Create a button

Buttons let the user trigger a defined action. There are five types of button:





Solid background with contrasting text.

For primary actions, such as "Submit" and "Save." The shadow effect emphasizes the button's importance.


Background color varies to match the surface.

For primary or significant actions. Filled buttons provide visual weight and are appropriate for actions like "Add to cart" and "Sign in."


Shadow makes it stand out.

For primary or significant actions. Increase elevation to make the button more prominent.


Features a border with no fill.

For actions that are important but not primary. Outlined buttons pair well with other buttons to indicate alternative, secondary actions like "Cancel" or "Back."


Text with no background or border.

For less critical actions such as navigational links, or secondary actions like "Learn more" or "View details."

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Create a filled button

The filled button component uses the basic Button composable. It is filled with a solid color by default.


A filled button with a purple background that reads, 'filled'.
Figure 1. A filled button.

Create a filled tonal button

The filled tonal button component uses the FilledTonalButton composable. It is filled with a tonal color by default.


A tonal button with a light purple background that reads, 'filled'.
Figure 2. A tonal button.

Create an outlined button

The outlined button component uses the OutlinedButton composable. It appears with an outline by default.


A transparent outlined button with a dark border that reads, 'Outlined'.
Figure 3. An outlined button.

Create an elevated button

The elevated button component uses the ElevatedButton composable. It has a shadow that represents the elevation effect by default and appears as an outlined button with a shadow.


An elevated button with a gray background that reads, 'Elevated'.
Figure 4. An elevated button.

Create a text button

The text button component uses the TextButton composable. Until clicked, it appears only as text. It does not have a solid fill or outline by default.


A text button that reads 'Text Button'
Figure 5. A text button.

Key points

  • onClick: The function called when the user presses the button.
  • enabled: When false, this parameter causes the button to appear unavailable and inactive.
  • colors: An instance of ButtonColors that determines the colors used in the button.
  • contentPadding: The padding within the button.

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