Display layered images on a canvas

You can blend or overlay source images to display layered images on a canvas. For example, you can replicate how the Android Framework generates app icons by combining separate background and foreground drawables. To display layered images, you must do the following:

  • Layer images on a canvas.
  • Overlay the source.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Layer images on a canvas

The following code layers two source images on top of each other, rendering a blended image on the canvas:

class OverlayImagePainter constructor(
    private val image: ImageBitmap,
    private val imageOverlay: ImageBitmap,
    private val srcOffset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero,
    private val srcSize: IntSize = IntSize(image.width, image.height),
    private val overlaySize: IntSize = IntSize(imageOverlay.width, imageOverlay.height)
) : Painter() {

    private val size: IntSize = validateSize(srcOffset, srcSize)
    override fun DrawScope.onDraw() {
        // draw the first image without any blend mode
            dstSize = IntSize(
        // draw the second image with an Overlay blend mode to blend the two together
            dstSize = IntSize(
            blendMode = BlendMode.Overlay

     * Return the dimension of the underlying [ImageBitmap] as it's intrinsic width and height
    override val intrinsicSize: Size get() = size.toSize()

    private fun validateSize(srcOffset: IntOffset, srcSize: IntSize): IntSize {
            srcOffset.x >= 0 &&
                srcOffset.y >= 0 &&
                srcSize.width >= 0 &&
                srcSize.height >= 0 &&
                srcSize.width <= image.width &&
                srcSize.height <= image.height
        return srcSize

Key points about the code

  • Uses OverlayImagePainter, which is a custom Painter implementation that you can use to overlay images over the source image. The blend mode controls how the images are combined. The first image is not overwriting anything else, so no blend mode is needed. The Overlay blend mode of the second image overwrites the areas of the first image that are covered by the second image.
  • DrawScope.onDraw() is overridden and the two images are overlaid in this function.
  • intrinsicSize is overridden to correctly report the intrinsic size of the combined image.

Overlay source image

With this custom painter Painter, you can overlay an image on top of the source image as follows:

val rainbowImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = R.drawable.rainbow)
val dogImage = ImageBitmap.imageResource(id = R.drawable.dog)
val customPainter = remember {
    OverlayImagePainter(dogImage, rainbowImage)
    painter = customPainter,
    contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.dog_content_description),
    contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
    modifier = Modifier.wrapContentSize()

Key points about the code

  • The images to be combined are each loaded as ImageBitmap instances before being combined using OverlayImagePainter.
  • The combined images are rendered by an Image composable that uses the custom painter to combine the source images when rendering.


Custom Painter that overlays two images on top of each other
Figure 1: An Image that uses a custom Painter to overlay a semi-transparent rainbow image over the image of a dog.

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