
public final class ViewAssertions

Collection of common ViewAssertions.


Public methods

static ViewAssertion

Returns an assert that ensures the view matcher does not find any matching view in the hierarchy.

static ViewAssertion
matches(Matcher<Object> viewMatcher)

Returns a generic ViewAssertion that asserts that a view exists in the view hierarchy and is matched by the given view matcher.

static ViewAssertion

Returns a generic ViewAssertion that asserts that the descendant views selected by the selector match the specified matcher.

Public methods


public static ViewAssertion doesNotExist()

Returns an assert that ensures the view matcher does not find any matching view in the hierarchy.


public static ViewAssertion matches(Matcher<Object> viewMatcher)

Returns a generic ViewAssertion that asserts that a view exists in the view hierarchy and is matched by the given view matcher.


public static ViewAssertion selectedDescendantsMatch(Matcher<View> selector, Matcher<View> matcher)

Returns a generic ViewAssertion that asserts that the descendant views selected by the selector match the specified matcher.

Example: onView(rootView).check(selectedDescendantsMatch(not(isAssignableFrom(TextView.class)), hasContentDescription()));