Android 16 の最初のベータ版
Updated 2025年1月30日
Android 16 ベータ版 1 がリリースされました。Android 16 での画面の向きとサイズ変更の API の変更について学びます。
Spotlight Week: パスキー特集
Updated 2024年11月30日
パスキー、Android 16 の最初のデベロッパー プレビュー、Android Studio の Gemini のアップデート、Gemini API コンペティションの結果に関する最新情報をご確認ください。
#TheAndroidShow: 今すぐ番組をご視聴ください!
Updated 2024年10月31日
#TheAndroidShow を今すぐ視聴して、Android Studio の Gemini のアップデート、Android SDK のリリース頻度の増加などについてご確認ください。
#TheAndroidShow をチェック
Updated 2024年10月6日
四半期ごとの番組では、ロンドンの Droidcon からライブ配信します。Android Studio の Gemini に対するリリース以来最大のアップデートや、Jetpack Compose のデモなどについてお伝えします。
Spotlight Week: Android の AI
Updated 2024年10月5日
AICore を介して AI Edge SDK で試験運用版としてご利用いただける Gemini Nano を使用して、オンデバイス AI のユースケースを開始する方法について学びます。
Android で優れたアプリを構築した 5 つの事例
Updated 2024年7月4日
Android デベロッパーが最新の Android 機能を使用して優れたプレミアム アプリを構築した方法をご覧ください。
I/O 注目の機能 - さまざまなフォーム ファクタに対応する Compose
Updated 2024年6月3日
Google I/O の 3 回目のハイライトでは、スマートフォン、タブレット、WearOS、TV など、さまざまなフォーム ファクタに対応する Compose の最新情報をご紹介します。
I/O スポットライト - Android の AI を利用した構築
Updated 2024年6月2日
Google I/O では、AI を中核として Android を再構築するビジョンを発表しました。
I/O スポットライト - 優れたアプリを構築する
Updated 2024年5月2日
今後 4 週間にわたって、Google I/O での Android 開発に関する最も重要な発表を振り返ります。第 1 回は、優れたアプリの開発を支援する機能についてご紹介します。
Google I/O で Android に参加する
Updated 2024年5月1日
Google I/O は明日午前 10 時(太平洋時間)に基調講演のライブ配信で開幕します。最新の Android のアップデート、デモ、Codelab などをお楽しみください。
#TheAndroidShow Teaser
Updated 2024年2月5日
Join us on March 7 at 10AM PT for another episode of #TheAndroidShow!
A new foundation for AI on Android
Updated 2023年12月5日
We released Gemini, our most capable AI model yet. Learn more about how we’re making it easier for you to start building Android apps that leverage generative AI.
December 2023
Updated 2023年12月1日
As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that we've accomplished together as a community, and send a huge *thank you* for all of your work!
November 2023
Updated 2023年11月1日
Learn how Android Developers built excellent, premium apps using the latest Android features.
Updated 2023年10月5日
In the latest episode of #TheAndroidShow, we showcased how it’s faster and easier to build excellent apps across devices with demos and more.
October 2023
Updated 2023年10月1日
Android 14 is here, and just started rolling out to select Pixel devices; plus, it's live in the Android Open Source Project.
September 2023
Updated 2023年9月1日
Studio Bot is now available in 170+ countries in the Android Studio Canary build.
July 2023
Updated 2023年7月1日
Try the stable release of Android Studio Giraffe, with a new look and feel for Android Studio, improvements to Live Edit, and more!
I/O 2023 Multi-Device Recap
Updated 2023年6月3日
Our third recap of I/O announcements covers building across form factors, including wearables, large screens, and tablets.
I/O 2023 Android & Quality Recap
Updated 2023年6月2日
Continuing our series recapping the most important announcements from Google I/O, we're featuring Android and app quality this week.
I/O 2023 MAD Recap
Updated 2023年6月1日
Find out what's new in Modern Android Development from Google I/O '23.
Google I/O Recap
Updated 2023年5月2日
All the news from Google I/O 2023, from breakthroughs in AI, the latest in tablets, foldables, and large screens.
I/O Spotlight: Play
Updated 2022年6月3日
This is our final recap of the top news from Google I/O ‘22, it's all about Google Play and more ways to grow your business.
I/O Spotlight: Privacy and Security
Updated 2022年6月2日
This is our third recap of the key news from Google I/O ‘22, it's all of the privacy and security announcements.
I/O Spotlight: Form Factors
Updated 2022年5月3日
Over the next few emails we’ll be recapping the main announcements from Google I/O ‘22. We’re kicking it off with the Modern Android Development announcements.
I/O Spotlight: MAD
Updated 2022年5月2日
Over the next few emails we’ll be recapping the main announcements from Google I/O ‘22. We’re kicking it off with the Modern Android Development announcements.
May 2022
Updated 2022年5月1日
Find all the most important Android developer news from Google I/O our recap. Take a look below.
April 2022
Updated 2022年4月1日
Today we’re releasing the first Beta of Android 13, focused on privacy and security, developer productivity, and support for tablets and large screens. We welcome our early adopters to give it a try!
March 2022
Updated 2022年3月1日
Watch this year’s episode of The Android Show, including an interview with Android Developer Relations Lead Maru Ahues Bouza covering interesting topics such as our focus on Tablets and Large Screens!
February 2022
Updated 2022年2月1日
We’re sharing a first look at the next release of Android, with Android 13 Developer Preview 1.
January 2022
Updated 2022年1月1日
Try the latest Beta of 12L, our upcoming feature drop for large-screen devices. It’s available today on the Google Pixel 3a and newer, Android Emulator, and Lenovo Tab P12 Pro tablet.
December 2021
Updated 2021年12月1日
As we share our final newsletter of the year, we wanted to thank you for being part of the Android developer community, helping us build a better Android platform, and helping shape the developer tools and APIs we release.
Android Dev Summit - MAD
Updated 2021年11月3日
Everything MAD at #AndroidDevSummit. There were so many updates on your favorite Modern Android Development tools, APIs and frameworks, you can learn more with all of the resources here.
Android Dev Summit - Large Screens
Updated 2021年11月2日
Catch up on everything 12L and large screens from #AndroidDevSummit. There was so much news to share, make sure you catch it all. This week we're highlighting all of the sessions and announcements about building for large screens.
Android Dev Summit - Jetpack Compose
Updated 2021年11月1日
Catch up on all the announcements from #AndroidDevSummit. It’s a wrap on another eventful and fun Android Dev Summit. This week we're highlighting all of the sessions and announcements about Jetpack Compose and Material You.
Android Dev Summit is live!
Updated 2021年10月2日
The #AndroidDevSummit is live! Tune into #AndroidDevSummit which kicks off with the The Android Show, the 50 minute keynote. Then check out the live #AskAndroid and Android Code-Along sessions. This year’s theme is Excellent apps across devices.
October 2021
Updated 2021年10月1日
The #AndroidDevSummit is next week! Join us to participate in the fun. Kicking off at 10 AM PT on Oct. 27 with The Android Show, hear the latest news and updates, and connect with Android developers around the world.
September 2021
Updated 2021年9月1日
The #AndroidDevSummit is back! Join us October 27-28 to hear about the latest updates in Android development directly from the Android team, and participate in the virtual fun with your peers.
August 2021
Updated 2021年8月1日
Beta 4 takes us to Platform Stability, which means that Android 12’s APIs and all app-facing behaviors are finalized. For apps, the focus is now on compatibility and quality. It’s time to start preparing your compatible app updates in time for the official release later in the year.
July 2021
Updated 2021年7月1日
The second Beta of Android 12 adds new privacy features like the Privacy Dashboard as well updates across the system and APIs as we refine the release. Learn more & start testing your apps today.
Google I/O: Android 12
Updated 2021年6月1日
The second Beta of Android 12 adds new privacy features like the Privacy Dashboard as well updates across the system and APIs as we refine the release. Learn more & start testing your apps today.
Google I/O: Building across screens
Updated 2021年5月16日
Get the latest on Android development for Wear OS, Android TV and Google TV, Android for Cars, and Android Media. Also learn about the improved tools for optimizing your apps to work well on large screens such as tablets and foldables.
Google I/O: MAD
Updated 2021年5月15日
See the highlights of all the Modern Android Development (MAD) sessions and announcements, including new tools and frameworks, from Google I/O.
May 2021
Updated 2021年5月1日
Catch the latest news about Google’s latest developer products from the Google I/O Developer Keynote. See all of your favorite Android tools and products with replays of all the Android talks. You can also replay the Ask Me Anythings (AMA) and workshop sessions.
April 2021
Updated 2021年4月1日
From May 18-20, connect with developers, learn from Google experts, and get a first look at our latest developer products. Google I/O is online and free for everyone, but space in the workshops and ask me anything sessions is limited. Register now to be notified when it’s time to reserve your space.
March 2021
Updated 2021年3月1日
The 2nd milestone build for Android 12 is now available for you to test. Some highlights of this release include new rounded corners APIs, improved picture-in-picture APIs, better companion device management, and more.
February 2021
Updated 2021年2月1日
See the latest updates from #TheAndroidShow, including a behind the scenes look at Jetpack Compose. Plus, the first Developer Preview of Android 12 is ready for your testing and feedback!
January 2021
Updated 2021年1月1日
Kickoff the year by discovering your MAD score. The MAD scorecard, a plugin for Android Studio, lets you see (and share) just how modern your Android app is. Find out how your use of developer products such as Kotlin, Android Studio, and Jetpack are boosting your score.
December 2020
Updated 2020年12月1日
This year we focused on building and improving development tools and frameworks to help you be more efficient and productive, and we shared our recommendations and best practices to help you create better apps. Here are our highlights.
November 2020
Updated 2020年11月1日
Our latest video series is designed to help you use modern Android development technologies to create better applications more efficiently. Check out episodes we’ve already posted on Navigation component and App Bundles, and stay tuned for more episodes every week.
October 2020
Updated 2020年10月1日
The newest version of Android Studio is now ready for you to use in production. Some highlights include a new Database Inspector for querying your app’s database, support for navigating projects that use Dagger for dependency injection, and better support for on-device machine learning.
September 2020
Updated 2020年9月1日
Android 11 introduces people-centric conversation notifications, new controls space, one-time permissions, enhanced 5G support, and so much more.
August #2 2020
Updated 2020年8月2日
We released the alpha of Jetpack Compose, our modern UI toolkit designed to help you quickly and easily build beautiful apps across all Android platforms, with native access to the platform APIs. Check out what’s new.
August #1 2020
Updated 2020年8月1日
Beta 3 is our last update in this year’s preview cycle. Now is the time to make sure your apps are ready, before we bring the official release to consumers.
July #2 2020
Updated 2020年7月2日
In week 5 and 6 of 11 Weeks of Android, we covered updates for your favorite programming languages, as well as focusing on Android’s suite of code libraries.
July #1 2020
Updated 2020年7月1日
The second Beta of Android 11 is now available for you to try. This release takes us to the Platform Stability milestone, which means that Android 11’s APIs and behaviors are finalized.
June #2 2020
Updated 2020年6月2日
This week is all about People & Identity. Take a peek at our new videos, articles, and codelabs to discover how you can incorporate features such as conversation notifications, bubbles, and one tap login in your app.
June #1 2020
Updated 2020年6月1日
Instead of our planned virtual launch event, we have released the Android 11 Beta in a much different form, via short-form videos and web pages that you can consume at your own pace when the time is right for you.
May #2 2020
Updated 2020年5月2日
Android11 Beta Launch Show is fast approaching! Start tweeting your Android development questions with the hashtag #AskAndroid for a chance to see them answered live by Android experts.
May #1 2020
Updated 2020年5月1日
We hope you’ll join us for #Android11: The Beta Launch Show, kicking off at 11AM ET on June 3. We’ve assembled experts from across Android to unveil all of the newest features packed into Android 11.
April 2020
Updated 2020年4月1日
CameraX is a Jetpack library designed to make development of camera features easy. Read more to see how this library can help you integrate camera features with your app.
February 2020
Updated 2020年2月1日
The first Developer Preview for Android 11 is out now! Get your apps ready for Android 11.
January 2020
Updated 2020年1月1日
In this edition of the newsletter learn how to use LiveData with Kotlin Coroutines using the LiveData builder.