Build a navigation app

This page details the different features of the Car App Library that you can use to implement the functionality of your turn-by-turn navigation app.

Declare navigation support in your manifest

Your navigation app needs to declare the car app category in the intent filter of its CarAppService:

        <action android:name="" />
        <category android:name=""/>

Support navigation intents

To support navigation intents to your app, including those coming from the Google Assistant using a voice query, your app needs to handle the CarContext.ACTION_NAVIGATE intent in its Session.onCreateScreen and Session.onNewIntent.

See the documentation about CarContext.startCarApp for details on the format of the intent.

Access the navigation templates

Navigation apps can access the following templates, which display a surface in the background with the map and, during active navigation, turn-by-turn directions.

  • NavigationTemplate: also displays an optional informational message and travel estimates during active navigation.
  • MapWithContentTemplate: A template that allows an app to render map tiles with some sort of content (for example, a list). The content is usually rendered as an overlay on top of the map tiles, with the map visible and stable areas adjusting to the content.

For more details about how to design your navigation app’s user interface using these templates, see Navigation apps.

To get access to the navigation templates, your app needs to declare the permission in its AndroidManifest.xml file:

<manifest ...>
  <uses-permission android:name=""/>

An additional permission is required to draw maps.

Migrate to the MapWithContentTemplate

Starting with Car App API Level 7, the MapTemplate, PlaceListNavigationTemplate, and RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate are deprecated. Deprecated templates will continue to be supported, but migrating to the MapWithContentTemplate is strongly recommended.

The functionality provided by these templates can be implemented using the MapWithContentTemplate. See the following snippets for examples:


// MapTemplate (deprecated)
val template = MapTemplate.Builder()

// MapWithContentTemplate
val template = MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
// MapTemplate (deprecated)
MapTemplate template = new MapTemplate.Builder()

// MapWithContentTemplate
MapWithContentTemplate template = new MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
    .setContentTemplate(new PaneTemplate.Builder(


// PlaceListNavigationTemplate (deprecated)
val template = PlaceListNavigationTemplate.Builder()

// MapWithContentTemplate
val template = MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
// PlaceListNavigationTemplate (deprecated)
PlaceListNavigationTemplate template = new PlaceListNavigationTemplate.Builder()

// MapWithContentTemplate
MapWithContentTemplate template = new MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
    .setContentTemplate(new ListTemplate.Builder()
    .setMapController(new MapController.Builder()


// RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate (deprecated)
val template = RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate.Builder()
            .setOnClickListener { ... }

// MapWithContentTemplate
val template = MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
                                    .setOnClickListener { ... }
// RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate (deprecated)
RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate template = new RoutePreviewNavigationTemplate.Builder()
    .setItemList(new ItemList.Builder()
        .addItem(new Row.Builder()
    .setNavigateAction(new Action.Builder()
        .setOnClickListener(() -> { ... })

// MapWithContentTemplate
MapWithContentTemplate template = new MapWithContentTemplate.Builder()
    .setContentTemplate(new ListTemplate.Builder()
        .setSingleList(new ItemList.Builder()
            .addItem(new Row.Builder()
                  .addAction(new Action.Builder()
                      .setOnClickListener(() -> { ... })
    .setMapController(new MapController.Builder()

Navigation apps must communicate additional navigation metadata with the host. The host uses the information to provide information to the vehicle head unit and to prevent navigation applications from clashing over shared resources.

Navigation metadata is provided through the NavigationManager car service accessible from the CarContext:

val navigationManager = carContext.getCarService(
NavigationManager navigationManager = carContext.getCarService(NavigationManager.class);

Start, end, and stop navigation

For the host to manage multiple navigation apps, routing notifications, and vehicle cluster data, it needs to be aware of the current state of navigation. When a user starts navigation, call NavigationManager.navigationStarted. Similarly, when navigation ends—for example, when the user arrives at their destination or the user cancels navigation—call NavigationManager.navigationEnded.

Only call NavigationManager.navigationEnded when the user finishes navigating. For example, if you need to recalculate the route in the middle of a trip, use Trip.Builder.setLoading(true) instead.

Occasionally, the host needs an app to stop navigation and calls onStopNavigation in a NavigationManagerCallback object provided by your app through NavigationManager.setNavigationManagerCallback. The app must then stop issuing next-turn information in the cluster display, navigation notifications, and voice guidance.

Update trip information

During active navigation, call NavigationManager.updateTrip. The information provided in this call can be used by the vehicle’s cluster and heads-up displays. Depending on the particular vehicle being driven, not all the information is displayed to the user. For example, the Desktop Head Unit (DHU) shows the Step added to the Trip, but does not show the Destination information.

Drawing to the Cluster Display

To provide the most immersive user experience, you may want to go beyond showing basic metadata on the vehicle's cluster display. Starting with Car App API Level 6, navigation apps have the option of rendering their own content directly on the cluster display (in supported vehicles), with the following limitations:

  • The cluster display API does not support input controls
  • Car app quality guideline NF-9: The cluster display should only show map tiles. An active navigation route can optionally be displayed on these tiles.
  • The cluster display API only supports use of the NavigationTemplate
    • Unlike main displays, cluster displays may not consistently show all NavigationTemplate UI elements, such as turn-by-turn instructions, ETA cards, and actions. Map tiles are the only consistently displayed UI element.

Declare Cluster Support

To let the host application know that your app supports rendering on cluster displays, you must add an <category> element to your CarAppService's <intent-filter> as shown in the following snippet:

        <action android:name="" />
        <category android:name=""/>
        <category android:name=""/>

Lifecycle and State Management

Starting with API level 6, the car app lifecycle flow stays the same, but now CarAppService::onCreateSession takes a parameter of type SessionInfo that provides additional information about the Session being created (namely, the display type and the set of supported templates).

Apps have the option to either use the same Session class to handle both the cluster and main display, or create display-specific Sessions to customize behavior on each display (as shown in the following snippet).

override fun onCreateSession(sessionInfo: SessionInfo): Session {
  return if (sessionInfo.displayType == SessionInfo.DISPLAY_TYPE_CLUSTER) {
  } else {
public Session onCreateSession(@NonNull SessionInfo sessionInfo) {
  if (sessionInfo.getDisplayType() == SessionInfo.DISPLAY_TYPE_CLUSTER) {
    return new ClusterSession();
  } else {
    return new MainDisplaySession();

There are no guarantees about when or if the cluster display is provided, and it's also possible for the cluster Session to be the only Session (for example, the user swapped the main display to another app while your app is actively navigating). The "standard" agreement is that the app gains control of cluster display only after NavigationManager::navigationStarted has been called. However, it's possible for the app to be provided the cluster display while no active navigation is occurring, or to never be provided the cluster display. It is up to your app to handle these scenarios by rendering your app's idle state of map tiles.

The host creates separate binder and CarContext instances per Session. This means that, when using the methods like ScreenManager::push or Screen::invalidate, only the Session from which they are called is affected. Apps should create their own communication channels between these instances if cross-Session communication is needed (for example, by using broadcasts, a shared singleton, or something else).

Testing Cluster Support

You can test your implementation on both Android Auto and Android Automotive OS. For Android Auto, this is done by configuring the Desktop Head Unit to emulate a secondary cluster display. For Android Automotive OS, the generic system images for API level 30 and greater emulate a cluster display.

Customize TravelEstimate with text or an icon

To customize the travel estimate with text, an icon, or both, use the TravelEstimate.Builder class's setTripIcon or setTripText methods. The NavigationTemplate uses TravelEstimate to optionally set text and icons alongside or in place of the estimated time of arrival, remaining time, and remaining distance.

Figure 1. Travel estimate with custom icon and text.

The following snippet uses setTripIcon and setTripText to customize the travel estimate:

TravelEstimate.Builder(Distance.create(...), DateTimeWithZone.create(...))
new TravelEstimate.Builder(Distance.create(...), DateTimeWithZone.create(...))

Provide turn-by-turn notifications

Provide turn-by-turn (TBT) navigation instructions using a frequently updated navigation notification. To be treated as a navigation notification in the car screen, your notification's builder must do the following:

  1. Mark the notification as ongoing with the NotificationCompat.Builder.setOngoing method.
  2. Set the notification’s category to Notification.CATEGORY_NAVIGATION.
  3. Extend the notification with a CarAppExtender.

A navigation notification displays in the rail widget at the bottom of the car screen. If the notification's importance level is set to IMPORTANCE_HIGH, it also displays as a heads-up notification (HUN). If the importance is not set with the CarAppExtender.Builder.setImportance method, the notification channel's importance is used.

The app can set a PendingIntent in the CarAppExtender that is sent to the app when the user taps on the HUN or the rail widget.

If NotificationCompat.Builder.setOnlyAlertOnce is called with a value of true, a high-importance notification alerts only once in the HUN.

The following snippet shows how to build a navigation notification:

NotificationCompat.Builder(context, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)
new NotificationCompat.Builder(context, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)
        new CarAppExtender.Builder()
                    new Intent(ACTION_OPEN_APP).setComponent(
                        new ComponentName(context, MyNotificationReceiver.class)),

Update the TBT notification regularly for distance changes, which updates the rail widget, and only show the notification as a HUN. You can control the HUN behavior by setting the notification's importance with CarAppExtender.Builder.setImportance. Setting the importance to IMPORTANCE_HIGH shows a HUN. Setting it to any other value only updates the rail widget.

Refresh PlaceListNavigationTemplate content

You can let drivers refresh content with the tap of a button while browsing lists of places built with PlaceListNavigationTemplate. To enable list refresh, implement the OnContentRefreshListener interface's onContentRefreshRequested method and use PlaceListNavigationTemplate.Builder.setOnContentRefreshListener to set the listener on the template.

The following snippet shows how to set the listener on the template:

    .setOnContentRefreshListener {
        // Execute any desired logic
        // Then call invalidate() so onGetTemplate() is called again
new PlaceListNavigationTemplate.Builder()
        .setOnContentRefreshListener(() -> {
            // Execute any desired logic
            // Then call invalidate() so onGetTemplate() is called again

The refresh button is only shown in the header of the PlaceListNavigationTemplate if the listener has a value.

When the user clicks the refresh button, the onContentRefreshRequested method of your OnContentRefreshListener implementation is called. Within onContentRefreshRequested, call the Screen.invalidate method. The host then calls back into your app’s Screen.onGetTemplate method to retrieve the template with the refreshed content. See Refresh the contents of a template for more information about refreshing templates. As long as the next template returned by onGetTemplate is of the same type, it counts as a refresh and does not count toward the template quota.

Provide audio guidance

To play navigation guidance over the car speakers, your app must request audio focus. As a part of your AudioFocusRequest, set the usage as AudioAttributes.USAGE_ASSISTANCE_NAVIGATION_GUIDANCE. Also, set the focus gain as AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT_MAY_DUCK.

Simulate navigation

To verify your app's navigation functionality when you submit it to the Google Play Store, your app must implement the NavigationManagerCallback.onAutoDriveEnabled callback. When this callback is called, your app must simulate navigation to the chosen destination when the user begins navigation. Your app can exit this mode whenever the lifecycle of the current Session reaches the Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY state.

You can test that your implementation of onAutoDriveEnabled is called by executing the following from a command line:

adb shell dumpsys activity service CAR_APP_SERVICE_NAME AUTO_DRIVE

This is shown in the following example:

adb shell dumpsys activity service AUTO_DRIVE

Default navigation car app

In Android Auto, the default navigation car app corresponds to the last navigation app that the user launched. The default app receives navigation intents when the user invokes navigation commands through the Assistant or when another app sends an intent to start navigation.

Display in-context navigation alerts

Alert displays important information to the driver with optional actions‐without leaving the context of the navigation screen. To provide the best experience to the driver, Alert works within the NavigationTemplate to avoid blocking the navigation route and to minimize driver distraction.

Alert is only available within the NavigationTemplate. To notify the user outside of the NavigationTemplate, consider using a heads-up notification (HUN), as explained in Display notifications.

For example, use Alert to:

  • Inform the driver of an update relevant to the current navigation, such as a change in traffic conditions.
  • Ask the driver for an update related to the current navigation, such as the existence of a speed trap.
  • Propose an upcoming task and ask whether the driver accepts it, such as whether the driver is willing to pick up someone on their way.

In its basic form, an Alert consists of a title and the Alert duration time. The duration time is represented by a progress bar. Optionally, you can add a subtitle, an icon, and up to two Action objects.

Figure 2. In-context navigation alert.

Once an Alert is shown, it does not carry over to another template if the driver interaction results in leaving the NavigationTemplate. It stays in the original NavigationTemplate until Alert times out, the user takes an action, or the app dismisses the Alert.

Create an alert

Use Alert.Builder to create an Alert instance:

        /*alertId*/ 1,
        /*title*/ CarText.create("Hello"),
        /*durationMillis*/ 5000
    // The fields below are optional
new Alert.Builder(
        /*alertId*/ 1,
        /*title*/ CarText.create("Hello"),
        /*durationMillis*/ 5000
    // The fields below are optional

If you want to listen for Alert cancellation or dismissal, create an implementation of the AlertCallback interface. The AlertCallback call paths are:

Configure alert duration

Choose an Alert duration that matches your app’s needs. The recommended duration for a navigation Alert is 10 seconds. Refer to Navigation alerts for more information.

Show an alert

To show an Alert, call the AppManager.showAlert method available through your app’s CarContext.

// Show an alert
  • Calling showAlert with an Alert that has an alertId that is the same as the ID of the Alert currently on display does nothing. The Alert doesn’t update. To update an Alert, you must recreate it with a new alertId.
  • Calling showAlert with an Alert that has a different alertId than the Alert currently on display dismisses the Alert currently displayed.

Dismiss an alert

While an Alert automatically dismiss due to timeout or driver interaction, you can also manually dismiss an Alert, such as if its information becomes outdated. To dismiss an Alert, call the dismissAlert method with the alertId of the Alert.

// Dismiss the same alert

Calling dismissAlert with an alertId that doesn't match the currently displayed Alert does nothing. It doesn't throw an exception.