
#include <snapshot_manager.h>

Gets and sets various snapshot-related data.


If the app does not enable snapshots at authentication time (see GameServices::Builder::EnableSnapshots), most methods on SnapshotManager will fail.

Public types

CommitCallback typedef
std::function< void(const CommitResponse &)>
Defines a callback type that receives an CommitResponse.
FetchAllCallback typedef
std::function< void(const FetchAllResponse &)>
Defines a callback type that receives a FetchAllResponse.
MaxSizeCallback typedef
std::function< void(const MaxSizeResponse &)>
Defines a callback type that receives a MaxSizeResponse.
OpenCallback typedef
std::function< void(const OpenResponse &)>
Defines a callback type that receives an OpenResponse.
ReadCallback typedef
std::function< void(const ReadResponse &)>
Defines a callback type that receives a ReadResponse.
SnapshotSelectUICallback typedef
std::function< void(const SnapshotSelectUIResponse &)>
Defines a callback that can receive a SnapshotSelectUIResponse from ShowSelectUIOperation.

Public functions

Commit(const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > data, CommitCallback callback)
Asynchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot, and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.
CommitBlocking(const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > contents)
Synchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot, and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.
CommitBlocking(Timeout timeout, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > contents)
Synchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.
Delete(const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata)
Deletes the specified snapshot.
FetchAll(FetchAllCallback callback)
Asynchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player.
FetchAll(DataSource data_source, FetchAllCallback callback)
Asynchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player.
Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.
FetchAllBlocking(DataSource data_source)
Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.
FetchAllBlocking(Timeout timeout)
Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.
FetchAllBlocking(DataSource data_source, Timeout timeout)
Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.
GetMaxSize(MaxSizeCallback callback) const
Asynchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes.
GetMaxSizeBlocking() const
Synchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes, directly returning the MaxSizeResponse.
GetMaxSizeBlocking(Timeout timeout) const
Synchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes, directly returning the MaxSizeResponse.
Open(const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy, OpenCallback callback)
Asynchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
Open(DataSource data_source, const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy, OpenCallback callback)
Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use Open(file_name, conflict_policy, callback) instead.
Asynchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
OpenBlocking(const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy)
Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
OpenBlocking(Timeout timeout, const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy)
Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
OpenBlocking(DataSource data_source, const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy) Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use OpenBlocking(file_name, conflict_policy) instead.
Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
OpenBlocking(DataSource data_source, Timeout timeout, const std::string & file_name, SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy) Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use OpenBlocking(timeout, file_name, conflict_policy) instead.
Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.
Read(const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, ReadCallback callback)
Asynchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk, and copies it into memory.
ReadBlocking(const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata)
Synchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk, and copies it into memory.
ReadBlocking(Timeout timeout, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata)
Synchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk and copies it into memory.
ResolveConflict(const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, OpenCallback callback)
Asynchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.
ResolveConflict(const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > contents, OpenCallback callback)
Asynchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.
ResolveConflictBlocking(const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata)
Synchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.
ResolveConflictBlocking(const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > contents)
Synchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.
ResolveConflictBlocking(Timeout timeout, const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata)
Synchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.
ResolveConflictBlocking(Timeout timeout, const std::string & conflict_id, const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata, const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change, std::vector< uint8_t > contents)
Synchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.
ShowSelectUIOperation(bool allow_create, bool allow_delete, uint32_t max_snapshots, const std::string & title, SnapshotSelectUICallback callback)
Asynchronously shows the snapshot UI, allowing the player to select a snapshot or request a new snapshot.
ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking(Timeout timeout, bool allow_create, bool allow_delete, uint32_t max_snapshots, const std::string & title)
Blocking version of ShowSelectUIOperation.
ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking(bool allow_create, bool allow_delete, uint32_t max_snapshots, const std::string & title)
Overload of ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.



Holds the data for an updated snapshot, along with a response status.


Holds all data for all snapshots, along with a response status.


Holds max size for snapshot data and for snapshot cover image.


Holds the data for a particular requested snapshot along with a response status.


Reads response status and snapshot data returned from a snapshot read operation.


Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowSelectUIOperation operation.

Public types


std::function< void(const CommitResponse &)> CommitCallback

Defines a callback type that receives an CommitResponse.

This callback type is provided to the Commit(*) and ResolveConflict(*) functions below.


std::function< void(const FetchAllResponse &)> FetchAllCallback

Defines a callback type that receives a FetchAllResponse.

This callback type is provided to the FetchAll(*) functions below.


std::function< void(const MaxSizeResponse &)> MaxSizeCallback

Defines a callback type that receives a MaxSizeResponse.

This callback type is provided to the GetMaxSize.


std::function< void(const OpenResponse &)> OpenCallback

Defines a callback type that receives an OpenResponse.

This callback type is provided to the Open(*) functions below.


std::function< void(const ReadResponse &)> ReadCallback

Defines a callback type that receives a ReadResponse.

This callback type is provided to the Read(*) functions below.


std::function< void(const SnapshotSelectUIResponse &)> SnapshotSelectUICallback

Defines a callback that can receive a SnapshotSelectUIResponse from ShowSelectUIOperation.

Public functions


void Commit(
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > data,
  CommitCallback callback

Asynchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot, and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.

Calls the provided CommitCallback upon operation completion.


CommitResponse CommitBlocking(
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > contents

Synchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot, and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.


CommitResponse CommitBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > contents

Synchronously commits the data provided to the snapshot and updates the metadata of the snapshot using the provided metadata object.

Specify timeout in milliseconds.


void Delete(
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata

Deletes the specified snapshot.

This will delete the data of the snapshot locally and on the server.


void FetchAll(
  FetchAllCallback callback

Asynchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player.

Calls the provided FetchAllCallback upon operation completion. Not specifying data_source makes this function call equivalent to calling FetchAll(DataSource data_source, FetchAllCallback callback), with data_source specified as CACHE_OR_NETWORK.


void FetchAll(
  DataSource data_source,
  FetchAllCallback callback

Asynchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player.

Calls the provided FetchAllCallback upon operation completion. Specify data_source as CACHE_OR_NETWORK or NETWORK_ONLY.


FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking()

Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.

Specifying neither data_source nor timeout makes this function call equivalent to calling FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking(DataSource data_source, Timeout timeout), with data_source specified as CACHE_OR_NETWORK, and timeout specified as 10 years.


FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking(
  DataSource data_source

Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.

Specify data_source as CACHE_OR_NETWORK or NETWORK_ONLY. Not specifying timeout makes this function call equivalent to calling FetchAllBlocking FetchAllResponse(DataSource data_source, Timeout timeout), with your specified data_source value, and timeout specified as 10 years.


FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking(
  Timeout timeout

Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.

Specify timeout in milliseconds. Not specifying data_source makes this function call equivalent to calling FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking(DataSource data_source, Timeout timeout), with data_source specified as CACHE_OR_NETWORK, and timeout containing your specified value.


FetchAllResponse FetchAllBlocking(
  DataSource data_source,
  Timeout timeout

Synchronously loads all snapshot data for the currently signed-in player, directly returning the FetchAllResponse.

Specify data_source as CACHE_OR_NETWORK or NETWORK_ONLY. Specify timeout in milliseconds.


void GetMaxSize(
  MaxSizeCallback callback
) const 

Asynchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes.

Calls the provided MaxSizeCallback upon operation completion.

The maximum data size per snapshot guaranteed to be at least 3 MB. May increase in the future.

The maximum data size per snapshot cover image guaranteed to be at least 800 KB. May increase in the future.


MaxSizeResponse GetMaxSizeBlocking() const 

Synchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes, directly returning the MaxSizeResponse.

The maximum data size per snapshot guaranteed to be at least 3 MB. May increase in the future.

The maximum data size per snapshot cover image guaranteed to be at least 800 KB. May increase in the future.


MaxSizeResponse GetMaxSizeBlocking(
  Timeout timeout
) const 

Synchronously gets the maximum data size and the maximum cover image size per snapshot in bytes, directly returning the MaxSizeResponse.

The maximum data size per snapshot guaranteed to be at least 3 MB. May increase in the future.

The maximum data size per snapshot cover image guaranteed to be at least 800 KB. May increase in the future.

Specify timeout in milliseconds.


void Open(
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy,
  OpenCallback callback

Asynchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

The specified snapshot will be created if it does not already exist. Calls the provided OpenCallback upon operation completion.

Snapshot names must be between 1 and 100 non-URL-reserved characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or the symbols "-", ".", "_", or "~").

Conflicts can occur if another device commits a snapshot between loading and committing a snapshot on the current device. You must resolve these conflicts. See OpenResponse above for more detail on conflicts.

conflict_policy can be one of the following values:

SnapshotConflictPolicy::MANUAL - In the event of a conflict, the response has state OpenResponse::VALID_WITH_CONFLICT. You must resolve the conflict using SnapshotManager::ResolveConflict. It is possible to see multiple conficts in a row, so check every time you call Open. This is the only policy where you will see the conflict. The rest handle resolution for you. This policy ensures that no user changes to the state of the save game will ever be lost.

SnapshotConflictPolicy::LONGEST_PLAYTIME - In the event of a conflict, the snapshot with the largest playtime value will be used. This policy is a good choice if the length of play time is a reasonable proxy for the "best" save game. Note that you must use SnapshotMetadataChange::Builder::SetPlayedTime() when saving games for this policy to be meaningful.

SnapshotConflictPolicy::LAST_KNOWN_GOOD - In the event of a conflict, the base snapshot will be used. This policy is a reasonable choice if your game requires stability from the snapshot data. This policy ensures that only writes which are not contested are seen by the player, which guarantees that all clients converge. Note: previously SnapshotManager::BASE_WINS

SnapshotConflictPolicy::MOST_RECENTLY_MODIFIED - In the event of a conflict, the remote will be used. This policy is a reasonable choice if your game can tolerate players on multiple devices clobbering their own changes. Because this policy blindly chooses the most recent data, it is possible that a player's changes may get lost. Note: previously SnapshotManager::REMOTE_WINS

SnapshotConflictPolicy::HIGHEST_PROGRESSIn the case of a conflict, the snapshot with the highest progress value will be used. In the case of a tie, the last known good snapshot will be chosen instead. This policy is a good choice if your game uses the progress value of the snapshot to determine the best saved game. Note that you must use SnapshotMetadataChange::Builder::SetPlayedTime() when saving games for this policy to be meaningful.


void Open(
  DataSource data_source,
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy,
  OpenCallback callback

Asynchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use Open(file_name, conflict_policy, callback) instead.


OpenResponse OpenBlocking(
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy

Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

The specified snapshot will be created if it does not already exist.

See Open for more details.


OpenResponse OpenBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy

Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

The specified snapshot will be created if it does not already exist.

Specify timeout in milliseconds.

See Open for more details.


OpenResponse OpenBlocking(
  DataSource data_source,
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy

Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use OpenBlocking(file_name, conflict_policy) instead.


OpenResponse OpenBlocking(
  DataSource data_source,
  Timeout timeout,
  const std::string & file_name,
  SnapshotConflictPolicy conflict_policy

Synchronously opens a snapshot with the given name.

Deprecated. data_source is ignored. Use OpenBlocking(timeout, file_name, conflict_policy) instead.


void Read(
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  ReadCallback callback

Asynchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk, and copies it into memory.

The data is passed back by value for easier modification. Each call to this function results in a full read. This means that it is typically best only to read a snapshot once. Calls the provided ReadCallback upon operation completion.


ReadResponse ReadBlocking(
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata

Synchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk, and copies it into memory.

The data is passed back by value for easier modification. Each call to this function results in a full read. This means that it is typically best only to read a snapshot once. Not specifying timeout makes this function call equivalent to calling ReadBlocking ReadBlocking(Timeout timeout, const SnapshotMetadata& snapshot_metadata), with timeout specified as 10 years.


ReadResponse ReadBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata

Synchronously reads a snapshot off of the disk and copies it into memory.

The data is passed back by value for easier modification. Each call to this does a full read so typically only read a snapshot once. Specify timeout in milliseconds.


void ResolveConflict(
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  OpenCallback callback

Asynchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified snapshot. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.

Calls the provided OpenCallback upon operation completion.


void ResolveConflict(
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > contents,
  OpenCallback callback

Asynchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified metadata changes and contents. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Values which are not included in the metadata change will be resolved to the version currently on the server.

Note that the total size of the contents may not exceed the maxDataSize provided by GetMaxSize.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.

Calls the provided OpenCallback upon operation completion.


OpenResponse ResolveConflictBlocking(
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata

Synchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified snapshot. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.


OpenResponse ResolveConflictBlocking(
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > contents

Synchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified metadata changes and contents. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Values which are not included in the metadata change will be resolved to the version currently on the server.

Note that the total size of the contents may not exceed the maxDataSize provided by GetMaxSize.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.


OpenResponse ResolveConflictBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata

Synchronously resolves a conflict using the data from the provided snapshot.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified snapshot. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.

Specify timeout in milliseconds.


OpenResponse ResolveConflictBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  const std::string & conflict_id,
  const SnapshotMetadata & snapshot_metadata,
  const SnapshotMetadataChange & metadata_change,
  std::vector< uint8_t > contents

Synchronously resolves a conflict using the provided data.

This will replace the data on the server with the specified metadata changes and contents. Note that it is possible for this operation to result in a conflict itself, in which case resolution should be repeated.

Values which are not included in the metadata change will be resolved to the version currently on the server.

Note that the total size of the contents may not exceed the maxDataSize provided by GetMaxSize.

Calling this method with a snapshot that has already been committed or that was not opened via Open will fail with BaseStatus::ERROR_INTERNAL status.

Specify timeout in milliseconds.


void ShowSelectUIOperation(
  bool allow_create,
  bool allow_delete,
  uint32_t max_snapshots,
  const std::string & title,
  SnapshotSelectUICallback callback

Asynchronously shows the snapshot UI, allowing the player to select a snapshot or request a new snapshot.

Upon completion, the selected snapshot or new snapshot request are returned via the SnapshotSelectUICallback.


SnapshotSelectUIResponse ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking(
  Timeout timeout,
  bool allow_create,
  bool allow_delete,
  uint32_t max_snapshots,
  const std::string & title

Blocking version of ShowSelectUIOperation.

Allows the caller to specify a timeout in ms. After the specified time elapses, the function returns ERROR_TIMEOUT.


SnapshotSelectUIResponse ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking(
  bool allow_create,
  bool allow_delete,
  uint32_t max_snapshots,
  const std::string & title

Overload of ShowSelectUIOperationBlocking, which uses a default timeout of 10 years.