
public interface HasAndroidTestBuilder

Known direct subclasses

Application specific variant object that contains properties that will determine the variant's build flow.


VariantBuilder type for library projects

Interface that mark the potential existence of android tests associated with a variant.


Public methods

abstract boolean

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise.

abstract boolean

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise.

abstract void
setAndroidTestEnabled(boolean androidTestEnabled)

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise.

abstract void
setEnableAndroidTest(boolean enableAndroidTest)

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise.

Public methods


abstract boolean getAndroidTestEnabled()

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise. Value is Boolean#True by default.


abstract boolean getEnableAndroidTest()

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise. Value is Boolean#True by default.


abstract void setAndroidTestEnabled(boolean androidTestEnabled)

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise. Value is Boolean#True by default.


abstract void setEnableAndroidTest(boolean enableAndroidTest)

Set to true if the variant's has any android tests, false otherwise. Value is Boolean#True by default.