
interface CameraProvider

Known direct subclasses

A singleton which can be used to bind the lifecycle of cameras to any LifecycleOwner within an application's process.

A CameraProvider provides basic access to a set of cameras such as querying for camera existence or information.

A device might have multiple cameras. According to the applications' design, they might need to search for a suitable camera which supports their functions. A CameraProvider allows the applications to check whether any camera exists to fulfill the requirements or to get CameraInfo instances of all cameras to retrieve the camera information.


Public functions


Returns CameraInfo instances of the available cameras.

hasCamera(cameraSelector: CameraSelector)

Checks whether this provider supports at least one camera that meets the requirements from a CameraSelector.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0
fun getAvailableCameraInfos(): (Mutable)List<CameraInfo!>

Returns CameraInfo instances of the available cameras.

While iterating through all the available CameraInfo, if one of them meets some predefined requirements, a CameraSelector that uniquely identifies its camera can be retrieved using getCameraSelector, which can then be used to bind use cases to that camera.


A list of CameraInfo instances for the available cameras.


Added in 1.1.0
fun hasCamera(cameraSelector: CameraSelector): Boolean

Checks whether this provider supports at least one camera that meets the requirements from a CameraSelector.

If this method returns true, then the camera selector can be used to bind use cases and retrieve a Camera instance.

cameraSelector: CameraSelector

the CameraSelector that filters available cameras.


true if the device has at least one available camera, otherwise false.


if unable to access cameras, perhaps due to insufficient permissions.