
public interface KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTarget extends KotlinMultiplatformAndroidExtension


Public methods

abstract @NonNull NamedDomainObjectContainer<@NonNull KotlinMultiplatformAndroidCompilation>
abstract void

Enables compilation of java sources.

Inherited methods

From com.android.build.api.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformAndroidExtension
abstract void

Options for configuring AAR metadata.

abstract void

Specifies options for doing variant selection for external Android dependencies based on build types and product flavours

abstract @NonNull AarMetadata

Options for configuring AAR metadata.

abstract @NonNull String

Specifies the version of the SDK Build Tools to use when building your project.

abstract Integer

Specifies the API level to compile your project against.

abstract Integer
abstract String
abstract @NonNull DependencyVariantSelection

Specifies options for doing variant selection for external Android dependencies based on build types and product flavours

abstract @NonNull Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Object>

Additional per module experimental properties.

abstract @NonNull Lint

Specifies options for the lint tool.

abstract Integer

The maxSdkVersion, or null if not specified.

abstract Integer

The minimum SDK version.

abstract String
abstract String

The namespace of the generated R and BuildConfig classes.

abstract @NonNull KmpOptimization

Specifies options for the R8/D8 optimization tool.

abstract @NonNull Packaging

Specifies options and rules that determine which files the Android plugin packages into your APK.

abstract @NonNull TestCoverage

Configure the gathering of code-coverage from tests.

abstract String

The namespace used by the android test and unit test components for the generated R and BuildConfig classes.

abstract boolean

Whether core library desugaring is enabled.

abstract void

Specifies options for the lint tool.

abstract void

Specifies options for the R8/D8 optimization tool.

abstract void

Specifies options and rules that determine which files the Android plugin packages into your APK.

abstract void

Specifies the version of the SDK Build Tools to use when building your project.

abstract void

Specifies the API level to compile your project against.

abstract void
abstract void
abstract void
    boolean isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled

Whether core library desugaring is enabled.

abstract void

The maxSdkVersion, or null if not specified.

abstract void

The minimum SDK version.

abstract void
abstract void

The namespace of the generated R and BuildConfig classes.

abstract void

The namespace used by the android test and unit test components for the generated R and BuildConfig classes.

abstract void

Includes the specified library to the classpath.

abstract void
useLibrary(@NonNull String name, boolean required)

Includes the specified library to the classpath.

abstract void

Creates and configures a compilation for tests that run on the device (previously referred to as instrumented tests).

abstract @NonNull HasConfigurableValue<@NonNull KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTestOnDevice>

Creates and configures a compilation for tests that run on the device (previously referred to as instrumented tests).

abstract void

Creates and configures a compilation for tests that run on the JVM (previously referred to as unit tests).

abstract @NonNull HasConfigurableValue<@NonNull KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTestOnJvm>

Creates and configures a compilation for tests that run on the JVM (previously referred to as unit tests).

Public methods


abstract void withJava()

Enables compilation of java sources.

This API is experimental and is likely to change.