Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0 (July 2021)
Android Gradle plugin 7.0.0 is a major release that includes a variety of new features and improvements.
7.0.1 (August 2021)
This minor update includes various bug fixes. To see a list of notable bug fixes, read the related post on the Release Updates blog.
Minimum version | Default version | Notes | |
Gradle | 7.0.2 | 7.0.2 | To learn more, see updating Gradle. |
SDK Build Tools | 30.0.2 | 30.0.2 | Install or configure SDK Build Tools. |
NDK | N/A | 21.4.7075529 | Install or configure a different version of the NDK. |
JDK | 11 | 11 | To learn more, see setting the JDK version. |
JDK 11 required to run AGP 7.0
When using Android Gradle plugin 7.0 to build your app, JDK 11 is now required to run Gradle. Android Studio Arctic Fox bundles JDK 11 and configures Gradle to use it by default, which means that most Android Studio users do not need to make any configuration changes to their projects.
If you need to manually set the JDK version used by AGP inside of Android Studio, you need to use JDK 11 or higher.
When using AGP independent of Android Studio, upgrade the JDK version by
setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable
or the
command-line option
to your installation directory of JDK 11.
Note that the SDK Manager and AVD Manager in the deprecated SDK Tools package don't work with JDK 11. To continue to use the SDK Manager and AVD Manager with AGP 7.0 and higher, you need to switch to the new versions of the tools in the current Android SDK Command-Line Tools package.
Variant API stable
The new Variant API is now stable. See the new interfaces in the package, and examples in the gradle-recipes GitHub project. As part of the new Variant API, we have made available a number of intermediate files, called artifacts, through the Artifacts interface. These artifacts, like the merged manifest, can be safely obtained and customized by using third-party plugins and code.
We will continue extending the Variant API by adding new functionalities and augmenting the number of intermediate artifacts we make available for customization.
Behavior changes for Lint
This section describes multiple Lint behavior changes in Android Gradle plugin 7.0.0.
Improved lint for library dependencies
Running lint with checkDependencies = true
is now faster
than before. For Android projects consisting of an app with library
dependencies, it is recommended to set checkDependencies
as shown below, and to run lint via
./gradlew :app:lint
, which will analyze all dependency
modules in parallel and produce a single report including issues from the
app and all of its dependencies.
// build.gradle
android {
lintOptions {
checkDependencies true
// build.gradle.kts
android {
lint {
isCheckDependencies = true
Lint tasks can now be UP-TO-DATE
If a module's sources and resources have not changed, the lint analysis
task for the module does not need to run again. When this happens, the
execution of the task appears as "UP-TO-DATE" in the Gradle
output. With this change, when running lint on an application module with checkDependencies = true
, only modules that have changed will
need to run their analysis. As a result, Lint can run even faster.
The Lint report task also does not need to run if its inputs have not changed. A related known issue is that there is no lint text output printed to stdout when the lint task is UP-TO-DATE (issue #191897708).
Running lint on dynamic-feature modules
AGP no longer supports running lint from dynamic-feature modules.
Running lint from the corresponding application module will run lint on
its dynamic-feature modules and include all issues in the app's lint
report. A related known issue is that when running lint
with checkDependencies = true
from an app module,
dynamic-feature library dependencies aren't checked unless they're also app
dependencies (issue
Running lint on default variant only
Running ./gradlew :app:lint
now runs lint for only the
default variant. In previous versions of AGP, it would run lint for all
Missing class warnings in R8 shrinker
R8 more precisely and
consistently handles missing classes and the -dontwarn
Therefore, you should start to evaluate the missing class warnings emitted
by R8.
When R8 encounters a class reference that is not defined in your app or one of its dependencies, it will emit a warning that appears in your build output. For example:
R8: Missing class: java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
This warning means that the class definition
could not be found
when analyzing your app's code. While this usually means there is an error,
it's possible that you may want to ignore this warning. Two common reasons
to ignore the warning are:
Libraries that are targeting the JVM and the missing class are of JVM library type (as in the example above).
One of your dependencies uses a compile-time only API.
You can ignore a missing class warning by adding a -dontwarn
rule to your
file. For example:
-dontwarn java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
For convenience, AGP will generate a file that contains all potentially
missing rules, writing them to a file path such as the following:
. Add the
rules to your
file to ignore warnings.
In AGP 7.0, missing class messages will appear as warnings, and you can
turn them into errors by setting
android.r8.failOnMissingClasses = true
. In AGP 8.0, these warnings will become
errors that break your build. It is possible to keep the AGP 7.0 behavior by
adding the option -ignorewarnings
to your
file, but that is not recommended.
Android Gradle plugin build cache removed
The AGP build cache was removed in AGP 4.1. Previously introduced in AGP 2.3 to complement the Gradle build cache, the AGP build cache was superseded entirely by the Gradle build cache in AGP 4.1. This change does not impact build time.
In AGP 7.0, the android.enableBuildCache
property, and the
task have been removed.
Use Java 11 source code in your project
You can now compile up to Java 11 source code in your app's project, enabling you to use newer language features like private interface methods, the diamond operator for anonymous classes, and local variable syntax for lambda parameters.
To enable this feature, set compileOptions
to the desired
Java version and set compileSdkVersion
to 30 or above:
// build.gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 30
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
// For Kotlin projects
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "11"
// build.gradle.kts
android {
compileOptions {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "11"
Dependency configurations removed
In AGP 7.0, the following configurations (or dependency scopes) have been removed:
Depending on use case, this has been replaced byapi
Also applies to *Compile variants, for example:debugCompile
. -
This has been replaced bycompileOnly
Also applies to *Provided variants, for example:releaseProvided
. -
This has been replaced byruntimeOnly
. -
This has been replaced byruntimeOnly
In most cases, the AGP Upgrade Assistant will automatically migrate your project to the new configurations.
Classpath change when compiling against Android Gradle plugin
If you are compiling against the Android Gradle plugin, your compile
classpath may change. Because AGP now uses api/implementation
configurations internally, some artifacts may be removed from your compile
classpath. If you depend on an AGP dependency at compile-time, be sure to
add it as an explicit dependency.
Addition of native libraries in a Java resources folder is not supported
Previously, you could add a native library in a Java resources folder, and
register the folder using android.sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs
so that the native library would be extracted and added to the final
APK. Starting with AGP 7.0, this is not supported and native libraries in a
Java resources folder are ignored. Instead, use the DSL method intended for
native libraries, android.sourceSets.main.jniLibs.srcDirs
. For
more information, see
how to configure
source sets.
Known issues
This section describes known issues that exist in Android Gradle plugin 7.0.0.
Incompatibility with 1.4.x Kotlin Multiplatform plugin
Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0 is compatible with Kotlin Multiplatform plugin 1.5.0 and higher. Projects that use the Kotlin Multiplatform support need to update to Kotlin 1.5.0 to use Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0. As a workaround, you can downgrade the Android Gradle plugin to 4.2.x, although this is not recommended.
For more information, see KT-43944.
Missing lint output
There is no lint text output printed to stdout when the lint task is up-to-date (issue #191897708). For more context, see Behavior changes for lint. This issue will be fixed in Android Gradle plugin 7.1.
Not all dynamic-feature library dependencies are lint checked
When running lint with checkDependencies = true
from an
app module, dynamic-feature library dependencies aren't checked unless
they're also app dependencies
(issue #191977888).
As a workaround, the lint task can be run on those libraries. For more context,
see Behavior changes for lint.