Display pop-up messages or requests for user input

The Dialog component displays pop-up messages or requests user input on a layer above the main app content. It creates an interruptive UI experience to capture user attention.

Among the use cases for a dialog are the following:

  • Confirming user action, such as when deleting a file.
  • Requesting user input, such as in a to-do list app.
  • Presenting a list of options for user selection, like choosing a country in a profile setup.

This topic provides the following implementations:

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Create an Alert dialog

The AlertDialog composable provides a convenient API for creating a Material Design themed dialog. The following example implements two buttons in an alert dialog, one that dismisses the dialog, and another that confirms its request:

This implementation implies a parent composable that passes arguments to the child composable in this way:


An open alert dialog that has both a dismiss and confirm button.
Figure 1. An alert dialog with buttons.

Key points

AlertDialog has specific parameters for handling particular elements of the dialog. Among them are the following:

  • title: The text that appears along the top of the dialog.
  • text: The text that appears centered within the dialog.
  • icon: The graphic that appears at the top of the dialog.
  • onDismissRequest: The function called when the user dismisses the dialog, such as by tapping outside of it.
  • dismissButton: A composable that serves as the dismiss button.
  • confirmButton: A composable that serves as the confirm button.

  • When the user clicks either of the buttons, the dialog closes. When the user clicks confirm, it calls a function that also handles the confirmation. In this example, those functions are onDismissRequest() and onConfirmRequest().

    In cases where your dialog requires a more complex set of buttons, you may benefit from using the Dialog composable and populating it in a more freeform manner.

Create a dialog

Dialog is a basic composable that doesn't provide any styling or predefined slots for content. It is a straightforward container that you should populate with a container such as Card. The following are some of the key parameters of a dialog:

  • onDismissRequest: The lambda called when the user closes the dialog.
  • properties: An instance of DialogProperties that provides some additional scope for customization.

Create a basic dialog

The following example is a basic implementation of the Dialog composable. Note that it uses a Card as the secondary container. Without the Card, the Text component would appear alone above the main app content.


Note that when the dialog is open, the main app content beneath it appears darkened and grayed out:

A dialog that contains nothing other than a label.
Figure 2. Minimal dialog.

Create an advanced dialog

The following is a more advanced implemented of the Dialog composable. In this case, the component manually implements a similar interface to the preceding AlertDialog example.


A dialog with a photo of Mount Feathertop, Victoria. Below the image are a dismiss button and a confirm button.
Figure 3. A dialog that includes an image.

Collections that contain this guide

This guide is part of these curated Quick Guide collections that cover broader Android development goals:

Text is a central piece of any UI. Find out different ways you can present text in your app to provide a delightful user experience.
Learn how to implement ways for users to interact with your app by entering text and using other means of input.
Learn how composable functions can enable you to easily create beautiful UI components based on the Material Design design system.

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