
public interface EmulatorControl

Options for configuring Android Emulator Access

When enabled, it will be possible to control the emulator through gRPC.


Public methods

abstract @NonNull Set<@NonNull String>

Set of endpoints to which access is granted, this is only required if the method you wish to access is in the set of methods that require authorization as defined in emulator_access.json used by the emulator this test is running on.

abstract boolean

True if emulator control should be enabled.

abstract int

The duration in seconds the test can access the gRPC endpoint.

abstract void
setEnable(boolean enable)

True if emulator control should be enabled.

abstract void
setSecondsValid(int secondsValid)

The duration in seconds the test can access the gRPC endpoint.

Public methods


abstract @NonNull Set<@NonNull StringgetAllowedEndpoints()

Set of endpoints to which access is granted, this is only required if the method you wish to access is in the set of methods that require authorization as defined in emulator_access.json used by the emulator this test is running on.

Details on which endpoints and what considerations are taken to make an endpoint accessible is described in go/emu-grpc-integration.


abstract boolean getEnable()

True if emulator control should be enabled.


abstract int getSecondsValid()

The duration in seconds the test can access the gRPC endpoint. The default value is 3600 (one hour).


abstract void setEnable(boolean enable)

True if emulator control should be enabled.


abstract void setSecondsValid(int secondsValid)

The duration in seconds the test can access the gRPC endpoint. The default value is 3600 (one hour).