Applications: listHidden

Requires authorization

Get the list of players hidden from the given application. This method is only available to user accounts for your developer console.


HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
applicationId string The application ID from the Google Play Console.
Optional query parameters
maxResults integer The maximum number of player resources to return in the response, used for paging. For any response, the actual number of player resources returned may be less than the specified maxResults. Acceptable values are 1 to 15, inclusive.
pageToken string The token returned by the previous request.


This request requires authorization with the following scope (read more about authentication and authorization).


Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "gamesManagement#hiddenPlayerList",
  "nextPageToken": string,
  "items": [
      "kind": "gamesManagement#hiddenPlayer",
      "player": {
        "kind": "gamesManagement#player",
        "playerId": string,
        "displayName": string,
        "avatarImageUrl": string,
        "lastPlayedWith": {
          "timeMillis": long,
          "autoMatched": boolean
        "name": {
          "familyName": string,
          "givenName": string
        "experienceInfo": {
          "currentExperiencePoints": long,
          "lastLevelUpTimestampMillis": long,
          "currentLevel": {
            "level": integer,
            "minExperiencePoints": long,
            "maxExperiencePoints": long
          "nextLevel": {
            "level": integer,
            "minExperiencePoints": long,
            "maxExperiencePoints": long
        "title": string
      "hiddenTimeMillis": long
Property name Value Description Notes
kind string Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string gamesManagement#hiddenPlayerList.
nextPageToken string The pagination token for the next page of results.
items[] list The players.
items[].kind string Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string gamesManagement#hiddenPlayer.
items[].player nested object The player information.
items[].player.kind string Uniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string gamesManagement#player.
items[].player.playerId string The ID of the player.
items[].player.displayName string The name to display for the player.
items[].player.avatarImageUrl string The base URL for the image that represents the player.
items[].player.lastPlayedWith nested object Details about the last time this player played a multiplayer game with the currently authenticated player. Populated for PLAYED_WITH player collection members.
items[].player.lastPlayedWith.timeMillis long The last time the player played the game in milliseconds since the epoch in UTC.
items[].player.lastPlayedWith.autoMatched boolean True if the player was auto-matched with the currently authenticated user.
items[] object An object representation of the individual components of the player's name. For some players, these fields may not be present.
items[] string The family name of this player. In some places, this is known as the last name.
items[] string The given name of this player. In some places, this is known as the first name.
items[].player.experienceInfo nested object An object to represent Play Game experience information for the player.
items[].player.experienceInfo.currentExperiencePoints long The current number of experience points for the player.
items[].player.experienceInfo.lastLevelUpTimestampMillis long The timestamp when the player was leveled up, in millis since Unix epoch UTC.
items[].player.experienceInfo.currentLevel nested object The current level of the player.
items[].player.experienceInfo.currentLevel.level integer The level for the user.
items[].player.experienceInfo.currentLevel.minExperiencePoints long The minimum experience points for this level.
items[].player.experienceInfo.currentLevel.maxExperiencePoints long The maximum experience points for this level.
items[].player.experienceInfo.nextLevel nested object The next level of the player. If the current level is the maximum level, this should be same as the current level.
items[].player.experienceInfo.nextLevel.level integer The level for the user.
items[].player.experienceInfo.nextLevel.minExperiencePoints long The minimum experience points for this level.
items[].player.experienceInfo.nextLevel.maxExperiencePoints long The maximum experience points for this level.
items[].player.title string The player's title rewarded for their game activities.
items[].hiddenTimeMillis long The time this player was hidden.