গোলাকার আয়তক্ষেত্র

Draws a Rectangle with rounded corners.


<RoundRectangle x="float" y="float" width="float" height="float"
                   cornerRadiusX="float" cornerRadiusY="float" />


The RoundRectangle element must contain the following attributes:

x , y , width , height

A collection of geometric attributes that specify the rectangle's size and position.

These attributes are transformable .

cornerRadiusX , cornerRadiusY

The radius of a circle. This value defines the extent to which the corners of the rectangle are rounded.

These attributes are transformable .

Inner elements

The RoundRectangle element must contain either a single Stroke element or a single Fill element. A rounded rectangle can also optionally contain any number of Transform elements.

{% verbatim %} {% endverbatim %} {% verbatim %} {% endverbatim %}