Starting in Android 13 (API level 33), users can complete a workflow from the notification drawer to stop an app that has an ongoing foreground services, regardless of that app's target SDK version. This affordance, called the Task Manager, shows a list of apps that are currently running a foreground service.
This list is labeled Active apps. Next to each app is a Stop button. Figure 1 illustrates the Task Manager workflow on a device that runs Android 13.
When the user presses the Stop button next to your app in the Task Manager, then the following actions occur:
- The system removes your app from memory. Therefore, your entire app stops, not just the running foreground service.
- The system removes your app's activity back stack.
- Any media playback stops.
- The notification associated with the foreground service is removed.
- Your app remains in history.
- Scheduled jobs execute at their scheduled time.
- Alarms go off at their scheduled time or time window.
To test that your app behaves as expected while and after a user stops your app, run the following ADB command in a terminal window:
adb shell cmd activity stop-appPACKAGE_NAME