Create a notification with a snackbar

The snackbar component serves as a brief notification that appears at the bottom of the screen. It provides feedback about an operation or action without interrupting the user experience. Snackbars disappear after a few seconds. The user can also dismiss them with an action, such as tapping a button.

Consider these three use cases where you might use a snackbar:

  • Action confirmation: After a user deletes an email or message, a snackbar appears to confirm the action and offer an "Undo" option.
  • Network status: When the app loses its internet connection, a snackbar pops up to note that it is now offline.
  • Data submission: Upon successfully submitting a form or updating settings, a snackbar notes that the change has saved successfully.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Create a basic snackbar

To implement a snackbar, you first create SnackbarHost, which includes a SnackbarHostState property. SnackbarHostState provides access to the showSnackbar() function which you can use to display your snackbar.

This suspending function requires a CoroutineScope such as with using rememberCoroutineScope — and can be called in response to UI events to show a Snackbar within Scaffold.

Create a snackbar with action

You can provide an optional action and adjust the duration of the Snackbar. The snackbarHostState.showSnackbar() function accepts additional actionLabel and duration parameters, and returns a SnackbarResult.

You can provide a custom Snackbar with the snackbarHost parameter. See the SnackbarHost API reference docs for more information.


Figure 1. Snackbar notifications with action.

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