
public interface BundleConfig

Information related to the actions creating a bundle (.aab) file for the variant.


Public methods

abstract void
    @NonNull String metadataDirectory,
    @NonNull Provider<@NonNull RegularFile> file

Add a metadata file to the bundle (.aab) file.

abstract @NonNull CodeTransparency

Settings associated with the code transparency feature in bundles.

Public methods


abstract void addMetadataFile(
    @NonNull String metadataDirectory,
    @NonNull Provider<@NonNull RegularFile> file

Add a metadata file to the bundle (.aab) file. The file will be added under the BUNDLE-METADATA folder.

@NonNull String metadataDirectory

the directory below BUNDLE-METADATA where the file should be stored.

@NonNull Provider<@NonNull RegularFile> file

the Provider of RegularFile that can be wired from a org.gradle.api.Task output or an existing file in the project directory.


abstract @NonNull CodeTransparency getCodeTransparency()

Settings associated with the code transparency feature in bundles. Initialized from the corresponding DSL elements.