رمز يعمل يوضّح كيفية استخدام لغة Kotlin في تطبيقات Android.
محتوى مميّز
يتوفّر الآن في Android تطبيق Android يعمل بكامل طاقته وتم إنشاؤه باستخدام Kotlin وJetpack Compose. ويقدِّم هذا التطبيق نموذجًا لأفضل ممارسات التصميم والتطوير لنظام التشغيل Android، وقد تم تصميمه ليكون مرجعًا مفيدًا للمطوّرين.

الفلترة حسب


تتيح Microsoft للمستخدمين والمؤسسات العمل والتعلّم والتنظيم والتواصل والابتكار من خلال تطبيقاتهم الرائدة في Microsoft 365. ولتحقيق ذلك، تدرك الشركة أنّه من الضروري توفير تجربة إنتاجية مثالية لعملائها على جميع الأجهزة التي يستخدمونها.

    تساعد منصّة Square ملايين البائعين في إدارة نشاطك التجاري، بدءًا من المعالجة الآمنة لبطاقات الائتمان ووصولاً إلى حلول نقاط البيع إعداد متجر مجاني على الإنترنت. تم نقل المربع إلى واجهة المستخدم التعريفية لفترة من الوقت ولكن بدلاً من الاستمرار في بناء

      Monzo هو مصرف وتطبيق يقدّمان الخدمات المالية الرقمية. مهمتهم هي تحقيق الأرباح للجميع. بدأ نظام تصميم مونزو ينحرف عن Material Design بحيث أرادوا طريقة سهلة لكتابة المكوّنات المخصصة وصيانتها تتطوّر باستمرار، لذا اختارت Jetpack Compose. باستخدام

        منصة Twitter هي واحدة من أكثر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي استخدامًا ومنصات الوسائط التي تتيح للمستخدمين رؤية ما يحدث في العالم في أي وقت اللحظة. بدأ الفريق الهندسي باستخدام Jetpack Compose لتجديد نظام التصميم. بما أنّه تم تطوير مكونات واجهة المستخدم

          شركة Cuvva تحسّن التأمين بشكل كبير من خلال منحك طريقة مرنة حقًا لإدارة الغلاف، كل ذلك من خلال هاتفك. كان على مهندسي Android في Cuvva قضاء بعض الوقت في إعادة هندسة تطبيقاتهم وقررت اعتماد تدفق بيانات أحادي الاتجاه وJetpack Compose. بهذه الطريقة يمكنهم

            ShareChat is a leading social media platform in India that allows users to share their opinions, document their lives, and make new friends in their native language.

              The standard Red Up Green Down color scheme that many wealth management app users take for granted can be very problematic for colorblind users and those with color vision deficiency.The Futubull team is embracing users’ needs by making concrete improvements so that everyone can grasp the key to wealth.

                TikTok, the world’s community-driven entertainment destination, brings over 1 billion people together from around the world to discover, create and share content they love.

                  OkCredit is a credit account management app for millions of shop owners and their customers in India. With 140M transactions month over month, and 50M+ downloads, last year alone saw OkCredit recording $50 billion worth of transactions on the app. Operating at such a huge scale scale, OkCredit created a smooth and seamless experience for all their users by focusing on reducing ANRs and improving the app startup time.

                    Lyft is committed to app excellence. They have to be. For a rideshare app — providing a vital, time-sensitive service to millions of drivers and riders every day — a slow or unresponsive app adds unacceptable friction.

                      Josh is a short-video app from India, launched in 2020. One of the fastest growing short-video apps with over 124 million MAUs, optimizing it across a range of devices (high, mid, low end) and maintaining a standard experience across all of them is critical for their success. Improving app startups time and making the app responsive helped them achieve success.

                        Microsoft Lens increases developer productivity using CameraX

                          Zomato is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery company serving customers across 500 cities in India alone.

                            In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow.

                              Google Photos is the home for your memories, and their development team believes people should be able to enjoy those memories across all devices.

                                Learn how Duolingo made the business decision to focus on Android performance and how they improved developer productivity and scaled their business.

                                  Mercari allows millions of people to shop and sell almost anything. The company was founded in 2013 in Japan, and it now is the largest smartphone-focused C2C marketplace in Japan.

                                    Google Duo is a simple, high quality video calling app for everyone. With the increase of people being at home during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Duo team saw a significant increase in people using the app to stay connected with friends & family, school and work.

                                      Headspace drive business growth by investing in Android app quality.

                                        SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources.

                                          Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms where users can see what’s happening in the world at any given moment.

                                            Delight Room Alarmy is an alarm app that can be turned off only when the pre-selected activities, such as taking a photo, solving a math problem, shaking phone, etc., are performed by the user.

                                              The Google Home app helps set up, manage, and control your Google Home, Google Nest, and Chromecast devices—plus thousands of connected home products like lights, cameras, thermostats, and more.

                                                Truecaller is an app that offers caller identification, call blocking, chat messaging and organized inbox. The app has a basic offering and a premium version which is ad-free and has a variety of unlocked features like advanced spam blocking and call recording.