Android Gradle Plugin 4.2.0 (March 2021)


Minimum version Default version Notes
Gradle 6.7.1 N/A To learn more, see updating Gradle.
SDK Build Tools 30.0.2 30.0.2 Install or configure SDK Build Tools.
NDK N/A 21.4.7075529 Install or configure a different version of the NDK.

New features

This version of the Android Gradle plugin includes the following new features.

Java language version 8 by default

Starting in version 4.2, AGP will use the Java 8 language level by default. Java 8 provides access to a number of newer language features including lambda expressions, method references, and static interface methods. For the full list of supported features see the Java 8 documentation.

To keep the old behavior, specify Java 7 explicitly in your module-level build.gradle.kts or build.gradle file:

// build.gradle
// For Kotlin projects, compile to Java 6 instead of 7
= "1.6"
// build.gradle.kts
= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
= JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
// For Kotlin projects, compile to Java 6 instead of 7
= "1.6"

New JVM resource compiler

A new JVM resource compiler in Android Gradle plugin 4.2 tool replaces portions of the AAPT2 resource compiler, potentially improving build performance, especially on Windows machines. The new JVM resource compiler is enabled by default.

v3 and v4 signing now supported

Android Gradle Plugin 4.2 now supports APK v3 and APK v4 signing formats. To enable one or both of these formats in your build, add the following properties to your module-level build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file:

// build.gradle
// build.gradle.kts
3Signing = true
4Signing = true

APK v4 signing allows you to quickly deploy large APKs using the ADB Incremental APK installation in Android 11. This new flag takes care of the APK signing step in the deployment process.

Configure app signing per variant

It is now possible to enable or disable app signing in Android Gradle plugin per variant.

This example demonstrates how to set app signing per variant using the onVariants() method in either Kotlin or Groovy:

androidComponents {
    onVariants(selector().withName("fooDebug"), {

New Gradle property: android.native.buildOutput

To reduce clutter in build output, AGP 4.2 filters messages from native builds that use CMake and ndk-build, displaying only C/C++ compiler output by default. Previously, a line of output was generated for every file that was built, resulting in a large quantity of informational messages.

If you would like to see the entirety of the native output, set the new Gradle property android.native.buildOutput to verbose.

You can set this property in either the file or through the command line.

Command line

The default value of this property is quiet.

Behavior change for files

Starting in AGP 4.2, it is no longer possible to override Gradle properties from subprojects. In other words, if you declare a property in a file in a subproject instead of the root project, it will be ignored.

As an example, in previous releases, AGP would read values from <var>projectDir</var>/, <var>projectDir</var>/app/, <var>projectDir</var>/library/, etc. For app modules, if the same Gradle property was present in both <var>projectDir</var>/ and <var>projectDir</var>/app/, the value from <var>projectDir</var>/app/ would take precedence.

In AGP 4.2, this behavior has been changed, and AGP won't load values from in subprojects (e.g., <var>projectDir</var>/app/ This change reflects the new Gradle behavior and supports configuration caching

For more information on setting values in files, see the Gradle docs.

Gradle compatibility and configuration changes

When running in Android Studio, the Gradle build tool uses Studio's bundled JDK. In previous releases, JDK 8 was bundled with Studio. In 4.2, however, JDK 11 is now bundled instead. When using the new bundled JDK to run Gradle, this may result in some incompatibility or impact JVM performance due to changes to the garbage collector. These issues are described below.

Note: Although we recommend running Gradle with JDK 11, it is possible to change the JDK used to run Gradle in the Project Structure dialog. Changing this setting will only change the JDK used to run Gradle, and will not change the JDK used to run Studio itself.

Studio compatibility with Android Gradle plugin (AGP)

Android Studio 4.2 can open projects that use AGP 3.1 and higher provided that AGP is running Gradle 4.8.1 and higher. For more information about Gradle compatibility, see Update Gradle.

Optimizing Gradle builds for JDK 11

This update to JDK 11 impacts the default configuration of the JVM garbage collector, since JDK 8 uses the parallel garbage collector while JDK 11 uses the G1 garbage collector.

To potentially improve build performance, we recommend testing your Gradle builds with the parallel garbage collector. In set the following:


If there are other options already set in this field, add a new option:

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC

To measure build speed with different configurations, see Profile your build.

DEX files uncompressed in APKs when minSdk = 28 or higher

AGP now packages DEX files uncompressed in APKs by default when minSdk = 28 or higher. This causes an increase in APK size, but it results in a smaller installation size on the device, and the download size is roughly the same.

To force AGP to instead package the DEX files compressed, you can add the following to your build.gradle file:

android {
    packagingOptions {
        dex {
            useLegacyPackaging true

Use the DSL to package compressed native libraries

We recommend packaging native libraries in uncompressed form, because this results in a smaller app install size, smaller app download size, and faster app loading time for your users. However, if you want the Android Gradle plugin to package compressed native libraries when building your app, set useLegacyPackaging to true in your app's build.gradle file:

android {
    packagingOptions {
        jniLibs {
            useLegacyPackaging true

The flag useLegacyPackaging replaces the manifest attribute extractNativeLibs. For more background, see the release note Native libraries packaged uncompressed by default.