
public sealed class SingleArtifact<T extends FileSystemLocation> extends Artifact.Single


The final AAR file as it would be published.


Universal APK that contains assets for all screen densities.


Directory where APK files will be located.


Assets that will be packaged in the resulting APK or Bundle.


The final Bundle ready for consumption at Play Store.


Merged manifest file that will be used in the APK, Bundle and InstantApp packages.


The directory containing all the native library (.so) files that will be packaged in the APK, AAR, or Bundle.


The metadata for the library dependencies.


A file containing the list of public resources exported by a library project.

Public Artifact for Android Gradle plugin.

These are Artifact.Single, see MultipleArtifact for multiple ones.

All methods in the Artifacts class should be supported with any subclass of this class.


Nested types

public static class SingleArtifact.AAR extends SingleArtifact implements Artifact.Transformable

The final AAR file as it would be published.

Directory where APK files will be located.

Universal APK that contains assets for all screen densities.

Assets that will be packaged in the resulting APK or Bundle.

public static class SingleArtifact.BUNDLE extends SingleArtifact implements Artifact.Transformable

The final Bundle ready for consumption at Play Store.

Merged manifest file that will be used in the APK, Bundle and InstantApp packages.

The directory containing all the native library (.so) files that will be packaged in the APK, AAR, or Bundle.

The metadata for the library dependencies.

A file containing the list of public resources exported by a library project.

Protected constructors

<T extends FileSystemLocation> SingleArtifact(
    @NonNull ArtifactKind<@NonNull T> kind,
    @NonNull Artifact.Category category,
    String fileName

Inherited methods

final @NonNull Artifact.Category
@NonNull String
final @NonNull ArtifactKind<@NonNull T>
final @NonNull String

Provide a unique name for the artifact type.

Protected constructors


protected <T extends FileSystemLocation> SingleArtifact(
    @NonNull ArtifactKind<@NonNull T> kind,
    @NonNull Artifact.Category category,
    String fileName

Public methods


public @NonNull String getFileSystemLocationName()
@NonNull String

Depending on T, returns the file name of the folder under the variant-specific folder or an empty string to use defaults.