Google Play Games C++ API Reference

These are the reference pages for the Play Games services C++ APIs.


gpg::Achievement A single data structure which allows you to access data about the status of a specific achievement.
gpg::AchievementManager Gets and sets various achievement-related data.
gpg::AndroidPlatformConfiguration The platform configuration used when creating an instance of the GameServices class on Android.
gpg::CaptureOverlayStateListenerHelper Defines a helper which can be used to provide ICaptureOverlayStateListener callbacks to the SDK without defining the full ICaptureOverlayStateListener interface.
gpg::EndpointDiscoveryListenerHelper Defines a helper which can be used to provide IEndpointDiscoveryListener callbacks to the SDK without defining the full IEndpointDiscoveryListener interface.
gpg::Event A single data structure containing data about the status of a specific event.
gpg::EventManager Gets and sets various event-related data.
gpg::GameServices The starting point for interacting with Google Play Games.
gpg::GameServices::Builder Used for creating and configuring an instance of the GameServices class.
gpg::ICaptureOverlayStateListener Defines an interface that can deliver events relating to changes in video capture state.
gpg::ICrossAppEndpointDiscoveryListener Defines an interface which can be delivered events relating to cross-app remote endpoint discovery.
gpg::IEndpointDiscoveryListener Defines an interface which can be delivered events relating to remote endpoint discovery.
gpg::IMessageListener Defines an interface which can be delivered messages from remote endpoints.
gpg::IRealTimeEventListener Defines an interface that can deliver events relating to real-time multiplayer.
gpg::Leaderboard A single data structure allowing you to access data about the status of a specific leaderboard, such as its name and validity.
gpg::LeaderboardManager Gets and sets various leaderboard-related data.
gpg::MessageListenerHelper Defines a helper which can be used to provide IMessageListener callbacks to the SDK without defining the full IMessageListener interface.
gpg::MultiplayerInvitation A data structure containing data about the current state of an invitation to a turn-based match.
gpg::MultiplayerParticipant A data structure containing data about a participant in a multiplayer match.
gpg::NearbyConnections An API used for creating connections and communicating between apps on the same local network.
gpg::NearbyConnections::Builder Builder class used to construct NearbyConnections objects.
gpg::ParticipantResults A data structure containing data about the per-participant results for a TurnBasedMatch.
gpg::Player A data structure that allows you to access data about a specific player.
gpg::PlayerLevel A single data structure containing data about player's level.
gpg::PlayerManager Gets and sets various player-related data.
gpg::PlayerStats A data structure that allows you to access data about a specific player.
gpg::RealTimeEventListenerHelper Defines a helper which can be used to provide IRealTimeEventListener callbacks to the SDK without defining the full IRealTimeEventListener interface.
gpg::RealTimeMultiplayerManager Fetches, modifies, handles messaging for, and creates RealTimeRoom objects.
gpg::RealTimeRoom A data structure containing the current state of a real-time multiplayer room.
gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig A data structure containing the data needed to create a RealTimeRoom object.
gpg::RealTimeRoomConfig::Builder Builds one or more RealTimeRoomConfig objects.
gpg::Score Single data structure which allows you to access data about a player's score.
gpg::ScorePage A single data structure which allows you to access score data.
gpg::ScorePage::Entry A class that creates an entry on a score page.
gpg::ScorePage::ScorePageToken A data structure that is a nearly-opaque type representing a query for a ScorePage (or is empty).
gpg::ScoreSummary A single data structure which allows you to access a summary of score information.
gpg::SnapshotManager Gets and sets various snapshot-related data.
gpg::SnapshotMetadata A single data structure that allows you to access data about the status of a specific snapshot metadata.
gpg::SnapshotMetadataChange A single data structure which allows you to access data about the status of a specific snapshot.
gpg::SnapshotMetadataChange::Builder Builds one or more SnapshotMetadataChange objects.
gpg::SnapshotMetadataChange::CoverImage A single data structure which allows you to access data about the status of a specific cover image.
gpg::StatsManager Gets and sets various stats-related data.
gpg::TurnBasedMatch A data structure containing data about the current state of a TurnBasedMatch.
gpg::TurnBasedMatchConfig A data structure containing the data needed to create a TurnBasedMatch.
gpg::TurnBasedMatchConfig::Builder Builds one or more TurnBasedMatchConfig objects.
gpg::TurnBasedMultiplayerManager Fetches, modifies and creates TurnBasedMatch objects.
gpg::VideoCapabilities A data structure which allows access to information on what capabilities the current device has for video recording.
gpg::VideoCaptureState A data structure which allows access to the current state of video capture.
gpg::VideoManager Gets and sets various video-related data.


gpg::AchievementManager::FetchAllResponse Holds all data for all achievements, along with a response status.
gpg::AchievementManager::FetchResponse Contains data and response status for a single achievement.
gpg::AndroidInitialization AndroidInitialization includes three initialization functions, exactly one of which must be called.
gpg::AndroidSupport Functions which enable pre- Android 4.0 support.
gpg::AppIdentifier An identifier for an application.
gpg::BaseStatus A struct containing all possible status codes that can be returned by our APIs.
gpg::ConnectionRequest A request to establish a connection.
gpg::ConnectionResponse A response to a connection request.
gpg::EndpointDetails Details about a remote endpoint that the app has discovered.
gpg::EventManager::FetchAllResponse Data and ResponseStatus for all events.
gpg::EventManager::FetchResponse Contains data and response status for a single event.
gpg::LeaderboardManager::FetchAllResponse Contains data and response statuses for all leaderboards.
gpg::LeaderboardManager::FetchAllScoreSummariesResponse Contains all data and response statuses for all leaderboard score summaries.
gpg::LeaderboardManager::FetchResponse Holds data for a leaderboard, along with a response status.
gpg::LeaderboardManager::FetchScorePageResponse Returns response status and data from the accessed score page.
gpg::LeaderboardManager::FetchScoreSummaryResponse Data and response status for a specified leaderboard score summary.
gpg::PlayerManager::FetchListResponse A response which contains a vector of players.
gpg::PlayerManager::FetchResponse data and ResponseStatus for a specific Player.
gpg::PlayerManager::FetchSelfResponse Holds all player data, along with a response status.
gpg::RealTimeMultiplayerManager::FetchInvitationsResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the FetchInvitations operation.
gpg::RealTimeMultiplayerManager::RealTimeRoomResponse Data and ResponseStatus for a specific RealTimeRoom object.
gpg::RealTimeMultiplayerManager::RoomInboxUIResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowRoomInboxUI operation.
gpg::RealTimeMultiplayerManager::WaitingRoomUIResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowWaitingRoomUI operation.
gpg::SnapshotManager::CommitResponse Holds the data for an updated snapshot, along with a response status.
gpg::SnapshotManager::FetchAllResponse Holds all data for all snapshots, along with a response status.
gpg::SnapshotManager::MaxSizeResponse Holds max size for snapshot data and for snapshot cover image.
gpg::SnapshotManager::OpenResponse Holds the data for a particular requested snapshot along with a response status.
gpg::SnapshotManager::ReadResponse Reads response status and snapshot data returned from a snapshot read operation.
gpg::SnapshotManager::SnapshotSelectUIResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowSelectUIOperation operation.
gpg::StartAdvertisingResult The ID and name of an instance registered on this device.
gpg::StatsManager::FetchForPlayerResponse Holds all PlayerStats data, along with a response status.
gpg::TurnBasedMultiplayerManager::MatchInboxUIResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowMatchInboxUI operation.
gpg::TurnBasedMultiplayerManager::PlayerSelectUIResponse Data and ResponseStatus for the ShowPlayerSelectUI operation.
gpg::TurnBasedMultiplayerManager::TurnBasedMatchResponse Data and ResponseStatus for a specific TurnBasedMatch.
gpg::TurnBasedMultiplayerManager::TurnBasedMatchesResponse Data and ResponseStatus for TurnBasedMatches and invitations.
gpg::VideoManager::GetCaptureCapabilitiesResponse Holds data for video capabilities, along with a response status.
gpg::VideoManager::GetCaptureStateResponse Holds data for video capture state, along with a response status.
gpg::VideoManager::IsCaptureAvailableResponse Holds whether or not a capture mode (specified in IsCaptureAvailable) is available, along with a response status.