
Android 14 applies strict rules on when apps are allowed to use foreground services.

Also in Android 14 we are introducing a new API to specify that a job must be a user-initiated data transfer job. This API is helpful for use cases that require longer-duration, user-initiated transferring of data, such as downloading a file from a remote server. These types of tasks should use a user-initiated data transfer job.

User-initiated data transfer jobs are started by the user. These jobs require a notification, start immediately, and may be able to run for an extended period of time as system conditions allow. You can run several user-initiated data transfer jobs concurrently.

User initiated jobs must be scheduled while the application is visible to the user (or in one of the allowed conditions). After all constraints are met, user initiated jobs can be executed by the OS, subject to system health restrictions. The system may also use the provided estimated payload size to determine how long the job executes.


由用户发起的数据传输作业需要具备以下新权限才能运行:RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS。系统会自动授予此权限。如果您未在应用清单中声明此权限,系统会抛出 SecurityException


To run a user initiated job, do the following:

  1. If this is your first time declaring an API with JobScheduler, declare the JobService and associated permissions in your manifest. Also, define a concrete subclass of JobService for your data transfer:

    <service android:name="com.example.app.CustomTransferService"
    class CustomTransferService : JobService() {
  2. Declare the RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS permission in your manifest:

    <manifest ...>
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RUN_USER_INITIATED_JOBS" />
        <application ...>
  3. Call the new setUserInitiated() method when building a JobInfo object. It is also recommended that you offer a payload size estimate by calling setEstimatedNetworkBytes() while creating your job:

    val networkRequestBuilder = NetworkRequest.Builder()
            // Add or remove capabilities based on your requirements
    val jobInfo = JobInfo.Builder()
            // ...
            .setEstimatedNetworkBytes(1024 * 1024 * 1024)
            // ...
  4. Schedule the job before the transfer starts, while the application is visible or in the allowed conditions list:

    val jobScheduler: JobScheduler =
        context.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as JobScheduler
  5. When the job is being executed, ensure you call setNotification() on the JobService object. This value is used to make the user aware that the job is running, both in the Task Manager and in the status bar notification area:

    class CustomTransferService : JobService() {
      override fun onStartJob(params: JobParameters?): Boolean {
          val notification = Notification.Builder(applicationContext, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)
                  .setContentTitle("My user-initiated data transfer job")
                  .setContentText("Job is running")
          setNotification(params, notification.id, notification,
          // Do the job execution.
  6. Periodically update the notification to keep the user informed of the job's status and progress. If you cannot determine the transfer size ahead of scheduling the job, or need to update the estimated transfer size, use the new API, updateEstimatedNetworkBytes() to update the transfer size after it becomes known.

  7. When execution is complete, call jobFinished() to signal to the system that the job is complete, or that the job should be rescheduled.





在用户按 Stop 时,系统会执行以下操作:

  • 立即终止应用的进程,包括正在运行的所有其他作业或前台服务。
  • 不针对任何正在运行的作业调用 onStopJob()
  • 阻止重新调度用户可见的作业。


请注意,在特殊情况下,Stop 按钮不会显示在任务管理器中的作业旁边,或者该作业根本不会显示在任务管理器中。


Unlike regular jobs, user-initiated data transfer jobs are unaffected by App Standby Buckets quotas. However, the system still stops the job if any of the following conditions occur:

  • A developer-defined constraint is no longer met.
  • The system determines that the job has run for longer than necessary to complete the data transfer task.
  • The system needs to prioritize system health and stop jobs due to increased thermal state.
  • The app process is killed due to low device memory.

When the job is stopped by the system (not by the low-memory case), the system calls onStopJob(), and the system retries the job at a time that the system deems to be optimal. Check that your app can persist data transfer state, even if onStopJob() isn't called, and that your app can restore this state when onStartJob() is called again.


只有当应用处于可见窗口中或满足特定条件时,应用才能启动用户发起的数据传输作业。为确定何时可以安排用户发起的数据传输作业,系统会采用允许应用在特殊情况下从后台启动 activity 的一组相同条件。值得注意的是,这组条件与后台启动的前台服务限制的豁免集不同。


  • 如果应用可以从后台启动 activity,则也可以从后台启动用户发起的数据传输作业。
  • 如果应用在最近用过屏幕上现有任务的返回堆栈中有 activity,单靠这一点并不允许运行用户发起的数据传输作业。

如果作业安排在允许的条件列表中未列出的其他时间,则作业将失败并返回 RESULT_FAILURE 错误代码。


为了支持在最佳时间点运行的作业,Android 提供了为每种作业类型分配约束条件的功能。这些约束条件从 Android 13 开始就已经可用。

注意:下表仅比较了因作业类型而异的约束条件。如需了解所有约束条件,请参阅 JobScheduler 开发者页面工作约束条件

下表显示了支持给定作业约束条件的不同作业类型,以及 WorkManager 支持的作业约束条件集。您可以使用表格前的搜索栏按作业约束方法的名称过滤表格。


  • setBackoffCriteria(JobInfo.BACKOFF_POLICY_EXPONENTIAL)
  • setClipData()
  • setEstimatedNetworkBytes()
  • setMinimumNetworkChunkBytes()
  • setPersisted()
  • setNamespace()
  • setRequiredNetwork()
  • setRequiredNetworkType()
  • setRequiresBatteryNotLow()
  • setRequiresCharging()
  • setRequiresStorageNotLow()



  • 如需获取作业 ID,请获取在构建作业时定义的值。
  • 如需立即运行作业或重试已停止的作业,请在终端窗口中运行以下命令:

    adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f APP_PACKAGE_NAME JOB_ID
  • 如需模拟系统强行停止作业(由于系统运行状况或超出配额条件),请在终端窗口中运行以下命令:

    adb shell cmd jobscheduler timeout TEST_APP_PACKAGE TEST_JOB_ID