
The features in this guide describe security management capabilities you can implement in your device policy controller (DPC) app. This document contains code samples and you can also use the Test DPC app as a source of sample code for Android's enterprise features.

A DPC app can run in profile owner mode on personal devices or in device owner mode on fully managed devices. This table indicates which features are available when the DPC runs in profile owner mode or device owner mode:

Disable access to apps

For organizations who want to block employees from playing games or watching YouTube on their Android-powered device during certain times of the day, or certain days of the week, a DPC can temporarily disable access to apps.

To disable access to apps, a DPC running in device owner or profile owner mode configures setPackagesSuspended(), and then the selected app acts as if it's disabled (the Google launcher grays out the app). When a user taps the app, they see a system dialog saying that the app is suspended.

While an app is suspended, it can't start activities, and notifications to the package are suppressed. Suspended packages don't appear in the overview screen, they can't show dialogs (including toasts and snackbars), and they can't play audio or vibrate the device.

Launchers can find out if an app is suspended by calling the isPackageSuspended() method. For details on how to configure app suspension, see setPackagesSuspended.

Block apps from unknown sources

Apps that aren't installed from Google Play (or other trusted app stores) are called apps from unknown sources. Devices and data can be at increased risk when people install these apps.

To prevent somebody installing apps from unknown sources, admin components of fully managed devices and work profiles can add the DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES user restriction.

Work-profile device-wide restriction

When the admin of a work profile adds DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES, the restriction only applies to the work profile. However, the admin of a work profile can place a device-wide restriction by setting a managed configuration for Google Play. The device-wide restriction is available in Android 8.0 (or higher) when the installed Google Play app is version 80812500 or higher.

To restrict app installs to Google Play, follow these steps:

  1. Set a managed configuration bundle for the Google Play package
  2. In the bundle, put a boolean value for the verify_apps:device_wide_unknown_source_block key.
  3. Add the ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS user restriction.

The following example shows how you can check that Google Play supports this setting and set the value to true:

internal val DEVICE_WIDE_UNKNOWN_SOURCES = "verify_apps:device_wide_unknown_source_block"
internal val GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = ""

// ...

// Add the setting to Google Play's existing managed config. Supported in
// Google Play version 80812500 or higher--older versions ignore unsupported
// settings.
val dpm = context.getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE) as DevicePolicyManager
var existingConfig = dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK)
val newConfig = Bundle(existingConfig)
newConfig.putBoolean(DEVICE_WIDE_UNKNOWN_SOURCES, true)
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig)

// Make sure that Google Play Protect verifies apps.
dpm.addUserRestriction(adminName, UserManager.ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS)
dpm.addUserRestriction(adminName, UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES)
static final String GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = "";

// ...

// Add the setting to Google Play's existing managed config. Supported in
// Google Play version 80812500 or higher--older versions ignore unsupported
// settings.
DevicePolicyManager dpm =
    (DevicePolicyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE);
Bundle existingConfig =
    dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK);
Bundle newConfig = new Bundle(existingConfig);
newConfig.putBoolean(DEVICE_WIDE_UNKNOWN_SOURCES, true);
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig);

// Make sure that Google Play Protect verifies apps.
dpm.addUserRestriction(adminName, UserManager.ENSURE_VERIFY_APPS);
dpm.addUserRestriction(adminName, UserManager.DISALLOW_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_SOURCES);

The user interface in the system settings remains active but the system blocks app installation. This restriction affects future installations—previously installed apps remain on the device. Device users can continue to install apps into the personal profile using the Android Debug Bridge (adb).

To learn more about unknown sources, read Alternative distribution options.

Restrict accounts in Google Play

Sometimes an organization might want to allow people to add personal Google Accounts (to read mail in Gmail for example) but doesn't want the personal account to install apps. Your DPC can set a list of accounts people can use in Google Play.

Admin components of fully managed devices or work profiles can restrict the accounts by setting a managed configuration for Google Play. The account restriction is available when the installed Google Play app is version 80970100 or higher.

To limit the accounts in Google Play, do the following:

  1. Set a managed configuration bundle for the Google Play package
  2. In the bundle, put the comma-separated email addresses as a string value for the allowed_accounts key.

The following example shows how you can limit accounts:

internal val ALLOWED_ACCOUNTS = "allowed_accounts"
internal val GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = ""

// ...

// Limit Google Play to one work and one personal account. Use
// a comma-separated list of account email addresses (usernames).
val googleAccounts = ","

// Supported in Google Play version 80970100 or higher.
val existingConfig = dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK)
val newConfig = Bundle(existingConfig)
newConfig.putString(ALLOWED_ACCOUNTS, googleAccounts)
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig)
static final String ALLOWED_ACCOUNTS = "allowed_accounts";
static final String GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = "";

// ...

// Limit Google Play to one work and one personal account. Use
// a comma-separated list of account email addresses (usernames).
String googleAccounts = ",";

// Supported in Google Play version 80970100 or higher.
Bundle existingConfig =
    dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK);
Bundle newConfig = new Bundle(existingConfig);
newConfig.putString(ALLOWED_ACCOUNTS, googleAccounts);
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig);

To limit Google Play to just the work account, set allowed_accounts to the single managed account as soon as your DPC knows the account's email address. An empty string prevents people using any account in Google Play.

Enable enterprise factory reset protection

Using enterprise factory reset protection, organizations can specify which Google Accounts can provision a device that has been factory reset.

Consumer factory reset protection is designed to deter device theft. Before allowing anyone to provision the device after unauthorized factory reset (such as using an EMM), the setup wizard requires the user to authenticate against any Google Accounts that were previously on the personal profile of the device.

In an enterprise environment, factory reset is an important tool for managing employee devices when an employee leaves the organization. However, if the organization doesn't know an employee's account credentials, factory reset protection can block the organization's ability to issue a device to another employee.

Control provisioning after a factory reset

When running in device owner mode, your DPC can use setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy() to control which accounts are authorized to provision a device after a factory reset. If this configuration is set to null or set to an empty list, the accounts authorized to provision a device after a factory reset are the accounts on the personal profile of the device.

A DPC can configure these accounts throughout the lifetime of a fully managed device.

  1. The IT admin can use the people.get method from the People API with the special value me. This retrieves the userId for the logged in account. The userID is returned in the resourceName key in the form people/[userId] as an integer string. Newly-created accounts might not be available for factory reset purposes for 72 hours.
  2. You may also want to enable one or more IT admins to unlock the device after a factory reset. Have each of these IT admins log into their Google Account and also follow step 1 and share their userId with you, so that you can add these userIds to the List in the next step.
  3. The DPC sets an appropriate app restriction using setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy() to set the List of userId that can provision a factory reset device.
  4. The DPC enables the accounts that can provision devices after a factory reset by sending the broadcast as an explicit intent to prevent being dropped due to background restrictions.
const val GMSCORE_PACKAGE = ""

// ...

// List of userId that can provision a factory reset device.
// You can use the value returned calling people/me endpoint.
val accountIds = listOf("000000000000000000000")


val frpChangedIntent = Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED)

static final String ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED =
static final String GMSCORE_PACKAGE = "";

// ...

// List of userId that can provision a factory reset device.
// You can use the value returned calling people/me endpoint.
List<String> accountIds = new ArrayList<String>();

    new FactoryResetProtectionPolicy.Builder()

Intent frpChangedIntent = new Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED);



For devices that cannot use setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy(), introduced with API Level 30, your DPC can use setApplicationRestrictions to add the chosen accounts to the factoryResetProtectionAdmin managed configuration for the package.

const val GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = ""
const val FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "factoryResetProtectionAdmin"
const val DISABLE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "disableFactoryResetProtectionAdmin"
const val GMSCORE_PACKAGE = ""

// ...

val existingConfig = dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK)
val newConfig = Bundle(existingConfig)
newConfig.putString(FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN, googleAccounts)
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig)

val frpChangedIntent = Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED)

static final String GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = "";
static final String FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "factoryResetProtectionAdmin";
static final String DISABLE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "disableFactoryResetProtectionAdmin";
static final String GMSCORE_PACKAGE = "";

// ...

Bundle existingConfig =
        dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK);
Bundle newConfig = new Bundle(existingConfig);
        accountIds.toArray(new String[accountIds.size()]));
dpm.setApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK, newConfig);

Intent frpChangedIntent = new Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED);


Disable enterprise factory reset protection

To disable factory reset protection, your DPC can use setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy()passing the value null.

const val GMSCORE_PACKAGE = ""

// ...

dpm.setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy(adminName, null)

val frpChangedIntent = Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED)

static final String ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED =
static final String GMSCORE_PACKAGE = "";

// ...

dpm.setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy(adminName, null);

Intent frpChangedIntent = new Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED);



For devices that cannot use setFactoryResetProtectionPolicy(), introduced with API Level 30, your DPC can use setApplicationRestrictions to set a key value of true in the disableFactoryResetProtectionAdmin managed configuration for the package.

const val GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = ""
const val FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "factoryResetProtectionAdmin"
const val DISABLE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "disableFactoryResetProtectionAdmin"
const val GMSCORE_PACKAGE = ""

// ...

val existingConfig = dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK)
val newConfig = Bundle(existingConfig)

    adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_PACKAGE, restrictions

val frpChangedIntent = Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED)

static final String GOOGLE_PLAY_APK = "";
static final String FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "factoryResetProtectionAdmin";
static final String DISABLE_FACTORY_RESET_PROTECTION_ADMIN = "disableFactoryResetProtectionAdmin";
static final String GMSCORE_PACKAGE = "";

// ...

Bundle existingConfig =
        dpm.getApplicationRestrictions(adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_APK);
Bundle newConfig = new Bundle(existingConfig);

    adminName, GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_PACKAGE, restrictions);

Intent frpChangedIntent = new Intent(ACTION_FRP_CONFIG_CHANGED);


Monitor enterprise process logs and remote bug reports

In your EMM console, an admin can monitor fully managed devices using enterprise process logs and remote bug reports.

Log enterprise device activity

A DPC running in device owner mode can identify suspicious activity by remotely tracking device activity, including app launches, Android Debug Bridge (adb) activity, and screen unlocks. Process logs don't require user consent.

To enable or disable logging, a DPC calls setSecurityLoggingEnabled().

When a new batch of logs is available, a DeviceAdminReceiver receives the onSecurityLogsAvailable() callback. To retrieve the logs (after receiving the callback), a DPC calls retrieveSecurityLogs().

DPCs can also call retrievePreRebootSecurityLogs() to fetch security logs generated in the previous reboot cycle. This is the interval between the last device reboot and its preceding reboot. Devices that don't support retrieveSecurityLogs() returns null. If your app retrieves logs using both retrievePreRebootSecurityLogs() and retrieveSecurityLogs(), you need to check for duplicate entries.
Note: This feature only logs activity on fully managed devices with a single user or affiliated users on the device. This feature doesn't work on personal devices, because it logs device-wide activity.

This setting can be useful in post-security-event auditing because it logs the following types of actions:

  • Every time the app is freshly started. This could help identify if there's malware that starts with a compromised app.
  • Unsuccessful unlock attempts on a device. This could identify if there are several failed unlock attempts in a short period of time.
  • Potentially harmful adb commands when a user connects the device to a computer using a USB cable.

For details on how to read logs, see SecurityLog.

While you're developing and testing, you can force the system to make any existing security logs available to your DPC—you don't have to wait for a full batch. In Android 9.0 (API level 28) or higher, run the following Android Debug Bridge (adb) command in your terminal:

adb shell dpm force-security-logs

The system limits how frequently you can use the tool and reports any intentional slowing in the terminal output. If there are logs available, your DPC receives the onSecurityLogsAvailable() callback.

Remotely request a bug report

A DPC running in device owner mode can remotely request bug reports for user devices with only one user or affiliated users. The bug report captures the device activity the exact moment the bug report is requested, but may also include activity from the previous few hours, depending on how often the logcat buffer refreshes.

To remotely request bug reports, the DPC calls requestBugreport():

Grant access and remove access to a client certificate

If a DPC running in profile owner or device owner mode grants a third-party app the ability to manage certificates, the app can grant itself access to certificates it installs without intervention by a user. To install a certificate that all apps in a profile can access, use installKeyPair().

For which parameters to configure, see installKeyPair(). This feature works in conjunction with the existing API for managing certificates.

Deployment scenario

Without the installKeyPair() method:

  • Users need to tap the name of the certificate and tap Allow each time they want to grant access to a certificate.
  • Users see a prompt when installing a certificate and must name the certificate.

With the installKeyPair() method:

  • Users don't need to tap Allow each time they want to grant access to a certificate.
  • Users can't rename certificates.
  • Admins have more control in that they can block certificates for apps that shouldn't have access to specific certificates.

Remove a client certificate

After granting access to a client certificate, to remotely remove client certificates installed through installKeyPair(), call removeKeyPair().

A DPC running in device owner mode or profile owner mode, or delegated certificate installer can call removeKeyPair(). This removes a certificate and private key pair installed under a given private key alias.

Deployment scenario

Use this feature if an organization is migrating to a more secure form of client certificate. If an admin rolls out a new certificate, and its distribution takes a significant amount of time, the admin can revoke the deprecated certificates after the migration is complete.

Secure passcode reset

Your DPC can reset a user's password by authorizing the change with a preregistered, secure token. Device owners and profile owners can call secure passcode reset APIs to change the password of devices and work profiles respectively. Secure passcode reset replaces resetPassword() with the following improvements:

You should use secure passcode reset if your DPC build targets Android 8.0 (API level 26) or higher. Calling resetPassword() throws a SecurityException in DPCs targeting Android 8.0 or higher so you might need to update your DPC.

Set and activate a token

Your DPC needs to set and activate a token before resetting a password. Because your DPC might not be able to use the token straightaway, you set the token ahead of the time an IT admin might need to use it.

A password reset token is a cryptographically strong random value and needs to be at least 32 bytes long. Create a token for each device and profile—don't reuse or share your generated tokens.

We recommend storing tokens, or the means to decrypt an encrypted token, on a server. If you store tokens locally in credential encrypted storage, your DPC can't reset the password until the user unlocks the device or profile. If you store the tokens locally in device encrypted storage, which becomes compromised, an attacker may use the token to gain access to a work profile or a primary user.

You can generate a new token in your DPC or fetch a token from a server. The example below shows a DPC generating a token itself and reporting it to a server:

val token = ByteArray(32)

// Generate a new token
val random = SecureRandom()

// Set the token to use at a later date
val success: Boolean
success = dpm.setResetPasswordToken(DeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(context), token)

// Activate the token and update success variable...

// Store the token on a server
if (success) {
byte token[] = new byte[32]; // Minimum size token accepted

// Generate a new token
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();

// Set the token to use at a later date
boolean success;
success = dpm.setResetPasswordToken(DeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(getContext()), token);

// Activate the token and update success variable ...

// Store the token on a server
if (success) {

In most cases, your DPC needs to activate a token after setting it. But, when the user doesn't have a lock screen password, the system activates a token straightaway. To activate a token, ask the user to confirm their credentials. Your DPC can call the KeyguardManager method createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() to get an Intent that starts the confirmation. Explain to the device user in the user interface, why you're asking them to authenticate. The snippet below shows how you might activate a token in your DPC:

// In your DPC, you'll need to localize the user prompt
val ACTIVATE_TOKEN_PROMPT = "Use your credentials to enable remote password reset"

// Create or fetch a token and set it in setResetPasswordToken() ...
val keyguardManager = context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE) as KeyguardManager
val confirmIntent = keyguardManager.createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(null, ACTIVATE_TOKEN_PROMPT)

if (confirmIntent != null) {
 startActivityForResult(confirmIntent, ACTIVATE_TOKEN_REQUEST)
 // Check your onActivityResult() callback for RESULT_OK
} else {
 // Null means the user doesn't have a lock screen so the token is already active.
 // Call isResetPasswordTokenActive() if you need to confirm
// In your DPC, you'll need to localize the user prompt
static final String ACTIVATE_TOKEN_PROMPT =
 "Use your credentials to enable remote password reset";
static final int ACTIVATE_TOKEN_REQUEST = 1;

// Create or fetch a token and set it in setResetPasswordToken() ...

KeyguardManager keyguardManager = (KeyguardManager) getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
Intent confirmIntent = keyguardManager.createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(

if (confirmIntent != null) {
 startActivityForResult(confirmIntent, ACTIVATE_TOKEN_REQUEST);
 // Check your onActivityResult() callback for RESULT_OK
} else {
 // Null means the user doesn't have a lock screen so the token is already active.
 // Call isResetPasswordTokenActive() if you need to confirm

You need to activate a token your DPC sets before the device reboots. Android stores an unactivated token in memory and doesn't persist the token after a reboot. If the user reboots the device before activating a token, your DPC can set the same token again or generate a new token.

Your DPC can confirm that a token is active by calling isResetPasswordTokenActive() and checking the result is true.

After your DPC sets and activates a token, it's valid until your DPC deletes or replaces the token (or the device is factory reset). The token is independent of the password and isn't affected by the user changing or clearing the password.

Delete a token

You can call clearResetPasswordToken() to delete a token that your DPC set earlier. You might need to revoke a compromised token or you might want to remove the ability to reset the password. The sample below shows how you can do this in your DPC:

val dpm = getDpm()
val admin = DeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(requireActivity())

// Clear the token
if (!dpm.clearResetPasswordToken(admin)) {
 // Report the failure and possibly try later ...
DevicePolicyManager dpm = getDpm();
ComponentName admin = DeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(getActivity());

// Clear the token
if (!dpm.clearResetPasswordToken(admin)) {
 // Report the failure and possibly try later ...

Reset the password

When an IT admin needs to reset the password, call resetPasswordWithToken() and pass the token your DPC set and activated in advance:

val token: ByteArray = getTokenFromServer()
val newPassword = "password"

try {
 val result: Boolean = dpm.resetPasswordWithToken(

 if (result) {
 // The password is now 'password'
 } else {
 // Using 'password' doesn't meet password restrictions
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
 // The token doesn't match the one set earlier.
byte token[] = getTokenFromServer();
String newPassword = "password";

try {
 boolean result = dpm.resetPasswordWithToken(
  DeviceAdminReceiver.getComponentName(getContext()), newPassword, token, 0);

 if (result) {
 // The password is now 'password'
 } else {
 // Using `password` doesn't meet password restrictions
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
 // The token doesn't match the one set earlier.

A call to resetPasswordWithToken() returns false, and the password doesn't change, when the new password doesn't meet the following constraints:

  • The number of characters meets any minimum password length constraint. Call getPasswordMinimumLength() to know if an IT admin set a length constraint.
  • The range and complexity of characters in the password meets a composition constraint. Call getPasswordQuality() to know if an IT admin set a composition constraint.

If the password quality constraints don't require a password to be set, you can pass null or an empty string to resetPasswordWithToken() to remove the password.

Work profile security challenge

A DPC running in profile owner mode can require users to specify a security challenge for apps running in the work profile. The system shows the security challenge when the user attempts to open any work apps. If the user successfully completes the security challenge, the system unlocks the work profile and decrypts it, if necessary.

How work profile security challenge works

  1. If a DPC sends an ACTION_SET_NEW_PASSWORD intent, the system prompts the user to set up a security challenge.
  2. The DPC can also send anACTION_SET_NEW_PARENT_PROFILE_PASSWORD intent to prompt the user to set a device lock.

A DPC can set the password policies for the work challenge differently from the policies for other device passwords. For example, the minimum length for the device challenge response can be different from the length required for other passwords. A DPC sets the challenge policies using the usual DevicePolicyManager methods, such as setPasswordQuality() and setPasswordMinimumLength().


  • The DPC can reset the password on the work profile, but can't reset the device (personal) password. If a user chooses to set work and personal passwords to be the same, then resetPassword() on the work profile causes the password to be reset on work profile only, and the password won't be the same as the one for the device lock screen.
  • A DPC can customize the credentials screen for the work challenge by using setOrganizationColor() and setOrganizationName().
  • Device admins can't use resetPassword() to clear passwords or change ones that are already set. Device admins can still set a password, but only when the device has no password, PIN, or pattern.

For additional information, see getParentProfileInstance() and reference documentation under DevicePolicyManager.