The Android XR implementation of the XRAnchorSubsystem so it can work seamlessly with ARAnchorManager.
Inherits from:XRAnchorSubsystem
Public functions |
GetPersistState(TrackableId trackableId, out XRAnchorPersistStates state)
Get persistence state of the given anchor.
GetPersistState(Guid guid, out XRAnchorPersistStates state)
Get persistence state of the given anchor by GUID.
GetPersistentId(TrackableId anchor)
Gets the persistent id associated with the given anchor.
Persist(TrackableId anchor)
Try to save the anchor on device's local storage.
TryGetAllPersistedIds(ref List< Guid > guids)
Gets all persisted ids that currently are saved on device's local storage, it can be used in TryLoad(Guid) to retrieve the persisted anchors across multiple sessions or removed by Unpersist(Guid).
TryLoad(Guid guid)
Try to load a persisted anchor from the given guid .
Unpersist(Guid guid)
Try to remove a persisted anchor from device's local storage.
Unpersist(TrackableId trackableId)
Try to remove a persisted anchor from device's local storage.
Public functions
bool GetPersistState( TrackableId trackableId, out XRAnchorPersistStates state )
Get persistence state of the given anchor.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully got persistence state.
bool GetPersistState( Guid guid, out XRAnchorPersistStates state )
Get persistence state of the given anchor by GUID.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully got persistence state.
Guid GetPersistentId( TrackableId anchor )
Gets the persistent id associated with the given anchor.
It can be used in TryLoad(Guid) to retrieve the persisted anchor across multiple sessions. If the anchor is not persisted, returns Guid.Empty
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Parameters |
Returns |
The persistent id of the given anchor.
bool Persist( TrackableId anchor )
Try to save the anchor on device's local storage.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolen to indicate whether successfully saved the anchor on device's local storage.
bool TryGetAllPersistedIds( ref List< Guid > guids )
Gets all persisted ids that currently are saved on device's local storage, it can be used in TryLoad(Guid) to retrieve the persisted anchors across multiple sessions or removed by Unpersist(Guid).
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully retrieved all stored ids.
bool TryLoad( Guid guid )
Try to load a persisted anchor from the given guid .
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully loaded the given guid .
bool Unpersist( Guid guid )
Try to remove a persisted anchor from device's local storage.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully removed the anchor from device's local storage.
bool Unpersist( TrackableId trackableId )
Try to remove a persisted anchor from device's local storage.
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Parameters |
Returns |
Returns a boolean to indicate whether successfully removed the anchor from device's local storage.