
Android 品牌徽标

Android 通用系统映像 (GSI) 可供应用开发者用于验证和开发应用。您不得对 GSI 进行再分发,并且除每次下载中所附许可条款中明确规定的方式以外,不得以任何其他方式使用它们。

如需详细了解 GSI 设备要求、风险和安装说明,请参阅 GSI 文档页面

使用 Android 刷写工具进行安装

Android 刷写工具可让您将系统映像安全地刷写到受支持的 Pixel 设备上。Android 刷写工具可以在任何支持 WebUSB 的网络浏览器(如 Chrome 或 Edge 79 及更高版本)上使用。

Android 刷写工具会引导您逐步完成设备刷写过程。您无需安装工具,但需要解锁设备,并在开发者选项中启用 USB 调试。如需查看完整说明,请参阅 Android 刷写工具文档

通过 USB 连接设备,然后根据要刷写的系统映像类型,使用以下某个链接访问 Android 刷写工具,并按照屏幕上的说明操作:

Android 14 GSI

Android 14 QPR1

Android 14 QPR1 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 和 Pixel 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 和 Pixel 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro
Date: December 05, 2023
Build: UQ1A.231205.015
Security patch level: December 2023
Google Play Services: 23.32.17
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和


Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

以下是 Android 软件开发套件许可协议

1. 简介

1.1 Google 会按照本许可协议的条款向您授予使用 Android 软件开发套件(在本许可协议中称为“SDK”,具体包括 Android 系统文件、一些已打包好的 API 和一些 Google API 插件)的许可。本许可协议是您和 Google 之间就您使用 SDK 而达成的具有法律约束力的合约。 1.2“Android”是指通过 Android 开源项目(项目网址为:https://source.android.com/)提供的用于设备的 Android 软件堆栈(会不时更新)。1.3“兼容实现”是指满足以下条件的任何 Android 设备:(i) 符合 Android 兼容性定义文档(位于 Android 兼容性网站 https://source.android.com/compatibility 上,会不时更新)的要求;(ii) 成功通过 Android 兼容性测试套件 (CTS) 测试。 1.4“Google”是指 Google LLC,一家按照美国特拉华州法律成立并按照美国法律运营的公司,其主要营业地点为 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA。

2. 接受本许可协议

2.1 要使用 SDK,您必须先同意本许可协议。如果您不接受本许可协议,则无法使用 SDK。 2.2 点击接受和/或使用此 SDK,即表示您特此同意本许可协议的条款。 2.3 如果美国或其他国家/地区(包括您居住或使用 SDK 时所在的国家/地区)的法律禁止您作为自然人获取 SDK,则您无法使用 SDK,也无法接受本许可协议。 2.4 如果您代表您的雇主或其他实体同意受本许可协议约束,则您声明并保证您拥有充足的法定权力来让您的雇主或上述实体受本许可协议的约束。如果您不具备必要的授权,则不得代表您的雇主或其他实体接受本许可协议或使用 SDK。

3. Google 授予的 SDK 许可

3.1 Google 依据本许可协议的条款授予您有限的、全球性、免版税、不可转让、非独占性且不可再许可的 SDK 使用许可,其用途仅限针对 Android 的兼容实现来开发应用。 3.2 您不得使用此 SDK 来开发适用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用或开发其他 SDK。您当然可以随意开发用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用,但不能将此 SDK 用于该目的。 3.3 您同意 Google 或第三方拥有此 SDK 的所有法定权利、所有权和利益,包括此 SDK 中存在的所有知识产权。“知识产权”是指专利法、版权法、商业秘密法、商标法以及任何和所有其他所有权法案中现行规定的任何及所有权利。Google 保留未明确授予您的所有权利。 3.4 您不得将 SDK 用于本许可协议未明确允许的任何用途。除非适用的第三方许可有相关要求,您不得对 SDK 或 SDK 的任何部分进行复制(备份用途除外)、修改、改编、再分发、反编译、逆向工程、反汇编或创建其衍生作品。 3.5 对于依据开源软件许可授权的 SDK 组件,其使用、复制和分发仅受该开源软件许可条款的制约,不受本许可协议的约束。 3.6 您同意 Google 所提供的 SDK 可在未事先通知您的情况下出现形式和性质上的改变,并且未来的 SDK 版本可以不兼容在较早的 SDK 版本上开发的应用。您同意,一般情况下,Google 可在不事先通知您的情况下自行决定(永久或暂时)停止向您或更多用户提供 SDK(或 SDK 内的任何功能)。 3.7 本许可协议中的任何内容均未授权您使用 Google 的任何商品名、商标、服务商标、徽标、域名或其他显著品牌特征。 3.8 对于 SDK 中可能附带或包含的任何所有权声明(包括版权和商标通告),您同意不会移除、模糊处理或更改这些声明。

4. 您对 SDK 的使用

4.1 Google 同意,对于您使用 SDK 开发的任何软件应用,Google 不能以本许可协议为由从您(或您的许可方)处获取这些应用的权利、所有权或利益,包括这些应用中存在的任何知识产权。 4.2 您同意,只在 (a) 本许可协议和 (b) 相关司法辖区内的任何适用法律法规或公认的惯例或准则(包括任何与从美国或其他相关国家/地区进口或向其出口数据或软件相关的法律)允许的情况下使用 SDK 以及编写应用。 4.3 您同意,如果您使用 SDK 开发面向一般公众用户的应用,您将会保护这些用户的隐私权和合法权利。如果用户向您提供用户名、密码或其他登录信息或个人信息,您必须确保用户知晓这些信息将供您的应用使用,并且您必须为这些用户提供足以满足法律要求的隐私权声明和保护。如果您的应用存储了用户提供的个人信息或敏感信息,则必须安全存储这类信息。如果用户为您的应用提供了 Google 账号信息,您的应用只能在用户允许时出于用户所许可的有限目的使用该信息访问用户的 Google 账号。 4.4 您同意您不会利用 SDK 从事任何干扰、破坏、损坏或以未经授权方式访问任何第三方(包括但不限于 Google 或任何移动通信运营商)的服务器、网络或其他财产或服务的行为(包括应用的开发或分发)。 4.5 您同意,对于您通过 Android 和/或 Android 版应用创建、传输或显示的任何数据、内容或资源,以及由此造成的任何后果(包括 Google 可能会蒙受的任何损失或损害),您要承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方不承担任何责任。 4.6 您同意,对于未按本许可协议、任何适用的第三方合同或服务条款或任何适用法律法规的规定履行义务的任何行为以及由此造成的后果(包括 Google 或任何第三方可能会蒙受的损失或损害),您承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方均不承担任何责任。

5. 开发者凭据

5.1 您同意负责维护 Google 向您发放或您自行选择的任何开发者凭据的机密性,并且对使用您的开发者凭据开发的所有应用承担全部责任。

6. 隐私权和信息

6.1 为了不断地对 SDK 进行创新和改进,Google 可能会通过软件收集某些使用情况统计信息,包括但不限于唯一标识符、关联的 IP 地址、软件版本号,以及关于 SDK 中正在使用的工具和/或服务以及使用方式的信息。在收集任何上述信息之前,SDK 都会通知您并征求您的同意。未经您同意,Google 不会擅自收集此类信息。6.2 Google 会对收集的数据进行汇总分析,从而改进 SDK,并会按照 Google 隐私权政策(网址为 https://policies.google.com/privacy)维护这些数据。 6.3 为了改进 SDK,我们可能会与 Google 合作伙伴分享经过匿名化和汇总处理的数据集。

7. 第三方应用

7.1 如果您使用 SDK 运行由第三方开发的应用,或者运行会访问由第三方提供的数据、内容或资源的应用,则您须同意 Google 对于此类应用、数据、内容或资源概不负责。您了解,对于您可通过此类第三方应用访问的所有数据、内容或资源,均由最初提供这些内容的人员承担全部责任;对于您因使用或访问任何此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源而可能蒙受的任何损失或损坏,Google 概不负责。 7.2 您应了解,通过此类第三方应用向您提供的数据、内容和资源可能会受到提供者(或代表他们的其他个人或公司)所拥有的知识产权的保护。除非相关所有者明确给予许可,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据、内容或资源(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 7.3 您承认,您对此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源的使用行为可能会受到您与相关第三方之间达成的独立条款的制约。在这种情况下,本许可协议不会影响您与这些第三方之间的法律关系。

8. 使用 Android API

8.1 Google 数据 API 8.1.1 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索数据,即表示您承认这些数据可能会受到 Google 或这些数据的提供方(或者代表他们的其他人员或公司)拥有的知识产权的保护。使用任何此类 API 时,您可能会受到附加服务条款的制约。除非相关服务条款允许,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 8.1.2 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索用户数据,即表示您承认并同意,您只有在征得用户明确同意时才会检索数据,并且只能在用户允许时出于用户许可的有限目的检索数据。如果您使用 Android Recognition Service API(请参阅以下网址对应的文档:https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognitionService,其内容会不时更新),即表示您承认使用此 API 时需遵循针对以 Google 作为数据处理方的产品的数据处理附录(附录网址为 https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprprocessorterms/,其内容会不时更新)。点击接受,即表示您特此同意遵循与数据处理方为 Google 的产品相关的数据处理附录的相关条款。

9. 终止本许可协议

9.1 本许可协议将持续有效,直至您或 Google 按以下规定终止本协议。 9.2 如果您想终止本许可协议,可通过停止使用 SDK 以及任何相关开发者凭据予以终止。 9.3 如果出现以下任意情况,Google 可随时终止本许可协议: (A) 您违反了本许可协议的规定;或 (B) 根据法律 Google 必须终止本协议;或 (C) 与 Google 合作向您提供 SDK 的特定部分(例如 API)的合作伙伴终止了与 Google 的合作关系,或者不再向您提供 SDK 的特定部分;或 (D) Google 决定不再向您所居住的国家/地区,或您使用相关服务时所在的国家/地区提供 SDK 或 SDK 的特定部分,或者 Google 单方面判定向您提供 SDK 或特定的 SDK 服务不再具有商业可行性。 9.4 当本许可协议终止时,您与 Google 受益于、受制于(或在本许可协议有效期内随时间累积)或明示将无限期延续的所有法定权利、义务和责任将不受此终止的影响,并且第 14.7 段的规定将继续无限期地适用于上述权利、义务和责任。

10. 免责声明

10.1 您明确了解并同意自行承担使用 SDK 的风险,并且 SDK 是“按原样”和“现状”提供,不由 Google 提供任何类型的保证。 10.2 您对 SDK 的使用以及通过 SDK 下载或以其他方式获得的任何材料的使用均由您自行斟酌并承担相关风险,对于由此给您的设备或计算机系统造成的任何数据损坏,您必须自行承担10.3 Google 另外明确声明,对于任何形式(无论是明示或暗示)的保证和条件,包括但不限于关于适销性、

11. 责任限制

11.1 因任何原因导致 Google、其子公司和关联公司及其许可方因任何原因,

12. 赔偿

12.1 您同意在法律允许的最大范围内,为 Google、其关联公司及其各自的董事、高级职员、员工和代理人出于任何和所有索赔、诉讼、诉讼或程序,以及任何和所有损失、法律责任、损害、

13. 许可协议的变更

13.1 Google 在发布新版 SDK 时可能会对本许可协议进行一些变更。做出这些更改后,Google 将在提供 SDK 的网站上公布新版本的许可协议。 14.1 本许可协议构成您和 Google 之间的完整法律协议,且您对 SDK 的使用(不包括 Google 根据单独书面协议为您提供的任何服务)将受本协议的约束。同时,本协议将完全取代您和 Google 之前就 SDK 达成的任何协议。 14.2 您同意,即使 Google 未行使或强制执行本许可协议中所述的(或 Google 根据任何适用法律所享有的)任何法定权利或补救措施,也不应视为 Google 正式自动放弃这些权利,Google 仍然可以行使这些权利或采取相应补救措施。 14.3 如果对此类事项有司法管辖权的任何法院判定本许可协议的任何规定无效,我们会将相应规定从本许可协议中移除,本协议其余部分不受影响。本许可协议的其余条款将继续有效并可强制执行。 14.4 您承认并同意,Google 的每一个子公司都应为本许可协议的第三方受益人,此类其他公司应有权直接执行本许可协议,并根据本许可协议的规定主张相关权益(或有利于他们的权利)。除此之外,其他任何个人或公司均不得成为本许可协议的第三方受益人。 14.5 出口限制。SDK 会受到美国出口法律和法规的限制。您必须遵守所有适用于 SDK 的国内以及国际出口法律和法规。这些法律包括对目的地、最终用户和最终用途的限制。 14.6 未经另一方的事先书面许可,您或 Google 不得转让或转移本许可协议中授予的权利。未经另一方事先书面批准,您或 Google 均不得将其在本许可协议下的责任或义务委托给他人。 14.7 本许可协议以及您与 Google 依据本许可协议而建立的关系应受美国加利福尼亚州法律(该州的法律冲突条款除外)的约束。您和 Google 同意服从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县法院的专有司法辖权,以此来解决因本许可协议产生的任何法律事务。尽管有上述规定,您同意仍允许 Google 在任何管辖区申请禁令救济(或同等类型的紧急法律救济)。 2021 年 7 月 27 日



Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

以下是 Android 软件开发套件许可协议

1. 简介

1.1 Google 会按照本许可协议的条款向您授予使用 Android 软件开发套件(在本许可协议中称为“SDK”,具体包括 Android 系统文件、一些已打包好的 API 和一些 Google API 插件)的许可。本许可协议是您和 Google 之间就您使用 SDK 而达成的具有法律约束力的合约。 1.2“Android”是指通过 Android 开源项目(项目网址为:https://source.android.com/)提供的用于设备的 Android 软件堆栈(会不时更新)。1.3“兼容实现”是指满足以下条件的任何 Android 设备:(i) 符合 Android 兼容性定义文档(位于 Android 兼容性网站 https://source.android.com/compatibility 上,会不时更新)的要求;(ii) 成功通过 Android 兼容性测试套件 (CTS) 测试。 1.4“Google”是指 Google LLC,一家按照美国特拉华州法律成立并按照美国法律运营的公司,其主要营业地点为 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA。

2. 接受本许可协议

2.1 要使用 SDK,您必须先同意本许可协议。如果您不接受本许可协议,则无法使用 SDK。 2.2 点击接受和/或使用此 SDK,即表示您特此同意本许可协议的条款。 2.3 如果美国或其他国家/地区(包括您居住或使用 SDK 时所在的国家/地区)的法律禁止您作为自然人获取 SDK,则您无法使用 SDK,也无法接受本许可协议。 2.4 如果您代表您的雇主或其他实体同意受本许可协议约束,则您声明并保证您拥有充足的法定权力来让您的雇主或上述实体受本许可协议的约束。如果您不具备必要的授权,则不得代表您的雇主或其他实体接受本许可协议或使用 SDK。

3. Google 授予的 SDK 许可

3.1 Google 依据本许可协议的条款授予您有限的、全球性、免版税、不可转让、非独占性且不可再许可的 SDK 使用许可,其用途仅限针对 Android 的兼容实现来开发应用。 3.2 您不得使用此 SDK 来开发适用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用或开发其他 SDK。您当然可以随意开发用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用,但不能将此 SDK 用于该目的。 3.3 您同意 Google 或第三方拥有此 SDK 的所有法定权利、所有权和利益,包括此 SDK 中存在的所有知识产权。“知识产权”是指专利法、版权法、商业秘密法、商标法以及任何和所有其他所有权法案中现行规定的任何及所有权利。Google 保留未明确授予您的所有权利。 3.4 您不得将 SDK 用于本许可协议未明确允许的任何用途。除非适用的第三方许可有相关要求,您不得对 SDK 或 SDK 的任何部分进行复制(备份用途除外)、修改、改编、再分发、反编译、逆向工程、反汇编或创建其衍生作品。 3.5 对于依据开源软件许可授权的 SDK 组件,其使用、复制和分发仅受该开源软件许可条款的制约,不受本许可协议的约束。 3.6 您同意 Google 所提供的 SDK 可在未事先通知您的情况下出现形式和性质上的改变,并且未来的 SDK 版本可以不兼容在较早的 SDK 版本上开发的应用。您同意,一般情况下,Google 可在不事先通知您的情况下自行决定(永久或暂时)停止向您或更多用户提供 SDK(或 SDK 内的任何功能)。 3.7 本许可协议中的任何内容均未授权您使用 Google 的任何商品名、商标、服务商标、徽标、域名或其他显著品牌特征。 3.8 对于 SDK 中可能附带或包含的任何所有权声明(包括版权和商标通告),您同意不会移除、模糊处理或更改这些声明。

4. 您对 SDK 的使用

4.1 Google 同意,对于您使用 SDK 开发的任何软件应用,Google 不能以本许可协议为由从您(或您的许可方)处获取这些应用的权利、所有权或利益,包括这些应用中存在的任何知识产权。 4.2 您同意,只在 (a) 本许可协议和 (b) 相关司法辖区内的任何适用法律法规或公认的惯例或准则(包括任何与从美国或其他相关国家/地区进口或向其出口数据或软件相关的法律)允许的情况下使用 SDK 以及编写应用。 4.3 您同意,如果您使用 SDK 开发面向一般公众用户的应用,您将会保护这些用户的隐私权和合法权利。如果用户向您提供用户名、密码或其他登录信息或个人信息,您必须确保用户知晓这些信息将供您的应用使用,并且您必须为这些用户提供足以满足法律要求的隐私权声明和保护。如果您的应用存储了用户提供的个人信息或敏感信息,则必须安全存储这类信息。如果用户为您的应用提供了 Google 账号信息,您的应用只能在用户允许时出于用户所许可的有限目的使用该信息访问用户的 Google 账号。 4.4 您同意您不会利用 SDK 从事任何干扰、破坏、损坏或以未经授权方式访问任何第三方(包括但不限于 Google 或任何移动通信运营商)的服务器、网络或其他财产或服务的行为(包括应用的开发或分发)。 4.5 您同意,对于您通过 Android 和/或 Android 版应用创建、传输或显示的任何数据、内容或资源,以及由此造成的任何后果(包括 Google 可能会蒙受的任何损失或损害),您要承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方不承担任何责任。 4.6 您同意,对于未按本许可协议、任何适用的第三方合同或服务条款或任何适用法律法规的规定履行义务的任何行为以及由此造成的后果(包括 Google 或任何第三方可能会蒙受的损失或损害),您承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方均不承担任何责任。

5. 开发者凭据

5.1 您同意负责维护 Google 向您发放或您自行选择的任何开发者凭据的机密性,并且对使用您的开发者凭据开发的所有应用承担全部责任。

6. 隐私权和信息

6.1 为了不断地对 SDK 进行创新和改进,Google 可能会通过软件收集某些使用情况统计信息,包括但不限于唯一标识符、关联的 IP 地址、软件版本号,以及关于 SDK 中正在使用的工具和/或服务以及使用方式的信息。在收集任何上述信息之前,SDK 都会通知您并征求您的同意。未经您同意,Google 不会擅自收集此类信息。6.2 Google 会对收集的数据进行汇总分析,从而改进 SDK,并会按照 Google 隐私权政策(网址为 https://policies.google.com/privacy)维护这些数据。 6.3 为了改进 SDK,我们可能会与 Google 合作伙伴分享经过匿名化和汇总处理的数据集。

7. 第三方应用

7.1 如果您使用 SDK 运行由第三方开发的应用,或者运行会访问由第三方提供的数据、内容或资源的应用,则您须同意 Google 对于此类应用、数据、内容或资源概不负责。您了解,对于您可通过此类第三方应用访问的所有数据、内容或资源,均由最初提供这些内容的人员承担全部责任;对于您因使用或访问任何此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源而可能蒙受的任何损失或损坏,Google 概不负责。 7.2 您应了解,通过此类第三方应用向您提供的数据、内容和资源可能会受到提供者(或代表他们的其他个人或公司)所拥有的知识产权的保护。除非相关所有者明确给予许可,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据、内容或资源(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 7.3 您承认,您对此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源的使用行为可能会受到您与相关第三方之间达成的独立条款的制约。在这种情况下,本许可协议不会影响您与这些第三方之间的法律关系。

8. 使用 Android API

8.1 Google 数据 API 8.1.1 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索数据,即表示您承认这些数据可能会受到 Google 或这些数据的提供方(或者代表他们的其他人员或公司)拥有的知识产权的保护。使用任何此类 API 时,您可能会受到附加服务条款的制约。除非相关服务条款允许,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 8.1.2 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索用户数据,即表示您承认并同意,您只有在征得用户明确同意时才会检索数据,并且只能在用户允许时出于用户许可的有限目的检索数据。如果您使用 Android Recognition Service API(请参阅以下网址对应的文档:https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognitionService,其内容会不时更新),即表示您承认使用此 API 时需遵循针对以 Google 作为数据处理方的产品的数据处理附录(附录网址为 https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprprocessorterms/,其内容会不时更新)。点击接受,即表示您特此同意遵循与数据处理方为 Google 的产品相关的数据处理附录的相关条款。

9. 终止本许可协议

9.1 本许可协议将持续有效,直至您或 Google 按以下规定终止本协议。 9.2 如果您想终止本许可协议,可通过停止使用 SDK 以及任何相关开发者凭据予以终止。 9.3 如果出现以下任意情况,Google 可随时终止本许可协议: (A) 您违反了本许可协议的规定;或 (B) 根据法律 Google 必须终止本协议;或 (C) 与 Google 合作向您提供 SDK 的特定部分(例如 API)的合作伙伴终止了与 Google 的合作关系,或者不再向您提供 SDK 的特定部分;或 (D) Google 决定不再向您所居住的国家/地区,或您使用相关服务时所在的国家/地区提供 SDK 或 SDK 的特定部分,或者 Google 单方面判定向您提供 SDK 或特定的 SDK 服务不再具有商业可行性。 9.4 当本许可协议终止时,您与 Google 受益于、受制于(或在本许可协议有效期内随时间累积)或明示将无限期延续的所有法定权利、义务和责任将不受此终止的影响,并且第 14.7 段的规定将继续无限期地适用于上述权利、义务和责任。

10. 免责声明

10.1 您明确了解并同意自行承担使用 SDK 的风险,并且 SDK 是“按原样”和“现状”提供,不由 Google 提供任何类型的保证。 10.2 您对 SDK 的使用以及通过 SDK 下载或以其他方式获得的任何材料的使用均由您自行斟酌并承担相关风险,对于由此给您的设备或计算机系统造成的任何数据损坏,您必须自行承担10.3 Google 另外明确声明,对于任何形式(无论是明示或暗示)的保证和条件,包括但不限于关于适销性、

11. 责任限制

11.1 因任何原因导致 Google、其子公司和关联公司及其许可方因任何原因,

12. 赔偿

12.1 您同意在法律允许的最大范围内,为 Google、其关联公司及其各自的董事、高级职员、员工和代理人出于任何和所有索赔、诉讼、诉讼或程序,以及任何和所有损失、法律责任、损害、

13. 许可协议的变更

13.1 Google 在发布新版 SDK 时可能会对本许可协议进行一些变更。做出这些更改后,Google 将在提供 SDK 的网站上公布新版本的许可协议。 14.1 本许可协议构成您和 Google 之间的完整法律协议,且您对 SDK 的使用(不包括 Google 根据单独书面协议为您提供的任何服务)将受本协议的约束。同时,本协议将完全取代您和 Google 之前就 SDK 达成的任何协议。 14.2 您同意,即使 Google 未行使或强制执行本许可协议中所述的(或 Google 根据任何适用法律所享有的)任何法定权利或补救措施,也不应视为 Google 正式自动放弃这些权利,Google 仍然可以行使这些权利或采取相应补救措施。 14.3 如果对此类事项有司法管辖权的任何法院判定本许可协议的任何规定无效,我们会将相应规定从本许可协议中移除,本协议其余部分不受影响。本许可协议的其余条款将继续有效并可强制执行。 14.4 您承认并同意,Google 的每一个子公司都应为本许可协议的第三方受益人,此类其他公司应有权直接执行本许可协议,并根据本许可协议的规定主张相关权益(或有利于他们的权利)。除此之外,其他任何个人或公司均不得成为本许可协议的第三方受益人。 14.5 出口限制。SDK 会受到美国出口法律和法规的限制。您必须遵守所有适用于 SDK 的国内以及国际出口法律和法规。这些法律包括对目的地、最终用户和最终用途的限制。 14.6 未经另一方的事先书面许可,您或 Google 不得转让或转移本许可协议中授予的权利。未经另一方事先书面批准,您或 Google 均不得将其在本许可协议下的责任或义务委托给他人。 14.7 本许可协议以及您与 Google 依据本许可协议而建立的关系应受美国加利福尼亚州法律(该州的法律冲突条款除外)的约束。您和 Google 同意服从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县法院的专有司法辖权,以此来解决因本许可协议产生的任何法律事务。尽管有上述规定,您同意仍允许 Google 在任何管辖区申请禁令救济(或同等类型的紧急法律救济)。 2021 年 7 月 27 日



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以下是 Android 软件开发套件许可协议

1. 简介

1.1 Google 会按照本许可协议的条款向您授予使用 Android 软件开发套件(在本许可协议中称为“SDK”,具体包括 Android 系统文件、一些已打包好的 API 和一些 Google API 插件)的许可。本许可协议是您和 Google 之间就您使用 SDK 而达成的具有法律约束力的合约。 1.2“Android”是指通过 Android 开源项目(项目网址为:https://source.android.com/)提供的用于设备的 Android 软件堆栈(会不时更新)。1.3“兼容实现”是指满足以下条件的任何 Android 设备:(i) 符合 Android 兼容性定义文档(位于 Android 兼容性网站 https://source.android.com/compatibility 上,会不时更新)的要求;(ii) 成功通过 Android 兼容性测试套件 (CTS) 测试。 1.4“Google”是指 Google LLC,一家按照美国特拉华州法律成立并按照美国法律运营的公司,其主要营业地点为 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA。

2. 接受本许可协议

2.1 要使用 SDK,您必须先同意本许可协议。如果您不接受本许可协议,则无法使用 SDK。 2.2 点击接受和/或使用此 SDK,即表示您特此同意本许可协议的条款。 2.3 如果美国或其他国家/地区(包括您居住或使用 SDK 时所在的国家/地区)的法律禁止您作为自然人获取 SDK,则您无法使用 SDK,也无法接受本许可协议。 2.4 如果您代表您的雇主或其他实体同意受本许可协议约束,则您声明并保证您拥有充足的法定权力来让您的雇主或上述实体受本许可协议的约束。如果您不具备必要的授权,则不得代表您的雇主或其他实体接受本许可协议或使用 SDK。

3. Google 授予的 SDK 许可

3.1 Google 依据本许可协议的条款授予您有限的、全球性、免版税、不可转让、非独占性且不可再许可的 SDK 使用许可,其用途仅限针对 Android 的兼容实现来开发应用。 3.2 您不得使用此 SDK 来开发适用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用或开发其他 SDK。您当然可以随意开发用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用,但不能将此 SDK 用于该目的。 3.3 您同意 Google 或第三方拥有此 SDK 的所有法定权利、所有权和利益,包括此 SDK 中存在的所有知识产权。“知识产权”是指专利法、版权法、商业秘密法、商标法以及任何和所有其他所有权法案中现行规定的任何及所有权利。Google 保留未明确授予您的所有权利。 3.4 您不得将 SDK 用于本许可协议未明确允许的任何用途。除非适用的第三方许可有相关要求,您不得对 SDK 或 SDK 的任何部分进行复制(备份用途除外)、修改、改编、再分发、反编译、逆向工程、反汇编或创建其衍生作品。 3.5 对于依据开源软件许可授权的 SDK 组件,其使用、复制和分发仅受该开源软件许可条款的制约,不受本许可协议的约束。 3.6 您同意 Google 所提供的 SDK 可在未事先通知您的情况下出现形式和性质上的改变,并且未来的 SDK 版本可以不兼容在较早的 SDK 版本上开发的应用。您同意,一般情况下,Google 可在不事先通知您的情况下自行决定(永久或暂时)停止向您或更多用户提供 SDK(或 SDK 内的任何功能)。 3.7 本许可协议中的任何内容均未授权您使用 Google 的任何商品名、商标、服务商标、徽标、域名或其他显著品牌特征。 3.8 对于 SDK 中可能附带或包含的任何所有权声明(包括版权和商标通告),您同意不会移除、模糊处理或更改这些声明。

4. 您对 SDK 的使用

4.1 Google 同意,对于您使用 SDK 开发的任何软件应用,Google 不能以本许可协议为由从您(或您的许可方)处获取这些应用的权利、所有权或利益,包括这些应用中存在的任何知识产权。 4.2 您同意,只在 (a) 本许可协议和 (b) 相关司法辖区内的任何适用法律法规或公认的惯例或准则(包括任何与从美国或其他相关国家/地区进口或向其出口数据或软件相关的法律)允许的情况下使用 SDK 以及编写应用。 4.3 您同意,如果您使用 SDK 开发面向一般公众用户的应用,您将会保护这些用户的隐私权和合法权利。如果用户向您提供用户名、密码或其他登录信息或个人信息,您必须确保用户知晓这些信息将供您的应用使用,并且您必须为这些用户提供足以满足法律要求的隐私权声明和保护。如果您的应用存储了用户提供的个人信息或敏感信息,则必须安全存储这类信息。如果用户为您的应用提供了 Google 账号信息,您的应用只能在用户允许时出于用户所许可的有限目的使用该信息访问用户的 Google 账号。 4.4 您同意您不会利用 SDK 从事任何干扰、破坏、损坏或以未经授权方式访问任何第三方(包括但不限于 Google 或任何移动通信运营商)的服务器、网络或其他财产或服务的行为(包括应用的开发或分发)。 4.5 您同意,对于您通过 Android 和/或 Android 版应用创建、传输或显示的任何数据、内容或资源,以及由此造成的任何后果(包括 Google 可能会蒙受的任何损失或损害),您要承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方不承担任何责任。 4.6 您同意,对于未按本许可协议、任何适用的第三方合同或服务条款或任何适用法律法规的规定履行义务的任何行为以及由此造成的后果(包括 Google 或任何第三方可能会蒙受的损失或损害),您承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方均不承担任何责任。

5. 开发者凭据

5.1 您同意负责维护 Google 向您发放或您自行选择的任何开发者凭据的机密性,并且对使用您的开发者凭据开发的所有应用承担全部责任。

6. 隐私权和信息

6.1 为了不断地对 SDK 进行创新和改进,Google 可能会通过软件收集某些使用情况统计信息,包括但不限于唯一标识符、关联的 IP 地址、软件版本号,以及关于 SDK 中正在使用的工具和/或服务以及使用方式的信息。在收集任何上述信息之前,SDK 都会通知您并征求您的同意。未经您同意,Google 不会擅自收集此类信息。6.2 Google 会对收集的数据进行汇总分析,从而改进 SDK,并会按照 Google 隐私权政策(网址为 https://policies.google.com/privacy)维护这些数据。 6.3 为了改进 SDK,我们可能会与 Google 合作伙伴分享经过匿名化和汇总处理的数据集。

7. 第三方应用

7.1 如果您使用 SDK 运行由第三方开发的应用,或者运行会访问由第三方提供的数据、内容或资源的应用,则您须同意 Google 对于此类应用、数据、内容或资源概不负责。您了解,对于您可通过此类第三方应用访问的所有数据、内容或资源,均由最初提供这些内容的人员承担全部责任;对于您因使用或访问任何此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源而可能蒙受的任何损失或损坏,Google 概不负责。 7.2 您应了解,通过此类第三方应用向您提供的数据、内容和资源可能会受到提供者(或代表他们的其他个人或公司)所拥有的知识产权的保护。除非相关所有者明确给予许可,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据、内容或资源(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 7.3 您承认,您对此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源的使用行为可能会受到您与相关第三方之间达成的独立条款的制约。在这种情况下,本许可协议不会影响您与这些第三方之间的法律关系。

8. 使用 Android API

8.1 Google 数据 API 8.1.1 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索数据,即表示您承认这些数据可能会受到 Google 或这些数据的提供方(或者代表他们的其他人员或公司)拥有的知识产权的保护。使用任何此类 API 时,您可能会受到附加服务条款的制约。除非相关服务条款允许,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 8.1.2 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索用户数据,即表示您承认并同意,您只有在征得用户明确同意时才会检索数据,并且只能在用户允许时出于用户许可的有限目的检索数据。如果您使用 Android Recognition Service API(请参阅以下网址对应的文档:https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognitionService,其内容会不时更新),即表示您承认使用此 API 时需遵循针对以 Google 作为数据处理方的产品的数据处理附录(附录网址为 https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprprocessorterms/,其内容会不时更新)。点击接受,即表示您特此同意遵循与数据处理方为 Google 的产品相关的数据处理附录的相关条款。

9. 终止本许可协议

9.1 本许可协议将持续有效,直至您或 Google 按以下规定终止本协议。 9.2 如果您想终止本许可协议,可通过停止使用 SDK 以及任何相关开发者凭据予以终止。 9.3 如果出现以下任意情况,Google 可随时终止本许可协议: (A) 您违反了本许可协议的规定;或 (B) 根据法律 Google 必须终止本协议;或 (C) 与 Google 合作向您提供 SDK 的特定部分(例如 API)的合作伙伴终止了与 Google 的合作关系,或者不再向您提供 SDK 的特定部分;或 (D) Google 决定不再向您所居住的国家/地区,或您使用相关服务时所在的国家/地区提供 SDK 或 SDK 的特定部分,或者 Google 单方面判定向您提供 SDK 或特定的 SDK 服务不再具有商业可行性。 9.4 当本许可协议终止时,您与 Google 受益于、受制于(或在本许可协议有效期内随时间累积)或明示将无限期延续的所有法定权利、义务和责任将不受此终止的影响,并且第 14.7 段的规定将继续无限期地适用于上述权利、义务和责任。

10. 免责声明

10.1 您明确了解并同意自行承担使用 SDK 的风险,并且 SDK 是“按原样”和“现状”提供,不由 Google 提供任何类型的保证。 10.2 您对 SDK 的使用以及通过 SDK 下载或以其他方式获得的任何材料的使用均由您自行斟酌并承担相关风险,对于由此给您的设备或计算机系统造成的任何数据损坏,您必须自行承担10.3 Google 另外明确声明,对于任何形式(无论是明示或暗示)的保证和条件,包括但不限于关于适销性、

11. 责任限制

11.1 因任何原因导致 Google、其子公司和关联公司及其许可方因任何原因,

12. 赔偿

12.1 您同意在法律允许的最大范围内,为 Google、其关联公司及其各自的董事、高级职员、员工和代理人出于任何和所有索赔、诉讼、诉讼或程序,以及任何和所有损失、法律责任、损害、

13. 许可协议的变更

13.1 Google 在发布新版 SDK 时可能会对本许可协议进行一些变更。做出这些更改后,Google 将在提供 SDK 的网站上公布新版本的许可协议。 14.1 本许可协议构成您和 Google 之间的完整法律协议,且您对 SDK 的使用(不包括 Google 根据单独书面协议为您提供的任何服务)将受本协议的约束。同时,本协议将完全取代您和 Google 之前就 SDK 达成的任何协议。 14.2 您同意,即使 Google 未行使或强制执行本许可协议中所述的(或 Google 根据任何适用法律所享有的)任何法定权利或补救措施,也不应视为 Google 正式自动放弃这些权利,Google 仍然可以行使这些权利或采取相应补救措施。 14.3 如果对此类事项有司法管辖权的任何法院判定本许可协议的任何规定无效,我们会将相应规定从本许可协议中移除,本协议其余部分不受影响。本许可协议的其余条款将继续有效并可强制执行。 14.4 您承认并同意,Google 的每一个子公司都应为本许可协议的第三方受益人,此类其他公司应有权直接执行本许可协议,并根据本许可协议的规定主张相关权益(或有利于他们的权利)。除此之外,其他任何个人或公司均不得成为本许可协议的第三方受益人。 14.5 出口限制。SDK 会受到美国出口法律和法规的限制。您必须遵守所有适用于 SDK 的国内以及国际出口法律和法规。这些法律包括对目的地、最终用户和最终用途的限制。 14.6 未经另一方的事先书面许可,您或 Google 不得转让或转移本许可协议中授予的权利。未经另一方事先书面批准,您或 Google 均不得将其在本许可协议下的责任或义务委托给他人。 14.7 本许可协议以及您与 Google 依据本许可协议而建立的关系应受美国加利福尼亚州法律(该州的法律冲突条款除外)的约束。您和 Google 同意服从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县法院的专有司法辖权,以此来解决因本许可协议产生的任何法律事务。尽管有上述规定,您同意仍允许 Google 在任何管辖区申请禁令救济(或同等类型的紧急法律救济)。 2021 年 7 月 27 日



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以下是 Android 软件开发套件许可协议

1. 简介

1.1 Google 会按照本许可协议的条款向您授予使用 Android 软件开发套件(在本许可协议中称为“SDK”,具体包括 Android 系统文件、一些已打包好的 API 和一些 Google API 插件)的许可。本许可协议是您和 Google 之间就您使用 SDK 而达成的具有法律约束力的合约。 1.2“Android”是指通过 Android 开源项目(项目网址为:https://source.android.com/)提供的用于设备的 Android 软件堆栈(会不时更新)。1.3“兼容实现”是指满足以下条件的任何 Android 设备:(i) 符合 Android 兼容性定义文档(位于 Android 兼容性网站 https://source.android.com/compatibility 上,会不时更新)的要求;(ii) 成功通过 Android 兼容性测试套件 (CTS) 测试。 1.4“Google”是指 Google LLC,一家按照美国特拉华州法律成立并按照美国法律运营的公司,其主要营业地点为 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA。

2. 接受本许可协议

2.1 要使用 SDK,您必须先同意本许可协议。如果您不接受本许可协议,则无法使用 SDK。 2.2 点击接受和/或使用此 SDK,即表示您特此同意本许可协议的条款。 2.3 如果美国或其他国家/地区(包括您居住或使用 SDK 时所在的国家/地区)的法律禁止您作为自然人获取 SDK,则您无法使用 SDK,也无法接受本许可协议。 2.4 如果您代表您的雇主或其他实体同意受本许可协议约束,则您声明并保证您拥有充足的法定权力来让您的雇主或上述实体受本许可协议的约束。如果您不具备必要的授权,则不得代表您的雇主或其他实体接受本许可协议或使用 SDK。

3. Google 授予的 SDK 许可

3.1 Google 依据本许可协议的条款授予您有限的、全球性、免版税、不可转让、非独占性且不可再许可的 SDK 使用许可,其用途仅限针对 Android 的兼容实现来开发应用。 3.2 您不得使用此 SDK 来开发适用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用或开发其他 SDK。您当然可以随意开发用于其他平台(包括 Android 的非兼容实现)的应用,但不能将此 SDK 用于该目的。 3.3 您同意 Google 或第三方拥有此 SDK 的所有法定权利、所有权和利益,包括此 SDK 中存在的所有知识产权。“知识产权”是指专利法、版权法、商业秘密法、商标法以及任何和所有其他所有权法案中现行规定的任何及所有权利。Google 保留未明确授予您的所有权利。 3.4 您不得将 SDK 用于本许可协议未明确允许的任何用途。除非适用的第三方许可有相关要求,您不得对 SDK 或 SDK 的任何部分进行复制(备份用途除外)、修改、改编、再分发、反编译、逆向工程、反汇编或创建其衍生作品。 3.5 对于依据开源软件许可授权的 SDK 组件,其使用、复制和分发仅受该开源软件许可条款的制约,不受本许可协议的约束。 3.6 您同意 Google 所提供的 SDK 可在未事先通知您的情况下出现形式和性质上的改变,并且未来的 SDK 版本可以不兼容在较早的 SDK 版本上开发的应用。您同意,一般情况下,Google 可在不事先通知您的情况下自行决定(永久或暂时)停止向您或更多用户提供 SDK(或 SDK 内的任何功能)。 3.7 本许可协议中的任何内容均未授权您使用 Google 的任何商品名、商标、服务商标、徽标、域名或其他显著品牌特征。 3.8 对于 SDK 中可能附带或包含的任何所有权声明(包括版权和商标通告),您同意不会移除、模糊处理或更改这些声明。

4. 您对 SDK 的使用

4.1 Google 同意,对于您使用 SDK 开发的任何软件应用,Google 不能以本许可协议为由从您(或您的许可方)处获取这些应用的权利、所有权或利益,包括这些应用中存在的任何知识产权。 4.2 您同意,只在 (a) 本许可协议和 (b) 相关司法辖区内的任何适用法律法规或公认的惯例或准则(包括任何与从美国或其他相关国家/地区进口或向其出口数据或软件相关的法律)允许的情况下使用 SDK 以及编写应用。 4.3 您同意,如果您使用 SDK 开发面向一般公众用户的应用,您将会保护这些用户的隐私权和合法权利。如果用户向您提供用户名、密码或其他登录信息或个人信息,您必须确保用户知晓这些信息将供您的应用使用,并且您必须为这些用户提供足以满足法律要求的隐私权声明和保护。如果您的应用存储了用户提供的个人信息或敏感信息,则必须安全存储这类信息。如果用户为您的应用提供了 Google 账号信息,您的应用只能在用户允许时出于用户所许可的有限目的使用该信息访问用户的 Google 账号。 4.4 您同意您不会利用 SDK 从事任何干扰、破坏、损坏或以未经授权方式访问任何第三方(包括但不限于 Google 或任何移动通信运营商)的服务器、网络或其他财产或服务的行为(包括应用的开发或分发)。 4.5 您同意,对于您通过 Android 和/或 Android 版应用创建、传输或显示的任何数据、内容或资源,以及由此造成的任何后果(包括 Google 可能会蒙受的任何损失或损害),您要承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方不承担任何责任。 4.6 您同意,对于未按本许可协议、任何适用的第三方合同或服务条款或任何适用法律法规的规定履行义务的任何行为以及由此造成的后果(包括 Google 或任何第三方可能会蒙受的损失或损害),您承担全部责任,且 Google 对您或任何第三方均不承担任何责任。

5. 开发者凭据

5.1 您同意负责维护 Google 向您发放或您自行选择的任何开发者凭据的机密性,并且对使用您的开发者凭据开发的所有应用承担全部责任。

6. 隐私权和信息

6.1 为了不断地对 SDK 进行创新和改进,Google 可能会通过软件收集某些使用情况统计信息,包括但不限于唯一标识符、关联的 IP 地址、软件版本号,以及关于 SDK 中正在使用的工具和/或服务以及使用方式的信息。在收集任何上述信息之前,SDK 都会通知您并征求您的同意。未经您同意,Google 不会擅自收集此类信息。6.2 Google 会对收集的数据进行汇总分析,从而改进 SDK,并会按照 Google 隐私权政策(网址为 https://policies.google.com/privacy)维护这些数据。 6.3 为了改进 SDK,我们可能会与 Google 合作伙伴分享经过匿名化和汇总处理的数据集。

7. 第三方应用

7.1 如果您使用 SDK 运行由第三方开发的应用,或者运行会访问由第三方提供的数据、内容或资源的应用,则您须同意 Google 对于此类应用、数据、内容或资源概不负责。您了解,对于您可通过此类第三方应用访问的所有数据、内容或资源,均由最初提供这些内容的人员承担全部责任;对于您因使用或访问任何此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源而可能蒙受的任何损失或损坏,Google 概不负责。 7.2 您应了解,通过此类第三方应用向您提供的数据、内容和资源可能会受到提供者(或代表他们的其他个人或公司)所拥有的知识产权的保护。除非相关所有者明确给予许可,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据、内容或资源(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 7.3 您承认,您对此类第三方应用、数据、内容或资源的使用行为可能会受到您与相关第三方之间达成的独立条款的制约。在这种情况下,本许可协议不会影响您与这些第三方之间的法律关系。

8. 使用 Android API

8.1 Google 数据 API 8.1.1 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索数据,即表示您承认这些数据可能会受到 Google 或这些数据的提供方(或者代表他们的其他人员或公司)拥有的知识产权的保护。使用任何此类 API 时,您可能会受到附加服务条款的制约。除非相关服务条款允许,否则您不得修改、出租、租赁、借出、出售、分发这些数据(全部或部分),也不得以其为基础创建衍生作品。 8.1.2 如果您使用任何 API 从 Google 检索用户数据,即表示您承认并同意,您只有在征得用户明确同意时才会检索数据,并且只能在用户允许时出于用户许可的有限目的检索数据。如果您使用 Android Recognition Service API(请参阅以下网址对应的文档:https://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/RecognitionService,其内容会不时更新),即表示您承认使用此 API 时需遵循针对以 Google 作为数据处理方的产品的数据处理附录(附录网址为 https://privacy.google.com/businesses/gdprprocessorterms/,其内容会不时更新)。点击接受,即表示您特此同意遵循与数据处理方为 Google 的产品相关的数据处理附录的相关条款。

9. 终止本许可协议

9.1 本许可协议将持续有效,直至您或 Google 按以下规定终止本协议。 9.2 如果您想终止本许可协议,可通过停止使用 SDK 以及任何相关开发者凭据予以终止。 9.3 如果出现以下任意情况,Google 可随时终止本许可协议: (A) 您违反了本许可协议的规定;或 (B) 根据法律 Google 必须终止本协议;或 (C) 与 Google 合作向您提供 SDK 的特定部分(例如 API)的合作伙伴终止了与 Google 的合作关系,或者不再向您提供 SDK 的特定部分;或 (D) Google 决定不再向您所居住的国家/地区,或您使用相关服务时所在的国家/地区提供 SDK 或 SDK 的特定部分,或者 Google 单方面判定向您提供 SDK 或特定的 SDK 服务不再具有商业可行性。 9.4 当本许可协议终止时,您与 Google 受益于、受制于(或在本许可协议有效期内随时间累积)或明示将无限期延续的所有法定权利、义务和责任将不受此终止的影响,并且第 14.7 段的规定将继续无限期地适用于上述权利、义务和责任。

10. 免责声明

10.1 您明确了解并同意自行承担使用 SDK 的风险,并且 SDK 是“按原样”和“现状”提供,不由 Google 提供任何类型的保证。 10.2 您对 SDK 的使用以及通过 SDK 下载或以其他方式获得的任何材料的使用均由您自行斟酌并承担相关风险,对于由此给您的设备或计算机系统造成的任何数据损坏,您必须自行承担10.3 Google 另外明确声明,对于任何形式(无论是明示或暗示)的保证和条件,包括但不限于关于适销性、

11. 责任限制

11.1 因任何原因导致 Google、其子公司和关联公司及其许可方因任何原因,

12. 赔偿

12.1 您同意在法律允许的最大范围内,为 Google、其关联公司及其各自的董事、高级职员、员工和代理人出于任何和所有索赔、诉讼、诉讼或程序,以及任何和所有损失、法律责任、损害、

13. 许可协议的变更

13.1 Google 在发布新版 SDK 时可能会对本许可协议进行一些变更。做出这些更改后,Google 将在提供 SDK 的网站上公布新版本的许可协议。 14.1 本许可协议构成您和 Google 之间的完整法律协议,且您对 SDK 的使用(不包括 Google 根据单独书面协议为您提供的任何服务)将受本协议的约束。同时,本协议将完全取代您和 Google 之前就 SDK 达成的任何协议。 14.2 您同意,即使 Google 未行使或强制执行本许可协议中所述的(或 Google 根据任何适用法律所享有的)任何法定权利或补救措施,也不应视为 Google 正式自动放弃这些权利,Google 仍然可以行使这些权利或采取相应补救措施。 14.3 如果对此类事项有司法管辖权的任何法院判定本许可协议的任何规定无效,我们会将相应规定从本许可协议中移除,本协议其余部分不受影响。本许可协议的其余条款将继续有效并可强制执行。 14.4 您承认并同意,Google 的每一个子公司都应为本许可协议的第三方受益人,此类其他公司应有权直接执行本许可协议,并根据本许可协议的规定主张相关权益(或有利于他们的权利)。除此之外,其他任何个人或公司均不得成为本许可协议的第三方受益人。 14.5 出口限制。SDK 会受到美国出口法律和法规的限制。您必须遵守所有适用于 SDK 的国内以及国际出口法律和法规。这些法律包括对目的地、最终用户和最终用途的限制。 14.6 未经另一方的事先书面许可,您或 Google 不得转让或转移本许可协议中授予的权利。未经另一方事先书面批准,您或 Google 均不得将其在本许可协议下的责任或义务委托给他人。 14.7 本许可协议以及您与 Google 依据本许可协议而建立的关系应受美国加利福尼亚州法律(该州的法律冲突条款除外)的约束。您和 Google 同意服从加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县法院的专有司法辖权,以此来解决因本许可协议产生的任何法律事务。尽管有上述规定,您同意仍允许 Google 在任何管辖区申请禁令救济(或同等类型的紧急法律救济)。 2021 年 7 月 27 日


Android 14(初始稳定版本)

Android 14 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 4a (5G)
  • Pixel 5 和 Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 和 Pixel 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 和 Pixel 7 Pro
  • Pixel 7a
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet
  • Pixel 8 和 Pixel 8 Pro
Date: October 12, 2023
Build: UP1A.231005.007
Security patch level: October 2023
Google Play Services: 23.18.18
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

Download Android 14 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 14 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 14 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 14 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 14. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 14 GSI Release


Download Android 14 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 14 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 14 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 14 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 14. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 14 GSI Release


Download Android 14 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 14 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 14 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 14 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 14. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 14 GSI Release


Download Android 14 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 14 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 14 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 14 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 14 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 14. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 14 GSI Release


Android 14 GSI 的已知问题

Android 14 GSI 二进制文件存在以下特定于 GSI 的已知问题:

  • 手机音频:在使用集成的拨号器时,您可能听不到手机中的任何音频。这是因 Android 10 中的电话服务安装位置发生了变化造成的。
  • 重启:在某些设备上重启 GSI 可能会失败。如需解决此问题,请重新启动设备并进入恢复模式 (Recovery mode)、清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置,然后再重新启动设备。
  • 系统分区大小:GSI + GMS 文件大小(名为 _gsi\_gms\_arm64-*_ 的映像)可能大于您设备上的默认动态系统分区大小。如需解决此问题,您可以删除一些不重要的动态分区,例如产品分区,然后重新刷写 GSI。如需了解详情,请参阅刷写 GSI 文档

Android 13 GSI

Android 13 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 4 和 Pixel 4 XL
  • Pixel 4a 和 Pixel 4a (5G)
  • Pixel 5 和 Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 和 Pixel 6 Pro
  • Pixel 6a
  • Pixel 7 和 Pixel 7 Pro
  • Pixel Fold
  • Pixel Tablet

Android 13 QPR3

Date: April 20, 2023
Build: T3B3.230413.003
Security patch level: April 2023
Google Play Services: 23.06.18
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Android 13(初始稳定版本)

Date: August 7, 2023
Build: TQ3A.230805.001.A3
Security patch level: August 2023
Google Play Services: 22.46.19
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Download Android 13 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 13 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 13 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 13 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 13 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 13. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 13 GSI Release


Android 13 GSI 的已知问题

Android 13 GSI 二进制文件存在以下特定于 GSI 的已知问题:

  • 手机音频:在使用集成的拨号器时,您可能听不到手机中的任何音频。这是因 Android 10 中的电话服务安装位置发生了变化造成的。
  • 重启:在某些设备上重启 GSI 可能会失败。如需解决此问题,请重新启动设备并进入恢复模式 (Recovery mode)、清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置,然后再重新启动设备。
  • 系统分区大小:GSI + GMS 文件大小(名为 _gsi\_gms\_arm64-*_ 的映像)可能大于您设备上的默认动态系统分区大小。如需解决此问题,您可以删除一些不重要的动态分区,例如产品分区,然后重新刷写 GSI。如需了解详情,请参阅刷写 GSI 文档

Android 12 GSI

Android 12 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 3 和 Pixel 3 XL
  • Pixel 3a 和 Pixel 3a XL
  • Pixel 4 和 Pixel 4 XL
  • Pixel 4a 和 Pixel 4a (5G)
  • Pixel 5 和 Pixel 5a
  • Pixel 6 和 Pixel 6 Pro
Date: July 6, 2022
Build: SQ3A.220705.003.A1
Security patch level: July 2022
Google Play Services: 21.24.23
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

Download Android 12 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 12 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 12 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 12 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 12. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 12 GSI Release


Download Android 12 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 12 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 12 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 12 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 12. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 12 GSI Release


Download Android 12 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 12 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 12 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 12 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 12. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 12 GSI Release


Download Android 12 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 12 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 12 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 12 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 12 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 12. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 12 GSI Release


Android 12 GSI 的已知问题

Android 12 GSI 二进制文件存在以下特定于 GSI 的已知问题:

  • 手机音频:在使用集成的拨号器时,您可能听不到手机中的任何音频。这是因 Android 10 中的电话服务安装位置发生了变化造成的。
  • 重启:在某些设备上重启 GSI 可能会失败。如需解决此问题,请重新启动设备并进入恢复模式 (Recovery mode)、清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置,然后再重新启动设备。
  • 系统分区大小:GSI + GMS 文件大小(名为 _gsi\_gms\_arm64-*_ 的映像)可能大于您设备上的默认动态系统分区大小。如需解决此问题,您可以删除一些不重要的动态分区,例如产品分区,然后重新刷写 GSI。如需了解详情,请参阅刷写 GSI 文档

Android 11 GSI

Android 12 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 2 和 Pixel 2 XL
  • Pixel 3 和 Pixel 3 XL
  • Pixel 3a 和 Pixel 3a XL
  • Pixel 4 和 Pixel 4 XL
Date: September 8, 2020
Build: RP1A.200720.009
Security patch level: September 2020
Google Play Services: 20.30.19
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

Download Android 11 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 11 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 11 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 11 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 11. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 11 GSI Release


Download Android 11 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 11 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 11 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 11 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 11. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 11 GSI Release


Download Android 11 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 11 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 11 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 11 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 11. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 11 GSI Release


Download Android 11 GSI Release

Before downloading, you must agree to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 11 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 11 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 11 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 11 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 11. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
Download Android 11 GSI Release


Android 11 GSI 的已知问题

Android 11 GSI 二进制文件存在以下特定于 GSI 的已知问题:

  • 手机音频:在使用集成的拨号器时,您可能听不到手机中的任何音频。这是因 Android 10 中的电话服务安装位置发生了变化造成的。
  • 重启:在某些设备上重启 GSI 可能会失败。如需解决此问题,请重新启动设备并进入恢复模式 (Recovery mode)、清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置,然后再重新启动设备。
  • 系统分区大小:GSI + GMS 文件大小(名为 _gsi\_gms\_arm64-*_ 的映像)可能大于您设备上的默认动态系统分区大小。如需解决此问题,您可以删除一些不重要的动态分区,例如产品分区,然后重新刷写 GSI。如需了解详情,请参阅刷写 GSI 文档

Android 10 GSI

Android 10 的 GSI 二进制文件采用与相应 Google Pixel build 相同的 AOSP 和 GMS 源代码构建而成。这些二进制文件包含相同的 API 和 SDK,具有类似的 CTS 结果,并且已在以下 Pixel 设备上进行了验证:

  • Pixel 和 Pixel XL
  • Pixel 2 和 Pixel 2 XL
  • Pixel 3 和 Pixel 3 XL
  • Pixel 3a 和 Pixel 3a XL
Date: October 2019
Security patch level: December 2019
Google Play Services: 19.6.29
类型 下载链接和 SHA-256 校验和

下载 Android 10 GSI Release



This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 10 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 10 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 10 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 10. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
下载 Android 10 GSI Release


下载 Android 10 GSI Release



This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 10 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 10 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 10 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 10. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
下载 Android 10 GSI Release


下载 Android 10 GSI Release



This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 10 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 10 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 10 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 10. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
下载 Android 10 GSI Release


下载 Android 10 GSI Release



This is the Early Access Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI License Agreement (“License Agreement”). Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI (each defined below) are licensed to you subject to the terms of the License Agreement. The License Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and Google in relation to your use of Google Mobile Services and Android 10 GSI. 1. Definitions 1.1 "Android" means the Android software stack for devices, as made available under the Android Open Source Project, which is located at the following URL: https://source.android.com/, as updated from time to time. 1.2 “Android 10 GSI” means Google’s generic system image of Android 10 code, excluding third party extensions. 1.3 "Google" means Google LLC, a Delaware corporation with principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. 1.4 “Google Mobile Services” means a machine-readable binary code version of the following Google applications: Search, Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Play, and certain other associated applications, in each case, as provided under this License Agreement. Google Mobile Services are collectively referred to in the License Agreement as “GMS” or each individually as a “GMS Application”. 1.5 “GMS+GSI” refers to GMS and Android 10 GSI, collectively. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use GMS+GSI, you must first agree to the License Agreement. You may not use GMS+GSI if you do not accept the License Agreement. 2.2 By clicking to accept, you hereby agree to the terms of the License Agreement. 2.3 You may not use GMS+GSI and may not accept the License Agreement if you are a person barred from receiving GMS+GSI under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use GMS+GSI. 2.4 If you are agreeing to be bound by the License Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the License Agreement. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use GMS+GSI on behalf of your employer or other entity. 3. GMS+GSI License from Google 3.1 Subject to the terms of the License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use GMS+GSI solely for testing applications for compatibility with Android 10. 3.2 You agree that Google or third parties own all legal right, title and interest in and to GMS+GSI, including any Intellectual Property Rights that subsist in GMS+GSI. "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under patent law, copyright law, trade secret law, trademark law, and any and all other proprietary rights. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 3.3 You may not use GMS+GSI for any purpose not expressly permitted by the License Agreement. 3.4 Use, reproduction and distribution of components of GMS+GSI licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the License Agreement. 3.5 You agree that the form and nature of GMS+GSI that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of GMS+GSI may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of GMS+GSI. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing GMS+GSI (or any features within GMS+GSI) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. 3.6 Nothing in the License Agreement gives you a right to use any of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features. 3.7 You agree that you will not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained within GMS+GSI. 3.8 You agree that you will not, and will not encourage or allow any third party to do any of the following: (a) distribute GMS; (b) copy (except for backup purposes), modify or adapt any part of GMS+GSI; (c) disassemble, de-compile, or otherwise reverse engineer GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, or obtain the source code or algorithms underlying GMS+GSI; (d) create derivative works from or based on GMS+GSI; (e) provide, sell, license, sublicense, lease, lend, or disclose GMS+GSI, or any part of GMS+GSI, to any third party,; or (f) ship, divert, transship, transfer, export, or re-export GMS+GSI, or any component thereof, into any country or use it in any manner prohibited by any applicable export control laws, restrictions, or regulations. 4. Use of GMS+GSI by You 4.1 Google agrees that it obtains no right, title or interest from you (or your licensors) under the License Agreement in or to any software applications that you may develop using GMS+GSI, including any intellectual property rights that subsist in those applications. 4.2 You agree to ensure that any applications you develop using GMS+GSI are compliant with applicable laws, regulations and generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions (including any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the United States or other relevant countries). 4.3 You agree that if you use GMS+GSI to develop applications for general public users, you will protect the privacy and legal rights of those users. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users. If your application stores personal or sensitive information provided by users, it must do so securely. If the user provides your application with Google Account information, your application may only use that information to access the user's Google Account when, and for the limited purposes for which, the user has given you permission to do so. 4.4 You agree that you will not engage in any activity with GMS+GSI, including the development or distribution of an application, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the servers, networks, or other properties or services of any third party including, but not limited to, Google or any mobile communications carrier. 4.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any data, content, or resources that you create, transmit or display through Android and/or applications for Android, and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. 4.6 You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the License Agreement, any applicable third party contract or Terms of Service, or any applicable law or regulation, and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Google or any third party may suffer) of any such breach. 4.7 You agree that you will not use GMS+GSI to develop applications that will do any of the following prohibited activities: (a) intentionally create, facilitate the creation of, or exploit any security vulnerabilities in an end user’s device; (b) interfere with an end user’s expected operation and use of that end user’s device; (c) engage in an activity that violates any applicable law or regulation; (d) contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, date bombs, time bombs or the like; (e) serve or otherwise place any advertisements during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (f) offer, download, or install any additional products during the launch process of Android or a GMS Application; (g) interfere with or limit the display or acceptance of the applicable Google Terms of Service for a GMS Application; (h) redirect an end user away from, block access to, frame, modify, or change the look or feel of any web page or web site accessed via a GMS Application, or place anything on or near any website page that in any way implies that Google is responsible for the contents of such page; (i) cause any GMS Application to cease operating, or to damage, interrupt, allow access to, or interfere with any GMS Application or end user data; (j) modify, or interfere with the operation of, Android or GMS; or (k) interfere with Google’s over-the-air updates of GMS Applications. 5. Terminating this License Agreement 5.1 The License Agreement will continue to apply until terminated by either you or Google as set out below. 5.2 If you want to terminate the License Agreement, you may do so by ceasing your use of GMS+GSI. 5.3 Google may at any time, terminate the License Agreement with you if: (A) you have breached any provision of the License Agreement; or (B) Google is required to do so by law; or (C) Google decides to no longer provide GMS+GSI in its sole discretion. 5.4 When the License Agreement comes to an end: (A) all rights and licenses granted to you under this License Agreement will immediately cease; (B) you will destroy all copies of GMS+GSI in your possession, including from all hard disks and memory; (C) neither you nor Google will be liable to the other for any damages resulting solely from termination of this License Agreement; and (D) any provisions of this License Agreement that under their terms or by implication ought to survive, will survive any termination of this License Agreement. This specifically includes, without limitation, Sections 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 6.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT GMS+GSI IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND FROM GOOGLE. 6.2 YOUR USE OF GMS+GSI AND ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF GMS+GSI IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, DEFECTS, DESTRUCTION, DAMAGE OR LOSS RESULTING FROM SUCH USE, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE, LOSS OF DATA, VOIDING OF THE MANUFACTURER WARRANTY OR INCREASED VULNERABILITY OF YOUR DEVICE OR COMPUTER SYSTEM. 6.3 GOOGLE FURTHER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 7.1 YOU EXPRESSLY UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT GOOGLE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT MAY BE INCURRED BY YOU, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF DATA, WHETHER OR NOT GOOGLE OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF OR SHOULD HAVE BEEN AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSSES ARISING. 8. Indemnification 8.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Google, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) your use of GMS+GSI, or (b) any non-compliance by you with the License Agreement. 9. Changes to the License Agreement 9.1 Google may make changes to the License Agreement as it distributes new versions of GMS+GSI. When these changes are made, Google will make a new version of the License Agreement available on the website where GMS+GSI is made available. 10. General Legal Terms 10.1 The License Agreement constitutes the whole legal agreement between you and Google and governs your use of GMS+GSI (excluding any services which Google may provide to you under a separate written agreement), and completely replaces any prior agreements between you and Google in relation to GMS+GSI. 10.2 You agree that if Google does not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the License Agreement (or which Google has the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Google's rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to Google. 10.3 If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of the License Agreement is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the License Agreement without affecting the rest of the License Agreement. The remaining provisions of the License Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable. 10.4 You acknowledge and agree that each member of the group of companies of which Google is the parent shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement and that such other companies shall be entitled to directly enforce, and rely upon, any provision of the License Agreement that confers a benefit on (or rights in favor of) them. Other than this, no other person or company shall be third party beneficiaries to the License Agreement. 10.5 EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. GMS+GSI IS SUBJECT TO UNITED STATES EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS. YOU MUST COMPLY WITH ALL DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO GMS+GSI. THESE LAWS INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON DESTINATIONS, END USERS AND END USE. 10.6 The rights granted in the License Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by either you or Google without the prior written approval of the other party. Neither you nor Google shall be permitted to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under the License Agreement without the prior written approval of the other party. 10.7 The License Agreement, and your relationship with Google under the License Agreement, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. You and Google agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the county of Santa Clara, California to resolve any legal matter arising from the License Agreement. Notwithstanding this, you agree that Google shall still be allowed to apply for injunctive remedies (or an equivalent type of urgent legal relief) in any jurisdiction.
下载 Android 10 GSI Release


Android 10 GSI 的已知问题

此版本的 Android 10 GSI 存在以下已知问题:

  • 手机音频:在使用集成的拨号器时,您可能听不到手机中的任何音频。这是因 Android 10 中的电话服务安装位置发生了变化造成的。
  • 重启:在某些设备上重启 GSI 可能会失败。如需解决此问题,请重新启动设备并进入恢复模式 (Recovery mode)、清除用户数据并恢复出厂设置,然后再重新启动设备。
  • 系统分区大小:GSI + GMS 文件大小(名为 _gsi\_gms\_arm64-*_ 的映像)可能大于您设备上的默认动态系统分区大小。如需解决此问题,您可以删除一些不重要的动态分区,例如产品分区,然后重新刷写 GSI。如需了解详情,请参阅刷写 GSI 文档