
public abstract class UrlRequest extends Object

Controls an HTTP request (GET, PUT, POST etc). Created by UrlRequest.Builder, which can be obtained by calling CronetEngine.newUrlRequestBuilder(String, UrlRequest.Callback, Executor). Note: All methods must be called on the Executor passed to CronetEngine.newUrlRequestBuilder(String, UrlRequest.Callback, Executor).

Nested Class Summary

class UrlRequest.Builder Builder for UrlRequests. 
class UrlRequest.Callback Users of Cronet extend this class to receive callbacks indicating the progress of a UrlRequest being processed. 
class UrlRequest.Status Request status values returned by UrlRequest.getStatus(UrlRequest.StatusListener)
class UrlRequest.StatusListener Listener class used with UrlRequest.getStatus(UrlRequest.StatusListener) to receive the status of a UrlRequest

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

abstract void
Cancels the request.
abstract void
Follows a pending redirect.
abstract void
getStatus(UrlRequest.StatusListener listener)
Queries the status of the request.
abstract boolean
Returns true if the request was successfully started and is now finished (completed, canceled, or failed).
abstract void
read(ByteBuffer buffer)
Attempts to read part of the response body into the provided buffer.
abstract void
Starts the request, all callbacks go to UrlRequest.Callback.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void

Public Constructors

public UrlRequest ()

Public Methods

public abstract void cancel ()

Cancels the request. Can be called at any time. onCanceled() will be invoked when cancellation is complete and no further callback methods will be invoked. If the request has completed or has not started, calling cancel() has no effect and onCanceled() will not be invoked. If the Executor passed in during UrlRequest construction runs tasks on a single thread, and cancel() is called on that thread, no callback methods (besides onCanceled()) will be invoked after cancel() is called. Otherwise, at most one callback method may be invoked after cancel() has completed.

public abstract void followRedirect ()

Follows a pending redirect. Must only be called at most once for each invocation of onRedirectReceived().

public abstract void getStatus (UrlRequest.StatusListener listener)

Queries the status of the request.

listener a UrlRequest.StatusListener that will be invoked with the request's current status. listener will be invoked back on the Executor passed in when the request was created.

public abstract boolean isDone ()

Returns true if the request was successfully started and is now finished (completed, canceled, or failed).

  • true if the request was successfully started and is now finished (completed, canceled, or failed).

public abstract void read (ByteBuffer buffer)

Attempts to read part of the response body into the provided buffer. Must only be called at most once in response to each invocation of the onResponseStarted() and onReadCompleted() methods of the UrlRequest.Callback. Each call will result in an asynchronous call to either the Callback's onReadCompleted() method if data is read, its onSucceeded() method if there's no more data to read, or its onFailed() method if there's an error.

buffer ByteBuffer to write response body to. Must be a direct ByteBuffer. The embedder must not read or modify buffer's position, limit, or data between its position and limit until the request calls back into the UrlRequest.Callback.

public abstract void start ()

Starts the request, all callbacks go to UrlRequest.Callback. May only be called once. May not be called if cancel() has been called.