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Art des Leitfadens

Updated 27. September 2021

In order to launch new features on their Android app, Headspace spent 8 months refactoring their architecture and rewriting in Kotlin. Learn how this reboot helped their business grow.

    27. September 2021

    Updated 6. Januar 2021

    SmartNews helps millions of people discover their world everyday by sharing timely news from a diverse set of news sources.

      6. Januar 2021

      Updated 21. Oktober 2020

      Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms where users can see what’s happening in the world at any given moment.

        21. Oktober 2020

        Updated 13. Juli 2020

        The Google Home app helps set up, manage, and control your Google Home, Google Nest, and Chromecast devices—plus thousands of connected home products like lights, cameras, thermostats, and more.

          13. Juli 2020

          Updated 15. Mai 2020

          Duolingo is one of the most popular language learning platforms in the world, and one of the most-downloaded free education apps on Google Play, with more than 200 million downloads.

            15. Mai 2020

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