
Android 15 平台包含一些行为变更,这些变更可能会影响您的应用。以下行为变更将影响在 Android 15 上运行的所有应用,无论采用哪种 targetSdkVersion 都不例外。您应该测试您的应用,然后根据需要进行修改,以适当地支持这些变更(如果适用)。

此外,请务必查看仅影响以 Android 15 为目标平台的应用的行为变更列表。


Android 15 修改或扩展了 Android 系统的各种核心功能。


软件包 FLAG_STOPPED 状态(用户可以通过长按应用图标并选择“强行停止”来参与 AOSP build)一直是为了让应用保持此状态,直到用户通过直接启动应用或间接与应用互动(通过 Sharesheet 或 widget、选择应用作为动态壁纸等)将应用从此状态明确移除。在 Android 15 中,我们将更新系统的行为,以符合这一预期行为。只能通过用户直接或间接操作将应用从停止状态中移除。

为了支持预期行为,除了现有限制之外,当应用在搭载 Android 15 的设备上进入停止状态时,系统还会取消所有待处理 intent。当用户的操作将应用从停止状态中移除时,系统会向应用传递 ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED 广播,让用户有机会重新注册任何待处理的 intent。

您可以调用新的 ApplicationStartInfo.wasForceStopped() 方法来确认应用是否已置于停止状态。

支持 16 KB 页面大小

一直以来,Android 仅支持 4 KB 的内存页面大小,针对 Android 设备通常拥有的平均总内存量,系统内存性能进行了优化。从 Android 15 开始,Android 支持配置为使用 16 KB 页面大小的设备(即 16 KB 设备)。

随着设备制造商不断打造具有更大物理内存 (RAM) 的设备,这些设备中的许多可能会配置 16 KB(最终更大)的页面大小,以优化设备的性能。添加对 16 KB 设备的支持可让您的应用在这些设备上运行,并帮助您的应用从相关性能改进中受益。为了帮助您解决此问题,我们提供了一些指南,帮助您了解如何检查您的应用是否受到影响、如何重新构建应用(如果适用),以及如何同时使用模拟器和实体设备在 16 KB 的环境中测试应用


配置为 16 KB 页面的设备平均使用的内存会略多,但系统和应用性能也会有所提升:

  • 在系统面临内存压力时缩短应用启动时间:平均降低了 3.16%,对于我们测试过的一些应用而言,改进幅度更显著(提升幅度高达 30%)
  • 降低应用启动时的功耗:平均降低 4.56%
  • 相机启动速度更快:平均热启动速度加快 4.48%,冷启动速度平均加快 6.60%
  • 缩短了系统启动时间:平均缩短了 1.5%(约 0.8 秒)



如果您的应用使用任何原生代码,则您应重新构建支持 16 KB 设备的应用。如果您不确定自己的应用是否使用了原生代码,可以使用 APK 分析器来确定是否存在任何原生代码

如果您的应用仅使用以 Java 编程语言或 Kotlin 编写的代码(包括所有库或 SDK),那么该应用已经支持 16 KB 设备。不过,我们建议您在 16 KB 的环境中测试应用,以确认应用行为是否存在意外回归问题。


Private space is a new feature in Android 15 that lets users create a separate space on their device where they can keep sensitive apps away from prying eyes, under an additional layer of authentication. Because apps in the private space have restricted visibility, some types of apps need to take additional steps to be able to see and interact with apps in a user's private space.

All apps

Because apps in the private space are kept in a separate user profile, similar to work profiles, apps shouldn't assume that any installed copies of their app that aren't in the main profile are in the work profile. If your app has logic related to work profile apps that make this assumption, you'll need to adjust this logic.

Launcher apps

If you develop a launcher app, you must do the following before apps in the private space will be visible:

  1. Your app must be assigned as the default launcher app for the device—that is, possessing the ROLE_HOME role.
  2. Your app must declare the ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES normal permission in your app's manifest file.

Launcher apps that declare the ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission must handle the following private space use cases:

  1. Your app must have a separate launcher container for apps installed in the private space.
  2. The user must be able to hide and show the private space container.
  3. The user must be able to lock and unlock the private space container.
  4. While locked, no apps in the private space container should be visible or discoverable through mechanisms such as search.

App store apps

The private space includes an "Install Apps" button that launches an implicit intent to install apps into the user's private space. In order for your app to receive this implicit intent, declare an <intent-filter> in your app's manifest file with a <category> of CATEGORY_APP_MARKET.

将最低目标 SDK 版本从 23 提高到了 24

Android 15 builds on the the changes that were made in Android 14 and extends this security further. In Android 15, apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 24 can't be installed. Requiring apps to meet modern API levels helps to ensure better security and privacy.

Malware often targets lower API levels in order to bypass security and privacy protections that have been introduced in higher Android versions. For example, some malware apps use a targetSdkVersion of 22 to avoid being subjected to the runtime permission model introduced in 2015 by Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API level 23). This Android 15 change makes it harder for malware to avoid security and privacy improvements. Attempting to install an app targeting a lower API level results in an installation failure, with a message like the following one appearing in Logcat:

INSTALL_FAILED_DEPRECATED_SDK_VERSION: App package must target at least SDK version 24, but found 7

On devices upgrading to Android 15, any apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than 24 remain installed.

If you need to test an app targeting an older API level, use the following ADB command:

adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk


Android 15 对所有应用的相机和媒体行为做出了以下变更。


在 Android 15 之前,如果某个应用在另一个应用正在播放音频时请求直接播放或分流音频播放,并且已达到资源限制,此应用将无法打开新的 AudioTrack

从 Android 15 开始,当应用请求直接或分流播放并且达到资源限制时,系统会使当前打开的所有 AudioTrack 对象失效,从而阻止执行新的轨道请求。

(直接和分流音轨通常会打开,以播放压缩的音频格式。播放直接音频的常见用例包括通过 HDMI 将编码音频流式传输到电视。分流轨道通常用于在具有硬件 DSP 加速的移动设备上播放压缩音频。)


Android 15 包含一些旨在打造更一致、更直观的用户体验的变更。


Beginning in Android 15, the developer option for predictive back animations has been removed. System animations such as back-to-home, cross-task, and cross-activity now appear for apps that have opted in to the predictive back gesture either entirely or at an activity level. If your app is affected, take the following actions:

  • Ensure that your app has been properly migrated to use the predictive back gesture.
  • Ensure that your fragment transitions work with predictive back navigation.
  • Migrate away from animation and framework transitions and use animator and androidx transitions instead.
  • Migrate away from back stacks that FragmentManager doesn't know about. Use back stacks managed by FragmentManager or by the Navigation component instead.


如果用户在搭载 Android 15 的设备上强行停止某个应用,系统会暂时停用该应用的所有 widget。这些 widget 会灰显,用户无法与它们互动。这是因为,从 Android 15 开始,当应用被强行停止时,系统会取消应用的所有待处理 intent。

系统会在用户下次启动应用时重新启用这些 widget。



随着每个版本的发布,特定的 Android API 可能会过时或需要重构,以提供更好的开发者体验或支持新的平台功能。在这些情况下,我们正式废弃了过时的 API,并引导开发者改用替代 API。

废弃意味着我们已结束对这些 API 的正式支持,但开发者仍可继续使用它们。如需详细了解此 Android 版本中值得注意的废弃项,请参阅废弃项页面