
@Incubating interface FlavoredComponentActionRegistrar<ComponentT> : BuildTypedComponentActionRegistrar<ComponentT> where ComponentT : ActionableComponentObject, ComponentT : ComponentIdentity

Allows registering Actions on ComponentT, with the ability to include filters to target subsets of ComponentT.

This registrar only offers product flavors and build type of ComponentIdentity as filters.

Calls can be chained to include more than one filter, though in some cases selecting a particular filter can reduce the list of available filters in the chain.


Public methods

abstract BuildTypedComponentActionRegistrar<ComponentT>
withBuildType(buildType: String)

Filters ComponentT instances using a build type reference.

abstract Unit
withBuildType(buildType: String, action: Action<ComponentT>)

Specifies the build type this filter should apply when filtering variants.

abstract Unit
withBuildType(buildType: String, action: ComponentT.() -> Unit)

Filters ComponentT instances using a build type reference and run a lambda of all the filtered instances.

Inherited functions

Public methods


abstract fun withBuildType(buildType: String): BuildTypedComponentActionRegistrar<ComponentT>

Filters ComponentT instances using a build type reference.

buildType: String to filter ComponentT on.
An instance of BuildTypedComponentActionRegistrar to further filter variants.


abstract fun withBuildType(
    buildType: String,
    action: Action<ComponentT>
): Unit

Specifies the build type this filter should apply when filtering variants.


abstract fun withBuildType(
    buildType: String,
    action: ComponentT.() -> Unit
): Unit

Filters ComponentT instances using a build type reference and run a lambda of all the filtered instances.

buildType: String Build type to filter ComponentT on.
action: ComponentT.() -> Unit Lambda function to run on filtered ComponentT.