Drag and Drop in Compose

Drag and Drop in Compose

About this codelab

subjectLast updated Oct 30, 2024
account_circleWritten by a Googler

1. Before you begin

This codelab provides practical instruction on the fundamentals of implementing drag-and-drop operation for Compose. You will learn how to enable views to be dragged and dropped both within your app and across different apps. You'll learn how to implement drag-and-drop operation within your app and even across different apps.


To complete this codelab, you need:

What you'll do

Create a simple app that:

  • Configuring the composable to be draggable using dragAndDropSource modifier
  • Configuring the composable to be drop target using dragAndDropTarget modifier

What you'll need

2. A drag and drop event

A drag-and-drop operation can be viewed as the 4 staged event, stages being

  1. Started : System starts the drag-and-drop operation in response to the user's drag gesture.
  2. Continuing : User continues to drag.
  3. Ended : User releases the drag in drop target composable
  4. Existed : System sends the signal to end the drag-and-drop operation.

System sends the drag event in the DragEvent object. DragEvent object can contain following data

  1. ActionType : Action value of the event based on the lifecycle event of the drag and drop event.e.g. ACTION_DRAG_STARTED, ACTION_DROP etc.
  2. ClipData : Data being dragged, encapsulated in ClipData object
  3. ClipDescription : Meta information about the ClipData object
  4. Result : Result of the drag-and-drop operation
  5. X : x-coordinate of the dragged object's current location
  6. Y : y-coordinate of the dragged object's current location

3. Set up

Create a new project and select the "Empty Activity" template:


Leave all the parameters as their default.

In this codelab we will be using the ImageView to demonstrate drag-and-drop functionality. Let's add a gradle dependency for the glide library for compose and sync the project.


Now in MainActivity.kt , create a composable for Image which will act as drag source for our purpose

fun DragImage(url: String) {
   GlideImage(model = url, contentDescription = "Dragged Image")

Similarly create the Drop target image.

fun DropTargetImage(url: String) {
   val urlState = remember {mutableStateOf(url)}
   GlideImage(model = urlState.value, contentDescription = "Dropped Image")

Add a column composable to your composable to include these two images.

Column {
DragImage(url = getString(R.string.source_url))
DropTargetImage(url = getString(R.string.target_url))

At this stage we have MainActivity which displays two images in vertical fashion. You should be able to see this screen.


4. Configuring Drag source

Let's add a modifier for Drag and Drop source for our DragImage composable

modifier = Modifier.dragAndDropSource {
= {
ClipData.newPlainText("image uri", url)

Here we have added a dragAndDropSource modifier. The dragAndDropSource modifier enables drag-and-drop functionality for any element it is applied to. It visually represents the dragged element as a drag shadow.

dragAndDropSource modifier provides the PointerInputScope to detect the drag gesture. We have used the detectTapGesture PointerInputScope to detect longPress which is our drag gesture.

onLongPress method we are initiating the transfer of the data which is being dragged.

startTransfer starts a drag-and-drop session with transferData as the data to be transferred on gesture completion. It takes data encapsulated in DragAndDropTransferData which has 3 fields

  1. Clipdata: actual data to be transferred
  2. flags : flags to control drag and drop operation
  3. localState : local state of the session when dragging in the same activity

ClipData is a complex object which contains items of different types including text, markup, audio, video etc. For the purpose of this codelab we are using imageurl as an item in ClipData.

Great, now our view can be dragged !


5. Configure for Drop

For view to accept the dropped item, it should add dragAndDropTarget modifier

= {
// condition to accept dragged item
= // DragAndDropTarget

dragAndDropTarget is the modifier which allows data to be dragged in the composable. This modifier has two parameters

  1. shouldStartDragAndDrop : Allows the Composable to decide if it wants to receive from a given drag and drop session by inspecting the DragAndDropEvent that started the session.
  2. target : The DragAndDropTarget that will receive events for a given drag and drop session.

Let's add a condition when we want to pass a drag event to the DragAndDropTarget.

shouldStartDragAndDrop = { event ->

The condition added here is to only allow a drop action when at least one of the items being dragged is plain text. The drop target won't be activated if none of the items are plain text.

For target parameters lets create an object of DragAndDropTarget which handles the drop session.

val dndTarget = remember{
object : DragAndDropTarget{
// handle Drag event

DragAndDropTarget has a callback to be overridden for every stage in the drag and drop session.

  1. onDrop : An item has been dropped inside this DragAndDropTarget, returns true to indicate that the DragAndDropEvent was consumed; false indicates it was rejected
  2. onStarted : A drag and drop session has just been started and this DragAndDropTarget is eligible to receive it. This gives an opportunity to set the state for a DragAndDropTarget in preparation for consuming a drag and drop session.
  3. onEntered : An item being dropped has entered into the bounds of this DragAndDropTarget.
  4. onMoved : An item being dropped has moved within the bounds of this DragAndDropTarget.
  5. onExited : An item being dropped has moved outside the bounds of this DragAndDropTarget.
  6. onChanged : An event in the current drag and drop session has changed within the DragAndDropTarget bounds. Perhaps a modifier key has been pressed or released
  7. onEnded : The drag and drop session has been completed. All DragAndDropTarget instances in the hierarchy that previously received an onStarted event will receive this event. This gives an opportunity to reset the state for a DragAndDropTarget.

Let's define what happens when an item is dropped in target composable.

override fun onDrop(event: DragAndDropEvent): Boolean {
   val draggedData
= event.toAndroidDragEvent().clipData.getItemAt(0).text
.value = draggedData.toString()
return true

In the onDrop function we are extracting the ClipData item and assigning to the image url, also returning true to signify the drop has been handled correctly.

Let us no plug assign this DragAndDropTarget instance to the target parameter of dragAndDropTarget modifier

= { event ->
= dndTarget

Excellent, we can successfully perform the drag-and-drop operation now!


Though we have added the drag-and-drop functionality, visually it is difficult to understand what's happening. Let's change that.

For drop target composable let's apply a ColorFilter to our image

var tintColor by remember {

After defining the tint color, let's add ColorFilter to our image

= ColorFilter.tint(color = backgroundColor,
= BlendMode.Modulate),
// other params

We want to apply tint to color to image when a dragged item enters the Drop target area. For this we can override onEntered callback

override fun onEntered(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
= Color(0xff00ff00)

Also when the user drags out of the target area, we should fallback to the original color filter. For this we have to override onExited callback

override fun onExited(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
= Color(0xffE5E4E2)

On successful completion of drag-and-drop, we can revert back to original ColorFilter as well

override fun onEnded(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
= Color(0xffE5E4E2)

Finally our drop composable looks like this

fun DropTargetImage(url: String) {
   val urlState = remember {
   var tintColor by remember {
   val dndTarget = remember {
       object : DragAndDropTarget {
           override fun onDrop(event: DragAndDropEvent): Boolean {
               val draggedData = event.toAndroidDragEvent()
               urlState.value = draggedData.toString()
               return true

           override fun onEntered(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
               tintColor = Color(0xff00ff00)
           override fun onEnded(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
               tintColor = Color(0xffE5E4E2)
           override fun onExited(event: DragAndDropEvent) {
               tintColor = Color(0xffE5E4E2)

       model = urlState.value,
       contentDescription = "Dropped Image",
       colorFilter = ColorFilter.tint(color = tintColor,
           blendMode = BlendMode.Modulate),
       modifier = Modifier
               shouldStartDragAndDrop = { event ->
               target = dndTarget

Great, we are able to add visual cues for drag-and-drop operation!


6. Congratulations!

Compose for Drag and Drop provides an easy interface to implement the drag-and-drop functionality in Compose using modifiers for the view.

In Summary you have learned to implement drag-and-drop using compose. Please explore the documentation further.

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