Android 14 平台包含一些行为变更,这些变更可能会影响您的应用。以下行为变更将影响在 Android 14 上运行的所有应用,无论采用哪种 targetSdkVersion
此外,请务必查看仅影响以 Android 14 为目标平台的应用的行为变更列表。
精确的闹钟适用于用户指定的通知,或是在确切时间需要执行的操作。从 Android 14 开始,系统不再向以 Android 13 及更高版本为目标平台的大多数新安装应用预先授予 SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
在 Android 14 中,当应用处于缓存状态时,系统可以将上下文注册的广播放入队列中。这与 Android 12(API 级别 31)为异步 binder 事务引入的队列行为类似。在清单中声明的广播不会加入队列,并且应用会从缓存状态中移除以进行广播传递。
当应用离开缓存状态(例如返回前台)时,系统会传递所有已加入队列的广播。某些广播的多个实例 可能会合并为一个广播。取决于其他因素,如系统 运行状况,则可能会从缓存状态中移除应用,以及之前排队 广播。
Starting in Android 14, when your app calls killBackgroundProcesses()
the API can kill only the background processes of your own app.
If you pass in the package name of another app, this method has no effect on that app's background processes, and the following message appears in Logcat:
Invalid packageName: com.example.anotherapp
Your app shouldn't use the killBackgroundProcesses()
API or otherwise attempt
to influence the process lifecycle of other apps, even on older OS versions.
Android is designed to keep cached apps in the background and kill them
automatically when the system needs memory. If your app kills other apps
unnecessarily, it can reduce system performance and increase battery consumption
by requiring full restarts of those apps later, which takes significantly more
resources than resuming an existing cached app.
第一个请求 MTU 的 GATT 客户端的 MTU 设置为 517
Starting from Android 14, the Android Bluetooth stack more strictly adheres to
Version 5.2 of the Bluetooth Core Specification and requests
the BLE ATT MTU to 517 bytes when the first GATT client requests an MTU using
the BluetoothGatt#requestMtu(int)
API, and disregards all subsequent MTU
requests on that ACL connection.
To address this change and make your app more robust, consider the following options:
- Your peripheral device should respond to the Android device's MTU request
with a reasonable value that can be accommodated by the peripheral. The
final negotiated value will be a minimum of the Android requested value and
the remote provided value (for example,
min(517, remoteMtu)
)- Implementing this fix could require a firmware update for peripheral
- Alternatively, limit your GATT characteristic writes based on the minimum
between the known supported value of your peripheral and the received MTU
- A reminder that you should reduce 5 bytes from the supported size for the headers
- For example:
arrayMaxLength = min(SUPPORTED_MTU, GATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN(517)) - 5
Android 14 introduces a new reason an app can be placed into the restricted standby bucket.
The app's jobs trigger ANR errors multiple times due to onStartJob
, or onBind
method timeouts.
(See JobScheduler reinforces callback and network behavior for changes
to onStartJob
and onStopJob
To track whether or not the app has entered the restricted standby bucket,
we recommend logging with the API UsageStatsManager.getAppStandbyBucket()
on job execution or UsageStatsManager.queryEventsForSelf()
on app startup.
mlock 限制为 64 KB
在 Android 14(API 级别 34)及更高版本中,平台将可使用 mlock()
锁定的最大内存减少为每个进程 64 KB。在以前的版本中,每个进程的大小上限为 64 MB。此限制可促进跨应用和系统更好地管理内存。为了提高各设备之间的一致性,Android 14 针对兼容设备上的新 mlock()
限制添加了新的 CTS 测试。
By design, an app's process is in a cached state when it's moved to the
background and no other app process components are running. Such an app process
is subject to being killed due to system memory pressure. Any work that
instances perform after the onStop()
method has been called and
returned, while in this state, is unreliable and strongly discouraged.
Android 14 introduces consistency and enforcement to this design. Shortly after an app process enters a cached state, background work is disallowed, until a process component re-enters an active state of the lifecycle.
Apps that use typical framework-supported lifecycle APIs – such as
services, JobScheduler
, and Jetpack WorkManager – shouldn't be
impacted by these changes.
如果您的应用向用户显示不可关闭的前台通知,请注意:Android 14 已更改此行为,允许用户关闭此类通知。
- 当手机处于锁定状态时
- 如果用户选择全部清除通知操作(有助于防止意外关闭)
条通知- 企业设备政策控制器 (DPC) 和支持软件包
- 媒体通知
- 默认的搜索选择器软件包
To enhance user privacy, Android 14 increases the number of places where the system shows the information you have declared in the Play Console form. Currently, users can view this information in the Data safety section on your app's listing in Google Play.
We encourage you to review your app's location data sharing policies and take a moment to make any applicable updates to your app's Google Play Data safety section.
Learn more in the guide about how data safety information is more visible on Android 14.
非线性字体放大至 200%
从 Android 14 开始,系统支持字体放大高达 200%,为弱视用户提供了符合网络内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) 的其他无障碍功能选项。
如果您已使用放大像素 (sp) 单位来定义文本大小,这项更改可能不会对您的应用产生太大影响。不过,您应在启用最大字号 (200%) 的情况下执行界面测试,确保应用能够在不影响易用性的情况下适应较大的字号。
最低可安装的目标 API 级别
Starting with Android 14, apps with a
lower than 23
can't be installed. Requiring apps to meet these minimum target API level
requirements improves security and privacy for users.
Malware often targets older API levels in order to bypass security and privacy
protections that have been introduced in newer Android versions. For example,
some malware apps use a targetSdkVersion
of 22 to avoid being subjected to the
runtime permission model introduced in 2015 by Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API
level 23). This Android 14 change makes it harder for malware to avoid security
and privacy improvements.
Attempting to install an app targeting a lower API level will result in an
installation failure, with the following message appearing in Logcat:
INSTALL_FAILED_DEPRECATED_SDK_VERSION: App package must target at least SDK version 23, but found 7
On devices upgrading to Android 14, any apps with a targetSdkVersion
than 23 will remain installed.
If you need to test an app targeting an older API level, use the following ADB command:
adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk
列,该列表示存储特定媒体文件的应用。从 Android 14 开始,除非满足以下条件之一,否则系统会隐去此值:
- 存储媒体文件的应用有一个软件包名称始终对其他应用可见。
详细了解 Android 如何出于隐私保护目的而过滤软件包可见性。