Visão geral de recursos e APIs

O Android 15 apresenta ótimos recursos e APIs para desenvolvedores. As seções a seguir resumem esses recursos para ajudar você a começar a usar as APIs relacionadas.

Para uma lista detalhada das APIs adicionadas, modificadas e removidas, leia o Relatório de diferenças da API. Para saber mais sobre as APIs adicionadas, acesse a Referência da API do Android. No Android 15, procure as APIs que foram adicionadas no nível 35 da API. Para saber mais sobre as áreas em que as mudanças na plataforma podem afetar seus apps, confira as mudanças de comportamento do Android 15 para apps destinados ao Android 15 e para todos os apps.

Câmera e mídia

O Android 15 inclui vários recursos que melhoram a experiência de câmera e mídia e oferecem acesso a ferramentas e hardware para ajudar os criadores de conteúdo a dar vida às ideias no Android.

Para saber mais sobre os recursos mais recentes e as soluções para desenvolvedores de mídia e câmera do Android, consulte a palestra Como criar experiências modernas de mídia e câmera do Android do Google I/O.

Aumento do modo pouca luz

Android 15 introduces Low Light Boost, an auto-exposure mode available to both Camera 2 and the night mode camera extension. Low Light Boost adjusts the exposure of the Preview stream in low-light conditions. This is different from how the night mode camera extension creates still images, because night mode combines a burst of photos to create a single, enhanced image. While night mode works very well for creating a still image, it can't create a continuous stream of frames, but Low Light Boost can. Thus, Low Light Boost enables camera capabilities, such as:

  • Providing an enhanced image preview, so users are better able to frame their low-light pictures
  • Scanning QR codes in low light

If you enable Low Light Boost, it automatically turns on when there's a low light level, and turns off when there's more light.

Apps can record off the Preview stream in low-light conditions to save a brightened video.

For more information, see Low Light Boost.

Controles da câmera no app

O Android 15 adiciona uma nova extensão para ter mais controle sobre o hardware da câmera e os algoritmos em dispositivos com suporte:

  • Ajustes avançados de intensidade do flash que permitem um controle preciso da intensidade do flash nos modos SINGLE e TORCH durante a captura de imagens.

Controle de headroom de HDR

Android 15 chooses HDR headroom that is appropriate for the underlying device capabilities and bit-depth of the panel. For pages that have lots of SDR content, such as a messaging app displaying a single HDR thumbnail, this behavior can end up adversely influencing the perceived brightness of the SDR content. Android 15 lets you control the HDR headroom with setDesiredHdrHeadroom to strike a balance between SDR and HDR content.

The brightness of SDR UI elements on the left screen appears to be more uniform than the brightness on the right screen, which simulates possible headroom issues when HDR and SDR content are mixed. By adjusting the HDR headroom, you can achieve a better balance between the SDR and HDR content.

Controle de loudness

Android 15 introduces support for the CTA-2075 loudness standard to help you avoid audio loudness inconsistencies and ensure users don't have to constantly adjust volume when switching between content. The system leverages known characteristics of the output devices (headphones and speaker) along with loudness metadata available in AAC audio content to intelligently adjust the audio loudness and dynamic range compression levels.

To enable this feature, you need to ensure loudness metadata is available in your AAC content and enable the platform feature in your app. For this, you instantiate a LoudnessCodecController object by calling its create factory method with the audio session ID from the associated AudioTrack; this automatically starts applying audio updates. You can pass an OnLoudnessCodecUpdateListener to modify or filter loudness parameters before they are applied on the MediaCodec.

// Media contains metadata of type MPEG_4 OR MPEG_D
val mediaCodec = …
val audioTrack = AudioTrack.Builder()
// Create new loudness controller that applies the parameters to the MediaCodec
try {
   val lcController = LoudnessCodecController.create(mSessionId)
   // Starts applying audio updates for each added MediaCodec

AndroidX media3 ExoPlayer will also be updated to use the LoudnessCodecController APIs for a seamless app integration.

Dispositivos MIDI 2.0 virtuais

O Android 13 adicionou suporte à conexão com Dispositivos MIDI 2.0 por USB, que se comunicam usando Pacotes MIDI (UMP). O Android 15 estende o suporte à UMP para MIDI virtual , permitindo que apps de composição controlem apps de sintetizador como um dispositivo MIDI 2.0 virtual, como faria com um USB MIDI 2.0.

Decodificação de software AV1 mais eficiente

Logotipo da dav1d

dav1d, o conhecido decodificador de software AV1 do VideoLAN agora está disponível para dispositivos Android que não são compatíveis com a decodificação AV1 em hardware. O dav1d tem um desempenho até três vezes maior do que o decodificador de software AV1 legado, permitindo a reprodução HD AV1 para mais usuários, incluindo alguns dispositivos de níveis básicos e intermediários.

Por enquanto, seu app precisa ativar o uso dav1d invocando-o pelo nome "". O dav1d será o decodificador padrão do software AV1 em uma atualização subsequente. Esse suporte é padronizado e oferece backport para dispositivos Android 11 que recebem atualizações do sistema do Google Play.

Produtividade e ferramentas para desenvolvedores

Embora a maior parte do nosso trabalho para melhorar a produtividade se concentre em ferramentas como Android Studio, Jetpack Compose e as bibliotecas do Android Jetpack, sempre procuramos maneiras de ajudar você a realizar sua visão.

Atualizações do OpenJDK 17

Android 15 continues the work of refreshing Android's core libraries to align with the features in the latest OpenJDK LTS releases.

The following key features and improvements are included:

These APIs are updated on over a billion devices running Android 12 (API level 31) and higher through Google Play System updates, so you can target the latest programming features.

Melhorias em PDFs

Android 15 includes substantial improvements to the PdfRenderer APIs. Apps can incorporate advanced features such as rendering password-protected files, annotations, form editing, searching, and selection with copy. Linearized PDF optimizations are supported to speed local PDF viewing and reduce resource use. The Jetpack PDF library uses these APIs to simplify adding PDF viewing capabilities to your app.

The latest updates to PDF rendering include features such as searching an embedded PDF file.

The PdfRenderer has been moved to a module that can be updated using Google Play system updates independent of the platform release, and we're supporting these changes back to Android 11 (API level 30) by creating a compatible pre-Android 15 version of the API surface, called PdfRendererPreV.

Aprimoramentos da troca automática de idioma

O Android 14 adicionou o reconhecimento de vários idiomas no dispositivo em áudio com a alternância automática entre idiomas, mas isso pode causar a queda das palavras, especialmente quando os idiomas são alternados com menos pausa entre as duas expressões. O Android 15 adiciona outros controles para ajudar os apps a ajustar essa alternância para o caso de uso. EXTRA_LANGUAGE_SWITCH_INITIAL_ACTIVE_DURATION_TIME_MILLIS confina a troca automática ao início da sessão de áudio, enquanto EXTRA_LANGUAGE_SWITCH_MATCH_SWITCHES desativa a alternância de idioma após um número definido de trocas. Essas opções são especialmente úteis se você espera que um único idioma falado durante a sessão precise ser detectado automaticamente.

API de fonte variável OpenType melhorada

Android 15 提高了 OpenType 可变字体的易用性。现在,您可以 基于可变字体创建 FontFamily 实例,而不指定 使用 buildVariableFamily API 绘制权重轴。文本渲染程序替换项 wght 轴的值,以与显示的文本匹配。

使用新的 API,这可以简化用于创建 Typeface 的代码 大量:


val newTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder(
                Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf").build())


Typeface newTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder(
            new FontFamily.Builder(
                new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf").build())

以前,如需创建相同的 Typeface,您需要更多代码:


val oldTypeface = Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder(
                Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                    .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 400")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 100")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 200")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 300")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 500")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 600")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 800")
                    Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
                        .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 900")


Typeface oldTypeface = new Typeface.CustomFallbackBuilder(
    new FontFamily.Builder(
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 400")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 100")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 200")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 300")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 500")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 600")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 700")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 800")
        new Font.Builder(assets, "RobotoFlex.ttf")
            .setFontVariationSettings("'wght' 900")

以下示例展示了如何同时使用新旧 API 创建 Typeface 呈现:


在此示例中,使用旧 API 创建的 Typeface 不包含 为 350、450、550 和 650 创建准确的字体粗细 Font 实例,因此渲染程序会回退到最接近的权重。在 在此示例中,系统会渲染 300 而不是 350,渲染 400 而不是 450, 依此类推。相比之下,使用新 API 创建的 Typeface 会动态创建 给定权重的 Font 实例,因此系统会渲染 350 的准确权重, 450、550 和 650。

Controles granulares de quebra de linha

从 Android 15 开始,TextView 和底层行断开符可以将给定部分文本保留在同一行中,以提高可读性。您可以通过在字符串资源或 createNoBreakSpan 中使用 <nobreak> 标记来充分利用此换行符自定义功能。同样,您可以使用 <nohyphen> 标记或 createNoHyphenationSpan 来防止对字词进行分词。

例如,以下字符串资源不包含换行符,在呈现时,文本“Pixel 8 Pro”会在不合适的位置换行:

    <string name="pixel8pro">The power and brains behind Pixel 8 Pro.</string>

相比之下,此字符串资源包含 <nobreak> 标记,该标记会将字词“Pixel 8 Pro”换行,并防止换行:

    <string name="pixel8pro">The power and brains behind <nobreak>Pixel 8 Pro.</nobreak></string>


一行文本的布局,其中显示短语“Pixel 8 Pro.”未使用 <nobreak> 标记换行。
使用 <nobreak> 标记封装“Pixel 8 Pro.”短语的同一行文本的布局。

Arquivamento de apps

Android and Google Play announced support for app archiving last year, allowing users to free up space by partially removing infrequently used apps from the device that were published using Android App Bundle on Google Play. Android 15 includes OS level support for app archiving and unarchiving, making it easier for all app stores to implement it.

Apps with the REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES permission can call the PackageInstaller requestArchive method to request archiving an installed app package, which removes the APK and any cached files, but persists user data. Archived apps are returned as displayable apps through the LauncherApps APIs; users will see a UI treatment to highlight that those apps are archived. If a user taps on an archived app, the responsible installer will get a request to unarchive it, and the restoration process can be monitored by the ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED broadcast.


O Android 15 traz as melhorias gráficas mais recentes, incluindo ANGLE e adições ao sistema gráfico de tela.

Modernização do acesso à GPU do Android

Vulkan logo

Android hardware has evolved quite a bit from the early days where the core OS would run on a single CPU and GPUs were accessed using APIs based on fixed-function pipelines. The Vulkan® graphics API has been available in the NDK since Android 7.0 (API level 24) with a lower-level abstraction that better reflects modern GPU hardware, scales better to support multiple CPU cores, and offers reduced CPU driver overhead — leading to improved app performance. Vulkan is supported by all modern game engines.

Vulkan is Android's preferred interface to the GPU. Therefore, Android 15 includes ANGLE as an optional layer for running OpenGL® ES on top of Vulkan. Moving to ANGLE will standardize the Android OpenGL implementation for improved compatibility, and, in some cases, improved performance. You can test out your OpenGL ES app stability and performance with ANGLE by enabling the developer option in Settings -> System -> Developer Options -> Experimental: Enable ANGLE on Android 15.

The Android ANGLE on Vulkan roadmap

Roadmap of upcoming changes to the Android GPU APIs.

As part of streamlining our GPU stack, going forward we will be shipping ANGLE as the GL system driver on more new devices, with the future expectation that OpenGL/ES will be only available through ANGLE. That being said, we plan to continue support for OpenGL ES on all devices.

Recommended next steps

Use the developer options to select the ANGLE driver for OpenGL ES and test your app. For new projects, we strongly encourage using Vulkan for C/C++.

Melhorias no Canvas

Android 15 continues our modernization of Android's Canvas graphics system with additional capabilities:

  • Matrix44 provides a 4x4 matrix for transforming coordinates that should be used when you want to manipulate the canvas in 3D.
  • clipShader intersects the current clip with the specified shader, while clipOutShader sets the clip to the difference of the current clip and the shader, each treating the shader as an alpha mask. This supports the drawing of complex shapes efficiently.

Desempenho e bateria

O Android continua focado em ajudar você a melhorar o desempenho e a qualidade dos seus apps. O Android 15 apresenta APIs que ajudam a tornar as tarefas no app mais eficientes para executar, otimizar o desempenho do app e coletar insights sobre seus apps.

Para conferir as práticas recomendadas de eficiência de bateria, o uso de rede e de energia para depuração e detalhes sobre como estamos melhorando a eficiência de bateria do trabalho em segundo plano no Android 15 e nas versões mais recentes do Android, consulte a palestra Como melhorar a eficiência de bateria do trabalho em segundo plano no Android do Google I/O.

API ApplicationStartInfo

In previous versions of Android, app startup has been a bit of a mystery. It was challenging to determine within your app whether it started from a cold, warm, or hot state. It was also difficult to know how long your app spent during the various launch phases: forking the process, calling onCreate, drawing the first frame, and more. When your Application class was instantiated, you had no way of knowing whether the app started from a broadcast, a content provider, a job, a backup, boot complete, an alarm, or an Activity.

The ApplicationStartInfo API on Android 15 provides all of this and more. You can even choose to add your own timestamps into the flow to help collect timing data in one place. In addition to collecting metrics, you can use ApplicationStartInfo to help directly optimize app startup; for example, you can eliminate the costly instantiation of UI-related libraries within your Application class when your app is starting up due to a broadcast.

Informações detalhadas sobre o tamanho do app

Desde o Android 8.0 (nível 26 da API), o Android inclui a API StorageStats.getAppBytes, que resume o tamanho instalado de um app como um único número de bytes, que é uma soma do tamanho do APK, do tamanho dos arquivos extraídos do APK e dos arquivos gerados no dispositivo, como código compilado antecipado (AOT, na sigla em inglês). Esse número não é muito útil em termos de como seu app está usando o armazenamento.

O Android 15 adiciona a API StorageStats.getAppBytesByDataType([type]), que permite ter insights sobre como o app está usando todo esse espaço, incluindo divisões de arquivo APK, AOT e código relacionado à aceleração, metadados de dex, bibliotecas e perfis guiados.

Criação de perfil gerenciada pelo app

Android 15 includes the ProfilingManager class, which lets you collect profiling information from within your app such as heap dumps, heap profiles, stack sampling, and more. It provides a callback to your app with a supplied tag to identify the output file, which is delivered to your app's files directory. The API does rate limiting to minimize the performance impact.

To simplify constructing profiling requests in your app, we recommend using the corresponding Profiling AndroidX API, available in Core 1.15.0-rc01 or higher.

Melhorias no banco de dados SQLite

Android 15 introduces SQLite APIs that expose advanced features from the underlying SQLite engine that target specific performance issues that can manifest in apps. These APIs are included with the update of SQLite to version 3.44.3.

Developers should consult best practices for SQLite performance to get the most out of their SQLite database, especially when working with large databases or when running latency-sensitive queries.

  • Read-only deferred transactions: when issuing transactions that are read-only (don't include write statements), use beginTransactionReadOnly() and beginTransactionWithListenerReadOnly(SQLiteTransactionListener) to issue read-only DEFERRED transactions. Such transactions can run concurrently with each other, and if the database is in WAL mode, they can run concurrently with IMMEDIATE or EXCLUSIVE transactions.
  • Row counts and IDs: APIs were added to retrieve the count of changed rows or the last inserted row ID without issuing an additional query. getLastChangedRowCount() returns the number of rows that were inserted, updated, or deleted by the most recent SQL statement within the current transaction, while getTotalChangedRowCount() returns the count on the current connection. getLastInsertRowId() returns the rowid of the last row to be inserted on the current connection.
  • Raw statements: issue a raw SQlite statement, bypassing convenience wrappers and any additional processing overhead that they may incur.

Atualizações do Android Dynamic Performance Framework

Android 15 continues our investment in the Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF), a set of APIs that allow games and performance intensive apps to interact more directly with power and thermal systems of Android devices. On supported devices, Android 15 adds ADPF capabilities:

  • A power-efficiency mode for hint sessions to indicate that their associated threads should prefer power saving over performance, great for long-running background workloads.
  • GPU and CPU work durations can both be reported in hint sessions, allowing the system to adjust CPU and GPU frequencies together to best meet workload demands.
  • Thermal headroom thresholds to interpret possible thermal throttling status based on headroom prediction.

To learn more about how to use ADPF in your apps and games, head over to the documentation.


O Android 15 inclui vários recursos que ajudam os desenvolvedores de apps a proteger a privacidade do usuário.

Detecção de gravação de tela

Android 15 adds support for apps to detect that they are being recorded. A callback is invoked whenever the app transitions between being visible or invisible within a screen recording. An app is considered visible if activities owned by the registering process's UID are being recorded. This way, if your app is performing a sensitive operation, you can inform the user that they're being recorded.

val mCallback = Consumer<Int> { state ->
    // We're being recorded
  } else {
    // We're not being recorded

override fun onStart() {
   val initialState =
      windowManager.addScreenRecordingCallback(mainExecutor, mCallback)

override fun onStop() {

Recursos de IntentFilter expandidos

Android 15 builds in support for more precise Intent resolution through UriRelativeFilterGroup, which contains a set of UriRelativeFilter objects that form a set of Intent matching rules that must each be satisfied, including URL query parameters, URL fragments, and blocking or exclusion rules.

These rules can be defined in the AndroidManifest XML file with the <uri-relative-filter-group> tag, which can optionally include an android:allow tag. These tags can contain <data> tags that use existing data tag attributes as well as the android:query and android:fragment attributes.

Here's an example of the AndroidManifest syntax:

  <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  <data android:scheme="http" />
  <data android:scheme="https" />
  <data android:domain="" />
    <data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
    <data android:query="region=na" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
    <data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
    <data android:query="mobileoptout=true" />
  <uri-relative-filter-group android:allow="false">
    <data android:pathPrefix="/auth" />
    <data android:fragmentPrefix="faq" />

Espaço privado

O espaço privado pode ser desbloqueado e bloqueado para mostrar ou ocultar apps confidenciais em um dispositivo.

O espaço privado permite que os usuários criem um espaço separado no dispositivo onde podem manter aplicativos sensíveis longe de olhares curiosos, sob uma camada adicional de autenticação. O espaço privado usa um perfil de usuário separado. O usuário pode optar por usar o bloqueio do dispositivo ou um fator de bloqueio separado para o espaço privado.

Os apps no espaço privado aparecem em um contêiner separado no acesso rápido. ficam ocultos da visualização recente, das notificações, das configurações e de outros apps; quando o espaço privado está bloqueado. Conteúdo gerado e baixado pelo usuário (como mídia ou arquivos) e as contas ficam separadas entre o espaço privado espaço principal. O Sharesheet do sistema e o O seletor de fotos pode ser usado para dar aos apps acesso ao conteúdo entre os espaços quando o espaço privado está desbloqueado.

Os usuários não podem mover apps e dados para o espaço particular. Em vez disso, os usuários selecionam uma opção de instalação no espaço privado para instalar um app usando a app store que eles preferem. Os apps no espaço privado são instalados como cópias separadas de qualquer app no espaço principal (novas cópias do mesmo app).

Quando um usuário bloqueia o espaço privado, o perfil é interrompido. Enquanto o perfil for interrompido, os apps no espaço privado não estão mais ativos e não podem ser executados atividades em primeiro ou segundo plano, incluindo notificações.

Recomendamos testar o app com o espaço privado para garantir que ele funciona conforme o esperado, especialmente se o app se enquadrar em um dos categorias:


Consultar a seleção de usuário mais recente para o acesso a fotos selecionadas

现在,如果应用获得了部分访问权限,则只能突出显示最近选择的照片和视频。此功能可以改善频繁请求访问照片和视频的应用的用户体验。如需在应用中使用此功能,请在通过 ContentResolver 查询 MediaStore 时启用 QUERY_ARG_LATEST_SELECTION_ONLY 参数。


val externalContentUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external")

val mediaColumns = arrayOf(

val queryArgs = bundleOf(
   // Return only items from the last selection (selected photos access)
   // Sort returned items chronologically based on when they were added to the device's storage
   QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION to "${FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE} = ? OR ${FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE} = ?",


Uri externalContentUri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external");

String[] mediaColumns = {

Bundle queryArgs = new Bundle();
queryArgs.putBoolean(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_LATEST_SELECTION_ONLY, true);
queryArgs.putString(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SORT_ORDER, FileColumns.DATE_ADDED + " DESC");
queryArgs.putString(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION, FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + " = ? OR " + FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + " = ?");
queryArgs.putStringArray(MediaStore.QUERY_ARG_SQL_SELECTION_ARGS, new String[] {

Sandbox de privacidade no Android

Android 15 包含最新的 Android 广告服务扩展程序,以及最新版 Privacy Sandbox on Android。我们致力于开发新的技术,以便更好地保护用户隐私,并为移动应用打造有效的个性化广告体验。这项新功能是我们的工作的一部分。我们的隐私沙盒页面详细介绍了 Privacy Sandbox on Android 开发者预览版和 Beta 版计划,以帮助您开始使用。

Conexão Saúde

Android 15 integrates the latest extensions around Health Connect by Android, a secure and centralized platform to manage and share app-collected health and fitness data. This update adds support for additional data types across fitness, nutrition, skin temperature, training plans, and more.

Skin temperature tracking allows users to store and share more accurate temperature data from a wearable or other tracking device.

Training plans are structured workout plans to help a user achieve their fitness goals. Training plans support includes a variety of completion and performance goals:

Learn more about the latest updates to Health Connect in Android in the Building adaptable experiences with Android Health talk from Google I/O.

Compartilhamento de tela de app

Android 15 supports app screen sharing so users can share or record just an app window rather than the entire device screen. This feature, first enabled in Android 14 QPR2, includes MediaProjection callbacks that allow your app to customize the app screen sharing experience. Note that for apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) or higher, user consent is required for each MediaProjection capture session.

Experiência do usuário e interface do sistema

O Android 15 oferece aos desenvolvedores e usuários de apps mais controle e flexibilidade para configurar o dispositivo de acordo com as necessidades.

Para saber mais sobre como usar as melhorias mais recentes do Android 15 para melhorar a experiência do usuário do app, consulte a palestra Melhorar a experiência do usuário do seu app Android no Google I/O.

Prévias de widgets mais ricas com a API Generated Previews

Before Android 15, the only way to provide widget picker previews was to specify a static image or layout resource. These previews often differ significantly from the look of the actual widget when it is placed on the home screen. Also, static resources can't be created with Jetpack Glance, so a Glance developer had to screenshot their widget or create an XML layout to have a widget preview.

Android 15 adds support for generated previews. This means that app widget providers can generate RemoteViews to use as the picker preview, instead of a static resource.

Apps can provide Remote Views to the Widget Picker, so they can update the content in the picker to be more representative of what the user will see.

Push API

Apps can provide generated previews through a push API. Apps can provide previews at any point in their lifecycle, and don't receive an explicit request from the host to provide previews. Previews are persisted in AppWidgetService, and hosts can request them on-demand. The following example loads an XML widget layout resource and sets it as the preview:

   RemoteViews("com.example", R.layout.widget_preview)

The expected flow is:

  1. At any time, the widget provider calls setWidgetPreview. The provided previews are persisted in AppWidgetService with other provider info.
  2. setWidgetPreview notifies hosts of an updated preview through the AppWidgetHost.onProvidersChanged callback. In response, the widget host reloads all of its provider information.
  3. When displaying a widget preview, the host checks AppWidgetProviderInfo.generatedPreviewCategories, and if the chosen category is available, calls AppWidgetManager.getWidgetPreview to return the saved preview for this provider.

When to call setWidgetPreview

Because there is no callback to provide previews, apps can choose to send previews at any point when they are running. How often to update the preview depends on the widget's use case.

The following list describes the two main categories of preview use cases:

  • Providers that show real data in their widget previews, such as personalized or recent information. These providers can set the preview once the user has signed in or has done initial configuration in their app. After this, they can set up a periodic task to update the previews at their chosen cadence. Examples of this type of widget could be a photo, calendar, weather or news widget.
  • Providers that show static information in previews or quick-action widgets that don't display any data. These providers can set previews once, when the app first launches. Examples of this type of widget include a drive quick actions widget or chrome shortcuts widget.

Some providers might show static previews on the hub mode picker, but real information on the homescreen picker. These providers should follow the guidance for both of these use cases to set previews.


Android 15 introduces changes in Picture-in-Picture (PiP) ensuring an even smoother transition when entering into PiP mode. This will be beneficial for apps having UI elements overlaid on top of their main UI, which goes into PiP.

Developers use the onPictureInPictureModeChanged callback to define logic that toggles the visibility of the overlaid UI elements. This callback is triggered when the PiP enter or exit animation is completed. Beginning in Android 15, the PictureInPictureUiState class includes another state.

With this UI state, apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35) will observe the Activity#onPictureInPictureUiStateChanged callback being invoked with isTransitioningToPip() as soon as the PiP animation starts. There are many UI elements that are not relevant for the app when it is in PiP mode, for example views or layout that include information such as suggestions, upcoming video, ratings, and titles. When the app goes to PiP mode, use the onPictureInPictureUiStateChanged callback to hide these UI elements. When the app goes to full screen mode from the PiP window, use onPictureInPictureModeChanged callback to unhide these elements, as shown in the following examples:

override fun onPictureInPictureUiStateChanged(pipState: PictureInPictureUiState) {
        if (pipState.isTransitioningToPip()) {
          // Hide UI elements
override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean) {
        if (isInPictureInPictureMode) {
          // Unhide UI elements

This quick visibility toggle of irrelevant UI elements (for a PiP window) helps ensure a smoother and flicker-free PiP enter animation.

Melhorias nas regras do modo "Não perturbe"

AutomaticZenRule lets apps customize Attention Management (Do Not Disturb) rules and decide when to activate or deactivate them. Android 15 greatly enhances these rules with the goal of improving the user experience. The following enhancements are included:

  • Adding types to AutomaticZenRule, allowing the system to apply special treatment to some rules.
  • Adding an icon to AutomaticZenRule, helping to make the modes be more recognizable.
  • Adding a triggerDescription string to AutomaticZenRule that describes the conditions on which the rule should become active for the user.
  • Added ZenDeviceEffects to AutomaticZenRule, allowing rules to trigger things like grayscale display, night mode, or dimming the wallpaper.

Definir VibrationEffect para canais de notificação

Android 15 支持为传入的通知设置丰富的振动,方法是 频道使用的是NotificationChannel.setVibrationEffect,因此 您的用户可以区分不同类型的通知 不需要看他们的设备

Ícone da barra de status da projeção de mídia e parada automática

Media projection can expose private user information. A new, prominent status bar chip makes users aware of any ongoing screen projection. Users can tap the chip to stop screen casting, sharing, or recording. Also, for a more intuitive user experience, any in‑progress screen projection now automatically stops when the device screen is locked.

Status bar chip for screen sharing, casting, and recording.

Telas grandes e formatos

O Android 15 oferece aos seus apps o suporte necessário para aproveitar ao máximo os formatos do Android, incluindo telas grandes, flippables e dobráveis.

Mais facilidade para várias tarefas em telas grandes

O Android 15 oferece aos usuários maneiras melhores de realizar várias tarefas em dispositivos de tela grande. Por exemplo, os usuários podem salvar as combinações de apps favoritos na tela dividida para acesso rápido e fixar a barra de tarefas na tela para alternar rapidamente entre os apps. Isso significa que garantir que seu app seja adaptável é mais importante do que nunca.

O Google I/O tem sessões sobre Como criar versões adaptáveis para Android apps e Como criar uma interface com o Material Design 3 biblioteca adaptável isso pode ajudar, e nossa documentação tem mais informações para ajudar você a criar para projetos de telas.

Suporte a tela de capa

O app pode declarar uma propriedade que o Android 15 usa para permitir que Application ou Activity sejam apresentados nas pequenas telas de capa de dispositivos flexíveis com suporte. Essas telas são muito pequenas para serem consideradas como destinos compatíveis com a execução de apps Android, mas seu app pode oferecer suporte a elas, disponibilizando o app em mais lugares.


O Android 15 atualiza a plataforma para dar ao app acesso aos avanços mais recentes em comunicação e tecnologias sem fio.

Suporte a satélite

Android 15 continues to extend platform support for satellite connectivity and includes some UI elements to ensure a consistent user experience across the satellite connectivity landscape.

Apps can use ServiceState.isUsingNonTerrestrialNetwork() to detect when a device is connected to a satellite, giving them more awareness of why full network services might be unavailable. Additionally, Android 15 provides support for SMS and MMS apps as well as preloaded RCS apps to use satellite connectivity for sending and receiving messages.

A notification appears when the device connects to a satellite.

Experiências NFC mais suaves

Android 15 is working to make the tap to pay experience more seamless and reliable while continuing to support Android's robust NFC app ecosystem. On supported devices, apps can request the NfcAdapter to enter observe mode, where the device listens but doesn't respond to NFC readers, sending the app's NFC service PollingFrame objects to process. The PollingFrame objects can be used to auth ahead of the first communication to the NFC reader, allowing for a one tap transaction in many cases.

In addition, apps can register a filter on supported devices so they can be notified of polling loop activity, which allows for smooth operation with multiple NFC-aware applications.

Função da Carteira

Android 15 introduces a Wallet role that allows tighter integration with the user's preferred wallet app. This role replaces the NFC default contactless payment setting. Users can manage the Wallet role holder by navigating to Settings > Apps > Default Apps.

The Wallet role is used when routing NFC taps for AIDs registered in the payment category. Taps always go to the Wallet role holder unless another app that is registered for the same AID is running in the foreground.

This role is also used to determine where the Wallet Quick Access tile should go when activated. When the role is set to "None", the Quick Access tile isn't available and payment category NFC taps are only delivered to the foreground app.


O Android 15 ajuda a melhorar a segurança do app, proteger os dados dele e oferecer aos usuários mais transparência e controle sobre os dados. Assista à palestra Proteção da segurança do usuário no Android (link em inglês) da Google I/O para saber mais sobre o que estamos fazendo para melhorar as proteções do usuário e proteger seu app contra novas ameaças.

Integrar o Gerenciador de credenciais ao preenchimento automático

Starting with Android 15, developers can link specific views like username or password fields with Credential Manager requests, making it easier to provide a tailored user experience during the sign-in process. When the user focuses on one of these views, a corresponding request is sent to Credential Manager. The resulting credentials are aggregated across providers and displayed in autofill fallback UIs, such as inline suggestions or drop-down suggestions. The Jetpack androidx.credentials library is the preferred endpoint for developers to use and will soon be available to further enhance this feature in Android 15 and higher.

Integrar a inscrição e o login com um toque com solicitações biométricas

Credential Manager将生物识别提示集成到凭据创建过程中 和登录流程,这样提供商就无需管理 生物识别提示。因此,凭据提供程序只需专注于创建和获取流程的结果,并辅以生物识别流程结果。这一简化的流程创建了更高效、更精简的凭据 创建和检索过程。

Gerenciamento de chaves para criptografia de ponta a ponta

Apresentamos o E2eeContactKeysManager no Android 15, que facilita a criptografia de ponta a ponta (E2EE) nos seus apps Android, fornecendo uma API no nível do SO para o armazenamento de chaves públicas criptográficas.

O E2eeContactKeysManager foi projetado para integração com o app de contatos da plataforma para oferecer aos usuários uma maneira centralizada de gerenciar e verificar as chaves públicas dos contatos.

Verificações de permissão em URIs de conteúdo

Android 15 引入了一组可对内容 URI 执行权限检查的新 API:


O Android 15 adiciona recursos que melhoram a acessibilidade para os usuários.

Melhor braille

In Android 15, we've made it possible for TalkBack to support Braille displays that are using the HID standard over both USB and secure Bluetooth.

This standard, much like the one used by mice and keyboards, will help Android support a wider range of Braille displays over time.


O Android 15 adiciona recursos e capacidades que complementam a experiência do usuário quando um dispositivo é usado em diferentes idiomas.

Fonte variável CJK

从 Android 15 开始,中文、日语和韩语 (CJK) 语言的字体文件 NotoSansCJK 现已成为可变字体。可变字体为 CJK 语言的广告素材排版开辟了新的可能性。设计师可以探索更广泛的样式,并创建以前难以或无法实现的具有视觉冲击力的布局。

中文、日语和韩语 (CJK) 语言的可变字体在不同字体宽度下的显示效果。

Justificação entre caracteres

No Android 15 e versões mais recentes, o texto pode ser justificado usando o espaçamento entre letras usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_CHARACTER. A justificação entre palavras foi introduzida pela primeira vez no Android 8.0 (nível 26 da API), e a justificação entre caracteres oferece recursos semelhantes para idiomas que usam o caractere de espaço em branco para segmentação, como chinês, japonês e outros.

Layout para texto em japonês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_NONE.
Layout para texto em inglês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_NONE.

Layout para texto em japonês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_WORD.
Layout para texto em inglês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_WORD.

Layout para texto em japonês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_CHARACTER.
Layout para texto em inglês usando JUSTIFICATION_MODE_INTER_CHARACTER.

Configuração automática de quebra de linha

Android started supporting phrase-based line breaks for Japanese and Korean in Android 13 (API level 33). However, while phrase-based line breaks improve the readability of short lines of text, they don't work well for long lines of text. In Android 15, apps can apply phrase-based line breaks only for short lines of text, using the LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO option. This option selects the best word style option for the text.

For short lines of text, phrase-based line breaks are used, functioning the same as LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_PHRASE, as shown in the following image:

For short lines of text, LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO applies phrase-based line breaks to improve the readability of the text. This is the same as applying LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_PHRASE.

For longer lines of text, LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO uses a no line-break word style, functioning the same as LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_NONE, as shown in the following image:

For long lines of text, LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_AUTO applies no line-break word style to improve the readability of the text. This is the same as applying LINE_BREAK_WORD_STYLE_NONE.

Fonte japonesa Hentaigana adicional

在 Android 15 中,旧版日语平假名(也称为 Hentaigana)字体文件 捆绑在一起半形人物的独特形状可以增加 风格或设计独特的风格 传播和理解古代日本文件的能力。

日文半角字符和文本样式 字体。

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