Background Work with WorkManager

Background Work with WorkManager

About this codelab

subjectLast updated Jun 4, 2024
account_circleWritten by Google Developers Training team

1. Before you begin

This codelab covers WorkManager, a backwards compatible, flexible, and simple library for deferrable background work. WorkManager is the recommended task scheduler on Android for deferrable work, with a guarantee to execute.


What you'll learn

What you'll do

  • Modify a starter app to use WorkManager.
  • Implement a work request to blur an image.
  • Implement a serial group of work by chaining work.
  • Pass data into and out of the work being scheduled.

What you'll need

  • The latest stable version of Android Studio
  • An internet connection

2. App overview

These days, smartphones are almost too good at taking pictures. Gone are the days when a photographer might take a reliably blurry picture of something mysterious.

In this codelab, you'll work on Blur-O-Matic, an app that blurs photos and saves the results to a file. Was that the Loch Ness monster or a toy submarine? With Blur-O-Matic, no one will ever know!

The screen has radio buttons where you can select how blurry you'd like your image to be. Clicking the Start button blurs and saves the image.

Right now, the app does not apply any blurring nor save the final image.

This codelab focuses on adding WorkManager to the app, creating workers to clean up temporary files that are created in blurring an image, blurring an image, and saving a final copy of the image which you can view when you click the See File button. You also learn how to monitor the status of the background work and update the app's UI accordingly.

3. Explore the Blur-O-Matic starter app

Get the starter code

To get started, download the starter code:

Alternatively, you can clone the GitHub repository for the code:

$ git clone
$ cd basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-workmanager
$ git checkout starter

You can browse the code for the Blur-o-matic app in this GitHub repository.

Run starter code

To familiarize yourself with the starter code, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the project with the starter code in Android Studio.
  2. Run the app on an Android device or an emulator.


The screen has radio buttons that let you select the amount of blur for your image. When you click the Start button, the app blurs and saves the image.

Right now, the app does not apply any amount of blur when you click the Start button.

Starter code walkthrough

In this task, you familiarize yourself with the structure of the project. The following lists provide a walkthrough of the important files and folders in the project.

  • WorkerUtils: Convenience methods which you later use to display Notifications and code to save a bitmap to file.
  • BlurViewModel: This view model stores the state of the app and interacts with the repository.
  • WorkManagerBluromaticRepository: The class where you start the background work with WorkManager.
  • Constants: A static class with some constants you use during the codelab.
  • BluromaticScreen: Contains composable functions for the UI and interacts with the BlurViewModel. The composable functions show the image and include radio buttons to select the desired blur level.

4. What is WorkManager?

WorkManager is part of Android Jetpack and an Architecture Component for background work that needs a combination of opportunistic and guaranteed execution. Opportunistic execution means that WorkManager does your background work as soon as it can. Guaranteed execution means that WorkManager takes care of the logic to start your work under a variety of situations, even if you navigate away from your app.

WorkManager is an incredibly flexible library that has many additional benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • Support for both asynchronous one-off and periodic tasks.
  • Support for constraints, such as network conditions, storage space, and charging status.
  • Chaining of complex work requests, such as running work in parallel.
  • Output from one work request used as input for the next.
  • Handling API-level compatibility back to API level 14 (see note).
  • Working with or without Google Play services.
  • Following system health best practices.
  • Support to easily display state of work requests in the app's UI.

5. When to use WorkManager

The WorkManager library is a good choice for tasks that you need to complete. The running of these tasks is not dependent on the app continuing to run after the work is enqueued. The tasks run even if the app is closed or the user returns to the home screen.

Some examples of tasks that are a good use of WorkManager:

  • Periodically querying for latest news stories.
  • Applying filters to an image and then saving the image.
  • Periodically syncing local data with the network.

WorkManager is one option for running a task off of the main thread but it is not a catch-all for running every type of task off of the main thread. Coroutines are another option that previous codelabs discuss.

For more details about when to use WorkManager, check out the Guide to background work.

6. Add WorkManager to your app

WorkManager requires the following gradle dependency. This is already included in the build file:


dependencies {
    // WorkManager dependency

You must use the most current stable release version of work-runtime-ktx in your app.

If you change the version, make sure to click Sync Now to sync your project with the updated gradle files.

7. WorkManager Basics

There are a few WorkManager classes you need to know about:

  • Worker / CoroutineWorker: Worker is a class that performs work synchronously on a background thread. As we are interested in asynchronous work, we can use CoroutineWorker, which has interoperability with Kotlin Coroutines. In this app, you extend from the CoroutineWorker class and override the doWork() method. This method is where you put the code for the actual work you want to perform in the background.
  • WorkRequest: This class represents a request to do some work. A WorkRequest is where you define if the worker needs to be run once or periodically. Constraints can also be placed on the WorkRequest that require certain conditions are met before the work runs. One example is that the device is charging before starting the requested work. You pass in your CoroutineWorker as part of creating your WorkRequest.
  • WorkManager: This class actually schedules your WorkRequest and makes it run. It schedules a WorkRequest in a way that spreads out the load on system resources, while honoring the constraints you specify.

In your case, you define a new BlurWorker class, which contains the code to blur an image. When you click the Start button, WorkManager creates and then enqueues a WorkRequest object.

8. Create the BlurWorker

In this step, you take an image in the res/drawable folder called android_cupcake.png and run a few functions on it in the background. These functions blur the image.

  1. Right-click on the package com.example.bluromatic.workers in your Android project pane and select New -> Kotlin Class/File.
  2. Name the new Kotlin class BlurWorker. Extend it from CoroutineWorker with the required constructor parameters.


import android.content.Context

class BlurWorker(ctx: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(ctx, params) {

The BlurWorker class extends the CoroutineWorker class instead of the more general Worker class. The CoroutineWorker class implementation of the doWork() is a suspending function, which lets it run asynchronous code that a Worker cannot do. As detailed in the guide Threading in WorkManager, "CoroutineWorker is the recommended implementation for Kotlin users."

At this point, Android Studio draws a red wiggly line under class BlurWorker that indicates an error.


If you place your cursor over the text class BlurWorker, the IDE displays a popup with additional information regarding the error.


The error message indicates that you did not override the doWork() method as required.

In the doWork() method, write code to blur the cupcake image shown.

Follow these steps to fix the error and implement the doWork() method:

  1. Place your cursor inside the class code by clicking on the text "BlurWorker".
  2. From the Android Studio menu, select Code > Override Methods...
  3. From the Override Members popup, select doWork().
  4. Click OK.


  1. Immediately before the class declaration, create a variable named TAG and assign it the value BlurWorker. Note that this variable is not specifically related to the doWork() method, but you use it later in calls to Log().


private const val TAG = "BlurWorker"

class BlurWorker(ctx: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(ctx, params) {
  1. To better see when work executes, you need to utilize WorkerUtil's makeStatusNotification() function. This function lets you easily display a notification banner at the top of the screen.

Inside the doWork() method, use the makeStatusNotification()function to display a status notification and notify the user that the blur worker has started and is blurring the image.


import com.example.bluromatic.R
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {

  1. Add a return try...catch code block, which is where the actual blur image work is performed.



        return try {
        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
  1. In the try block, add a call to Result.success().
  2. In the catch block, add a call to Result.failure().



        return try {
        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
  1. In the try block, create a new variable named picture and populate it with the bitmap returned from calling the BitmapFactory.decodeResource() method and passing in the application's resource package and the resource id of the cupcake image.


        return try {
            val picture = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(

  1. Blur the bitmap by calling the blurBitmap() function and pass in the picture variable and a value of 1 (one) for the blurLevel parameter.
  2. Save the result in a new variable named output.


            val picture = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(

            val output = blurBitmap(picture, 1)

  1. Create a new variable outputUri and populate it with a call to the writeBitmapToFile() function.
  2. In the call to writeBitmapToFile(), pass the application context and the output variable as arguments.


            val output = blurBitmap(picture, 1)

            // Write bitmap to a temp file
            val outputUri = writeBitmapToFile(applicationContext, output)

  1. Add code to display a notification message to the user that contains the outputUri variable.


            val outputUri = writeBitmapToFile(applicationContext, output)

                "Output is $outputUri",

  1. In the catch block, log an error message to indicate an error occurred while attempting to blur the image. The call to Log.e() passes the previously defined TAG variable, an appropriate message, and the exception being thrown.


        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {

A CoroutineWorker, by default, runs as Dispatchers.Default but can be changed by calling withContext() and passing in the desired dispatcher.

  1. Create a withContext() block.
  2. Inside the call to withContext() pass Dispatchers.IO so the lambda function runs in a special thread pool for potentially blocking IO operations.
  3. Move the previously written return try...catch code into this block.
        return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

            return try {
                // ...
            } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
                // ...

Android Studio displays the following error because you cannot call return from within a lambda function.


This error can be fixed by adding a label as shown in the popup.

            //return try {
            return@withContext try {

Because this Worker runs very quickly, it is recommended to add a delay in the code to emulate slower running work.

  1. Inside the withContext() lambda, add a call to the delay() utility function and pass in the DELAY_TIME_MILLIS constant. This call is strictly for the codelab to provide a delay between notification messages.
import com.example.bluromatic.DELAY_TIME_MILLIS
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay

        return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

            // This is an utility function added to emulate slower work.

                val picture = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(

9. Update WorkManagerBluromaticRepository

The repository handles all interactions with the WorkManager. This structure adheres to the design principle of separation of concerns and is a recommended Android architecture pattern.

  • In the data/WorkManagerBluromaticRepository.kt file, inside the WorkManagerBluromaticRepository class, create a private variable named workManager and store a WorkManager instance in it by calling WorkManager.getInstance(context).


class WorkManagerBluromaticRepository(context: Context) : BluromaticRepository {

    // New code
    private val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context)

Create and enqueue the WorkRequest in WorkManager

Alright, time to make a WorkRequest and tell WorkManager to run it! There are two types of WorkRequests:

  • OneTimeWorkRequest: A WorkRequest that only executes once.
  • PeriodicWorkRequest: A WorkRequest that executes repeatedly on a cycle.

You only want the image to blur one time when the Start button is clicked.

This work occurs in the applyBlur() method, which you call when you click the Start button.

The following steps are completed inside the applyBlur() method.

  1. Populate a new variable named blurBuilder by creating a OneTimeWorkRequest for the blur worker and calling the OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder extension function from WorkManager KTX.


import com.example.bluromatic.workers.BlurWorker
override fun applyBlur(blurLevel: Int) {
    // Create WorkRequest to blur the image
    val blurBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<BlurWorker>()
  1. Start the work by calling the enqueue() method on your workManager object.


import com.example.bluromatic.workers.BlurWorker
override fun applyBlur(blurLevel: Int) {
    // Create WorkRequest to blur the image
    val blurBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<BlurWorker>()

    // Start the work
  1. Run the app and see the notification when you click the Start button.

At this time, the image is blurred the same amount, regardless of which option you select. In later steps, the blur amount changes based on the option selected.


To confirm that the image successfully blurs, you can open the Device Explorer in Android Studio:


Then navigate to data > data > com.example.bluromatic > files > blur_filter_outputs > <URI> and confirm that the cupcake image is in fact blurred:


10. Input data and output data

Blurring the image asset in the resources directory is all well and good, but for Blur-O-Matic to really be the revolutionary image editing app it's destined to be, you need to let the user blur the image they see on screen and then show them the blurred result.

To do this, we provide the URI of the cupcake image displayed as the input to our WorkRequest and then use the output of our WorkRequest to display the final blurred image.


Input and output are passed in and out of a worker via Data objects. Data objects are lightweight containers for key/value pairs. They are meant to store a small amount of data that might pass into and out of a worker from the WorkRequest.

In the next step, you're going to pass the URI to the BlurWorker by creating an input data object.

Create input data object

  1. In the data/WorkManagerBluromaticRepository.kt file, inside the WorkManagerBluromaticRepository class, create a new private variable named imageUri.
  2. Populate the variable with the image URI by calling the context method getImageUri().


import com.example.bluromatic.getImageUri
class WorkManagerBluromaticRepository(context: Context) : BluromaticRepository {

    private var imageUri: Uri = context.getImageUri() // <- Add this
    private val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(context)

The app code contains the createInputDataForWorkRequest() helper function for creating input data objects.


// For reference - already exists in the app
private fun createInputDataForWorkRequest(blurLevel: Int, imageUri: Uri): Data {
    val builder = Data.Builder()
    builder.putString(KEY_IMAGE_URI, imageUri.toString()).putInt(BLUR_LEVEL, blurLevel)

First the helper function creates a Data.Builder object. It then puts the imageUri and the blurLevel into it as key/value pairs. A Data object is then created and returned when it calls return

  1. To set the input data object for the WorkRequest, you call the blurBuilder.setInputData() method. You can create and pass the data object in one step by calling the createInputDataForWorkRequest() helper function as the argument. For the call to createInputDataForWorkRequest() function, pass in the blurLevel variable and the imageUri variable.


override fun applyBlur(blurLevel: Int) {
     // Create WorkRequest to blur the image
    val blurBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<BlurWorker>()

    // New code for input data object
    blurBuilder.setInputData(createInputDataForWorkRequest(blurLevel, imageUri))


Access the input data object

Now let's update the doWork() method in the BlurWorker class to get the URI and the blur level that were passed in by the input data object. If a value for the blurLevel was not provided, it will be defaulted to 1.

Inside the doWork() method:

  1. Create a new variable named resourceUri and populate the variable by calling inputData.getString() and passing in the constant KEY_IMAGE_URI that was used as the key when creating the input data object.

val resourceUri = inputData.getString(KEY_IMAGE_URI)

  1. Create a new variable named blurLevel. Populate the variable by calling inputData.getInt() and passing in the constant BLUR_LEVEL that was used as the key when creating the input data object. In case this key/value pair has not been created, provide a default value of 1 (one).


import com.example.bluromatic.KEY_BLUR_LEVEL
import com.example.bluromatic.KEY_IMAGE_URI
override fun doWork(): Result {

    val resourceUri = inputData.getString(KEY_IMAGE_URI)
    val blurLevel = inputData.getInt(KEY_BLUR_LEVEL, 1)

    // ... rest of doWork()

With the URI, now let's blur the image of the cupcake on screen.

  1. Check that the resourceUri variable is populated. If it is not populated, your code should throw an exception. The code that follows is using the require() statement which throws an IllegalArgumentException if the first argument evaluates to false.


return@withContext try {
    // NEW code
    require(!resourceUri.isNullOrBlank()) {
        val errorMessage =
            Log.e(TAG, errorMessage)

Since the image source is passed in as a URI, we need a ContentResolver object to read the contents pointed to by the URI.

  1. Add a contentResolver object to the applicationContext value.


    require(!resourceUri.isNullOrBlank()) {
        // ...
    val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver
  1. Because the image source is now the passed in URI, use BitmapFactory.decodeStream() instead of BitmapFactory.decodeResource() to create the Bitmap object.


//     val picture = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
//         applicationContext.resources,
//         R.drawable.android_cupcake
//     )

    val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver

    val picture = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(
  1. Pass the blurLevel variable in the call to the blurBitmap() function.


//val output = blurBitmap(picture, 1)
val output = blurBitmap(picture, blurLevel)

Create the output data object

You're now done with this Worker and can return the output URI as an output data object in Result.success(). Providing the output URI as an output data object makes it easily accessible to other workers for further operations. This approach is useful in the next section when you create a chain of workers.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Preceding the Result.success() code, create a new variable named outputData.
  2. Populate this variable by calling the workDataOf() function and use constant KEY_IMAGE_URI for the key and variable outputUri as the value. The workDataOf() function creates a Data object from the passed in key and value pair.


// ...
val outputData = workDataOf(KEY_IMAGE_URI to outputUri.toString())
  1. Update the Result.success() code to take this new Data object as an argument.


  1. Remove the code that displays the notification as it is no longer needed because the output Data object now uses the URI.


// REMOVE the following notification code
//    "Output is $outputUri",
//    applicationContext

Run your app

At this point, when you run your app, you can expect it to compile. You can see the blurred image through the Device Explorer but not on the screen yet.

Note that you might need to Synchronize to see your images:


Great work! You've blurred an input image using WorkManager!

11. Chain your Work

Right now, you're doing a single work task—blurring the image. This task is a great first step, but the app is still missing some core functionality:

  • The app doesn't clean up temporary files.
  • The app doesn't actually save the image to a permanent file.
  • The app always blurs the picture the same amount.

You can use a WorkManager chain of work to add this functionality. WorkManager lets you create separate WorkerRequests that run in order or in parallel.

In this section, you create a chain of work that looks like the following:


The boxes represent the WorkRequests.

Another feature of chaining is its ability to accept input and produce output. The output of one WorkRequest becomes the input of the next WorkRequest in the chain.

You already have a CoroutineWorker to blur an image, but you also need a CoroutineWorker to clean up temp files and a CoroutineWorker to save the image permanently.

Create CleanupWorker

The CleanupWorker deletes the temporary files, if they exist.

  1. Right-click on the package com.example.bluromatic.workers in your Android project pane and select New -> Kotlin Class/File.
  2. Name the new Kotlin class CleanupWorker.
  3. Copy the code for CleanupWorker.kt, as shown in the following code example.

Since file manipulation is out of scope for this codelab, you can copy the following code for the CleanupWorker.


package com.example.bluromatic.workers

import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import com.example.bluromatic.DELAY_TIME_MILLIS
import com.example.bluromatic.OUTPUT_PATH
import com.example.bluromatic.R
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext

 * Cleans up temporary files generated during blurring process
private const val TAG = "CleanupWorker"

class CleanupWorker(ctx: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(ctx, params) {

    override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
        /** Makes a notification when the work starts and slows down the work so that it's easier
         * to see each WorkRequest start, even on emulated devices

        return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

            return@withContext try {
                val outputDirectory = File(applicationContext.filesDir, OUTPUT_PATH)
                if (outputDirectory.exists()) {
                    val entries = outputDirectory.listFiles()
                    if (entries != null) {
                        for (entry in entries) {
                            val name =
                            if (name.isNotEmpty() && name.endsWith(".png")) {
                                val deleted = entry.delete()
                                Log.i(TAG, "Deleted $name - $deleted")
            } catch (exception: Exception) {

Create SaveImageToFileWorker

The SaveImageToFileWorker class saves the temporary file to a permanent file.

The SaveImageToFileWorker takes input and output. The input is a String of the temporarily blurred image URI, stored with the key KEY_IMAGE_URI. The output is a String of the saved blurred image URI, stored with the key KEY_IMAGE_URI.


  1. Right-click on the package com.example.bluromatic.workers in your Android project pane and select New -> Kotlin Class/File.
  2. Name the new Kotlin class SaveImageToFileWorker.
  3. Copy the SaveImageToFileWorker.kt code as shown in the following example code.

Since file manipulation is out of scope for this codelab, you can copy the following code for the SaveImageToFileWorker. In the provided code, notice how the resourceUri and output values are retrieved and stored with the key KEY_IMAGE_URI. This process is very similar to the code you previously wrote for the input and output data objects.


package com.example.bluromatic.workers

import android.content.Context
import android.provider.MediaStore
import android.util.Log
import com.example.bluromatic.DELAY_TIME_MILLIS
import com.example.bluromatic.KEY_IMAGE_URI
import com.example.bluromatic.R
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.Date

 * Saves the image to a permanent file
private const val TAG = "SaveImageToFileWorker"

class SaveImageToFileWorker(ctx: Context, params: WorkerParameters) : CoroutineWorker(ctx, params) {

    private val title = "Blurred Image"
    private val dateFormatter = SimpleDateFormat(
        "yyyy.MM.dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z",

    override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
        // Makes a notification when the work starts and slows down the work so that
        // it's easier to see each WorkRequest start, even on emulated devices

        return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {

            val resolver = applicationContext.contentResolver
            return@withContext try {
                val resourceUri = inputData.getString(KEY_IMAGE_URI)
                val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(
                val imageUrl = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(
                    resolver, bitmap, title, dateFormatter.format(Date())
                if (!imageUrl.isNullOrEmpty()) {
                    val output = workDataOf(KEY_IMAGE_URI to imageUrl)

                } else {
            } catch (exception: Exception) {

Create a chain of work

Currently, the code only creates and runs a single WorkRequest.

In this step, you modify the code to create and execute a chain of WorkRequests instead of just one blur image request.

In the chain of WorkRequests, your first work request is to clean up the temporary files.

  1. Instead of calling OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder, call workManager.beginWith().

Calling the beginWith() method returns a WorkContinuation object and creates the starting point for a chain of WorkRequests with the first work request in the chain.


import com.example.bluromatic.workers.CleanupWorker
// ...
    override fun applyBlur(blurLevel: Int) {
        // Add WorkRequest to Cleanup temporary images
        var continuation = workManager.beginWith(OneTimeWorkRequest.from(

        // Add WorkRequest to blur the image
        val blurBuilder = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<BlurWorker>()

You can add to this chain of work requests by calling the then() method and passing in a WorkRequest object.

  1. Remove the call to workManager.enqueue(, which was only enqueueing one work request.
  2. Add the next work request to the chain by calling the .then() method.



// Add the blur work request to the chain
continuation = continuation.then(
  1. Create a work request to save the image and add it to the chain.


import com.example.bluromatic.workers.SaveImageToFileWorker

continuation = continuation.then(

// Add WorkRequest to save the image to the filesystem
val save = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<SaveImageToFileWorker>()
continuation = continuation.then(save)
  1. To start the work, call the enqueue() method on the continuation object.


continuation = continuation.then(save)

// Start the work

This code produces and runs the following chain of WorkRequests: a CleanupWorker WorkRequest followed by a BlurWorker WorkRequest followed by a SaveImageToFileWorker WorkRequest.

  1. Run the app.

You are now able to click Start and see notifications when the different workers execute. You can still see the blurred image in the Device Explorer, and in an upcoming section, you add an extra button so that users can see the blurred image on the device.

In the following screenshots, notice that the notification message displays which worker is currently running.




Notice that the output folder contains multiple blurred images—images that are in intermediate blurred stages and the final image that displays the image with the blur amount you selected.

Superb work! Now, you can clean up the temporary files, blur an image, and save it!

12. Get the solution code

To download the code for the finished codelab, you can use these commands:

$ git clone
$ cd basic-android-kotlin-compose-training-workmanager
$ git checkout intermediate

Alternatively, you can download the repository as a zip file, unzip it, and open it in Android Studio.

If you want to see the solution code for this codelab, view it on GitHub.

13. Conclusion

Congratulations! You've finished the Blur-O-Matic app and in the process learned about:

  • Adding WorkManager to your Project
  • Scheduling a OneTimeWorkRequest
  • Input and Output parameters
  • Chaining work together WorkRequests

WorkManager supports a lot more than we could cover in this codelab, including repetitive work, a testing support library, parallel work requests, and input mergers.

To learn more, go to the Schedule tasks with WorkManager documentation.