To assist users with accessibility needs, the Android framework lets you create an accessibility service that can present content from apps to users and also operate apps on their behalf.
Android provides several system accessibility services, including the following:
- TalkBack: helps people who have low vision or are blind. It announces content through a synthesized voice and performs actions on an app in response to user gestures.
- Switch Access: helps people who have motor disabilities. It highlights interactive elements and performs actions in response to the user pressing a button. It allows for controlling the device using only one or two buttons.
To help people with accessibility needs use your app successfully, your app must follow the best practices described on this page, which build on the guidelines described in Make apps more accessible.
Each of these best practices, described in the sections that follow, can further improve your app's accessibility:
- Label elements
- Users must be able to understand the content and purpose of each interactive and meaningful UI element within your app.
- Add accessibility actions
- By adding accessibility actions, you can enable users of accessibility services to complete critical user flows within your app.
- Extend system widgets
- Build on the view elements that the framework includes, rather than creating your own custom views. The framework's view and widget classes already provide most of the accessibility capabilities that your app needs.
- Use cues other than color
- Users must be able to clearly distinguish between categories of elements in a UI. To do so, use patterns and position, along with color, to express these differences.
- Make media content more accessible
- Add descriptions to your app's video or audio content so that users who consume this content don't need to rely on entirely visual or aural cues.
Label elements
It's important to provide users with useful and descriptive labels for each interactive UI element in your app. Each label must explain the meaning and purpose of a particular element. Screen readers such as TalkBack can announce these labels to users.
In most cases, you specify a UI element's description in the layout
resource file that contains the element. Usually, you add labels using
the contentDescription
attribute, as explained in the guide to making apps
more accessible. There
are several other labeling techniques described in the following sections.
Editable elements
When labeling editable elements, such as
objects, it's helpful to show
text that gives an example of valid input in the element itself, in addition to
making this example text available to screen readers. In these situations, you
can use the android:hint
attribute, as shown in the following snippet:
<!-- The hint text for en-US locale would be "Apartment, suite, or building". --> <EditText android:id="@+id/addressLine2" android:hint="@string/aptSuiteBuilding" ... />
In this situation, the View
object must have its android:labelFor
set to the ID of the EditText
element. For more details, see the following
Pairs of elements where one describes the other
It's common for an EditText
element to have a corresponding
object that describes what users must
enter in the EditText
element. You can indicate this relationship by setting
the View
object's android:labelFor
An example of labeling such element pairs appears in the following snippet:
<!-- Label text for en-US locale would be "Username:" --> <TextView android:id="@+id/usernameLabel" ... android:text="@string/username" android:labelFor="@+id/usernameEntry" /> <EditText android:id="@+id/usernameEntry" ... /> <!-- Label text for en-US locale would be "Password:" --> <TextView android:id="@+id/passwordLabel" ... android:text="@string/password android:labelFor="@+id/passwordEntry" /> <EditText android:id="@+id/passwordEntry" android:inputType="textPassword" ... />
Elements in a collection
When adding labels to the elements of a collection, each label must be unique. This way, the system's accessibility services can refer to exactly one on-screen element when announcing a label. This correspondence lets users know when they cycle through the UI or when they move focus to an element that they already discovered.
In particular, include additional text or contextual information in
elements within reused layouts—such as
objects—so that each child element is uniquely identified.
To do so, set the content description as part of your adapter implementation, as shown in the following code snippet:
data class MovieRating(val title: String, val starRating: Integer) class MyMovieRatingsAdapter(private val myData: Array<MovieRating>): RecyclerView.Adapter<MyMovieRatingsAdapter.MyRatingViewHolder>() { class MyRatingViewHolder(val ratingView: ImageView) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(ratingView) override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyRatingViewHolder, position: Int) { val ratingData = myData[position] holder.ratingView.contentDescription = "Movie ${position}: " + "${ratingData.title}, ${ratingData.starRating} stars" } }
public class MovieRating { private String title; private int starRating; // ... public String getTitle() { return title; } public int getStarRating() { return starRating; } } public class MyMovieRatingsAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyAdapter.MyRatingViewHolder> { private MovieRating[] myData; public static class MyRatingViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { public ImageView ratingView; public MyRatingViewHolder(ImageView iv) { super(iv); ratingView = iv; } } @Override public void onBindViewHolder(MyRatingViewHolder holder, int position) { MovieRating ratingData = myData[position]; holder.ratingView.setContentDescription("Movie " + position + ": " + ratingData.getTitle() + ", " + ratingData.getStarRating() + " stars") } }
Groups of related content
If your app displays several UI elements that form a natural group, such as
details of a song or attributes of a message, arrange these elements within a
container, which is usually a subclass of ViewGroup
. Set the container
attribute to true
, and each inner object's
attribute to false
. This way, accessibility services can present the inner
elements' content descriptions, one after the other, in a single announcement.
This consolidation of related elements helps users of assistive technology
discover the information on the screen more efficiently.
The following snippet contains pieces of content that relate to one
another, so the container element, an instance of ConstraintLayout
, has its
attribute set to true
and the inner
elements each have their android:focusable
attribute set to
<!-- In response to a single user interaction, accessibility services announce both the title and the artist of the song. --> <ConstraintLayout android:id="@+id/song_data_container" ... android:screenReaderFocusable="true"> <TextView android:id="@+id/song_title" ... android:focusable="false" android:text="@string/my_song_title " /> <TextView android:id="@+id/song_artist" android:focusable="false" android:text="@string/my_songwriter " /> </ConstraintLayout>
Because accessibility services announce the inner elements' descriptions in a single utterance, it's important to keep each description as short as possible while still conveying the element's meaning.
Note:In general, you should avoid creating a content description for a group by aggregating the text of its children. Doing so makes the group's description brittle, and when the text of a child changes, the group's description may no longer match the visible text.
In a list or a grid context, a screenreader may consolidate the text of a list or grid element's child text nodes. It is best to avoid modifying this announcement.
Nested groups
If your app's interface presents multidimensional information, such as a
day-by-day list of festival events, use the android:screenReaderFocusable
attribute on the inner group containers. This labeling scheme provides a good
balance between the number of announcements needed to discover the screen's
content and the length of each announcement.
The following code snippet shows one method of labeling groups inside of larger groups:
<!-- In response to a single user interaction, accessibility services announce the events for a single stage only. --> <ConstraintLayout android:id="@+id/festival_event_table" ... > <ConstraintLayout android:id="@+id/stage_a_event_column" android:screenReaderFocusable="true"> <!-- UI elements that describe the events on Stage A. --> </ConstraintLayout> <ConstraintLayout android:id="@+id/stage_b_event_column" android:screenReaderFocusable="true"> <!-- UI elements that describe the events on Stage B. --> </ConstraintLayout> </ConstraintLayout>
Headings within text
Some apps use headings to summarize groups of text that appear on screen. If
a particular View
element represents a heading, you can indicate its purpose
for accessibility services by setting the element's
attribute to
Users of accessibility services can choose to navigate between headings instead of between paragraphs or between words. This flexibility improves the text navigation experience.
Accessibility pane titles
In Android 9 (API level 28) and higher, you can provide accessibility-friendly titles for a screen's panes. For accessibility purposes, a pane is a visually distinct portion of a window, such as the contents of a fragment. For accessibility services to understand a pane's window-like behavior, give descriptive titles to your app's panes. Accessibility services can then provide more granular information to users when a pane's appearance or content changes.
To specify the title of a pane, use the
attribute, as shown in the following snippet:
<!-- Accessibility services receive announcements about content changes that are scoped to either the "shopping cart view" section (top) or "browse items" section (bottom) --> <MyShoppingCartView android:id="@+id/shoppingCartContainer" android:accessibilityPaneTitle="@string/shoppingCart" ... /> <MyShoppingBrowseView android:id="@+id/browseItemsContainer" android:accessibilityPaneTitle="@string/browseProducts" ... />
Decorative elements
If an element in your UI exists only for visual spacing or visual appearance
purposes, set its
attribute to "no"
Add accessibility actions
It's important to allow users of accessibility services to easily perform all user flows within your app. For example, if a user can swipe on an item in a list, this action can also be exposed to accessibility services so users have an alternate way to complete the same user flow.
Make all actions accessible
A user of TalkBack, Voice Access, or Switch Access might need alternate ways to complete certain user flows within the app. For actions associated with gestures such as drag-and-drop or swipes, your app can expose the actions in a way that is accessible to users of accessibility services.
Using accessibility actions, the app can provide alternative ways for users to complete an action.
For example, if your app allows users to swipe on an item, you can also expose the functionality through a custom accessibility action, like this:
ViewCompat.addAccessibilityAction( // View to add accessibility action itemView, // Label surfaced to user by an accessibility service getText( ) { _, _ -> // Same method executed when swiping on itemView archiveItem() true }
ViewCompat.addAccessibilityAction( // View to add accessibility action itemView, // Label surfaced to user by an accessibility service getText(, (view, arguments) -> { // Same method executed when swiping on itemView archiveItem(); return true; } );
With the custom accessibility action implemented, users can access the action through the actions menu.
Make available actions understandable
When a view supports actions such as touch & hold, an accessibility service such as TalkBack announces it as "Double tap and hold to long press."
This generic announcement doesn't give the user any context about what a touch & hold action does.
To make this announcement more descriptive, you can replace the accessibility action’s announcement like so:
// View that contains touch & hold action
// Announcement read by TalkBack to surface this action
ViewCompat.replaceAccessibilityAction( // View that contains touch & hold action itemView, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat.ACTION_LONG_CLICK, // Announcement read by TalkBack to surface this action getText(R.string.favorite), null );
This results in TalkBack announcing "Double tap and hold to favorite," helping users understand the purpose of the action.
Extend system widgets
Note: When you design your app's UI, use or extend
system-provided widgets that are as far down Android's class hierarchy as
possible. System-provided widgets that are far down the hierarchy already
have most of the accessibility capabilities your app needs. It's easier
to extend these system-provided widgets than to create your own from the more
generic View
, and
If you must extend View
or Canvas
directly, which
might be necessary for a highly customized experience or a game level, see
Make custom views more
This section uses the example of implementing a special type of
called TriSwitch
while following
best practices around extending system widgets. A TriSwitch
object works similarly to a Switch
object, except that each instance of
allows the user to toggle among three possible states.
Extend from far down the class hierarchy
The Switch
object inherits from several framework UI classes in its hierarchy:
View ↳ TextView ↳ Button ↳ CompoundButton ↳ Switch
It's best for the new TriSwitch
class to extend directly from the Switch
class. This way, the Android accessibility
provides most of the accessibility capabilities the TriSwitch
- Accessibility actions: information for the system about how accessibility
services can emulate each possible user input that's performed on a
object. (Inherited fromView
.) - Accessibility events: information for accessibility services about every
possible way that a
object's appearance can change when the screen refreshes or updates. (Inherited fromView
.) - Characteristics: details about each
object, such as the contents of any text that it displays. (Inherited fromTextView
.) - State information: description of a
object's current state, such as "checked" or "unchecked." (Inherited fromCompoundButton
.) - Text description of state: text-based explanation of what each state
represents. (Inherited from
This behavior from Switch
and its superclasses is almost the
same behavior for TriSwitch
objects. Therefore, your implementation can
focus on expanding the number of possible states from two to three.
Define custom events
When you extend a system widget, you likely change an aspect of how users interact with that widget. It's important to define these interaction changes so that accessibility services can update your app's widget as if the user interacts with the widget directly.
A general guideline is that for every view-based callback you override,
you also need to redefine the corresponding accessibility action by overriding
In your app's tests, you can validate the behavior of these redefined actions by
How this principle can work for TriSwitch objects
Unlike an ordinary Switch
object, tapping a TriSwitch
object cycles through
three possible states. Therefore, the corresponding ACTION_CLICK
action needs to be updated:
class TriSwitch(context: Context) : Switch(context) { // 0, 1, or 2 var currentState: Int = 0 private set init { updateAccessibilityActions() } private fun updateAccessibilityActions() { ViewCompat.replaceAccessibilityAction(this, ACTION_CLICK,action-label ) { view, args -> moveToNextState() }) } private fun moveToNextState() { currentState = (currentState + 1) % 3 } }
public class TriSwitch extends Switch { // 0, 1, or 2 private int currentState; public int getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public TriSwitch() { updateAccessibilityActions(); } private void updateAccessibilityActions() { ViewCompat.replaceAccessibilityAction(this, ACTION_CLICK,action-label , (view, args) -> moveToNextState()); } private void moveToNextState() { currentState = (currentState + 1) % 3; } }
Use cues other than color
To assist users with color vision deficiencies, use cues other than color to distinguish UI elements within your app's screens. These techniques can include using different shapes or sizes, providing text or visual patterns, or adding audio- or touch-based (haptic) feedback to mark the elements' differences.
Figure 1 shows two versions of an activity. One version uses only color to distinguish between two possible actions in a workflow. The other version uses the best practice of including shapes and text in addition to color to highlight the differences between the two options:
Make media content more accessible
If you're developing an app that includes media content, such as a video clip or an audio recording, try to support users with different types of accessibility needs in understanding this material. In particular, we encourage you to do the following:
- Include controls that allow users to pause or stop the media, change the volume, and toggle subtitles (captions).
- If a video presents information that is vital to completing a workflow, provide the same content in an alternate format, such as a transcript.
Additional resources
To learn more about making your app more accessible, see the following additional resources: