clicks the expand more button.
- In the
composable function, in theDogItemButton()
function call, define theonClick()
lambda expression, change theexpanded
boolean state value totrue
when the button is clicked, and change it back tofalse
if the button is clicked again.
expanded = expanded,
onClick = { expanded = !expanded }
- In the
function, wrap theDogHobby()
function call with anif
check on theexpanded
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
) {
) {
) {
if (expanded) {
dog.hobbies, modifier = Modifier.padding(
start = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_small),
end = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
bottom = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium)
Now, the dog's hobby information only displays if the value of expanded
is true
- The preview can show you what the UI looks like, and you can also interact with it. To interact with the UI preview, hover above the WoofPreview text in the Design Pane, then click the Interactive Mode button
in the top-right corner of the Design pane. This starts the preview in interactive mode.
- Interact with the preview by clicking the expand more button. Notice the dog's hobby information is hidden and revealed when you click the expand more button.
Notice that the expand more button icon remains the same when the list item is expanded. For a better user experience, you'll change the icon so that ExpandMore
displays the downward arrow , and
displays the upward arrow .
- In the
function, add anif
statement that updates theimageVector
value based on theexpanded
state as follows:
import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.ExpandLess
private fun DogItemButton(
) {
IconButton(onClick = onClick) {
imageVector = if (expanded) Icons.Filled.ExpandLess else Icons.Filled.ExpandMore,
Notice how you wrote if-else
in the previous code snippet.
if (expanded) Icons.Filled.ExpandLess else Icons.Filled.ExpandMore
This is the same as using the curly braces { } in the following code:
if (expanded) {
} else {
The curly braces are optional if there is a single line of code for the if
- Run the app on a device or emulator, or use the interactive mode in the preview again. Notice the icon alternates between the
and the
Good job updating the icon!
When you expanded the list item, did you notice the abrupt height change? The abrupt height change doesn't look like a polished app. To resolve this issue, you will next add an animation to your app.
6. Add animation
Animations can add visual cues that notify users about what's going on in your app. They are especially useful when the UI changes state, such as when new content loads or new actions become available. Animations can also add a polished look to your app.
In this section you will add a spring animation to animate the change in height of the list item.
Spring Animation
Spring animation is a physics-based animation driven by a spring force. With a spring animation, the value and velocity of movement are calculated based on the spring force that is applied.
For example, if you drag an app icon around the screen and then release it by lifting your finger, the icon jumps back to its original location by an invisible force.
The following animation demonstrates the spring effect. Once the finger is released from the icon, the icon jumps back, mimicking a spring.
Spring effect
Spring force is guided by the following two properties:
- Damping ratio: The bounciness of the spring.
- Stiffness level: The stiffness of the spring, that is, how fast the spring moves toward the end.
Below are some examples of animations with different damping ratios and stiffness levels.
Take a look at the DogHobby()
function call in the DogItem()
composable function. The dog's hobby information is included in the composition, based on the expanded
boolean value. The height of the list item changes, depending on whether the hobby information is visible or hidden. Currently, the transition is jarring. In this section you will use the animateContentSize
modifier to add a smoother transition between the expanded and not expanded states.
// No need to copy over
fun DogItem(...) {
if (expanded) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(
start = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
top = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_small),
end = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium),
bottom = dimensionResource(R.dimen.padding_medium)
- In
, inDogItem()
, add amodifier
parameter to theColumn
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
) {
modifier = Modifier
- Chain the modifier with the
modifier to animate the size (list item height) change.
import androidx.compose.animation.animateContentSize
modifier = Modifier
In the current implementation, you are animating the list item height in your app. But, the animation is so subtle that it is difficult to discern when you run the app. To resolve this, use an optional animationSpec
parameter that lets you customize the animation.
- For Woof, the animation eases in and out with no bounce. To achieve that, add the
parameter to theanimateContentSize()
function call. Set it to a spring animation withDampingRatioNoBouncy
so that there isn't a bounce to it and aStiffnessMedium
parameter to make the spring a bit stiffer.
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Spring
import androidx.compose.animation.core.spring
modifier = Modifier
animationSpec = spring(
dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
stiffness = Spring.StiffnessMedium
- Check out
in the Design pane, and use the interactive mode or run your app on an emulator or device to see your spring animation in action.
You did it! Enjoy your beautiful app with animations.
7. (Optional) Experiment with other animations
The animate*AsState()
functions are one of the simplest animation APIs in Compose for animating a single value. You only provide the end value (or target value), and the API starts animation from the current value to the specified end value.
Compose provides animate*AsState()
functions for Float
, Color
, Dp
, Size
, Offset
, and Int
, to name a few. You can easily add support for other data types using animateValueAsState()
that takes a generic type.
Try using the animateColorAsState()
function to change the color when a list item is expanded.
- In
, declare a color and delegate its initialization toanimateColorAsState()
import androidx.compose.animation.animateColorAsState
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val color by animateColorAsState()
- Set the
named parameter, depending on theexpanded
boolean value. If the list item is expanded, set the list item totertiaryContainer
color. Else, set it toprimaryContainer
import androidx.compose.animation.animateColorAsState
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val color by animateColorAsState(
targetValue = if (expanded) MaterialTheme.colorScheme.tertiaryContainer
else MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primaryContainer,
- Set the
as the background modifier to theColumn
fun DogItem(
dog: Dog,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
) {
modifier = Modifier
.background(color = color)
) {...}
- Check out how the color changes when the list item is expanded. Non expanded list items are
color and expanded list items aretertiaryContainer
8. Get the solution code
To download the code for the finished codelab, you can use this git command:
$ git clone https://github.com/google-developer-training/basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-woof.git
Alternatively, you can download the repository as a zip file, unzip it, and open it in Android Studio.
If you want to see the solution code, view it on GitHub.
9. Conclusion
Congratulations! You added a button to hide and reveal information about the dog. You enhanced the user experience using spring animations. You also learned how to use interactive mode in the Design pane.
You can also try a different type of Jetpack Compose Animation. Don't forget to share your work on social media with #AndroidBasics!