Mudanças de comportamento: apps destinados ao Android 16 ou versões mais recentes

Como nas versões anteriores, o Android 16 inclui mudanças de comportamento que podem afetar seu app. As seguintes mudanças de comportamento se aplicam exclusivamente a apps destinados ao Android 16 ou mais recente. Caso seu app seja direcionado ao Android 16 ou a versões mais recentes, faça modificações para oferecer suporte a esses comportamentos, quando aplicável.

Consulte também a lista de mudanças de comportamento que afetam todos os apps executados no Android 16, independente da targetSdkVersion do app.

Experiência do usuário e interface do sistema

O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças, que têm como objetivo criar uma experiência do usuário mais consistente e intuitiva.

A opção de desativar a exibição de ponta a ponta será removida

Android 15 enforced edge-to-edge for apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35), but your app could opt-out by setting R.attr#windowOptOutEdgeToEdgeEnforcement to true. For apps targeting Android 16, R.attr#windowOptOutEdgeToEdgeEnforcement is deprecated and disabled, and your app can't opt-out of going edge-to-edge.

For testing in Android 16 Beta 2, ensure your app supports edge-to-edge and remove any use of R.attr#windowOptOutEdgeToEdgeEnforcement. To support edge-to-edge, see the Compose and Views guidance. Let us know about concerns in our issue tracker on the feedback page.

Migração ou desativação necessária para a volta preditiva

对于以 Android 16 或更高版本为目标平台且在 Android 16 或更高版本的设备上运行的应用,预测性返回系统动画(返回主屏幕、跨任务和跨 activity)默认处于启用状态。此外,系统不会调用 onBackPressed,也不会再调度 KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK

如果您的应用拦截了返回事件,并且您尚未迁移到预测性返回,请更新应用以使用受支持的返回导航 API;或者,在应用的 AndroidManifest.xml 文件的 <application><activity> 标记中将 android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback 属性设置为 false,以暂时停用此功能。

预测性跨 activity 动画。

APIs de fonte elegante descontinuadas e desativadas

Apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35) have the elegantTextHeight TextView attribute set to true by default, replacing the compact font with one that is much more readable. You could override this by setting the elegantTextHeight attribute to false.

Android 16 deprecates the elegantTextHeight attribute, and the attribute will be ignored once your app targets Android 16. The "UI fonts" controlled by these APIs are being discontinued, so you should adapt any layouts to ensure consistent and future proof text rendering in Arabic, Lao, Myanmar, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Telugu or Thai.

elegantTextHeight behavior for apps targeting Android 14 (API level 34) and lower, or for apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35) that overrided the default by setting the elegantTextHeight attribute to false.
elegantTextHeight behavior for apps targeting Android 16, or for apps targeting Android 15 (API level 35) that didn't override the default by setting the elegantTextHeight attribute to false.

Principal recurso

O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças que modificam ou expandem vários recursos principais do sistema Android.

Otimização da programação de trabalho de taxa fixa

Prior to targeting Android 16, when scheduleAtFixedRate missed a task execution due to being outside a valid process lifecycle, all missed executions immediately execute when the app returns to a valid lifecycle.

When targeting Android 16, at most one missed execution of scheduleAtFixedRate is immediately executed when the app returns to a valid lifecycle. This behavior change is expected to improve app performance. Test this behavior in your app to check if your app is impacted. You can also test by using the app compatibility framework and enabling the STPE_SKIP_MULTIPLE_MISSED_PERIODIC_TASKS compat flag.

Formatos de dispositivo

O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças para apps quando exibidos em dispositivos de tela grande.

Layouts adaptáveis

With Android apps now running on a variety of devices (such as phones, tablets, foldables, desktops, cars, and TVs) and windowing modes on large screens (such as split screen and desktop windowing), developers should build Android apps that adapt to any screen and window size, regardless of device orientation. Paradigms like restricting orientation and resizability are too restrictive in today's multidevice world.

Ignore orientation, resizability, and aspect ratio restrictions

For apps targeting Android 16, Android 16 includes changes to how the system manages orientation, resizability, and aspect ratio restrictions. On displays with smallest width >= 600dp, the restrictions no longer apply. Apps also fill the entire display window, regardless of aspect ratio or a user's preferred orientation, and pillarboxing isn't used.

This change introduces a new standard platform behavior. Android is moving toward a model where apps are expected to adapt to various orientations, display sizes, and aspect ratios. Restrictions like fixed orientation or limited resizability hinder app adaptability, so we recommend making your app adaptive to deliver the best possible user experience.

You can also test this behavior by using the [app compatibility framework][a16-kilo-14] and enabling the UNIVERSAL_RESIZABLE_BY_DEFAULT compat flag.

Common breaking changes

Ignoring orientation, resizability, and aspect ratio restrictions might impact your app's UI on some devices, especially elements that were designed for small layouts locked in portrait orientation: for example, issues like stretched layouts and off-screen animations and components. Any assumptions about aspect ratio or orientation can cause visual issues with your app. Learn more about how to avoid them and improve your app's adaptive behaviour.

Allowing device rotation results in more activity re-creation, which can result in losing user state if not properly preserved. Learn how to correctly save UI state in Save UI states.

Implementation details

The following manifest attributes and runtime APIs are ignored across large screen devices in full-screen and multi-window modes:

The following values for screenOrientation, setRequestedOrientation(), and getRequestedOrientation() are ignored:

  • portrait
  • reversePortrait
  • sensorPortrait
  • userPortrait
  • landscape
  • reverseLandscape
  • sensorLandscape
  • userLandscape

Regarding display resizability, android:resizeableActivity="false", android:minAspectRatio, and android:maxAspectRatio have no effect.

For apps targeting Android 16, app orientation, resizability, and aspect ratio constraints are ignored on large screens by default, but every app that isn't fully ready can temporarily override this behavior by opting out (which results in the previous behavior of being placed in compatibility mode).


The Android 16 orientation, resizability, and aspect ratio restrictions don't apply in the following situations:

  • Games (based on the android:appCategory flag)
  • Users explicitly opting in to the app's default behavior in aspect ratio settings of the device
  • Screens that are smaller than sw600dp

Opt out temporarily

To opt out a specific activity, declare the PROPERTY_COMPAT_ALLOW_RESTRICTED_RESIZABILITY manifest property:

<activity ...>
  <property android:name="android.window.PROPERTY_COMPAT_ALLOW_RESTRICTED_RESIZABILITY" android:value="true" />

If too many parts of your app aren't ready for Android 16, you can opt out completely by applying the same property at the application level:

<application ...>
  <property android:name="android.window.PROPERTY_COMPAT_ALLOW_RESTRICTED_RESIZABILITY" android:value="true" />

Saúde e fitness

O Android 16 inclui as seguintes mudanças relacionadas a dados de saúde e condicionamento físico.

Permissões de saúde e fitness

For apps targeting Android 16 or higher, BODY_SENSORS permissions are transitioning to the granular permissions under also used by Health Connect. Any API previously requiring BODY_SENSORS or BODY_SENSORS_BACKGROUND now requires the corresponding permission. This affects the following data types, APIs, and foreground service types:

If your app uses these APIs, it should now request the respective granular permissions:

These permissions are the same as those that guard access to reading data from Health Connect, the Android datastore for health, fitness, and wellness data.