#include <video_capture_state.h>
A data structure which allows access to the current state of video capture.
Constructors and Destructors |
VideoCaptureState(std::shared_ptr< const VideoCaptureStateImpl > impl)
Explicit constructor.
VideoCaptureState(const VideoCaptureState & copy_from)
Copy constructor for copying an existing VideoCaptureState object into a new one.
VideoCaptureState(VideoCaptureState && move_from)
Constructor for moving an existing VideoCaptureState object into a new one.
Public functions |
CaptureMode() const
Returns the capture mode of the current capture.
IsCapturing() const
Returns whether the service is currently capturing or not.
IsOverlayVisible() const
Returns whether the capture overlay is currently visible or not.
IsPaused() const
Returns whether the capture is currently paused or not.
QualityLevel() const
Returns the quality level of the current capture.
Valid() const
Returns true when the returned VideoCaptureState object is populated with data and is accompanied by a successful response status; false for an unpopulated user-created VideoCaptureState object or for a populated one accompanied by an unsuccessful response status.
operator=(const VideoCaptureState & copy_from)
Assignment operator for assigning this VideoCaptureState object's value from another VideoCaptureState object.
operator=(VideoCaptureState && move_from)
Assignment operator for assigning this VideoCaptureState object's value from another VideoCaptureState object.
Public functions
bool IsCapturing() const
Returns whether the service is currently capturing or not.
bool IsOverlayVisible() const
Returns whether the capture overlay is currently visible or not.
This also indicates the capture overlay is being used by the user and background capture will fail.
bool IsPaused() const
Returns whether the capture is currently paused or not.
Will always be false
if IsCapturing()
if false
VideoQualityLevel QualityLevel() const
Returns the quality level of the current capture.
bool Valid() const
Returns true when the returned VideoCaptureState object is populated with data and is accompanied by a successful response status; false for an unpopulated user-created VideoCaptureState object or for a populated one accompanied by an unsuccessful response status.
It must be true for the getter functions on this VideoCaptureState object to be usable.
VideoCaptureState( std::shared_ptr< const VideoCaptureStateImpl > impl )
Explicit constructor.
VideoCaptureState( const VideoCaptureState & copy_from )
Copy constructor for copying an existing VideoCaptureState object into a new one.
VideoCaptureState( VideoCaptureState && move_from )
Constructor for moving an existing VideoCaptureState object into a new one.
r-value-reference version.
VideoCaptureState & operator=( const VideoCaptureState & copy_from )
Assignment operator for assigning this VideoCaptureState object's value from another VideoCaptureState object.
VideoCaptureState & operator=( VideoCaptureState && move_from )
Assignment operator for assigning this VideoCaptureState object's value from another VideoCaptureState object.
r-value-reference version.