Gemini Nano 实验版访问权限专为希望使用尖端设备端 AI 功能测试应用增强功能的开发者而设计。本指南详细介绍了如何在您自己的应用中使用 Google AI Edge SDK 对 Gemini Nano 进行实验。
如果您想按照准备好的演示操作,请查看我们的 GitHub 上的示例应用。
如需试用 Gemini Nano,您需要一部 Pixel 9 系列设备。请务必先准备好此信息,并确保您登录的账号是您打算用于测试的账号。
完成上述步骤后,Play 商店(“管理应用和设备”下)中的应用名称应从“Android AICore”更改为“Android AICore(Beta 版)”。
更新 APK 并下载二进制文件
- 更新 AICore APK:
- 点按右上方的个人资料图标。
- 依次点按管理应用和设备 > 管理
- 点按 Android AICore
- 如果有可用更新,请点按更新
- 更新 Private Compute Service APK:
- 点按右上方的个人资料图标。
- 依次点按管理应用和设备 > 管理
- 点按 Private Compute Services
- 如果有可用更新,请点按更新
- 在关于此应用标签页下查看版本,并确认应用版本为 1.0.release.658389993 或更高版本
- 重启设备,并等待几分钟以使测试注册生效
- 在 Play 商店中查看 AICore APK 版本(位于“关于此应用”标签页下),确认其以 0.thirdpartyeap 开头
配置 Gradle
将以下内容添加到 build.gradle
在 build.gradle
配置中,将最低 SDK 目标设置为 31:
defaultConfig {
minSdk = 31
获取 AICore 并运行推理
创建一个 GenerationConfig
- 温度:控制随机性;值越高,多样性越高
- 前 K 个:要考虑排名最高的多少个令牌
- 候选数量:要返回的响应数量上限
- 输出令牌数量上限:响应长度
- Worker 执行器:应在其上运行后台任务的
- 回调执行器:应调用回调的
val generationConfig = generationConfig { context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext() // required temperature = 0.2f topK = 16 maxOutputTokens = 256 }
GenerationConfig.Builder configBuilder = GenerationConfig.Companion.builder(); configBuilder.setContext(context); configBuilder.setTemperature(0.2f); configBuilder.setTopK(16); configBuilder.setMaxOutputTokens(256);
创建一个可选的 downloadCallback
使用您之前创建的生成配置和可选的下载配置创建 GenerativeModel
val downloadConfig = DownloadConfig(downloadCallback) val generativeModel = GenerativeModel( generationConfig = generationConfig, downloadConfig = downloadConfig // optional )
GenerativeModel generativeModel = new GenerativeModel( generationConfig, downloadConfig = DownloadConfig(downloadCallback) // optional );
使用模型运行推理并传入提示。由于 GenerativeModel.generateContent()
scope.launch { // Single string input prompt val input = "I want you to act as an English proofreader. I will provide you texts, and I would like you to review them for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Once you have finished reviewing the text, provide me with any necessary corrections or suggestions for improving the text: These arent the droids your looking for." val response = generativeModel.generateContent(input) print(response.text) // Or multiple strings as input val response = generativeModel.generateContent( content { text("I want you to act as an English proofreader. I will provide you texts and I would like you to review them for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.") text("Once you have finished reviewing the text, provide me with any necessary corrections or suggestions for improving the text:") text("These arent the droids your looking for.") } ) print(response.text) }
Futures.addCallback( String input = "I want you to act as an English proofreader. I will provide you texts, and I would like you to review them for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Once you have finished reviewing the text, provide me with any necessary corrections or suggestions for improving the text: These aren't the droids you're looking for." generativeModelFutures.generateContent(input), new FutureCallback<GenerateContentResponse>() { @Override public void onSuccess(GenerateContentResponse result) { // generation successful } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { // generation failed } }, ContextCompat.getMainExecutor(this));
如果您对 Google AI Edge SDK 有任何反馈,或想向我们的团队提供任何其他反馈,请提交工单。
提示设计是指创建提示的过程,这些提示将用来从语言模型获得最佳响应。编写结构化良好的提示是确保从语言模型获得准确优质回复的重要环节。我们提供了一些示例,帮助您开始了解 Gemini Nano 的常见用例。如需了解详情,请参阅 Gemini 提示策略。
I want you to act as an English proofreader. I will provide you texts, and I
would like you to review them for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
Once you have finished reviewing the text, provide me with any necessary
corrections or suggestions for improving the text: These arent the droids your
looking for
Prompt: Predict up to 5 emojis as a response to a text chat message. The output
should only include emojis.
input: The new visual design is blowing my mind 🤯
output: ➕,💘, ❤🔥
input: Well that looks great regardless
output: 💗,🪄
input: Unfortunately this won't work
output: 💔,😔
input: sounds good, I'll look into that
output: 🙏,👍
input: 10hr cut of jeff goldblum laughing URL
output: 😂,💀,⚰️
input: Woo! Launch time!
Summarize this text as bullet points of key information.
Text: A quantum computer exploits quantum mechanical phenomena to perform
calculations exponentially faster than any modern traditional computer. At
very tiny scales, physical matter acts as both particles and as waves, and
quantum computing uses specialized hardware to leverage this behavior. The
operating principles of quantum devices are beyond the scope of classical
physics. When deployed at scale, quantum computers could be used in a wide
variety of applications such as: in cybersecurity to break existing encryption
methods while helping researchers create new ones, in meteorology to develop
better weather forecasting etc. However, the current state-of-the-art quantum
computers are still largely experimental and impractical.