Get started with Health Connect

This guide shows you how you can begin using Health Connect on your app.

Step 1: Prepare the Health Connect app

The Health Connect app is responsible for handling all the requests that your application sends through the Health Connect SDK. These requests include storing data and managing its read and write access.

Access to Health Connect depends on the Android version installed on the phone. The following sections outline how to handle several recent versions of Android.

Android 14

Starting Android 14 (API Level 34), Health Connect is part of the Android Framework. This version of Health Connect is a framework module. With that, there's no setup necessary.

Android 13 and lower

On Android 13 (API Level 33) and lower versions, Health Connect is not part of the Android Framework. With that, you need to install the Health Connect app from the Google Play Store.

If you have integrated your app with Health Connect on Android 13 and lower, and would like to migrate on Android 14, refer to Migrate from Android 13 to 14.

Open the Health Connect app

Health Connect no longer appears on the Home screen by default. To open Health Connect, go to Settings > Apps > Health Connect or add Health Connect to your Quick Settings menu.

Additionally, Health Connect requires the user to have screen lock enabled with a PIN, pattern, or password so that the health data being stored in Health Connect is protected from malicious parties while the device is locked. To set a screen lock, go to Settings > Security > Screen lock.

Step 2: Add the Health Connect SDK to your app

The Health Connect SDK is responsible for using the Health Connect API to send requests in performing operations against the datastore in the Health Connect app.

Add the Health Connect SDK dependency in your module-level build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation ""

Refer to the Health Connect releases for the latest version.

Step 3: Configure your app

The following sections explain how to configure your app to integrate to Health Connect.

Declare permissions

Access to health and fitness data is sensitive. Health Connect implements a layer of security to read and write operations, maintaining user trust.

Declare read and write permissions on the AndroidManifest.xml file based on the required data types. Make sure that you use the set of permissions you requested access for after you completed the [form]{:.external}.

Health Connect uses the standard Android permission declaration format. Assign permissions with the <uses-permission> tags. Nest them within the <manifest> tags.

  <uses-permission android:name=""/>
  <uses-permission android:name=""/>
  <uses-permission android:name=""/>
  <uses-permission android:name=""/>


For the full list of permissions and their corresponding data types, see List of data types.

Show your app's privacy policy dialog

Your Android manifest needs to have an Activity that displays your app's privacy policy, which is your app's rationale of the requested permissions, describing how the user's data is used and handled.

Declare this activity to handle the ACTION_SHOW_PERMISSIONS_RATIONALE intent where it is sent to the app when the user clicks on the privacy policy link in the Health Connect permissions screen.

  <!-- For supported versions through Android 13, create an activity to show the rationale
       of Health Connect permissions once users click the privacy policy link. -->
      <action android:name="" />

  <!-- For versions starting Android 14, create an activity alias to show the rationale
       of Health Connect permissions once users click the privacy policy link. -->
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW_PERMISSION_USAGE" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.HEALTH_PERMISSIONS" />

Get a Health Connect client

HealthConnectClient is an entry point to the Health Connect API. It allows the app to use the datastore in the Health Connect app. It automatically manages its connection to the underlying storage layer and handles all IPC and serialization of outgoing requests and incoming responses.

To get a client instance, declare the Health Connect package name in your Android manifest first.

<application> ... </application>
<!-- Check if Health Connect is installed -->
    <package android:name="" />

Then in your Activity, check if Health Connect is installed using getSdkStatus. If it is, obtain a HealthConnectClient instance.

val availabilityStatus = HealthConnectClient.getSdkStatus(context, providerPackageName)
if (availabilityStatus == HealthConnectClient.SDK_UNAVAILABLE) {
  return // early return as there is no viable integration
if (availabilityStatus == HealthConnectClient.SDK_UNAVAILABLE_PROVIDER_UPDATE_REQUIRED) {
  // Optionally redirect to package installer to find a provider, for example:
  val uriString = "market://details?id=$providerPackageName&url=healthconnect%3A%2F%2Fonboarding"
    Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).apply {
      data = Uri.parse(uriString)
      putExtra("overlay", true)
      putExtra("callerId", context.packageName)
val healthConnectClient = HealthConnectClient.getOrCreate(context)
// Issue operations with healthConnectClient

Step 4: Request permissions from the user

After creating a client instance, your app needs to request permissions from the user. Users must be allowed to grant or deny permissions at any time.

To do so, create a set of permissions for the required data types. Make sure that the permissions in the set are declared in your Android manifest first.

// Create a set of permissions for required data types

Use getGrantedPermissions to see if your app already has the required permissions granted. If not, use createRequestPermissionResultContract to request for those permissions. This displays the Health Connect permissions screen.

// Create the permissions launcher
val requestPermissionActivityContract = PermissionController.createRequestPermissionResultContract()

val requestPermissions = registerForActivityResult(requestPermissionActivityContract) { granted ->
  if (granted.containsAll(PERMISSIONS)) {
    // Permissions successfully granted
  } else {
    // Lack of required permissions

suspend fun checkPermissionsAndRun(healthConnectClient: HealthConnectClient) {
  val granted = healthConnectClient.permissionController.getGrantedPermissions()
  if (granted.containsAll(PERMISSIONS)) {
    // Permissions already granted; proceed with inserting or reading data
  } else {

Don't assume that permissions are constant, because users can grant or revoke them at any time. Your app needs to periodically check for granted permissions, and handle scenarios where permission is lost.

Step 5: Perform operations

Now that everything is set, perform read and write operations in your app.

Write data

Structure your data into a record. Check out the list of data types available in Health Connect.

val stepsRecord = StepsRecord(
    count = 120,
    startTime = START_TIME,
    endTime = END_TIME,
    startZoneOffset = START_ZONE_OFFSET,
    endZoneOffset = END_ZONE_OFFSET,

Then write your record using insertRecords.

suspend fun insertSteps(healthConnectClient: HealthConnectClient) {
    try {
        val stepsRecord = StepsRecord(
            count = 120,
            startTime = START_TIME,
            endTime = END_TIME,
            startZoneOffset = START_ZONE_OFFSET,
            endZoneOffset = END_ZONE_OFFSET,
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Run error handling here

Read data

You can read your data individually using readRecords.

suspend fun readStepsByTimeRange(
    healthConnectClient: HealthConnectClient,
    startTime: Instant,
    endTime: Instant
) {
    try {
        val response =
                    timeRangeFilter = TimeRangeFilter.between(startTime, endTime)
        for (stepRecord in response.records) {
            // Process each step record
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Run error handling here.

You can also read your data in an aggregated manner using aggregate.

suspend fun aggregateSteps(
    healthConnectClient: HealthConnectClient,
    startTime: Instant,
    endTime: Instant
) {
    try {
        val response = healthConnectClient.aggregate(
                metrics = setOf(StepsRecord.COUNT_TOTAL),
                timeRangeFilter = TimeRangeFilter.between(startTime, endTime)
        // The result may be null if no data is available in the time range
        val stepCount = response[StepsRecord.COUNT_TOTAL]
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // Run error handling here

Video tutorials

Watch these videos that explain more about the Health Connect features, as well as best practice guidelines for achieving a smooth integration:


Check out the following resources that help with development later on.

  • Health Connect SDK (available on Jetpack): Include this SDK in your application to use the Health Connect API.
  • API reference: Take a look at the Jetpack reference for the Health Connect API.
  • Declare use of data types: In the Play Console, declare access to the Health Connect data types that your app reads from and writes to.
  • Optional GitHub code sample and codelab: See the GitHub code sample repository and the codelab exercise to help you get started.

Next steps

Check out Common workflows to learn how to perform operations in Health Connect such as: