
public interface JniLibsApkPackaging extends JniLibsPackaging

Defines an APK variant's packaging options for native library (.so) files.


Public methods

abstract @NonNull Property<@NonNull Boolean>

Whether to use the legacy convention of compressing all .so files in the APK.

abstract @NonNull Property<@NonNull Boolean>

Whether to use the legacy convention of compressing all .so files when generating APKs from the app bundle.

Inherited methods

abstract @NonNull SetProperty<@NonNull String>

The set of excluded patterns.

abstract @NonNull SetProperty<@NonNull String>

The set of patterns for native libraries that should not be stripped of debug symbols.

abstract @NonNull SetProperty<@NonNull String>

The set of patterns for which the first occurrence is packaged in the APK.

Public methods


abstract @NonNull Property<@NonNull BooleangetUseLegacyPackaging()

Whether to use the legacy convention of compressing all .so files in the APK. This does not affect APKs generated from the app bundle; see useLegacyPackagingFromBundle.

This property is initialized from the com.android.build.api.dsl.JniLibsPackaging.useLegacyPackaging DSL element, if set. If this property and the DSL are unset, .so files will be uncompressed and page-aligned when minSdk >= 23. If this property is set, the value will be fed directly to the corresponding Gradle tasks without extra logic.

If setting this property, consider also setting useLegacyPackagingFromBundle to the same value so that .so files are packaged consistently when API level >= 23, whether an APK is generated from the app bundle or not.


abstract @NonNull Property<@NonNull BooleangetUseLegacyPackagingFromBundle()

Whether to use the legacy convention of compressing all .so files when generating APKs from the app bundle. If true, .so files will always be compressed when generating APKs from the app bundle, regardless of the API level of the target device. If false, .so files will be compressed only when targeting devices with API level < 23.

This property is initialized from the com.android.build.api.dsl.JniLibsPackaging.useLegacyPackaging DSL element, if set. If this property and the DSL are unset, this property's value defaults to false.

If setting this property to true, consider also setting useLegacyPackaging to true so that .so files are packaged consistently, whether an APK is generated from the app bundle or not.