Google Play Inline Installs (Apps)

This page describes how app developers can integrate inline install, a new test feature for Google Play that presents Google Play app product details in a half sheet interface. Inline install enables users to experience a seamless app install flow without leaving the context of the app. App developers can integrate and test the inline install feature for Play distributed or updated apps.


For the half sheet interface to appear in an app:

  • The minimum Google Play version must be 40.4.
  • The Android API level must be 23 or higher.

Invoke inline installs from an app

To invoke inline install half sheet from an app, create an instance of the Intent class, which opens a deep link URL. Use the following sample code (Kotlin or Java) as a guideline.

val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)
val referrer = "<Your referrer string>"
val id = "<Package name of the app that is to be installed>"
val callerId = "<Package name of your app>"
val deepLinkUrl = "$id&referrer=$referrer&listing=$csl_id" = Uri.parse(deepLinkUrl)
intent.putExtra("overlay", true)
intent.putExtra("callerId", "$callerId")
val packageManager = context.getPackageManager()
if (intent.resolveActivity(packageManager) != null) {
  startActivityForResult(intent, 0)
} else {
  // Fallback to deep linking to full Play Store.
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
String referrer = "<Your referrer string>";
String id = "<Package name of the app that is to be installed>";
String callerId = "<package name of your app>";
String csl_id = "<Custom store listing id>";
String deepLinkUrl = "" + id + "&referrer=" + referrer + "&listing=" + csl_id;
intent.putExtra("overlay", true);
intent.putExtra("callerId", callerId);
PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
if (intent.resolveActivity(packageManager) != null) {
  startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
} else {
  // Fallback to deep linking to full Play Store.

Inline install API parameters

Field Description Required
referrer An optional referrer tracking string No
id The package name of the app to be installed Yes
overlay Set to true if inline half sheet is requested; if false, the intent deep links to Google Play Yes
callerId The package name of the caller app Yes
listing An optional parameter to specify the target for a custom store listing No

If the app install flow doesn’t display the Google Play inline install half sheet interface, a direct (deep link) to the Google Play listing is shown instead.