AAPT2 (Android Asset Packaging Tool) is a build tool that Android Studio and Android Gradle Plugin use to compile and package your app's resources. AAPT2 parses, indexes, and compiles the resources into a binary format that is optimized for the Android platform.
Android Gradle Plugin 3.0.0 and higher enables AAPT2 by default. You
typically don't need to invoke aapt2
yourself. However, if you prefer to use
your terminal and your own build system instead of Android Studio, you can use
AAPT2 from the command line. You can also debug build errors related to AAPT2
from the command line. To do so, find AAPT2 as a standalone tool in
Android SDK Build Tools 26.0.2 and higher.
To download Android SDK Build Tools from the command line, use
and run the following command:
sdkmanager "build-tools;build-tools-version"
Once you have downloaded the SDK Build Tools, find AAPT2 in
Because revisions of the Android SDK Build Tools aren't released often, the version of AAPT2 included in your SDK Build Tools might not be the latest. To get the latest version of AAPT2, download AAPT2 from Google Maven.
To use AAPT2 from the command line on Linux or Mac, run the aapt2
On Windows, run the aapt2.exe
AAPT2 supports faster compilation of resources by enabling incremental compilation. To accomplish incremental compilation, resource processing is separated into two steps:
- Compile: compiles resource files into binary formats.
- Link: merges all compiled files and packages them to a single package.
This separation helps improve performance for incremental builds. For example, if there are changes in a single file, you need to recompile only that file.
Download AAPT2 from Google Maven
To get the newest version of AAPT2 that's not bundled in the build tools, download AAPT2 from Google's Maven repository as follows:
- In the repository index, navigate to com.android.tools.build > aapt2.
- Copy the name of the latest version of AAPT2.
Insert the version name you copied into the following URL and specify your target operating system: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/tools/build/aapt2/ aapt2-version/aapt2-aapt2-version- [windows | linux | osx].jar
For example, to download version 3.2.0-alpha18-4804415 for Windows, use: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/com/android/tools/build/aapt2/ 3.2.0-alpha18-4804415/aapt2-3.2.0-alpha18-4804415-windows.jar
Navigate to the URL in a browser. AAPT2 will begin downloading shortly.
Unpackage the JAR file you just downloaded.
The JAR file should contain an
executable and some libraries that the executable depends on.
AAPT2 supports compilation of all
Android resource types, such as
drawables and XML files. When you invoke AAPT2 for compilation, pass
a single resource file as an input per invocation. AAPT2 then parses the file
and generates an intermediate binary file with a .flat
When passing whole directories, AAPT2 recompiles all files in the directory
even when only one resource has changed. Although you can pass resource
directories containing more than one resource file to AAPT2 using the --dir
flag, you don't gain the benefits of incremental resource compilation this way.
The output file types can differ based on the input you provide for compilation, as shown in the following table:
Table 1. The input and output file types for compilation
Input | Output |
XML resource files, such as
String and
located in the res/values/ directory
Resource table with *.arsc.flat as its extension.
All other resource files. |
All files other than the files under
Additionally all PNG files are crunched by default and adopt |
The files AAPT2 outputs are not executables, and you must later include these binary files as input in the link phase to generate an APK. However, the generated APK file is not an executable that you can deploy on an Android device right away, because it does not contain DEX files and is not signed.
Compile syntax
The general syntax for using compile
is as follows:
aapt2 compile path-to-input-files [options] -o output-directory/
In the following example, AAPT2 compiles resource files named values.xml
aapt2 compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml -o compiled/ aapt2 compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/drawable/myImage.png -o compiled/
As shown in table 1, the name of the output file depends on the input filename and the name of its parent directory.
For the preceding example with strings.xml
file as the input, aapt2
names the output file as values-en_strings.arsc.flat
. However, the compiled
drawable file stored in the drawable directory is named drawable_img.png.flat
Compile options
There are several options that you can use with the compile
command, as shown
in table 2:
Table 2. Compile command options
Option | Description |
-o path
Specifies the output path for the compiled resource(s). This is a required flag, because you must specify a path to a directory where AAPT2 can output and store the compiled resources. |
--dir directory
Specifies the directory to scan for resources. Although you can use this flag to compile multiple resource files with one command, it disables the benefits of incremental compilation. Therefore, this flag shouldn't be used for large projects. |
Generates pseudolocalized
versions of default strings, such as en-XA and en-XB .
Disables PNG processing.
Use this option if you have already processed the PNG files or if you are creating debug builds that don't require file size reduction. Enabling this option results in faster execution but increases the output file size. |
Treats errors that are permissible when using earlier versions of AAPT as
This flag should be used for unexpected compile-time errors. To resolve known behavior changes that might occur while using AAPT2, read Behavior changes when using AAPT2. |
-zip file
file is a ZIP file containing the res directory to scan for
-output-text-symbols file
Generates a text file containing the resource symbols in the specified
If specified, applies the same visibility rules for styleables that are used for all other resources. Otherwise, all styleables are made public. |
-visibility [public|private|default|]
Sets the visibility of the compiled resources to the specified level. |
-trace-folder folder
Generates a systrace JSON trace fragment to the specified |
-source-path path
Sets the compiled resource file's source file path to |
Displays the tools help. |
Enables verbose logging. |
In the link phase, AAPT2 merges all the intermediate files that the compilation
phase generates, such as resource tables, binary XML files, and processed PNG
files, and then packages the files into a single APK. Additionally, other
auxiliary files, such as R.java
and ProGuard rules files, can be generated
during this phase. However, the generated APK does not contain DEX bytecode and
is unsigned. You can't deploy this APK to a device.
If you're not using the Android Gradle plugin to build your app from the command line, you can use other command-line tools, such as d8 to compile Java bytecode into DEX bytecode and apksigner to sign your APK.
Link syntax
The general syntax for using link
is as follows:
aapt2 link path-to-input-files [options] -o outputdirectory/outputfilename.apk --manifest AndroidManifest.xml
In the following example, AAPT2 merges two intermediate files,
and values_values.arsc.flat
, and the
file. AAPT2 links the result against the android.jar
file, which holds the resources defined in the android
aapt2 link -o output.apk -I android_sdk/platforms/android_version/android.jar compiled/res/values_values.arsc.flat compiled/res/drawable_Image.flat --manifest /path/to/AndroidManifest.xml -v
Link options
You can use the following options with the link
Table 3. Link command options
Option | Description |
-o path
Specifies the output path for the linked resource APK. This is a required flag, because you must specify the path for the output APK that can hold the linked resources. |
--manifest file
Specifies the path to the Android manifest file to build. This is a required flag, because the manifest file encloses essential information about your app, like package name and application ID. |
Provides the path to the platform's android namespace in your resource files.
-A directory
Specifies an assets directory to be included in the APK.
You can use this directory to store original, unprocessed files. To learn more, read Accessing original files. |
-R file
Passes an individual .flat file to link , using overlay semantics
without using the <add-resource> tag.
When you a provide a resource file that overlays an existing file, the last conflicting resource given is used. |
--package-id package-id
Specifies the package ID to use for your app.
The package ID you specify must be greater than or equal to 0x7f
unless used in combination with
Allows the use of a reserved package ID. Reserved package IDs are IDs that are normally assigned to shared
libraries and in the range from 0x02 to 0x7e, inclusive. By using
This option should only be used for packages with a |
--java directory
Specifies the directory to generate R.java in.
--proguard proguard_options
Generates the output file for ProGuard rules. |
Generates the output file for ProGuard rules for the main DEX. |
Disables automatic style and layout SDK versioning. |
Disables automatic versioning of vector drawables. Use this flag only when building your APK with the Vector Drawable Library. |
Disables automatic versioning of transition resources. Use this flag only when building your APK with the Transition Support library. |
Disables automatic de-duplication of resources with identical values across compatible configurations. |
Enables encoding of sparse entries using a binary search tree. This is useful for optimization of APK size but at the cost of resource retrieval performance. |
Requires localization of strings marked 'suggested'. |
-c config
Provides a comma-separated list of configurations.
For example, if you have dependencies on the support library, which contains translations for multiple languages, you can filter resources just for the given language configuration, like English or Spanish. You must define the language configuration by a two-letter ISO 639-1 language code, optionally followed by a two letter ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 region code preceded by lowercase 'r'. For example, en-rUS. |
--preferred-density density
Allows AAPT2 to select the closest matching density and strip
out all others.
There are several pixel density qualifiers available to use in your app, such as ldpi, hdpi, and xhdpi. When you specify a preferred density, AAPT2 selects and stores the closest matching density in the resource table and removes all others. |
Outputs the APK contents to a directory specified by -o .
If you get any errors using this flag, you can resolve them by upgrading to Android SDK Build Tools 28.0.0 or higher. |
--min-sdk-version min-sdk-version
Sets the default minimum SDK version to use for
AndroidManifest.xml .
--target-sdk-version target-sdk-version
Sets the default target SDK version to use for
AndroidManifest.xml .
--version-code version-code
Specifies the version code to inject into
AndroidManifest.xml if none is present.
--version-name version-name
Specifies the version name to inject into
AndroidManifest.xml if none is present.
--revision-code revision-code
Specifies the revision code to inject into
AndroidManifest.xml file if none is present.
If --version-code , --version-name , or
--revision-code are specified, these values replace any value
already in the manifest. By default, nothing changes if the manifest
already defines these attributes.
--compile-sdk-version-nacodeme compile-sdk-version-name
Specifies the version code to inject into
AndroidManifest.xml file if none is present.
--compile-sdk-version-name compile-sdk-version-name
Specifies the version name to inject into
AndroidManifest.xml file if none is present.
Generates compiled resources in Protobuf format.
Suitable as input to the
Generates R.java with non-final resource IDs. References to
the IDs from app’s code aren't inlined during kotlinc or javac
--emit-ids path
Emits a file at the given path with a list of names of resource types and
their ID mappings. This is suitable to use with --stable-ids .
--stable-ids outputfilename.ext
Consumes the file generated with --emit-ids containing the
list of names of resource types and their assigned IDs.
This option allows assigned IDs to remain stable even when you delete or add new resources while linking. |
--custom-package package_name
Specifies the custom Java package to generate R.java under.
--extra-packages package_name
Generates the same R.java file, but with different package
--add-javadoc-annotation annotation
Adds a JavaDoc annotation to all generated Java classes. |
--output-text-symbols path
Generates a text file containing the resource symbols of the R class
in the specified file.
You must specify the path to the output file. |
Allows the addition of new resources in overlays without using the
<add-resource> tag.
--rename-manifest-package manifest-package
Renames the package in AndroidManifest.xml file.
--rename-instrumentation-target-package instrumentation-
Changes the name of the target package for
instrumentation .
This option should be used in conjunction with
-0 extension
Specifies the extensions of files that you don't want to compress. |
--split path:config[,config[..]]
Splits resources based on a set of configurations to generate a different
version of the APK.
You must specify the path to the output APK along with the set of configurations. |
--proguard-main-dex file
Output file for generated ProGuard rules for the main DEX. |
Generates a minimal set of ProGuard keep rules. |
Disables automatic removal of resources without defaults. Use this option only when building runtime resource overlay packages. |
Legacy flag that specifies the use of the package identifier 0x01. |
--product products-list
Specifies a comma-separated list of product names to keep. |
Removes XML namespace prefix and URI information from
AndroidManifest.xml file and XML binaries in
res/* .
Generates a shared Android runtime library. |
Generates a static Android library. |
Merges all library resources under the app's package. |
Keeps ProGuard rules files from having a reference to the source file. |
--private-symbols package-name
package-name specifies the package name to use when generating
R.java for private symbols. If not specified, public and
private symbols use the app's package name.
Causes styles defined in -R resources to replace previous definitions
instead of merging them.
--rename-resources-package package-name
Renames the package in the resources table to package-name. |
Doesn't compress any resources. |
Preserves raw attribute values in XML files. |
--no-compress-regex regular-expression
Doesn't compress extensions matching regular-expression.
Use the $ symbol for end of line. Uses a
case-sensitive ECMAScript regular expression grammar.
Treats manifest validation errors as warnings. |
--exclude-configs qualifier[,qualifier[..]]
Excludes values of resources whose configs contain the specified qualifiers. |
Inserts android:debuggable="true" in to the application node
of the manifest, making the application debuggable even on production
Doesn't allow overlays with different visibility levels. |
Doesn't serialize source file information when generating resources in Protobuf format. |
--trace-folder folder
Generates systrace JSON trace fragment to specified folder.
Only merges the resources without verifying resource references. This
flag should only be used with the --static-lib
Displays the help menu. |
Enables increased verbosity of the output. |
is used for printing information about the APK you generated using the
Dump syntax
The general syntax for using dump
is as follows:
aapt2 dump sub-command filename.apk [options]
The following example prints content from the resource table of the specified APK:
aapt2 dump resources output.apk
Dump sub-commands
Specify one of the following sub-commands with the dump
Table 4. Dump sub-commands
Sub-command | Description |
Prints the contents of the AAPT2 Container (APC) generated during compilation. |
Prints information extracted from the APK's manifest. |
Prints every configuration used by a resource in the APK. |
Prints the overlayable resources of the APK. |
Prints the APK's package name. |
Prints the permissions extracted from the APK's manifest. |
Prints the contents of the APK's resource table string pool. |
Prints the parents of styles used in the APK. |
Prints the contents of the APK's resource table. |
Prints strings from the APK's compiled XML. |
Prints a tree of the APK's compiled XML. |
Dump options
Use the following options with dump
Table 5. Dump options
Option | Description |
Suppresses the output of values when displaying resource. |
--file file
Specifies a file as an argument to be dumped from the APK. |
Increases verbosity of the output. |
Use diff
to compare two APKs and identify any differences between them.
Diff syntax
The general syntax for using diff
is as follows:
aapt2 diff first.apk second.apk
There are no options for the diff
is used to run optimizations on the merged resources and
before they are packaged into the APK. This optimization
can reduce APK size by around 1-3%, depending on the size and number of
resources that are being used.
Optimize syntax
The general syntax for using optimize
is as follows:
aapt2 optimize options file[,file[..]]
The following example optimizes the resources in input.apk
and creates a new,
optimized APK in output.apk
. It replaces the usual flat table representation
with a more compact binary search tree, resulting in a smaller APK at the
cost of retrieval performance:
aapt2 optimize -o output.apk --enable-sparse-encoding input.apk
Optimize options
You can use the following options with optimize
Table 6. Optimize options
Option | Description |
-o path
Specifies the output path for the linked resource APK.
This is a required flag, because you must specify the path for the output APK that can hold the linked resources. |
-d directory
Specifies the path to the output directory for splits. |
-x path
Specifies the path to the XML configuration file. |
Prints the multi-APK artifacts and exit. |
--target-densities density[,density[..]]
Specifies a comma-separated list of the screen densities that the APK is optimized for. All resources that would be unused on devices of the given densities are removed from the APK. |
--resources-config-path path
Specifies the path to the Format: type/resource_name#[directive][,directive] |
-c config[,config[..]]
Specifies a comma-separated list of configurations to include. The default is all configurations. |
--split path:config[,config[..]]
Splits resources based on a set of configurations to generate a different
version of the APK.
You must specify the path to the output APK along with the set of configurations. |
--keep-artifacts artifact[,artifact[..]]
Specifies a comma-separated list of artifacts to keep. If none are specified, all artifacts are kept. |
Enables encoding of sparse entries using a binary search tree. This option is useful for optimization of APK size but at the cost of resource retrieval performance. |
Collapses resource names to a single value in the key string pool.
Resources are exempted using the no_collapse directive in
a file specified by --resources-config-path .
Shortens the paths of resources inside the APK. |
--resource-path-shortening-map path
Specifies the path to output the map of old resource paths to shortened paths. |
Increases verbosity of the output. |
Displays the tool help. |
By default, the AAPT compile
command compiles resources in to a binary format
that is suitable for APKs. It is possible to also specify protobuf format
that is suitable for AABs by specifying --proto-format
. The convert
command converts APKs between the two formats.
Convert syntax
The general syntax for convert
is as follows:
aapt2 convert -o output-file options file[,file[..]]
The following example converts the resources in input.apk
and creates a new,
APK in output.apk
containing protobuf format resources. It replaces the usual
flat table representation with a more compact binary search tree, resulting
in a smaller APK at the cost of retrieval performance:
aapt2 convert -o output.apk --output-format proto --enable-sparse-encoding input.apk
Convert Options
Use the following options with convert
Table 7. Convert options
Option | Description |
-o path
Specifies the output path for the linked resource APK. This is a required flag, because you must specify the path for the output APK that can hold the linked resources. |
--output-format [proto|binary]
Format of the output. Accepted values are proto and
binary . When not set, defaults to binary .
Enables encoding of sparse entries using a binary search tree. This option is useful for optimization of APK size but at the cost of resource retrieval performance. |
Preserves raw attribute values in XML files. |
Increases verbosity of the output. |
Displays the tool help. |
Daemon mode
AAPT version 2.19 introduced daemon mode for issuing commands. Daemon mode lets you enter multiple commands in a single AAPT session.
Daemon syntax
Start daemon mode with the following command:
aapt2 daemon
Once daemon mode is running, you can enter commands. Each argument of the command must be on a separate line, with a blank line at the end of the command. Exit daemon mode by typing Control+D.
Consider the following individual compile
aapt2 compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml -o compiled/ aapt2 compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/drawable/myImage.png -o compiled/
These commands can be entered in daemon mode as:
aapt2 daemon Ready compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml -o compiled/ Done compile project_root/module_root/src/main/res/drawable/myImage.png -o compiled/ Done ^D Exiting daemon
Daemon mode options
The single option for daemon mode is
--trace-folder folder
, which generates a systrace
trace fragment to specified folder.
Determine the version of AAPT2 you are using with the version
aapt2 version Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) 2.19-8678579
Behavior changes when using AAPT2
Prior to AAPT2, AAPT was the default version of the Android Asset Packaging Tool, which is now deprecated. Although AAPT2 should immediately work with older projects, this section describes some behavior changes you should be aware of.
Element hierarchies in the Android manifest
In previous versions of AAPT, elements nested in incorrect nodes in the
file were either ignored or resulted in a warning.
For example, consider the following example:
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.example.myname.myapplication"> <application ... <activity android:name=".MainActivity"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.CUSTOM" /> </activity> </application> </manifest>
Previous versions of AAPT would simply ignore the misplaced <action>
With AAPT2, you receive the following error:
AndroidManifest.xml:15: error: unknown element <action> found.
To resolve the issue, make sure your manifest elements are nested correctly. For more information, read the App Manifest overview.
Declaration of resources
You can no longer indicate the type of a resource from the name
The following example incorrectly declares an attr
resource item:
<style name="childStyle" parent="parentStyle"> <item name="attr/my_attr">@color/pink</item> </style>
Declaring a resource type this way results in the following build error:
Error: style attribute 'attr/attr/my_attr (aka my.package:attr/attr/my_attr)' not found.
To resolve this error, explicitly declare the type using type="attr"
<style name="childStyle" parent="parentStyle"> <item type="attr" name="my_attr">@color/pink</item> </style>
Additionally, when declaring a <style>
element, its parent must also be a
style resource type. Otherwise, you get an error similar to the following:
Error: (...) invalid resource type 'attr' for parent of style
Incorrect use of @ resource reference symbols
AAPT2 throws build errors when you omit or incorrectly place resource
reference symbols (@
). For example, if you omit the symbol when
specifying a style attribute:
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar"> ... <!-- Note the missing '@' symbol when specifying the resource type. --> <item name="colorPrimary">color/colorPrimary</item> </style>
When building the module, AAPT2 throws the following build error:
ERROR: expected color but got (raw string) color/colorPrimary
Additionally, if you incorrectly include the symbol when accessing a
resource from the android
... <!-- When referencing resources from the 'android' namespace, omit the '@' symbol. --> <item name="@android:windowEnterAnimation"/>
When building the module, AAPT2 throws the following build error:
Error: style attribute '@android:attr/windowEnterAnimation' not found
Incorrect configuration of libraries
If your app has a dependency on a third-party library that was built using older
versions of the Android SDK Build Tools, your
app might crash at runtime without displaying any errors or warnings. This crash
might occur because during the library's creation, the R.java
fields are
declared final
. As a result, all the resource IDs are inlined in the
library's classes.
AAPT2 relies on being able to re-assign IDs to library resources when building
your app. If the library assumes the IDs are final
and inlines them in
the library DEX, there is a runtime mismatch.
To resolve this error, contact the library author to rebuild the library using the latest version of the Android SDK Build Tools, and republish the library.