Create a scaffold component to hold the UI together

In Material Design, a scaffold is a fundamental structure that provides a standardized platform for complex user interfaces. It holds together different parts of the UI, such as app bars and floating action buttons, giving apps a coherent look and feel.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Create a scaffold

The following example provides a full example of how you might implement Scaffold. It contains a top app bar, bottom app bar, and a floating action button that interacts with Scaffold's internal state.


An implementation of scaffold that contains simple top and bottom app bars, as well as a floating action button that iterates a counter. The inner content of the scaffold is simple text that explains the component.
Figure 1. An implementation of scaffold.

Key points

The Scaffold composable provides a straightforward API you can use to quickly assemble your app's structure according to Material Design guidelines. Scaffold accepts several composables as parameters. Among these are the following:

  • topBar: The app bar across the top of the screen.
  • bottomBar: The app bar across the bottom of the screen.
  • floatingActionButton: A button that hovers over the bottom-right corner of the screen that you can use to expose key actions.

For more detailed examples on how you can implement both top and bottom app bars, see the app bars page.

You can also pass Scaffold content as you would to other containers. It passes an innerPadding value to the content lambda that you can then use in child composables.

Collections that contain this guide

This guide is part of these curated Quick Guide collections that cover broader Android development goals:

Find out how to use a standardized platform to build complex user interfaces. The scaffold holds together different parts of the UI, giving apps a coherent look and feel.
Learn how composable functions can enable you to easily create beautiful UI components based on the Material Design design system.

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