Defining Custom Animations

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Touch feedback in material design provides an instantaneous visual confirmation at the point of contact when users interact with UI elements. The default touch feedback animations for buttons use the new RippleDrawable class, which transitions between different states with a ripple effect.

In most cases, you should apply this functionality in your view XML by specifying the view background as:

  • ?android:attr/selectableItemBackground for a bounded ripple.
  • ?android:attr/selectableItemBackgroundBorderless for a ripple that extends beyond the view. It will be drawn upon, and bounded by, the nearest parent of the view with a non-null background.

Note: selectableItemBackgroundBorderless is a new attribute introduced in API level 21.

Alternatively, you can define a RippleDrawable as an XML resource using the ripple element.

You can assign a color to RippleDrawable objects. To change the default touch feedback color, use the theme's android:colorControlHighlight attribute.

For more information, see the API reference for the RippleDrawable class.

Use the Reveal Effect

See Create a circular reveal animation.

Customize Activity Transitions

See Start an Activity with an Animation.

Use Curved Motion

See Use curved motion.

Animate View State Changes

See Using StateListAnimator to animate view state changes.

Animate Vector Drawables

See Animate Drawable Graphics.