Android Studio 2022.2.1 Closed Issues

Android Studio Flamingo Patch 2 (2022.2.1.20)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.2
Fixed Issues
C++ Debugger
Native debugger doesn't load symbols after Flamingo update
Shrinker (R8)
R8 fails during Compose build with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
VerifyError: Verifier rejected class when using R8 with Kotlin 1.8.20
R8 on AGP 8 breaks Google Fit service
Including source file information with residual names that overlap input names is not correctly represented

Android Studio Flamingo Patch 1 (2022.2.1.19)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.1
Fixed Issues
Shrinker (R8)
Error: "No VersionRequirement with the given id in the table" after upgrading AGP 7.2.2 -> 7.4.0
R8 NullPointerException at markTypeAsLive AGP 7.4.1
[R8 4.0.53] Hard class verification failure on Android 11

Android Studio Flamingo RC 1 (2022.2.1.17)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-rc01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
android.injected.testOnly=false does not work
Dexer (D8)
Workaround for JDK-8272564 seems to be required on API level 28-30
Release Bundle/APKs
Generate signed bundle error (Deleting all alias in keystore when creating a new one)

Android Studio Flamingo Beta 5 (2022.2.1.16)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-beta05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Build error refers to API level 34, which does not exist
"We recommend using a newer Android Gradle plugin" when there isn't a newer one
Android Studio
AS Electric Eel Running Devices Tool window loses connection to pixel watch while device mirroring

Android Studio Flamingo Beta 4 (2022.2.1.15)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-beta04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
processDebugUnitTestManifest is failing with manifest placeholders for test variants
Lint accesses source sets information without dependencies
Blank screen after laptop goes to sleep for multi-monitor setups
Giraffe Canary 2: UI freeze (beachball) on startup: sun.java2d.metal.MTLLayer.blitTexture
Shrinker (R8)
java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class void failed to verify: void [0x0] cannot access instance field java.lang.Object from object of type Precise Reference:
AGP 7.4.0/7.3.1 - Attempt to enqueue an action in a non pushable enqueuer work list
Minifying Renderscript code: huge performance drop when upgrading AGP from 7.3.1 to 7.4.0

Android Studio Flamingo Beta 3 (2022.2.1.14)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-beta03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Lint plugin is not part of gradle-api
DexingFileDependenciesTask.outputKeepRules is a directory but is marked as an OutputFile
Upgrading to AGP 7.4 results in a StackOverflowError
Compose Preview
AS Flamingo Alpha 10 Compose Preview PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9
Dexer (D8)
Update Kotlin metadata library to version 0.6.0
Gradle sync failed on AS 2022.3.1 Canary 2
Cannot invoke GradleSyncListener.syncFailed" because "syncListener" is null
Blank screen after laptop goes to sleep for multi-monitor setups
Giraffe Canary 2: UI freeze (beachball) on startup: sun.java2d.metal.MTLLayer.blitTexture
Network Inspector
TrackedHttpURLConnection.getHeaderField crashes with NullPointerException
Shrinker (R8)
NPE / assertion error in CF frame verifier
Regression after removal of field lookup cache
`:app:minifyVariantWithR8` throws a NullPointerException in AGP 7.4.0-beta02
R8: ClassNotFoundException when -allowaccessmodification
Add support for context receivers in metadata

Android Studio Flamingo Beta 1 (2022.2.1.12)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-beta01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
`` issues with configuration cache
Adding to Java resources using AGP APIs breaks configuration cache
Build Analyzer
NPE in TasksTreeStructure.updateStructure (Build Analyzer)
Privacy warning has to be shown when user enables device mirroring in Settings
TypedArray#close (API 31) not desugared but AS does not display warning when used in try-with-resources
Lint doesn't check valid casts for call receivers
Lint only checks safe casts for directly implemented interfaces, not inherited ones

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 11 (2022.2.1.11)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha11
Fixed Issues
Build Analyzer
NPE in TasksTreeStructure.updateStructure (Build Analyzer)
Privacy warning has to be shown when user enables device mirroring in Settings

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 10 (2022.2.1.10)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha10
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Instrumentation API does not transform local file dependencies
`AnnotationProcessorOptions.arguments are queried` error when updating to 7.4 Beta 1
Move Gradle public plugins to gradle-api and remove BasePlugin.getExtension
r8.jvmArgs don't get used
JDK17 as min version required for AGP
AGP 8.0.0 A8 breaks baseline profiles
Change 'compileSdkVersion' to 'compileSdk' in CheckAarMetadataTask message in AGP 8.0
AGP 7.4.0-rc01 breaks Variant API with "Querying the mapped value of map(provider(java.util.Set)) before task '...' has completed is not supported"
Android Studio
Don't show irrelevant Java preview features popup
APK Viewer
Baseline Profiles rules Too Large
Decode Baseline Profiles for App Bundles
AVD Preview
Vector Asset is unable to load SVG file
Build Analyzer
No "new build warnings available" notification from Build Analyzer
Code Editor
AppLinksAutoVerify doesn't support 301 redirects
Compose Editing
Deprecated compose `Image` import promoted above non-deprecated versions
Device mirroring error
Design Tools
Converting SVG to Android Vector Graphics fails for linear gradients because of xref:href elments
Dexer (D8)
Dex merging error related to global synthetics after upgrading AS Canary 6 to 7
Random emulator kernel CRASH related to WLAN emulation (mac80211_hwsim)
Tooltip for camera control resize emulator
Fragment DialogFragmentCallbacksDetector Lint is broken when I upgrade to lint 30.4.x (AGP 7.4.x)
JDK missing from the IDE
Adding sources after variants are created breaks sync
Android Support Plugin error messages need rewording
Layout Editor
LinearLayout horizontal and vertical icons can be misleading
AccessibilityDetector lint check explanation is outdated
Lint SDK_INT checks should understand temporary local variables
Error when TestMode.TYPE_ALIAS replace Function type with typealias
Bug: when ObjectAnimator is created outside of current code block, there are false-positive warnings of not starting it #38
Lint: NPE due to querying Application instance in mergeOnly mode
NonConstantResourceId lint rule cannot detect to assign constant values from resource id
not showing error on view id
Failure to deserialize lint resources cache results in a lint error (but should be a warning)
AGP Flamingo Alpha 8 Lint NewApi Desugar Regression
Lint Integration
Baseline file is currently an Input and an Output of the Lint tasks
Add a Right Click Action to Copy Message Text
ProfileInstaller & Baseline Profiles
Expose addMetadata for Hawkeye tests
Refactoring XML Color (NOT File) Name Denies Use of Uppercase Character as Invalid File Name
Running Tests
Every time I run unit tests with coverage I have to recompile (twice)
Upgrade Assistant
Upgrading to AS Flamingo Canary 9 cause project to fail when Custom BuildConfig fields are used in gradle file.

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 9 (2022.2.1.9)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha09
Fixed Issues
Android App Bundles
Allow the capability to specify path for libraries to be included in App bundle which are built externally
Android Gradle Plugin
lint.xml in modules is not considered for UP-TO-DATE check of lint tasks
Android Gradle Plugin 7.0+ and Android Tests issue: Cannot find resource: id
configureCMakeDebug flakily crashing with null pointer exception
IllegalAccessError upgrading project to AS2022.2.1.5, FireBasePerfPlugin
Sync fails with cryptic error "Collection contains no element matching the predicate."
AVD Manager
Device Mirror open always
Compose Editing
MaterialTheme suggestion order
Compose Preview
KotlinReflectionNotSupportedError: Kotlin reflection implementation is not found at runtime
JDK missing from the IDE
OutputBuildAction has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime
No run configurations created for modules with "" Gradle plugin
False positive IDE warning about Java 'preview' language level
Frozen IDE attempting kotlin method refactor in large project
Project leak via FocusChangeListener in FileEditorManagerImpl
Kotlin Plugin
Regression in EE: Extracting a method sometimes doesn't work
Android Studio improperly marks specified version as out-of-date.
AndroidDeprecationInspection.DeprecationFilter EP is never registered in android-plugin.xml file
New Code/Templates
Android Studio generates wrong activity statement in manifest when the new activity is not created in the root directory of the project
Empty Views Activity template fails to import R class when the activity is not created in the root package
Databinding is not supported in Android Studio Template.
Bottom Up view of simpleperf trace not populating correctly in Flamingo C6
Using "esc" as back button shortcut loses focus on the emulator

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 8 (2022.2.1.8)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha08
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
AGP 7.4.0-alpha09 generates builds that won't upload into Firebase App Distribution
C++ Build
Move c++ logging to a background thread
Read cmake version lazy not during configuration
Compose Editing
MaterialTheme suggestion order
Databinding compiler no longer resolve types in multiplatform library with kotlin 1.7.0
Release Bundle/APKs
'Generate Signed Bundle / APK' - destination path should depend on the module

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 7 (2022.2.1.7)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha07
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Gradle 8.0-milestone-2 causes exception in AGP
Optimize manifest merging for apps and library
Add gradle-settings-api to the javadoc generation
New "unknown enum constant" from javac on AGP 7.4.0-alpha09
buildConfigField overrides now emit warnings with gradle plugin 3.0.0
Compose Editing
Compose function call highlighting missing in Darcula theme
Add Imports for composable functions is often unreadable
Compose Preview
jetified font/myfont.xml does not exist (or is not a file)
Device Manager
Editing an AVD enables the Device Frame, ignoring previous setting
"Stay awake" setting is not restored when the device is disconnected
Screen mirroring Tap disconnect the device
Layout Editor
AS 2021.1.1 Patch 3: Problems in Inputtype
138MB memory leak in CustomViewPreviewRepresentation
Spinner's tools:listitem doesn't render properly when used inside an include tag.
Layout Inspector
Layout Inspector does not inspect Compose if the version is excluded from the running app
Lint: PartialResults merging works incorrectly
Request: for LogCat, also allow to hide the log-level
Android Emulator. Wear OS Round. Reverts to square.

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 6 (2022.2.1.6)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha06
Fixed Issues
Request: for LogCat, also allow to hide the log-level

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 5 (2022.2.1.5)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha05
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
'debug' build type has default signing key, others do not
generated source directory listed as Java directory in lint model's main source provider
Compose Editing
Jetpack Compose syntax highlighting is inconsistent
Cherry-pick platform fix for IDEA-303282
Layout Editor
Incorrect handling of gravity attribute in blueprint view
Support for sampledata directories to be picked up transitively for use in multi-module projects
RTL Refactoring tries to edit App Compat files
Time View Widgets
Design preview no longer working if any attribute is missing from theme
Duplicate options on Component Tree in design mode of layout editor
In Layout window, Switching from Design to Split view, the xml view doesn't scroll to selected component.
Right click on view row in Layout Editor does not open contextual menu, need to click on view id/type exactly
Guideline percentage not showing in design view when given via dimens values
Suggestion: Cell of Item property view should be size changeable
Layout Margin Doesn't work properly
Spinner's tools:listitem doesn't render properly when used inside an include tag.
incorrect default inputType for editText
Android Studio is adding absolute position attributes on ConstraintLayout Groups
[BuildTool/Lint] ChecksSdkIntAtLeast constructor property
Logs stopped showing on console
Running Tests
"Invalid dynamic link" at
Testing is not useful any more

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 4 (2022.2.1.4)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha04
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Overriding resources with resValue in build.gradle leads to Error: Duplicate resources
'debug' build type has default signing key, others do not
Using dynamic features and resource shrinking cause runtime crash
Code Editor
Inspection "RegExp" > "Redundant character escape" mistakes "\\}" as redundant
Dependency Management
Remove ancient build-tools
Kotlin Multiplatform project fails to import in AS 2022.1.1 Beta 1
IllegalStateException: Build (name=':') not found
Layout Editor
Custom Views Preview Error
Lint false positive Recycle regarding openInputStream
[LogcatV2] Wrong hotkey hint if you change default `control + space`
Network Inspector
Network Inspector displays requests twice if the OkHttpClient was built from another OkHttpClient using newBuilder()

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 3 (2022.2.1.3)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha03
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Stop creating androidJacocoAnt configuration if coverage is not enabled
Using @IntDef in a library component doesn't generate in the aar
Unable to find common super type for and
Add a gradle property version of LINT_PRINT_STACKTRACE=true
Stale prefab artifacts being packaged into AAR
Migrate from destination property to outputLocation property to address deprecation warning and prepare for Gradle 9.0
Take `--release` flag into account when setting up JavaCompile task
[AGP-7.3.0-beta03] ShrinkResourcesNewShrinkerTask is failed when there is an empty line after xml declaration
lintVital target run by default in a debug variant
Warn when proguard files do not exist
AGP tries to add kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs on task execution phase
Gradle sync failed: Sync failed: reason unknown
DependencyReportTask is incompatible with the configuration cache
Code Editor
Extracting string resource may include qoutes (" ")
SQL context highlighting does not work in Room 2.5.0
Compose Preview
DropdownMenu expanded in incorrect position in Preview Interactive Mode
Debug sources default to compileSdkVersion instead of the emulator version
Screen mirroring Tap disconnect the device
Gradle Project Import fails after upgrade from Chipmunk Patch 2 (2021.2.1)
Compiler options are not included with IDE Gradle sync
Kotlin Multiplatform project fails to import in AS 2022.1.1 Beta 1
ResourceType lint check is not working for kotlin sources
VersionChecks doesn't handle Kotlin range checks
False positive for InlinedApi when wrapped
Logcat issues
New Code/Templates
An empty meta-data tag added to new projects
Project View
Package name is not updated in the sidebar after renaming
Upgrade Assistant
Support change to package name for AndroidTest
Migrate AndroidManifest.xml's package attribute to namespace DSL

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 2 (2022.2.1.2)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha02
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
MergeGeneratedProguardFilesCreationAction configuration is slow even with configuration caching on
[AGP] Add generated source directory to IDE model (Variant API)
JavaPluginConvention and HasConvention is deprecated
Don't add ignorewarnings to R8 by default
Warn when proguard files do not exist
AGP 7.3.0 breaks gradle sync for gradle platform projects
apksig library: ApkVerifier$Result.getV4SchemeSigners() is marked private
APK Viewer
Dialog label alignment incorrect
Show contents of .version files in APK Analyzer
APK Analyzer Table Column Headings Lack Padding
AVD Manager
Bug on AVD Manager Error: Unable to locate adb but adb.exe is on path.
Background Task Inspector
Background task inspector
Code Editor
Extracting string resource may include qoutes (" ")
Device Manager
Ambiguous results in Action Search Menu when searching for 'Device Manager'
Improper sorting in Device Manager
Turn off device screen while mirroring
Allow tests for syncing with old versions of AGP to handle new namespace DSL
Support new KMP source layout
Kotlin Plugin
Refactor -> Modularize tool doesn't work with Kotlin code
Please, bring back the ability to customize the logcat font size
Logcat Shows Banner "All logs entries are hidden by the filter" When Device is Disconnected
Modularize Refactor
AS 3.3 alpha8: Modularize... refactoring is greyed out
If the namespace is moved to build.gradle, the build fails with an unreferenceable R declaration.
New Code/Templates
Incorrect comment in Tabbed Activity template
Too Narrow Module Name
New Project Wizard
Version Distribution Screen is Too Big and Can't Be Scrolled.
Release Bundle/APKs
Keystore generation does not escape or quote arguments
Can't extract string resource from kotlin if it contains line breaks
Android Studio silently replacing drawable resource
Background transparent SVG files change to yellow
Convert to WebP action should work for launcher icons
SDK Manager
Clip art icons directory causes severe delays in SDK Manager
SdkManager displays toString on RemotePackage
Translations Editor
Translation editor: keep resource files not place all of them to strings.xml
Translation Editor doesn't differentiate between Serbian Cyrilic and Serbian Latin. Also a lot of locales are missing from Translation Editor
Adding a string in Translation Editor adds resource twice (AS Bumblebee)
Multiple columns are overwritten when pasting text

Android Studio Flamingo Canary 1 (2022.2.1.1)

Released together with:
  • Android Gradle Plugin 8.0.0-alpha01
Fixed Issues
Android Gradle Plugin
Flaky build failure in MergeResources task
JavaPluginConvention and HasConvention is deprecated
Wrong and inconsistent file location for new transform API
Android Gradle Plugin should not use the deprecated GUtil.toWords(string) function
Android Gradle Plugin should not use the deprecated ConfigureUtil.configure(closure, target) function
Update AGP tests to use KGP 1.7.20-Beta
Gradle 7.4 fails (could not create instance of AnalyticsService)
New "unknown enum constant" from javac on AGP 7.4.0-alpha09
Variant API: In AGP 7.1+, updates to new variant objects are not forwarded to old variant objects
C++ Editor
External C++ .h cannot be located in Android project view
Code Editor
Disable wildcard imports by default for Kotlin projects in Android Studio
Project leak via AndroidProcessHandler/SingleDeviceAndroidProcessMonitor
Device Manager
Device Manager shows Auto images for phone selection
Android TV Hardware profile shows incorrect device size
unable to download the image for Android 12.0 without Google APIs for the ABI arm64-v8a on my MacBook Pro 14
Cannot sync project with KMP module in Chipmunk with MPSS
Avoid querying for KMP models in order to determine if a module is a KMP one
//tools/adt/idea/ fails on JDK17
Kotlin Multiplatform project fails to import in AS 2022.1.1 Canary 10
Memory Profile tool showing 0.2 GB instead of 150 MB
Upgrade Assistant
AGP Upgrade assistant should handle projects using android.disableAutomaticComponentCreation