适用于 Pixel 的开发者支持映像

对于 Pixel 6、Pixel 6 Pro 和 Pixel 6a 设备,Android 13 包含一个引导加载程序更新,以解决潜在的安全漏洞,并且这些设备的反回滚计数器已递增,以防止它们回滚到 Android 12。

为了便于应用开发和测试,我们为这些 Pixel 设备提供了经过修改的 Android 12 系统映像,称为开发者支持映像。开发者支持映像是基于 Android 12(API 级别 31)和 12L 功能分块(API 级别 32)的稳定公开 build 的系统映像,还包含包含安全修复程序和增量反回滚计数器的更新版引导加载程序。

搭载 Android 13 的 Pixel 6、Pixel 6 Pro 或 Pixel 6a 设备可以回滚到 Android 12 开发者支持映像,但无法回滚到任何其他 Android 12 映像。搭载开发者支持映像的设备可以刷写到最新的公开 build,但无法刷写回任何之前的 Android 12 映像。


开发者支持 build 旨在提供与在典型用户设备上运行的 Android 12 的行为尽可能接近的系统和应用体验。不过,在使用这些 build 进行开发和测试时,请注意以下几点:

  • 开发者支持 build 仅供开发者使用,不适合一般使用。
  • 使用开发者支持 build 的设备不会像其他设备一样接收 OTA 安全更新,并且开发者支持映像不会使用最新的安全修复程序进行重新构建。仅包含更新后的引导加载程序版本,其中包含自己的安全修复程序和递增的反回滚计数器。
  • 开发者支持 build 尚未经过兼容性测试套件 (CTS) 验证,但通过了初步测试,可为开发者提供一组稳定的 API。依赖于经过 CTS 验证的 build 或使用 SafetyNet API 的应用可能无法在 Android 12 开发者支持 build 中正常运行。



在创建问题之前,请先查看待解决的问题列表,确认是否已有人报告过该问题。您可以通过在问题跟踪器中给问题加星标 来对问题进行订阅和投票。如需了解详情,请参阅给问题加星标以进行订阅。如需获得 Google 问题跟踪器的常规帮助,请参阅相应文档


您可以通过以下任一方式将 Android 12 开发者支持 build 刷写到设备上:

使用 Android 刷写工具刷写设备

Android 刷写工具可让您将系统映像安全地刷写到受支持的 Pixel 设备上。Android 刷写工具可以在任何支持 WebUSB 的网络浏览器(如 Chrome 或 Edge 79 及更高版本)上使用。

Android 刷写工具会引导您逐步完成设备刷写过程。您无需安装工具,但需要解锁设备,并在开发者选项中启用 USB 调试

通过 USB 连接设备,然后使用以下某个链接访问 Android 刷写工具,并按照屏幕上的说明操作:

如需查看完整说明,请参阅 Android 刷写工具文档




您可以随时选择还原为最新的公开版 build


发布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
Android 12(API 级别 31)


安全补丁级别:2022 年 2 月

Google Play 服务:21.24.23

12L 功能更新(API 级别 32)


安全补丁级别:2022 年 7 月

Google Play 服务:22.26.15

发布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
Android 12(API 级别 31)


安全补丁级别:2022 年 2 月

Google Play 服务:21.24.23

12L 功能更新(API 级别 32)


安全补丁级别:2022 年 7 月

Google Play 服务:22.26.15

发布日期 2022 年 8 月 29 日
12L 功能更新(API 级别 32)


安全补丁级别:2022 年 6 月

Google Play 服务:22.26.15

设备 版本 下载链接 SHA-256 校验和
Pixel 6 Android 12(API 级别 31) 1b9d8fc0de380af1a9041f0267c4e31dd5e98de4c8a4d419f28e2c66e89cb68c
12L 功能更新(API 级别 32) c5a024229cf49055559c5d2c4088754f36402222a050be30844ff5d821ed06c3
Pixel 6 Pro Android 12(API 级别 31) ca630efcbbf56f41300e21e70054f66820bdfdc61aa64cf89d4fac2a9e7623b8
12L 功能更新(API 级别 32) 56c65af280d45e21b53c12ef27d2d5a1155d2169c55f4d0586eb125560346219
Pixel 6a 12L 功能更新(API 级别 32) 6f661e14bd3f2f23faee6d00877df1a2a09b139047c9c03fbdcae9f1cd45ed3c

还原为公开版 build

您可以使用 Android 刷写工具刷入出厂映像,也可以从适用于 Nexus 和 Pixel 设备的出厂映像页面获取出厂规格系统映像,然后手动将其刷入设备。

下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image


下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image



Developer Support version warning: You are about to download, install, and use a Developer Support version of Android on your Pixel device. Developer Support versions may not be stable, and may contain errors and defects that can result in serious damage to computer systems, devices, applications and data. Data or metrics may be collected from the devices in the Developer Support build at the sole discretion of Google. Google makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Developer Support versions. Your use is at your own risk, and not Google's. Certain functionality (including core functionality, such as your ability to place and receive calls) or applications may not work properly. You are solely responsible for any error, defect, damage or destruction due to such use, including damage to any device or loss of data. The Developer Support version of Android contains a bootloader update with the latest anti-rollback version. After installing the Developer Support version, you will no longer be able to revert to a public release Android version with a lower bootloader anti-rollback version. Switching between Developer Support and public release Android versions on your device may require you to wipe all data from your device.
下载 Android 12 Developer Support system image
